Devilman crybaby

What did you think humanity was going to be like when they discovered devils are real?


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Crybaby is the only kino Netflix has.

This show was pretty lame


>Devilman Crybaby
>Kill la Kill
>Psycho Pass
What's it with japan and retarded titles? I'm never watching that shit.


You're a crybaby alright lol

Agreed. Likely as they only got the rights to distribute it and had nothing to do with the actual production. If they did, they'd have fucked it right up.

You're missing out user. You just listed three kino titles.

I feel like I'm the only person who didn't like this

This is better

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>You just listed three kino titles.
I can deduce from the titles none of them are better than normal titled old school shit like Sailor Moon and Candy Candy

everything about it was mediocre. even the animation was shit until like the final 2 episodes

*tips fedora*

I really hope you aren’t implying that Devilman took inspiration from Persona

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>Implying this isn't kino

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I'd put them around the same level. Evangelion is classic kino, it takes longer to watch as there are more episodes, though all in all it is also less harrowing than the last few eps of Crybaby even at it's most headfucky despairing moments.

no, this is

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the last 3 episodes were sad and kino af

me when i see a moner thread

>that soundtrack
>that style
>that characterisation
Why was this adaptation SO. DAMN. GOOD.?

It butchers and misinterprets the source material and masks it all up with a zany artstyle. It was quite literally, nonmemetically McDonald's art animation.

If only it had a good dub

vice versa


>tumblr title

should i watch this sub or dub?

Sub as always


Do you speak english?

The dub you fucking weeaboo

english isn't my main language so i'm used to reading subtitles
i'm just asking which version has the best voice acting

>dude the devil is a good guy lol
>dude humans are the real monsters lol

The dub is ok, the voice acting is better in the sub with the exception of some engrish

i beat off to that scene where that girl gets raped by that guy at gunpoint

Both demons and humans were bad, but ultimately the god was the bad guy. I thought that was the whole point.

>lucifer being a bitch is God's fault

Unless you speak japanese there no reason to be distracting yourself from the art. You cant judge how good Japanese voices are because you dont even understand what they are saying.

You may not be a weeaboo but faggots who act like unintelligible Japanese is better than their own language are butthole licking weeaboo cum sucking cucks who deserve nothing more than being shotgunned in the face on sight.

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couldnt get into this. was i filtered?

>Both demons and humans were bad, but ultimately the god was the bad guy.
So brave and original.

Well, it's all perspective

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It was literally role play for her.

The original is better

From my point of view, you are a titanic moron who likes a subpar anime show of a really bad manga

God was never seen as the bad guy

But it keeps resetting the world until ryo aka lucifer learns his lession in time before akira dies.

what was up with the chick with big tits masturbating and making donkey noises?

>really bad manga
I know It inspired a ton of insane japs like Suda51 so it can't be that bad.

>the devil is the good guy
Nigga wut? Did you even watch the series?

>Depriving yourself to the first vid in favor of the second to own the weebs
Dubfags lol

You are free to disbelieve, but it is really bad.
The art is eye-melting, the writing is vomit-inducing and don't get me started on the sequels.

God this shit is overrated as hell. I went into it knowing all the references to Kabbalism and symbolism, having had it hyped to hell and back. It's good, nothing like it will likely ever exist again, but it isn't this fucking masterpiece you niggas pretend it is. It's a giant fucking mess and the ending is indefensible 2deep4u bullshit that was only coherent because I'd seen autists explain it for years before I ever actually watched the series.

This shit was way better than I thought it was going to be and at times it was better than the movies

man watches Hamlet for the first time, says its overrated and been done before

>Dubfags lol
It's mostly unimportant if you aren't anal. The greatest voice actors in the world can't save something if it's fundamentally trash, meanwhile Akira is a good movie even with the 80's dub.

Why did he grow tits at the end?

There is no "lesson" at the end nigger. Didactic stories are faggy boomer shit.

Besides the netflix version whitewashed the shit out of Devilman's God to the point of making him a good guy who only comes to wipe out the demons while not harming any humans. Him restarting the world at the end is made out to be a good thing like him giving life a chance to restart or some shit instead of the way the manga portrayed it.

Never happened in the netflix version. God restarting the world is kept ambiguous and made out to seem like he's giving life a second chance. There's no indication Lucifer survived.

The first half of the show is fucking ass cancer. I was completely convinced it was impossible for it to be good after being shit for most of the episodes but the moment Ryo opens the Bible to the Book of Revelation the series completely turns around and unironically becomes worth all the shit you say through.

You have to be pretty dumb to think ryo going through the cycle forever wasnt apparent in the netflix original. Its a bit more downplayed but god + cycle thing is definitely there. Devilman merchandise in the show also supports this

Based retard. I cant think of a more pleb opinion