People born immediately after 9/11 can now legally post in Yea Forums, how does this make you feel?
People born immediately after 9/11 can now legally post in Yea Forums, how does this make you feel?
I fee- I'm sorry but ear-wojak is just distracting.
We're not gonna be here forever, someone has to take our place.
Is 9/11 some kind of special date for you?
>giving even the smallest shit about literally anyone but yourself and those close to you
They're the majority on this board especially.
Like this guy.
anyone born after 93 should be banned
This but unironically
the 9th of November is still 2 months away idiot, people born then are still 17
>le date meme
A 27 year old virgin wageslave loser retard
>I share this board with 'people' over the age of 25
jesus christ get a life fatso
why won't you boomers die off already
it's ok, your prefrontal cortex hasn't fully developed yet. you'll understand when you get older.
>tfw 25
>tfw most people I end up working with or meeting are 21-23 which makes me feel like an old fuck
We unironically need to limit posting to people under 25 years old. Boomers need to all be rounded up and genocided.
have sex
i do have sex. frequently.
Timestamps or get the fuck out boomer cringelord.
>everyone I work with is 35+
I'd rather feel old than feel like a baby
i know this might blow your underdeveloped mind. but when you achieve adulthood you dont take selfies of everything you did that day.
You should be happy. Most people are socially trapped, meeting only people of about their age or older. You want to meet those 21 year old girls, user. Your age (if you're a little bit older) actually gives you an advantage at this point
lmao boomer cope
All those younger girls have boyfriends though, I suppose I shouldn't see it as a negative but to me its just a reminder of how old I am
not it doesnt lmao
Why the fuck would I provide you with that? You fucking retarded inbred incel
you're a 25 year old posting on Yea Forums, that's LITERALLY a sign you're an incel LMAO, just let us based zoomers keep having sex while you will most likely become a tranny in 2 years bruhh lmao
+ they all seem like they're getting taller and taller.
that's not the case at least, I'm over 6ft while they are mostly 5ft or just barely reaching 6ft
>you're a 25 year old posting on Yea Forums, that's LITERALLY a sign you're an incel LMAO
and mixing caps and ending every paragraph with "lmao" is a sign you're a retard
Based. Zoomers know that gaining height is important. Take note balding manlet boomer cucks.
calm down incel LOL
we have this internship going on with a local school and each year they send 3-5 kids to get work experience. These kids are in the 16-18 year range and they're all 6'3+ or at least it seems that way.
>tfw I'm 5'10
>tfw my boss is 5'6
I see that you have lost your neuroplasticity.
but user, i'm not an incel and you are retarded. that's why i win.
most chantards are underageB&
That sucks man
lmao he's still going
Pretty fuckin based. Will manletennials ever get laid or will the Zoomer GIGACHADBVLL take over for good?
Get off my site
You are being replaced by us Gigachad Zoomers dabbing on every manletennial incel like you. Stay fucking seething and/or have sex bro.