The Crystal calls! To the /hmm/ thread!
The Crystal calls! To the /hmm/ thread!
Best Netflix series since Stranger Things 1
Imagine a Mystic right next to someone's bed waiting to suddenly OOOAAAHHH right as they're at the deepest part of their sleep.
Trial by LEAD.
>Maudra Fara, leader of the most physically powerful clan of gelfling
>Gets one-shot by some uppity princess
>Dies from a knife flung by the Skeksis' BOOK KEEPER
How the fuck do they choose these leaders
kinda feel like they should make season 2 diverge from the original movies ending since I feel like there is no point in continuing a story that we already know the conclusion to. And Augra said there are different timelines.
Watch it, SkekSil!
Uh...No! We will see Gelfling genocide and you will enjoy it
>A Gelfling begs for mercy, lenience, food, water, a quick death, or anything at all.
What's the ratio of puppets/CG in the new series?
Even when a scene requires heavy CG like on a moving vehicle chase, they tend to just greenscreen the real puppet. Very few times the puppets or sets around them are fully CG. It's mostly used for skies, set extensions, or removing puppeteer elements (there's a big rock puppet that can be done as a full size puppet because its three puppeteers can be removed in post, originally they thought there would be no way to do it practically). For some creatures that need to use CG, they always have puppets for closeups.
>ID. Not, "I, Deet".
"My bad"
Anyone kinda dislike how it settled for a lighter tone? The mysterious feel of the original is gone and now it's more of an action drama than anything else
A lighter tone he said.
They were plenty of dark scenes
These guys literally get thrown into a pit of lava and beaten to death
And then the guy that had his skull caved in gets cut up for parts to build a Garthim prototype
>lighter tone?
What? The skeksis are even more despicable and vile than in the movie and their actions more disturbing.
Rodan friend, hmmMMMmm, friend to Godzilla!
It's not much lighter, it's just not continuous darkness because it is a series now. The original had silly jokes too. Mosty at Jen's expense too.
Introduced friend to show yesterday, had shilled it by saying it wasn't kiddy stuff despite the puppets. After the Mira draining scene and Skeksis fighting over her essence and slobbering it up while dancing and guffawing he turns to me and exclaims
>This is fucking perverse.
But he liked the show, so I'm happy.
From the director of Now You See Me and The Brothers Grimsby
I thought for sure they would escape after cutting their stitches... nope
I want Skekso to ravage me
People really can surprise you I guess...
Don't we all.
Literally me
It's a prequel to the movie where it's even more of a fallen time. Makes sense there's some remnants of "light" to it.
>The whole gelflings having a standing army or weapons at all doesn't feel right,
The Skeksis most likely influenced this aspect of their culture too. It'd be in line with the Gelfling's impression that Skeksis also brought them knowledge and prosperity, and we already know they drove the Arathim out of Grot, so it's reasonable to assume they trained the Gelfling to help them achieve that.
>let alone be able to take on skesksis as well as they do in mortal combat
They actually aren't effective enough. The only Gelfling you see land a hit on a Skeksis in the whole show is Rian with the Dual Glaive and Deet with the Darkening. Even Maudra Fara's fizzgig does more damage than the rest of Gelflingkind.
Faggots. Worse than the Skeksis.
Agreed, although the real faggots are the UrSkeks. Fuck I hate those cunts so damn much.
Why can't Urru and Skeksis live in simple autoerotic relationships like the Heretic and his Urru?
Rian's dad too, actually, but you kind of expect an army captain to be able to get a surprise attack on a distracted enemy.
I wonder what the Gruenaks or whatever they're called did to get wiped out by the skeksis.
Heretic probably just wiped them out for a laugh back when he was the Conqueror
UrSkek genocide fucking WHEN
I want to see those tree fuckers burn.
Maybe they taste good?
Man if this show gets renewed I can't wait to see skekUng and the start of the Garthim War. They were intimidating enough in the film with the constraints of the time, and if it's up to standard with this season the Garthim and the new General could be even more entertaining than the scenes with the Hunter.
>Ok, I go now. Bye bye!
Why is the Chancellor such a good villain?
They're all used to make Garthim?
