It's even better than Chappelle's
Paper Tiger - Bill Burr
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No it wasn't. Bill just screamed at everyone about how retarded Twitter is. Dave made jokes about it.
It;s the same as chapelle's special but it's actually funny
>it's the same but it isn't the same
Was there any problematic material in it?
Well yeah, Bill Burr is actually funny.
Used to like Jesse but he's been a really big bitch as of late
trans jokes, yeah
fuck this american nonsense.
The entire thing was problematic
Way better. It´s almost like he´s trying to btfo him and he did. Chapelle come out with mediocre shit then bill does a special.. where in comparison nobody even cares about chapelle. i mean the two performances are leagues apart, about similar things.
this is bullshit, Chappelle was funny as fuck, this is just better.
Why did stand up turn into old man yells at cloud?
Chapelle's comes off as frightened and namby-pamby compared to Burr's. I
>chapelle:, nigger says funny but true
>burr: says funny but true but on overdrive with a bit of balance of fairness to whites and niggers, which niggers never do. And he is extremely eloquent where chappellle is just like 'nigger' and burr is way more than those little tricks..
Love it or hate it, burr nails that fucking show.. there´s black panthering, excuse me pandering, but it´s done in a decent way like the elvis shit.. bill burr is like an irishman arguing with niggers all the time, because it´s his wife and he loves her.. and she knows the bullshit and he does too.
>this is bullshit, Chappelle was funny as fuck, this is just better.
Yeah yeah, he´s not trying to btfo chapelle.. but it´s just because it´s released so close to eachother this is like shit that makes chapelle look like a fucking toddler.. it´s some of his strongest standup so far. Fucking solid and doing it in front of a british audience helped with that too as you see during.. And they love him for his honesty.
>t. esl user
It's based. The only part where I cringed was that he agreed with his sheboon wife when she said that blacks would have made just as much progress, innovation etc... as whites if they hadn't been historically oppressed. HE AGREED. We were building temples while blacks hadn't invented the wheel yet. Fucking cuck.
Watching right now. His topical humour is four years too late, and all he's doing is screaming and doing bad impressions constantly with no room to breathe.
>It's based. The only part where I cringed was that he agreed with his sheboon wife when she said that blacks would have made just as much progress, innovation etc... as whites if they hadn't been historically oppressed. HE AGREED. We were building temples while blacks hadn't invented the wheel yet. Fucking cuck.
Yeah he has to say that.. that in different conditions they could have invented the airplane too. but they wouldn´t have blues then.. he gets away with it perfectly without taking it to the conclusion that you normally expect if you take shit too far.. cause he loves his black wife so he will never go there, nor should you expect him to, nor is it necessary either.
Also whilst he make joke like we are always working on him, like she´s the perfect queen latifa.. and he has always got scaffolding around him.. he hints at it aswell, she´s laughing when they talk about it.. she knows what´s up aswell.. I think part of why they are even together is that she hates white people irrationally but at same time don´t want to be where they aren't around, and when they get into argument he make her laugh because he show her how that is bullshit to begin with. And he´s just the perfect irishman for that for her.
to be fair user, blacks were enslaved and castrated by muslims for thousands and thousands of years. But who knows if his sheboon wife even knows that. she def seems the "white man bad" type
>to be fair user, blacks were enslaved and castrated by muslims for thousands and thousands of years. But who knows if his sheboon wife even knows that. she def seems the "white man bad" type
Don´t just go around telling random african americans that shit, you´ll break their fucking brain.. They don´t even understand it´s their own blacks in africa who both enslaved them and then sold them out of west africa to highest bidder.. This is why when the americans tried to repatriate them.. they had to give them a totally new country liberia.. because if they just send them directly back to where they were shipped out of, they might be killed reinslaved or worse.
>make joke about your pitbull being a pitbull
>too weak to even admit it is a pitbull
Yeah no his sketch was done at about the 30 minute mark
What a insufferable faggot
The first half hour or so is brutal for modern American standards, I can already hear blue checkmarks crying on twitter that he called for another holocaust or some shit like that.
>Yeah no his sketch was done at about the 30 minute mark
You give him shit about his shitbull where this is the show where he finally admits what shitbulls are.. after being nice and trying to love that shitbull in other shows.. I love it how he put it as he claims a dog trainer told him.
>this is kind of dog where nature said no, and man said yeah just do it anyways.
