I love The Wizard
[spoilers] It's so bad
I love The Wizard
[spoilers] It's so bad
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seeing a glimpse of SMB3 got me so hype
t. ancient man
>ywn touch her breasts
I'm a Rilo Kiley fan because of this movie
This. The movie was made to advertise the game, the audience was there to see the advertisement, it really didn’t matter that it sucked as only parents gave a shit about the plot
>Competitive Super Mario Tournaments.
Wait a second were these guys speed running or trying to get the highest score?
>wizard movie turns 30 this december.
it hurts
highest score in a set amount of time, which is the opposite of the rules from this kino which was highest level and then score was the tiebreaker
I won when I went on the show
>Parents across the nation had to pay and sit through 1hr.40 for this: youtube.com
Take a moment today to thank yours
>almost beating mecha turtle at the end of level 3.
>that feel when Beau Bridges is exactly as good as I am on the original TMNT. game was impossible. Mind you, I don't think ever even got the scroll weapon.
Mark of the devil, The Wizard, Super Mario Bros 3.
uh oh!
I watched it expecting a The Room-type movie but it was just a cute and fun kids' movie.
TFW you practice all the games to get ready for the tournament and they unveil a brand new game for the finals
I was always curious how they roped Christian Slater into this film?
He was hot shit back then: Gleamimg The Cube, Heathers, Pump Up The Volume, Young Guns 2, etc and then he does four speaking lines in "The Nintendo Movie".
NIntendo was pretty big back then too.
I was unironically obsessed with this movie when I was a kid. I think it still holds up pretty good. Kids run away, teenagers hook up, girl accuses random strangers of sexually molesting her in order to manipulate other adults.
Also when that old guy playing Double Dragon says "GO ON"
Best part of the movie is the travel montage where Send Me An Angel by Real Life plays. 80s Kino
>world 2
>clearly world 1
Nice. Gonna watch this sometime this weekend probably. I'll download it at least. Don't think I've seen it since 1990.