"Straight white males cannot suffer!"
"Straight white males cannot suffer!"
Other urls found in this thread:
>white guy suffers
>black guy suffers
>We don't hate white people.
No one says this. If you say
>they hate white people
Leftists and liberals on here will go FUCKING PARANOID SCHIZO but they will never say "no, that's not true and here's why"
It’s like laughing at a girl for complaining that she broke her nail. That’s what the mainstream means when they laugh at your “plight”.
You’d probably get taken more seriously if you cried about being enslaved by Arabs and Africans a few centuries and millennia ago (respectively) you might get more victim brownies.
Liberals openly hate straight white men. Just look at social media
I Hate white people.
your posts are so consistently shit i'm impressed by it
Black people can't be racist. GOSH, like don't you know anything sweetie?
Joaquin Phoenix is Jewish, these people are all anti Semitic
a fine addition to my filter
Commit suicide
*uproarious applause*
well actually sweety we black and brown bodies have a very different history to yt people so it's ok for us to say we hate white people. we need to vent once in a while. you'll never understand how it is to live in society as a poc. we are put under so much stress by structural racism that we should be given awards for existing. white "people" who don't recognise their privilege and do something about it are contributing to our oppression. you are part of the problem but i suppose you most likely won't recognise that because you have the arrogance of a typical mediocre white boy
I’m good at what I do
As a POC, I will say that I hate pretty much all white people. Sure, due to happenstance and taking resources from the third world you created some modern technologies, but now that you've done that, we no longer have any need for your existence on this planet. In fact, you're now a deadweight holding back progress. I'm glad my great grandkids will experience a world with no whites.
Just gotta somehow have sex first, buddy.
>As a POC, I will say that I hate pretty much all white people. Sure, due to happenstance and taking resources from the third world you created some modern technologies, but now that you've done that, we no longer have any need for your existence on this planet. In fact, you're now a deadweight holding back progress. I'm glad my great grandkids will experience a world with no whites.
Are you good at anything else besides being a massive shitlicking faggot?
When you’re around? No.
Yes, that's what I said. Can your poor wittle white male fragile ego not take it?
I thought you were a sperg, but you're based in this instance
Seething shitskin
God I fucking hate America. Can you just shut the fuck up? No one gives a fuck about blacks, whites or purples. WE DON'T FUCKING CARE. Also, are you REALLY incapable of tell the difference between real life and a motherfucking MOVIE? ARE YOU RETARDED AMERICA!?
>shits up thread with irrelevant bullshit or an opinion no one cares about
>le epic comeback when confronted with the slightest criticism
i'd filter you if you were any less pathetic but it's so bad it's kind of unreal
Bait replying to bait? Damn, I guess we really do live in a society.
Joaquin Phoenix is a jew though...
Well lucky I'm not around as often as you. You're here like 12 hours every day. That's laughably pathetic. You have never make a single piece of OC, nor have you made a single insightful or funny post. Most of your posts just go ignored, which I suppose is why you are settling for shitty bait as of late to get (You)'s. Pretty sad.
Do you even have anything going for you irl, are you trying to better yourself at all? Here is an idea, go bother the kids on kiwifarms, they will fucking unironically love you.
I'm black and have gotten shit from whites and other races my whole life. but I don't see how being white excludes you from having it really bad. These cunts need to start realising that before opening their mouth. You never know what a person's been through. THIS is why trump won, and the whole EU is leaning towards right wing parties.
Mimimimi White Devil mimimimi Privileges mimimimi Straight Devil mimimimi
That’s great pal
Based as fuck. That faggot you replied to needs to die.
I know you're white you mouth-breathing, dickless cuckold.
1 - he is whiter than 90% of white amerikkkans
2 - he ia talking about the character
Sit back and enjoy the squaw
Why are whites so fragile despite having the easiest lives?
You're so boring and unimpressive. Why haven't you killed yourself yet, tranny?
He's probably on Welfare.
fucking based
>That's great pal
honestly kind of sad
Because I’m having too much fun
stay mad
I just wanna say tripfags are valid.
Coming from a place of anonymous privilege I know it's not my place to speak but you are valued in this community. Tripfagphobia is a product of white supremacist patriarchy and one day it will be overcome. You are on the right side of history sweaty.
That’s sweet of you hunny shugums
It's not "just a word" it's an insult sneeded in hatred for us. It hurts a little less now but when I first started browsing Yea Forums I was constantly called the n-word and it got to me. There was days when I would break down and farm for hours on end because you think we're not even humans. It's not just a word, it's an attack fueled by feed and seed. If I owned Yea Forums I would make saying it a permanently bannable offence
How about that fuck and suck though? how 'bout that mang
Personally? I LIKE white people.
How did you turn out like this? You get bullied in school for being a geek but because you were above average academically in your public school, you developed a big ego and a narcissistic outlook?
Or perhaps you were molested by an older man in your life who told you that you were special. Ultimately you let him molest you, you didn't fight back at all. So you have cognitive dissonance about what to believe when looking back on the situation. The only way you can come to terms with what happened is to believe what your rapist told you, which is that you are special.
Get help, kid.
Your grandkids will experience whatever Mad Max experienced because that's what the world will look like.
U mad?
Quads confirm, SupaHotFire is a faggot loser