EXACTLY.. these are barely dogs.. just recently you have a gore video of a pitbull eating a guys entire lower parts whilst he´s begging and screaming, 'dog' completely unphased.. it´s bred to kill without mercy.. It´s not a fucking lapdog.. it might eat someone who annoys you.. and then come back to you with tail wagging and fucking butch figure, built like a fucking tank
>i am sweet doggo remember like 5 year old you know like other dogs, i just break out in autism and just eat the fucking person i don´t like
>just recently you have a gore video of a pitbull eating a guys entire lower parts whilst he´s begging and screaming, 'dog' completely unphased
to be fair that doggo looked really hungry
>to be fair that doggo looked really hungry
Oh yeah you can't bring up the muslim shit at all. You can't even tell them about how all slaves in America were bought secondhand from Portugal or other countries and how only a minuscule percentage of the slaves gathered through the trans atlantic slave trade ever even came to america.
this is the first content of him i've watched in years. his ability as a comedian is still goat. amazing timing and delivery. shame about the wife
You weren't doing shit ya NEET.
Be honest. You've never built anything.
Based Portugal just sold the farming equipment, you were the meanies that bought it.
Found the niglets.
I might have if I lived back in the day because I'm not a useless nigger
if only americans would stop pretending the egyptians were black or white
Well he trashes white women and Michelle Obama
Yes, this one picture from one artist at one point in time PROVES THAT EGYPTIANS WERE NOT IN FACT BLACK OR WHITE. Retard. Guess the asian guy being completely white instead of yellow is also an accurate depiction.
if only amerimutts would stop pretending the world is either black or white.
Nobody's saying that, you just pushed forward an absolutely retarded argument. I myself am a strong supporter of the Mediterranean master race.
So I listen to his podcast regurarely and I sort of felt like I've heard him say all this stuff before, almost to the point that I thought it was rehashed jokes from previous specials
But that cant be it, right? I've mustve just conflated it with his podcast
I'm not the guys you replied to here: stop pretending people are white or black and that egyptians were completely different back then even though all their own art shows they were neither white nor black
Well they weren´t i can solve this mystery by a tool hitherto unused by both white and black americans. it´s called GEOGRAPHY. You cannot be closer to middle east whilst being in africa than in egypt, you can literally spend a few days walking you are in arabia.. It´s colonial middle east intrusion into africa. And their history is also reflect that, they treat niggers like shit and use their gold and other mineral deposit that niggers didn´t even know or care about what it was at the time. But as soon as they unearth it niggers are like.
>why you steal from us 'Menes'.
YEAH as if you were just about to use it for anything?
They did manage to fuck over egypt in the 25 dynasty the nubians which the egyptians had always btfo they took over europe in time of weakness larp as pharaos, and tried to build pyramids as massive failure. What is interesting is who btfo them. Assyrians saw it as an affront that niggers now control egypt so they made it their business to go over there and throw them out, and then original egyptians admixture gone, this started what is called the late period.
They took over europe. KEK. they took over EGYPT.. my bad.
Tiger balls
Post one timestamp where he's just screaming about twitter pls
Their hyperbole is bad, but you mischaracterizing tweets as "crying" is ok? Rightists were a mistake
>Their hyperbole is bad, but you mischaracterizing tweets as "crying" is ok? Rightists were a mistake
Absolutionists are always problem. You don´t care what truth is, you try to mold the truth to your benefit. This is what is the shame of identity politics, if you actually cared about the truth everything would be fair reasonable and straight forward. But truth is the first victim in propaganda. And the first mistake is to say that white people are the only ones who make propaganda. White people should be the last to make it because they are some of the only ones which cause is legitimate with mass immigration. The other ones.. no.. just be impartial for a second you'll laugh your ass of at at the shit they get away with.. What´s the justification again. OH it's something white people do in the past. These people just don´t understand how they are the villains, it´s incredible. Do you think these people have a direct hotline to people 400 years ago. You use people 400 years ago as excuse to kill people today.. you are the fucking problem, that nobody dares tell you that you are. But it's because you are kind of supposed to understand that yourself, yet here we are..
Dude, negresses that go for white men *hate* niggers and would rather be a 18th century slave than breed with a low-down ghetto nigga.
Girls like that are prone to love racial humiliation. You can bet Mia likes to be called slave and coon in bed, while calling Bill colonizer and master. Bill doesn't love her for being a nagging bitch, but because she makes him feel like a supreme being in bed. That's the secret of brown sugar.
And also i don´t just want to shit on pitbulls there are monster dogs that make pitbulls look like pekinese that everybody knows that unless you are a recluse or on a farm or some shit. You should not own this type of dog. It can kill even a mma fighter in a few fucking minutes..The biggest ones are fucking scary beyond belief they can take down a fucking bear and you aren´t scared? yeah pretend it's a shitzu or whatever.. IDIOT.. So i´m sad for his loss, but he knew it was coming. he´s been making exuses for this dog for fucking years pretending that it´s a dog.. no it´s not a dog.. there´s dog and then there´s killer dog.. that´s a killer dog..
