ITT: Scenes you were not ready for

ITT: Scenes you were not ready for

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This is why I didn't want to watch the movie. Honestly, I'm not sure why they even made it. It's just fucking depressing.

Trinity Death scene in Matrix Revolutions.

Why should I care about the deaths of literal Frankensteins that already went extinct once?

Reminder that the Jurassic Park book literally ends with the island getting carpet-bombed by the military.

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Remember the first dinosaur they see in Jurassic Park, that big brontosaurus? It's the same one, officially confirmed. Remember the dinosaurs and park you loved as a kid? They're fucking toast because the island got destroyed. Doesn't that feel awesome?
They didn't do nothin

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>It's the same one, officially confirmed
I had a feeling it was right as the scene was being played at the theater. Who confirmed it?
It's a Brachiosaurus, not a Brontosaurus.

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The director himself. I like how he sounds proud to be ruining a childhood memory.
>That’s the same brachiosaurus we saw the first time. That’s the brachiosaurus Alan Grant saw for the first time in Jurassic Park... and we’re bringing back even the same animation. If you take a look at the animation of the brachiosaurus, it's exactly the same one that you had in the wide shot of that scene.
And my 6 year old self is embarrassed for me for making that spoiler mistake, feels bad...

Is that Saurpod-jesus?

This movie really made me think global warming is bad and we need to let in more immigrants



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based soijack poster.
Fuck dinosaurs and fuck niggers


Excuse me Mr. 2016 poster, but why should I give a fuck about cheap ass sad scene? This movie was probably the worst I've seen in cinemas right there with BvS KINO. Just let the fucker (female) die in a fire, they had their time and now they are free to kill people because some dumb WHITE girl thought "THEY WERE LIKE ME!". Fuck this movie and fuck your mom.

>kill people

>ever existed

>Trinity Death scene in Matrix Revolutions.

Thanks for the spoiler warning. Asshole.

A real life Jurassic Park you'd have to put these things in the pin every time it rains. They're giant walking lightning rods. Current zoos have the same problem with giraffes.

>This might be the only fossil we have ever found of this species, but we know they were 8"2 carnivore and they were covered in feathers
How old were you when you realized archeology was a scam?

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>Walks into city
>Flattens everything in its way
I like them Crispy.



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This scene was fucking hilarious

Archaeology is digging up human history. Paleontology is dinosaurs. Neither are a scam, brainlet.

>user what are you laughing so hard about?
>Yeah user show us your phone!

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Why did the Trex munch on Mills when it had a bunch of hervibores running around? Why sell dinosaurs for less than what The Room cost? Why did Claire went from Kathleen Kennedy to Dian Fossey in two years? Why Is she not in prision? Why? Why? Why?

>Flattens everything in its way
You'd have to DELIBERATELY put yourself in its way in order to get stomped. And if you WERE to get stomped there would be plenty of time to take a few steps away from where it's gonna take a step.

Didn't feel a thing, I just fucking coom

They didn't have feathers dummy. They had leaf wings and beard nanners.

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The people who made the film buy kids for like 1500 dollars in underground auctions, they just scaled up the price per weight

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I like how they made him look fucking stoked.

No, you just need to be walking in the street while the giant super dinosaur rampages through the city, scared and panting because the environment is new for it.

Scientists now know they could detach from their main bodies and squiggle around like a snake.

>SUE is the most complete Tyrannosaurus rex skeleton discovered to date, with 250 of the approximately 380 total bones in a T. rex. This one-of-a-kind specimen is even more complete by bone volume, at 90 percent—meaning that many of the missing bones are smaller ones.

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>Reminder that the Jurassic Park book literally ends with the island getting carpet-bombed by the military
That sounds like kino.


Dinosaurs are animals user, twenty of them being released aren't going to cause a mass genocide

How retarded must you be to not grasp the concept of phylogenetic inference.

Paleontology deniers have to be the most retarded people on Earth, maybe on par with flat earthers

The book is pretty good yo.

What's bam doing with a t-rex