is Jodorowsky worth watching?
Is Jodorowsky worth watching?
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Yes. If you have a hipster artsy hoe girlfriend to watch jodo kino with, even better.
Only worth watching him giving interviews.
Yes, straight kino.
>everyone wants him to die so the Dune storyboards get released
>still kicking it at 90
I guess the secret to not dying really is to wanna die
where should I start?
Yeah especially Holy Mountain. It’s great when you read up on the making of the movie as well. The journey they made up the mountain was done by the crew while on acid, and the filming is supposed to be an extension of that experience and its meaning (hence the fourth wall break at the end).
His Incal comic series is great as well (it influenced Fifth Element, Star Wars, and a whole bunch of other famous sci fis).
Probably not
yes El Topo is phenomenal