Dog are domesticated wolf or from a larger canine that you don´t even want to think of. So when you breed for that you activate fucking fury.. when mostly they are bred for being friend companion and doing what you say. Whilst ofcourse loving you unconditionally with loyalty you don´t even find in most people.. Probably good idea to keep it that way. And pitbulls are loyal, they just might eat your fucking friend if he hits the ON button. that´s an issue..
And your friend is like, i didn´t hit on button. And the pitbull is like Oh yess you did, you went there.. GRRRRRR
get your friend out of there..
Pitbull is like a nigger that kill you if he doesn´t like the way you smell or something. he doesn't fucking need an excuse. Look at the animal you idiots..
>oh he's so cute
Built like a fucking tank, if he attacks you you wouldn´t be able to do shit in most situations!
It´s like walking around with a shotgun to your face going.. it´s ok you know i´m not loaded.. YET.. these dogs are bred by this.. that guy bill talked to could not get it more right than what he apparently told him.. nature says no, man says yeah just do it anyways essentially..
Take a big fucking man and a very responsible one to be able to own that kind of animal. Do you want lions and tigers running around.. that´s it of the dog.. it´s smaller ofcourse but it thinks it´s a fucking lion.. And when it thinks it is and you pissed it off. You are in a world of trouble.. zero empathy for you. The average doggo that people like having dogs for other than utilitarian fashion which is many.. is they are like 5 year old, you got to clean them and all this shit when they go doodo in their hair, groom them all this shit, it´s like a beta test for a baby.. With shitbulls it´s like.. you do all that, and it still can get a gut reaction to how its bred that it fucking kills somebody. Just should not be a pet. They have regulation towards the larger killer dogs but pitbull gets a pass.. it´s built like a fucking tank, and it gets a pass.. Handle with care..
Shitbulls are bred for two things.. a) dogfighting b) you let them lose on a farm if you have intruder animals they go fucking kill them. That´s that..
It´s like a weapon you let it lose the problem takes care of yourself. Don´t make yourself or others like you the 'problem'.
By itself pardon. And the much larger dogs are bred for same things or for tandem hunting where it´s like unleash the doggo.. and i do that other thing in tandem for hunt or slaying or whatever.
Some of the fucking dog breeds should scare the shit out of you.. doggo pet line is doggo pet line the rest are utilitarian and should require a fucking license to carry.
I like Bill Burr as an actor and as a comedy writer (his cartoon show is pretty good) but his standup has never made me laugh.
Our ancestors were fucking badass, but they knew what they were dealing with, they would never let some untrained shitbull near kids or strangers or pretend it´s like some kind of petting zoo like a pekinese.. You want that, get a pekinese, all it care about is lick you in the face and just snore and be petted.. With the other ones.. you need training.. Because you are not realistic or prepared for that fucking shit.
bill burr meeting her parents.
Villagers of pompei would never be the same.. why does improv never make it into the movies.
And then the kike in the end thinking he's funny and in on it..
>why not let that kid say he like to drink horse piss
>what´s wrong with you
I thought they were about on par but Dave still has better stuff if only marginal. His bit about Juicy was pretty good at least. Burr reminds me of Carlin right now. Also, a lot of the stuff he said, you can also hear him say in his podcast so it wasn't really anything new to me.
who are some comedians who have?
>I thought they were about on par but Dave still has better stuff if only marginal. His bit about Juicy was pretty good at least. Burr reminds me of Carlin right now. Also, a lot of the stuff he said, you can also hear him say in his podcast so it wasn't really anything new to me.
In what way.. he´s a black guy saying nigga and tranny and walking back to the stage and back to the audience because that´s really funny. And the audience laugh because they have to because it´d dave chapelle.. You might be used to burr but burr had much better material and chapelle is overrated because he says he should be because he's black. Where would chapelle be if he was asian like his wife. Fucking nowhere he´s unfunny without the appeal to black jokes and shitting on whitey. Which he did plenty off. That´s the sad part these black comedians such as chapelle they always talk about how people don´t treat eachother as if we are identical which we aren't But if we did.. he would never last as a comedian.
Tell me a couple of unfunny jokes that chapelle made that doesn´t involve some hint of something about blacks and white people.
He knows it sells that´s his entire thing.. If people looked beyond ethnic group but respectfully so they preserve themselves etc.. He´d be out of a job. If black people aren´t seen as oppressed.. his career is fucking over. He has no objectively good material. Even the tranny thing he spins into protecting a nigger that said something 'homophobic'. Which is wrong that he didn´t get to host the oscars over that.. he´ll never go to bed for a white person or another ethnicity like that.