>get high as fuck on supershrooms
>hang out with your soul bonded bro
>live in a comfy hovel teaching the naive young races the history of Thra
Why is the Heretic so based?
>snibedi snab :DDD
>Aight imma head out
Reddit meme in sorry
Don¨t forget
>Spend 300+ trines setting up super sweet puppet show for eventual visitors
Because he does all of that, and he is also truly adorkable. And he sings opera. Brain damage has never been so good!
he was always really into dark crystal apparently
I keep seeing this shit when I look up gelfling porn, people are fucking weird
Was it ever stated what role the Gruenak corpses had in the creation of the Garthim? It seems like they're Arathim soldiers modified with skekTek's bionics, random body parts stapled together and hopped up on Crystal energy.
Between him and the writer of Chernobyl maybe filmmakers should just stick to TV and something they care about.
The original film is apparently the top film on Netflix right now and the show's on top of the Trending Now section there. Pretty good chance for a season 2 all things considered. I just hope Louis Leterrier comes back to direct.
I can't get enough of the puppet show sequence. How awesome was that?
Also, what are the chances of this getting renewed? I don't know a lot of people watching this, despite my shilling.
>SkekTek tells you that he's planning to shoot up the Castle of the Crystal because of how the other skeksis endlessly bully him.
What would you say to stop him from doing it?
They don't really have a standing army though. The Stonewood clan have a whole thing that after a battle/conflict is done they all put their weapons into the forge to be melted as a statement of hope to never need them again. Other than like, guards, they don't have any standing soldiers all the time.
>no Hup
>still no Hup image of making a farty noise and his nose implodes
Nebrie-tier thread
Chamberlain. And because he's very well written and excellently acted (both voice and puppet)
Not outright stated but implied.
everyone likes skesis and are indifferent to gelflings and mystics
I'd tell him to have skeks
I think it was the connecting tissues and organs needed for successful revivification, and some additional armor was put on them as well. Given that's the prototype and they were just empty shells in the film, I assume SkekTek works out how to mass produce them artificially.
Plata o plomo!
>be Pidling
>minding your own business
>once every month get invaded by Gelflings rape-washing you against your will
a kids series they said
the non-claw hand looks like a gruenaks
Thank you, Thra
It's pretty heavily implied they played a role, aye, but I was mostly wondering what it really was. Are their lobotomized brains the "intelligence" behind the Garthim? They seem fairly mindless otherwise so it might be interesting to explore all the mad science that went into making them in a second season.
It's not one to be an instant blockbuster, it was always going to need to spread slower with word of mouth. It seems to be doing that, thanks to its sheer quality. Netflix don't just go solely on viewership either, they do take note of the huge critical acclaim the series has gotten.
What if I love Skeksis AND Gelflings?
We need to shill harder.
Listen here little Lord of the Crystal. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me Skeksis? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby skek
>mfw thinking of you hurting.
Punch him in the face like the bitch he is, he ain't gonna do shit.
he could just go on strike and the skesis would be fucked. No immortality, no more garthim to keep down the races of thra
Need the Chad SkekSil and the Virgeneral SkekVar
I managed to convince three more people to watch the show starting today. We'll get this ball rolling soon, fellow crystal chads.
Well user, you're just a madman then.
You are split into your Mystic and Skeksis parts. What are your names/titles?
For me it's "The Pure" and "The Incel" respectively.
So how the fuck did the Skeksis ever manage to btfo everyone in the dark crystal world.
They're weak and simple as fuck, and their army are jobbers
Goddamn that is good.
SkekGuy the Other One
UrWho the Fellow at the Back
They used to be far strongly, think of SkekMal. They're a thousand years old now and the Crystal is no longer sustaining their strength and youth like it once did.
Yeah, the Arathim seem way more powerful. They outnumber them, can attack from a distance and have mindcontrol drones.
How did they ever lose?
UrCuck the Sad Sack and SkekTist the Aspie
They'll just torture him until he can't take it anymore and agrees to go back to work.
That's beautiful.
Nicest Person You Will Ever Meet
Twister Fucking Psychopath
smart, strong for thra standards, technologically and magically adept
The Based and The Redpilled
*blocks your path*
Somebody stop him!
