I can't believe Joey Diaz has never been in any mafia kinos
I can't believe Joey Diaz has never been in any mafia kinos
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Probably because he lies.
About what?
He's in that MADtv sopranos sketch for a few seconds
Its weird but i always thought he was pussy in the sopranos
I thought he played Pussy for so long before I finally watched the sopranos
That's what acting is, retard
It's because he was a cokehead fuck up in his earlier years
He's in the Sopranos prequel
literally the only movie i'm hyped for.
Was worried for it until it was confirmed written by David Chase
Why, it's going to be filled with SJW nonsense.
Exaggerating his stories.
Yeah, we're in good hands. Also hyped for the irishman and even though martin's apart of it i'm scared because its a netflix production its gonna be like even though i doubt there'll be any sjw shit in the sopranos prequel
It's set during the race riots, there will be plenty of commentary on how the blacks of the era were not at fault.
I really hope not. The Sopranos made sure to point out that pretty much everyone is a hypocrite and was above being propaganda
And during the sopranos tonys daughter has a black boyfriend. Doesn't change the fact its the best series ever made. You'll have italians saying nigger in the movie. I promise it
ok, that doesn't mean the movie won't be absolute shit.
Do you really expect 2 hour movie to capture the essence and be as good as a 7 season long tv show?
It doesn't have to. Like you just said the show was 7 seasons long. All the groundwork for tony and his mother have been laid out and all that's needed now is to fill in the gaps. It's going to be kino and a great goodbye to a shit decade for movies.
Every fucking time
>I can't believe Joey Diaz
>he thinks the movie is about Tony
has this fat fuck actually done anything besides threaten his ex-wife and get thrown into jail for it?
All of his stories are fake as fuck/happened to other people and he had zero involvement.
>We need a mafia film and we don't want Joey Diaz
>Say no more
He lies about exaggerating his stories?
Let me tell you something Joe Rogan...when I was strungout on blow and stealing Chinese delivery baskets from the back of scooters on 188th street, I meet this half Cuban, half black, half Puerto Rican Filipino who begged for cock like a demon if you gave her even a dusting of blow. Her voodoo monkey was tighter than a clogged quarter slot in an old phone booth. I’m telling you Joe Rogan, her little orangutan tasted like menthol’s, baby barbecue ribs, and cheap glade air fresheners. She died giving me a monsoon of a hummer on the bronx Expressway. Poor thing tried to swallow. Joe Rogan, I swear to god, she spit that filthy guck out so fast she flew right out the fucking window like a witch on Halloween. She hit a tonka yellow Chevy Monte Carlo straight on the fucking radiator and her guts flew around like 15 gallons of red slurpee juice in a fucking wind tunnel.
Yea Forums Sopranos rewatch over at
cytu dot be/r/Gabagool
Currently on S2E3 , userscript required on the websites end its safe
this is based
>in his earlier years
no doubt he still does it
damn WTF! it's almost like he's telling a joke
he was on scare tactics as a mobster
>Big Sausage
I had no idea how he could keep a straight face.
He's Cuban not Italian
New Scarface remake starring Joey Diaz as Tony Montana when?
Close enough. If you grew up in NY or Long Island or Jersey, you knew a bullshitter like Diaz. No matter what stories you tell, he has a better one.
He is kind of credible though - when he was on with that author, the dude verified a lot of the shit Joey has talked about, growing up, like the Santeria shit. But yeah, his drug stories are stolen or made up - and now he overdoes everything to live up to the legend he created.
But really, he's harmless. I'd rather listen to him bullshit than listen to Joe go all mystical about MMA.
me neither