These niggers are all fight the power and nobody told them jews had most slave ownership, aswell as they are trying to destroy white people in USA and in europe. They are fighting the wrong powers to begin with.
Oh yeah the pink haired whales are seething
owning fat bongs was the most kino moment
>owning fat bongs was the most kino moment
Haha i loved that part and they agreed too. it´s just fact..
>i've been here for a while and whilst you say that about americans, you are pretty fat too, especially the men, what the fuck is happening?
thundering applause. that´s the thing about european audiences. they have self reflection and don´t have a problem laughing at themselves. It´s healthy.
Norm Macdonald is the main one that comes to mind, Louis C.K.
>owning fat bongs was the most kino moment
I´ve been saying this for a while. The trick to being a really good comedian is telling the fucking truth that is not often spoken directly. Everybody knows it´s true, eventhough they might not say it. THAT IS WHY THEY LAUGH! THAT IS WHY IT IS FUNNY. It´s funny because it´s true!
It´s funny because they fucking realize what you are talking about it´s true.. the bizarre disconnect from truth to the way we have to walk.. is bizarre. and when someone points it out. You can´t help but laugh, because it´s fucking stupid that we are not more honest. IF everyone were more honest, we could settle so many things.. so easily. But since we are retards who think feelings are more important than facts.. well it has never been easier to be a comedian..
retard alert. I bet you still think the bible was written by white people too huh?
>IF everyone were more honest
Then the one guy who wasn't would have a pretty good time.
>retard alert. I bet you still think the bible was written by white people too huh?
Well, whilst middle easterners did develope a shitload of things and abraham was actually taken out of UR (clock/watch in several languages btw.) the sumerian capital related to the tales of the annunaki (the ones who from heaven to earth came). He´s right about blacks not doing much in history. Doesn´t mean they should not be inspired to be better now though.
>Then the one guy who wasn't would have a pretty good time.
Not really in an honest society his untruths would not last very long. They would prove him a fibber very easily. Comedy is funny and why you laugh is because it´s true. Comedians themselves are representatives of how far we have slid towards clown world. Because it would not be funny if you didn´t recognize what the person was saying.. If you want to turn everything into what component it is. Comedy is shittesting you and trying to get you back on track. Because you stray from truth and you know it.
Comedy is laughing at the village idiot except the village idiot in this case is much broader scope.. And ofcourse not also understanding that village idiot make no sense had some brain infestation some infection etc. make his mind defective. But comedians they point out broader errors in the course of mankind how we stray from truth. Now.. that can also be used for deception by claiming you are doing wrong that is not wrong. But that´s not as funny.. imagine my surprise.. it´s what you recognize as an error that is funny. It´s laughing at dumb shit.. And laughing at dumb shit is healthy it means.. well you shouldn´t be doing that.. Took the wind out of comedy for you perhaps. But not really. You´ll still laugh when it is appropriate and now you realize why. It´s a good and empathic thing, what our species needs more than anything is empathy and coupled with logical reasoning. Because without it we are very capable of creating dantes inferno ourselves.. anyone who knows how all peoples of the world operates have seen examples of it already. So they are numb to your persuations. Because they are of truth, so if you tell them otherwise they don´t care.
I turned it off about 10 minutes in. It's not funny. Dude has lost his edge. Chapelle is funnier by miles than this freckle faced cunt.
>I turned it off about 10 minutes in. It's not funny. Dude has lost his edge. Chapelle is funnier by miles than this freckle faced cunt.
It just is, you are pandering to blacks at this point. Chapelles material is unfunny. In eloquence and in other things he has him beat by a long meassure. But whatever.. This is how chapelle got overrated in first place by people such as you. You are no different from a real estate agent who want to sell a house for way more than it is worth, and then another real estate agent comes along he tries to do same. Soon the house is 'worth' 100x more than the material cost and all of it. SO then what happens. your little baloon gets popped eventually. Because you fail to keep it at its intrinsic value. Just so some faggots can oversell it and get a fat comission. It´s like standing in the arctic cold and taking a piss.. what could possibly go wrong. i mean for you it is good for a season.. then it´s bad in the long term.. that´s why you ought not do it.
All things will align towards intrinsic values, that is why markets fail and why these propped up economics fail. Because they lie about intrinsic value of the things they have.. If they didn´t.. you would see massive stability. Why do they lie. Because some have interest in lying to get a big fucking money out of pretending something is better than it is. But eventually it has to be adjusted to what it is actually worth. And that cause pain ofc for the idiots who bought into it..
Nothing hurts the world more that we live in, than a LIAR.. you can also see in the bible gods want to kill all liars. Not a surprise to me some dunemonkey in middle east could conjur up that 'revelation' that telling truth is best thing. Hilariously followed by none of them. But it does not puzzle me one bit. It´s logical.