There is something so aesthetically pleasing about the Emperor's design.
urSchlomo the Merchant
skekShekel the Usurer
>no nazi trannies
SkekPlus the Seat Filler and urFup the Intern
at least this one admits he's obsessed
raging cock
passive bottom
I plant shitposts in ground, watch grow into (You)s
Urgin and skekchad. Literally just virgin and chad
>Now, we shall see what lies at the dream's end...
Don't even need no torture the nerd will cry and do what he's told like the weakling he is if you bully his pets.
The Homo
The Hetero
Am seriously hoping friends do not do this, yes?
UrNon the Shitposter
SkekTrip the Moralfag
How is the writing for the Skeksis so good
SkekFap the Sore
Urmen the Semen Store
Normie template.
Near complete freedom to ham it up. The Skeksis are almost completely without morals, are naturally impulsive and energetic, and have very defined characterisation thanks to the original film.
A couple dark scenes don't make it dark as a whole, the whole Deet plotline for example was way too lighthearted (unless it taks a dark turn don't spoil im only 4 episodes in) and the stuff with that princess is very kiddy too.
The Skeksis scenes are the only times it gets kinda dark and even then it's nowhere near as dark as the original
Attention! Hear the declaration of the Emperor!
Stop interSkeksis bullying. Only Gelflings are for bullying.
All I can say is keep watching.
Fag, the mystics are comfy
>4 episodes in
Bitch you know nothing about dark.
>unless it taks a dark turn don't spoil im only 4 episodes in
The fuck are you doing here user?
What happened to that thing on his beak?
The spiteful and the helpful
>im only 4 episodes in
>Don't want to be spoiled
>Go to Yea Forums threads
>Tfw he's literally me
It was a decoration. The actual tip of his nose was destroyed through some injury or accident with the Darkening iirc, but by the point of the Emperor's death he's so withered you can barely tell.
The threads usually don't spoil much anyways and I have seen pretty much every moment you guys meme about.
Then you're shit at watching TV shows.
I'm 6 episodes in, I come here not caring about spoilers because I honestly just want to enjoy the comfy threads and experience something I love with my frens instead of alone.
the shy and the alcoholic
I never heard of this franchise before (Not American, not sure if it was ever released in my country). Do I need to watch the movie first to enjoy it?
not really no
No. There's give and take but you could watch it without having seen the film.
You havent even finished it yet and you're here talking as if you've watched the whole thing. You arent even halfway through wtf are you doing
No. The show might even be more enjoyable if you haven’t seen the movie, since you won’t know who lives or dies.
>everyone else
Yeah, I'm more of a movie guy if I'm honest
Yes, they're nice and short and you can get back to Yea Forums to post negative greentexts faster.
Not worry! No take virginity. Just putting the tip in, yeeesss? Just seeing what it feels like, yessss. Hmmmmmm
SkekShin you look terrible, take a nap.
No, I just prefer one solid piece of art to multiple pieces of art that are just good
Still awaiting the appearances of:
SkekUng the Garthim Master
SkekShod the Treasurer
SkekNa the Slavemaster
SkekLi the Satirist
SkekSa the Mariner
Literally falling apart like that is a good motivation to murder some critters.
Chamberlain is pure
Just noticed the stitching went through his nostril. Fuck.
Do any of you have your headcanons? Post them
Oh geez, I never noticed that before.
We're definitely going to see skekUng in the second season, as it's presumably going to focus on the Garthim War and his rise to power, being seemingly the most physically powerful of the Skeksis outside of skekMal and possibly skekVar. skekShod and skekNa appear in the movie so they I feel like they might get less screentime as they don't need as much fleshing out. skekSa appeared in the comics while skekLi is nearly a complete unknown iirc.
Is Chamberlain the main character of the franchise?
I've been in these threads since before I started watching
These threads convinced me to watch it, as a matter of fact.
>lmao sorry we fucked up your planet and genocided your race, haha
Yes. Villain protagonist. Probably has the most screentime of any character too.
