Why does he hate trannies?

Why does he hate trannies?

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Most people do you dumb faggot

kys nigger

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He's trying frame himself as a tranny-hater, because he's ashamed of his love for the boibussy

Because he's a sane person.

He's sane.

what's not to hate about them really?

>Why does he hate trannies
Thats how you know he isnt retarded or fake.
Retards want mentally ill people to suffer in their delusional state instead of getting help. Fakes pretend to like them, but puke at the thought of one of them naked.

>hate trannies
did you listen to the extended portion?


boomer cringe

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He hates white people too so he's pretty based

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He clearly doesn't hate them if you listen to what he's saying, why are you misrepresenting what he says for (You)'s?

>Now I'm in the closet, now I'm in the closet toooo

Why did Chapelle specifically make fun of asians?

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He doesn't. He has literally had sex with one before because he's a man of taste. He hates SJW shit and whiners though. LGBT shit is like the whites trying to steal civil rights from black people and it pisses him off because he can see how phony and flimsy it is.

If there only was muslims and niggers left on this planet, trannies would be murdered in the streets. Libtards don't understand this and still tries to ally themselves with these groups.

Remember he's a fucking muslim

Who doesn't?

because it tied in to the "im using this against my wife"

because he's based

He doesn't even hate them. As he said in his newest special, he finds their predicament hilarious, and it honestly is. Imagine being a girl but you're born into some 6'4" guy's body.

Bill was right

>t. Tranny

they're gross and everyone would hate them if they stayed men

Why do trannies seem to think that because we find them abhorrent, gross and an afront to nature it means we are “scared of” or “hate them”

No, we do not think highly of you enough to hate you

Why do these rich guys always marry these peasant Asians?

He doesnt hate them, he just finds them ridiculous, like most people do (I assume)

He's a bigoted nigger

good housewives

Because he's a normal, well adjusted individual.

No one watched the extra 20 minutes after the special

i did

>DonDraper claiming he doesn't even think of you at all
We totally believe you

Dave ain't got nothing on this guy.

Most people despise them, but tolerate them in every day life.

If hes that bothered he legitimately probably fucks tranny hookers or at least jacks it to tranny porn

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Black people statistically hate LGBT more than any other group in america.

because they're fucking eunics which is disgusting. imagine paying money for what was once a form of punishment. literally fuck off.

Most people don't hate anyone. Most people do however think they're mentally ill and need help and understanding. But of course you're probably going call me a fag or something not realizing people like you are a big factor in why trannies are even a issue.

Because they're being used as a vector in the neverending efforts of pedophiles to sexualize children?

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>he hates this

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Peasant Asians are the most loyal and make the best housewives. If I was rich, I'd have one right now.