If you want things to function you can´t have an entire world that lies about everything and thinks that´s acceptable. They will do nothing else but destroy themselves in the process for doing so.
forget to take your meds today?
Comedians point out lies, except insincere comedians that do it for agendas. And so true comedians point out idiocy of us being untrue and thus do a service. And this is what makes people laugh it´s not that guy it´s what he is saying it resonates in them because they see it.. and they know it.. And that´s why it is funny..
>what are we fucking morons, we doing this stupid shit all the time, it´s hilarious..
If you get a jew medication that put you in state of mind i am in. It should be obligatory. Unfortunately the jew chemicals which i do not want nor need. infact produce diagnosises.. that they the cure by prescribing them to these sorry souls for rest of their life so they live in a locked box. And pay for having that locked box over their thinking.
>oh he´s telling the truth, put him on medication immediately
What is my recipy, nearly eidetic memory retention aswell as a long time of coming to terms with what is going on in the world. You can´t fool me, whilst i wish the best for people on average. I know what man are capable of doing of wicked things when they lie.. when they start lying then everything is possible things you could not even think of how horrible they are..
I don´t need some fucking jew pill to mess with my brain chemistry to sabotage my mind. when i am peak logical and rational to begin with.. Even people who are fucked up in the heads need a different treatment than those kinds of mind altering things. The sickness of this kind of mentality is only proven further by trying to get people to take a pill that really fuck with their heads as if they were not fucked with enough beforehand. You should be truly ashamed of yourself.. Maybe one day you find out, i have accumulated ridiculous amount of understanding for a short life i have had so far.. i hope you will do the same with yours, but i doubt it. But if you did. You would facepalm yourself into the ground for saying such things.
What does he say about Michael?
I can tell you are the same schizo posting about pit bulls please stop
>I can tell you are the same schizo posting about pit bulls please stop
Oh you mean earlier about the pitbulls. And schizophrenic. DO i show any signs of that at all? I mean.. it´s just like why don´t you just call me a nazi or something instead. You perverted little liar.
You think you can put a gag on truth and just program people out of it. HAHAHAHA.
Maybe they should all be liars like yourself.. you don´t know the trouble you are in.. truth is much more than just a human word. It´s a constant.. whatever you percieve or not percieve it´s still there.. If tomorrow you think you grow wings and leap off a building.. guess what you liar, you don´t.
do you think Nia's parents know?
Pitbulls are shitbulls, they are bred to kill, they are not pet dogs.. I love dogs as i love sentient life in general, there´s an entirely delusional shitbull lobby out there in USA who will excuse any attack that the dog is just like its owner.. It´s a bred killer it´s muscular dog it´s build like a fucking tank for such a small dog. And larger dogs would scare shit out of you if you knew the dogbreeds that are and what they are capable of. Man has used them for thousands of years for utilitarian purposes because of noses and hearing in particular. But ofcouse also bred some canines as pets. that are just for pets. Shitbull is not a pet, it can eat you whilst you are alive and screaming and go.. hmm.. tastes like chicken.. It´s not a fucking pet doggo..You need to beat the shit out of it when it does the slightest wrong or it will fucking go at your throat or one of your friends. Should have a license for it like a firearm. And it won´t stop eating your friend either.. It´s a shitbull it´s not a pekinese.. it´s not like the royal dog of the chinese who it is bred to just look kawai and be petted and snore and lick your face. It´ll EAT your face instead of your friend, and then come back to you. I knew you never liked that guy, so i ate him. Pet me cause i am awesome.. That´s a shitbull..
>do you think Nia's parents know?
I think they are pretty cool with him he´s had to apologize for his whiteness on numerous occasions i´d say. And he love his black wife and i respect that.
Right? Who the fuck laughs anymore. Life is about political discourse and being so angry you pop blood vessels and have heart attacks. You just haven’t lived life until you gotten in to an all day argument on Yea Forums about border control and kill yourself in a blind rage.
>Right? Who the fuck laughs anymore. Life is about political discourse and being so angry you pop blood vessels and have heart attacks. You just haven’t lived life until you gotten in to an all day argument on Yea Forums about border control and kill yourself in a blind rage.
