Knights vs Cowboys

Which "era"/genre makes for better kinos. Knights & Castles, or the Wild West? Westerns have produced a whole lot of great films, and historical epics are obvious kinos, so why can't Medieval England or all those eras with Kings and Castles produce any actual kinos past female-targeted costume dramas?

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Neither. Swords and Sandals are best

just watch jidaigeki fag

For me its Knights

I fucking hate westerns/cowboys all that shit

Thats why id rather play dark souls over red dead or watch lotr over clint eastwood movies

Well yeah, Med-Related stuff are more interesting.
>I fucking hate westerns/cowboys all that shit
Why? Personally I'm... torn. My reason for it is pretty autistic too.

What the fuck are you on about?
Name me 5 good knight movies, I can't even think of one.

Knights were the biggest dickless cucks anyways, always abiding by rules set by retarded Christian power conglomerates and complete prudes with women. Who the fuck wants to watch that?

Cowboys are Chads, live out the wild west with bare bones government around, and chaos amidst power struggles and troubled lawless towns.

Not sure. Just doesnt appeal to me same why i cant tell you why i love medieval stuff.

How bout you?

>Knights were the biggest dickless cucks anyways, always abiding by rules set by retarded Christian power conglomerates and complete prudes with women.
Honestly, that's why I liked Knights. because they were all about Honor, and wearing cool suits of Armor. Then I started reading historical books about the period, found out most of them were lying, pampered highborn lads and that everyone was fucking everyone in the courts. So the whole image I had of the "pure" Kingdoms just vanished.
>How bout you?
Okay, uh... It's really, really autistic. So don't judge me too harshly. As a kid, I got into Iron Man. High-Tech Armor, glorious mustache, billionaire, fucking redheads instead of being a mopey cunt; all that. He was easy to identify with (insecurity issues, LARPing Chad, alcoholic meaning that he had faults) and you could see yourself going "Imma just study me science textbooks and become an engineer a'oight". At the same time (meaning, what, like, 7 YO) I got into Doctor Doom. He was less of a complex character, and more of a power fantasy. Anyway, time went on, I realized Doctor Doom was a Globalist fucking Commie Gyppo shit, and I stopped liking him. I dropped Capeshit and only kept up with the odd Sci-Fi book from Image, and Iron Man due to characterfagging reasons (post Fraction the book's a fucking mess, so much that even I stopped pulling it).

And now here comes the autism. I'm cutting this part because it's long, so wait a bit.

Cowboys easily. Nothing is as kino as spaghetti-westerns. Even some western-westersn are good especially when Clint is involved

Knights and castles don't have cool gunfights

pic related

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See, in the books, Stark is canonically a fan of Knights. So, as a fan of Iron Man, I feel like I'm supposed to like Knights too. At least that was the way it started. At the same time, I've been wanting to change my surname for a while now (same with my mom and dad; it's a long story) and "Stark" is actually very close to something my dad's related to, so it's entirely viable for me to do it. So I started feeling that I have to /be/ Stark. At the same time, if I like Knights, I have to like Kings and stuff, right? But Doom is a "King". So if I hate Doom, how can I like Knights? If I like Knights, do I have to like Doom? Moreover, Doom's a magician. But I hate magic. And if that's not bad enough, msot stories with Knights are set in fantasy lands with magical elements, and I downright hate magic and fantasy.

So, we are at a place where I've convinced myself I have to "become" Iron Man. I'm even studying Physics in Uni. But if I want to become Iron Man, then I have to build an armor, right? But aren't armors basically a thing mostly centered on Knights? So if I make armors, I have to like Knights. But at the same time, I like Sci-Fi more than the rest. So how do Knights and Sci-Fi and guns and stuff mesh together?! Meanwhile, I'm not British, and we don't have Castles here, so am I betraying my culture for Knights?

