What am I in for?

What am I in for?

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solitude - robots - ecology - in space

>amazing companions on an incredible adventure... that journeys beyond imagination!


Some quality Sci Fi Kino

Spaces hippies with a Joan Baez soundtrack. Still, it's a good movie.

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The only good thing about that shit movie is that it inspired MST3K.

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Is it better than this flick I marathoned last night?

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LOL no.

Gahan Wilson, the brilliant illustrator, reviewed it and noted that as much as he loved Bruce Dern and liked the idea of sci-fi with an ecological focus, nothing could get past a civilization that could do space travel but not know what photosynthesis was.

Depends whether you prefer action schlock or thoughtful sci-fi.

ST is a little bit of both

vintage environmental propaganda. its shit btw the only people who like it are boomers who saw it when they were kids

This. It's like an after-school special.

It can only be considered thoughtful by brainlet teenagers who've never read any adult literature.

overrated trash

there are no female characters at all , it passes the incel test.


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A strangely accurate portrayal of hippies as an aimless blend of Boy Scouts of America and Left Wing Radicals

It's pretty good.

The Starlost uses the model spaceship for their Earthship Ark.

An ok 70s sci fi.