And why are they unhappy about political discourse, because they are lying they are not doing the job they should be doing. So people get so pissed off and nothing gets done with it, then they tune it out.. then they go watch comedians.. THEN THEY FUCKING DO IT TOO.. right.. hahaha
they hated him because he spoke the truth
except none of them will ever see it because they will have never heard of will burns
in a way its perfect bill burr fans get to see him without any of the attention a big time comic would get.
the better material was surprinsgly when he talked about his personal life
the other shit was like verbatim stuff you'd read on an uncles Facebook 4 years ago
10 minutes of your special talking about Michelle Obama? transgender bathroom jokes? it's done to fucking death. I thought this guy was supposed to have some kind of edge.
but he settles in and finishes ok.
i have the same opinion. all the privileged white women shit at the beginning wasn't funny, just dated jokes that don't hit the true marks. after about half an hour or so it gets great, about 70% as good as his previous specials
>i have the same opinion. all the privileged white women shit at the beginning wasn't funny, just dated jokes that don't hit the true marks. after about half an hour or so it gets great, about 70% as good as his previous specials
That was old as fuck worn out material. However applicable that´s nothing groundbreaking. Why he say it anyways, because he really fucking means it.. Now ofcourse irishman married to a black woman.. easy as it goes.. But it´s true and that's why people laugh..
I find it hilarious that comedians don´t know what job they have.. And they are trying to figure out.
>wtf am i going to say
You have this as a profession and you don't know? tell the fucking truth, you are there for looks for charisma and delivering the point. That´s the only thing you are there for. For delivery mechanism. SO take your own fucking ass out of the way.. then you can come up with 'material' quite easily. people 10000x smarter than you have gone through those permutations, you are trying to hit a few of those so they smile.. stop being a fucking faggot and just be honest. If you are honest about whatever issue you are talking about, you´ll hit them and they´ll smile. And that´s what you are looking for.
What happens to comedians same that happen to actors or socalled music artists. they stop being honest and instead think that others worship them and it´s up to them.. no you misunderstand YOU ARE NOTHING, people are EVERYTHING.. you really truly are fucking nothing, you are nothing if you do not have the truth within you, tell the truth.. Without even going to the whole idolatry of some retard on stage shaking their ass and little girls shaking their ass..
>if you were god what would you do burn them all responsible
And then you complain why it is not done..
You have it in you the judgement.. you know right from wrong.. you know it.. that´s the worst part.. you want to make excuses and pretend you don´t have it and delegate it to another authority to excuse what you do.
>nu male nu male yeah that’s me
it was alright, but chapelle was way better
The reason it´s not done. is the animalistic temper. When you get angry.. the higher sentient parts.. they say ah i wish they will all be dead. If that would be an executive command, man would be dead long ago.. When whitey say they want to kill all black people.. they never mean it.. 2 seconds later they are trying to be nice to them. IT`S FRUSTRATION.. this perplexes the mind of the nigger for example. Because if he say he's going to kill you he means it and he does. too many times.. kills his own too many times.. impulse differences..
White people have bad thoughts but they don´t act on them.. It´s more frustration..
This is why niggers see some people saying kill all niggers.. they take it literally and they go look at who is killing white people. FACT: because of white people african population has quadroupled in just a few decades. It´s the worst genocide ever when they are all in on it and they figure out best thing to do is just make more of them than there ever were of us. See the bullshit.
We're going to kill them by giving them access to education of what took our people centuries to accomplish, just like that. we are really fucking getting rid of them now aren´t we.
White people believe in science technology and know how sharing with everyone on earth so that hope together we might go into space together.. that´s what it is..
>some nigger thug gets shot in a store in USA..
If we wanted you dead you would not even be having this conversation.. It's so easy, leave you the fuck alone and apply minimal pressure..
Whitey is about.. i want to fucking kill you for annoying me but 2 seconds later i am kissing your ass and i don´t want that.. it´s frustration and that is forgiveness for that.. They never do do they.. it´s so fucking rare whitey acting out that is why they are upset about it.. what is is going on that white people are so fucking upset.. And instead of that it´s just
>ah they natural born killers.
Tell you what.. you go outside western countries and travel around, you´ll run into some natural killers.. The only thing white people kill you with in general is fucking kindness.. So that you think the entire world is fairytale land when nobody gets hurt. The moment you get outside the protection sphere.. ah you get a bitter taste of how others are like.
and ofcourse it has to be guarded by somebody. who fucks up on occasion.. And then is beaten the shit out and another takes command.
I liked it but Bill is really just old man yelling at clouds at this point. All his best jokes are just on his podcast. Also he hates "white guy vs black guy" humor but literally just does endless "women vs men" jokes which is also hilarious because he's self aware. At least his kid didn't ruin his comedy.
i watch it early today. It was ok, there where some good bits, some where so so. The only thing i dont end liking about this guy is that he is allways in the "angry voice". So it gets kinda tiresome. I like it more when people is just talking. No need to be sceaming. And if you are allways enfatising, you are never doing it. So its kind of pointless.
If he was doing the same show, but just chill, talking like a normal dude, it would be 10 times better.