Basically, autism aside, I like the aesthetics of the armors, but find the period itself and the Court shenanigans rather boring. But I'm a "all or nothing" type of person, so I figure that if I like one aspect of something, I must like /everything/ about it. I guess I've always tried to do everything, but I feel like I have to pick sides. Which is a slippery slope, since I wake up and think "eggads, now I must get into WH40K, but WH40K has magic and I hate it". I prefer Rome/AG historically, but I feel like a snob if I'm not a fan of all Euro history, so- I'm not making much sense, am I?

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Ironclad (2011) is pretty good knightkino... movie always seemed overlooked to me, it's pretty good production values, standard defend a castle against the odds story but pretty good stuff, James Purefoy, Brian Cox, Paul Giamatti, lots of you'd recognize their face actors... gory as hell too

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I think about watching it, but it looks so cheesy and low budget that I can't brign myself to do it.

You sound a lot like my youngest brother, albeit more extreme. The Iron Man movies came out when he was in grade school, and he was so obsessed that he's in college now hoping to major in compsci to work on robots and still makes iron man noises in his room when he thinks nobody's around.

>Brian Cox
Thought you were talking about this guy and WTF'd

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>Knights were pampered high borns
You're reading the wrong shit then. You need to read early to high middle ages, first hand account of battles. A good example is Raymond d'Aguilers's account of the sack of Jerusalem in 1099. He joyfully described how the bodies were piled up higher than a person and how in some of the lower parts of the city streets were literally flowing with blood. There was nothing lofty or chivalrous about early Franks and Normans.

Fucking I M A G I N E being this ignorant of history. Imagine not knowing medieval Europe was dick joke central and everyone was fucking 24/7.

Jidaigeki are Samurai flicks.

>he doesn't like magic
Lmao butthurt martial detected

>not one mention of Flesh and Blood

Knights were not dickless. The concept of the virtuous chivalrous knight was more or less a myth invented well after the fact by romantic writers. Knights, especially early knights were violent warriors and warlords.

It's worse for me because I got into him through the books, did a chronological read, etc. Honestly, I've come to dislike him a bit due to the MCU, and everytime I read a story about him I start imagining myself in said situation and I cringe a bit, so... I don't know, it's weird. But it's not limited to him, per se. I have this... "thing" where I can't like everything. So, see, I enjoy a good crime drama, right? But then I think, "I'm not training to be a detective" so I figure, why /should/ I like it? By the same logic I'm trying to convince myself to like only certain genres (drama, corporate, political, sci-fi) and disregard everything else. So while I like Justified, hate Billions (used to love it) and am iffy on the Expanse, I'm denying myself Justified, forcing myself to go through Billions, and trying to get into the Expanse. It gets even worse when I hate anime but feel like I have to watch anything Cyberpun related since I feel that I have to like it.

I feel like I'm losing it, truth be told.
Not my point. I meant that they weren't those courteous young lads marrying a virgin princess and having a happy family. They were the sons of rich families, fuckign everything since their teens, defilling young maidens and all that, while the whole Court was fucking around. I never said that they were weak manlets or the like, they obviously had better genes than random peasants. They were just not the "Knights In Shinning Armor" I envisioned as a kid. And I haven't read a historical book in... more than a decade.
Honestly, I'm afraid to have kids, because I'll probably just ban fairy tales on account of the magical aspects, and by the same logic,e ventually ban mythology. I just can't deal with it. It's either all or nothing, one or the other. But you can't raise a kid without teaching it about its history, and mythology is part of that.

it's not exactly cheesy or low budget, but it doesn't rise to any level of greatness either...rereading my post i see i wrote "pretty good" 3 times... other than a reminder to edit for redundancy before i hit "post", i think the overwhelming "pretty goodness" of the movie is a fair assessment. if you want a medieval action movie it'll do nicely, if it was just a little more fleshed-out storywise it could have been much better...the specific historical period is interesting, King John going after the barons who signed Magna Carta, & a sympathetic Templar main character which i thought was something different, they're usually portrayed as the dicks in these movies...

Pathetic martial.

Hm, I see. I might put it on some midday.
What does that mean?

Why is there no Sci-Fi Knight kino?

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