Chappelle is still n1
why the fuck would you say chapelle is still number one.. it´s all so tiresome. stupid fucking comedians and we are arguing about it. Dave chapelle being better is just pure horseshit. And you fucking now it, and you lie..
Longer version of kino conversation.
>why the fuck would you say chapelle is still number one
Op said that he wasnt.
i disagree.
>stupid fucking comedians and we are arguing about it.
If you dont like to argue about comedians, why are you in a thread about comedians?
is kind of a nonsense.
this is why i think chappelle is better:
Hes act doenst look like acting at all. When he delivers a punch line, he ussually does it in a chill natural way, making it better. When you have to make people know that the punch line is a punch line... is not that good.
Anyway, the good thing is that i really dont give a fuck about your opinion on this matter. Feel free to go fuck yourself.
The airbag joke was the funniest part of the whole special. Bill and Chapelle are honestly just both older comics who get by on shock humor and outrage humor. It's not bad and i'll always find it somewhat funny but they kind of keep parroting the same shit. Still two of the best comedy specials to come out in a while but yeah i'd like some new fresh comics to start coming up.
I didn't find it very funny, Sticks and Stones had me consistently laughing hard whereas with Paper Tiger I only laughed twice.
Which sucks because I'm a big fan of Bill Burr.
the last few new comedians i watched where trash. Most of the material was jokes from the internet.
Kids now are so into the meme culture that they can make a joke without using images or something they already saw on the internet. Is lame.
I cant remember acomediant younger than 30 with original material. Everything was a rehash from memes and onilne shit.
No you probably just dislike blacks. Chapelle's special was flawless. Burr was merely ok. He recycled a lot of podcast material so it was nothing for listeners of the MMP.
It's not a mystery what makes a comedian, and they have a fucking easy job considering they have platform of most of people if they just can be competent enough to do so. By telling the truth.
You give them too much credit, what i would say is, stop complaining and do your fucking job instead of pretending you are doing something else.
They never make anything they never do anything they are lads that stand and talk on a fucking stage. for peoples amusement. But they should instead realize their job description.. Tell the truth of matters. That´s it.. I can do my thing and half ass their job for them that´s how easy their job is. But i don´t look like them nor want to be on a stage in front of millions of people. Get head out of ass that´s step 1. Tell truth step 2. Be comedian step 3.
How is Bo Burnham? I heard from friends and stuff that he seemed alright but i've never watched any of his stuff. I feel like most comedians in general take a while to become popular. Like Bill and Jefferies didn't even break out till they were older
I had the exact opposite reaction.
Americans were a mistake.
bo is ok, but a little bitchy and had a breakdown.
Same, and the reason you didn't like it is because you've heard this same shit for years listening to the podcast. Chapelle afaik does not have a podcast.
Right, so you're not allowed to point out facts unless you had a direct hand in the creation of those facts. Get fucked.
I will never respect comedians, they are nothing but a supposed mouth for repressed thought. They don´t build they don´t make they don't maintain. They talk. I would beat them with a fucking stick if they can´t on top of being neets even be honest as they go. They deserve beating. Maybe they will tell the truth then. Overvalued fat slobs. AND YOU KNOW IT.. you know they are that is why you might laugh..
>tfw Cntrl+F’ed “cuck” and it only comes up twice on this page
Wow, this board is pozzed beyond belief. Seek help.
As far as Dave and Bill's new specials are concerned, both were okay. Neither were as good as previous specials, and both seem to be getting attention because of "controversy."
I think that if these two were released ten years ago, they'd be regarded as below average for both comedians. I also don't consider being topical or controversial a positive when it comes to comedy. Either it's funny or it isn't. There's no bonus points awarded for comedians taking my side on philosophy/politics/etc. I watch both, I smiled quite a bit, I chuckled here and there, but I didn't laugh all that much. Enjoyable to watch, but the actual content is nothing to really write home about.
the hawkings bit was awesome
When you look at average lifespan and what these comedians peddle that alone deserve beating. They spent their life for the satanic jew to be executed.. on a broken system.. politics is broken for them they seek refuge in comedy. And then they have these little fucks who don´t produce don´t make don´t do anything but tell fucking jokes they heard someone say.. And the only way they make money is a lot of people ofcourse need an outlet. They need pure beating if they are not even honest about these things, they have all the time and the rest for it. Don´t ever tell me i should feel sorry for bill burr or whoever. Who has infact contributed nothing to society but making working people laugh. If comedians can´t do that task they should be beaten. The average lifecycle of human beings demands that.
real schizo hours ITT
lol wtf is this from
I didnt like Bo at all, is just repeating everything he reads in reddit and 9gag.
But, he does have good pace on stage. He can carry a show, but his material is shit.
Tear down all the false idols and beat them. It´s healthy. Ever went to a concert you are a fucking faggot. You worship some idiot on the stage peddling mediocrity to you. And this is what you labour towards, giving retards good things. Drag them down and beat them. What have they done. a bunch of parasites preying upon a lot of working peoples wanting a difference from their lives.. Beat them and hurt them and make them suffer. They are not some idol for your admiration. they are nonsense..
>them fuckbois..
It wasn't his best, timing was off and it was more a rant than anything,.
niggers always want to call themselves j-hova or stupid shit..
The devil is in the details. here is muhammad and the devil which the knights templar were accused some of them were worshipping.
>there is your god and there is your mohammad..
Notice allahs insignia.. it´s pyramid, crown and sword through it.
Guardian cherub of earth.
>niggers are talking about illuminati
Jews in the talmud worship, islam worship they are satanists..
Worship of musicians, worship of comedians worship of people who do nothing of value.
Beat them in the face, they are not of the truth. And the truth will slay you as miserable hominids. Unless you get the fuck out of it.
WORSHIP OF IDOLS.. that is what was warned about an adulterous generation would do.. the most christian nation on earth or so they say, america is doing it fullspeed..
World of Wolfram
sarcasm can be difficult to detect through text
Imagine how many times you wanted to kill mankind.. imagine the restraint of those who are not even from this place and is the cause of your very existence for you to complain about it.. 10/10 restraint..
Go on tinder be a whore you faggots.. enjoy it while it lasts. They don´t even need to come but to help you. You break yourselves down.. immorality and worst of all LYING ABOUT IT..
>why you even send us to purify we poke them they fall backwards and kill themselves.
This is what happens when you lie to yourself.
They don´t come for you, they come for the animals more than you and for everything else than you. You are a bunch of retards who think you own something that you don´t, and what you say you deserve does not correspond with your actions. Also fuck muslims kikes and freemasons and the rest of them.
The idiotic jews even had it..
>6 Seek the Lord, and ye shall live; lest he break out like fire in the house of Joseph, and devour it, and there be none to quench it in Bethel.
Bethel stone is kaaba worship.
>10 They hate him that rebuketh in the gate, and they abhor him that speaketh uprightly.
>12 For I know your manifold transgressions and your mighty sins: they afflict the just, they take a bribe, and they turn aside the poor in the gate from their right.
20 Shall not the day of the Lord be darkness, and not light? even very dark, and no brightness in it?
21 I hate, I despise your feast days, and I will not smell in your solemn assemblies.
22 Though ye offer me burnt offerings and your meat offerings, I will not accept them: neither will I regard the peace offerings of your fat beasts.
23 Take thou away from me the noise of thy songs; for I will not hear the melody of thy viols.
24 But let judgment run down as waters, and righteousness as a mighty stream.
moon and mars technology building the modern world around it.. of the derelict things. Think you can defeat what is coming.. why you think they left it.. that is what was destroyed in a snap second.. and you want to contest?
>3The pride of your heart has deceived you, O dwellers in the clefts of the rocks whose habitation is the heights, who say in your heart, ‘Who can bring me down to the ground?’ 4Though you soar like the eagle and make your nest among the stars, even from there I will bring you down,” declares the LORD. 5“If thieves came to you, if robbers by night—oh, how you will be ruined—would they not steal only what they wanted? If grape pickers came to you, would they not leave some gleanings?…
They stole technology.. they found something.. still trying to figure out what it is.. from others who were subdued by what is coming in an instant.. what hope you have..
>Doesn't say nigger
I watched the whole thing because of the Yea Forums thread
extermination of jews muslims and freemasons is my favourite part though. Especially the part where the muslim kill the jews and they think someone come to save them, and nobody does.. and they run to others for help..
It´s so fitting.. who better to kill the jews than those who believe very similar things as they.
Oh no he didn´t say nigger. Let me give you a dose of the anglified word for black the color.
It´s off the latin vulgate for black, niger, turns into nigger in english because it sounds better than the latin.. it was not even a slur.. just means fucking black people, connotational all the way. IF niggers had been just the best they would instead have said.. i love that nigger.. he´s brilliant he help me out a lot with this thing i am working on. Instead it became that fucking nigger.. in spanish negro means the color black.. same from the latin.
I dunno if I agree, but it was good
But african americans in particular doesn´t know that.. they want to make it a crime to say anything negative about them, so nigger, you can´t say that. It´s fucking heinous
>proceed to make rap music saying it a million times..
>it´s alright when we say it though, maybe we like how it sounds..
joker in batman 2008.
Harvey dent..
He can´t kill satan it's for another time..
So it's not really a gamble, because the coin was always going to flip the jokers way.
but harvey didn´t know that..