UrWyrm, The Diplomat
UrDrak, The Loveless
SkekChad and UrKek
""""my bad"""""
I meant SkekDrak
Excuse my cringey tumblr larping
I like to believe Audrey II was part of a species that lived in the world of The Dark Crystal who eventually took control of the Crystal and used it to to teleport to other planets which Earth was one of.
1. Chamberlain
2. Hunter
3. Scientist
4. Emperor
5. General
6. Hup
7. Girjin
Everyone else doesn't matter
And loves based podlings
>No scientist
Fuck you guys he was great
Why don't the Mystics just kill themselves if it would kill the Skeksis too?
Essssssssence... causes genocide
Mystics' defining trait is laziness
Because they're lazy, retarded and don't care about anything
Archer and Hunter are both exceptional among their race
IDIOT! We’ve all got guns!
Because then the film wouldn't need to happen.
It was weird how they had the skeksis read from the Torah
I'd imagine fear and similar thoughts hold them back from it like how the skeks are driven by it.
Skeksis got all the ambition when they split.
nobody tell him
>skekShod and skekNa appear in the movie so they I feel like they might get less screentime as they don't need as much fleshing out
On the contrary they need a lot of fleshing out, they had almost no lines or role in the film, like the Gourmand, Scrollkeeper or Ornamentalist did. The writers took the time to flesh out all the background Skeksis from the film (since only the Chamberlain and Garthim Master have central plot roles, with the Ritual Master and Scientist supporting).
1. Emperor
2. General
3. Chemberlain
4. Hunter
5. Heretic
6. Scientist
7. Everyone else
this is the only objective Skeksis ranking
What does Collector actually do other than be disgusting? Is his entire job to go out once every thrine and take all the tithes?
so these birds are basically jews right?
Those in SkekTek's lab were the last survivors and he didn't come up with the Garthim idea until E10. That single resulting Garthim is probably magically duplicated afterwards.
>3. Chemberlain
what the fuck did he mean by this
>Is his entire job to go out once every thrine and take all the tithes?
I'm guessing yes. I also think it's a "her".
They have no will to act, Jim Henson explained this himself back in the 80s. They exist in a hazy dream state most of the time. The drive, passion and will is with the Skeksis half. The Archer is unusual that he was more active, just like his Skeksis counterpart was unusually strong and forceful.
Not to mention, killing the Skeksis won't heal the Crystal or Thra. Restoring the Crystal and the UrSkeks is the only way.
They're in charge of the tithe collection and sorting yes. Some of the jobs are pretty trivial.
F :(
>triple bulge
>Watching the big battle in episode 10.
>One of the Skeksis actually shrieks, out loud "I WILL NOT BE BULLIED!!"
The collector talks to Brea about spending trines collecting plants and animals of Thra in pursuit of knowledge, which resulted in her face being infected with puss sores.
>1. Emperor
>2. General
user is obviously Emperor, yes? Shitposting against humble Chamberlain.
if you get spoiled you wil never, ever experience the series like we did, ilke is suppose to be seen. your expierence of the series will be broken, like the dark cristal.
They are also very excited about THE PEEPER BEETLEEE and how no one had seen it for a while. Probably the one who collected it in the first place.
>can't get enough of the puppet show sequence. How awesome was that?
Since bugpuppetbro appears to be absent, I'll do his job for him:
Here's a phenomenal bit from the same puppeteer responsible for The Heretic's puppet show.
>>still no Hup image of making a farty noise and his nose implodes
I knew I should've saved that from several threads ago.
Drain it !
Skekpepe and Urwojac
I was really hoping archer was going to plink his bro from several miles away but nope, we got base jumping with mid air sparkle power
What was his problem?
How can one puppet show be so fucking kino
"The darkening is a hoax made up by Gelfling terrorists. I've met with the #skeksis emperor, nice man. The fake dream media is saying a lot of not nice things about them, but Mr. Chamberlin is a long standing friend of mine, great business man."
It was magical.
Lunkhead sadist poorly masquerading as a pompous priest.
*does nothing*
Not getting any skex
Imagine the kind of person who can't even sit down to watch an entertaining puppet show without political thoughts constantly going through his mind.
or does he?
oh really, user?
>want to watch the show to participate in these threads because it reminds me of early /rmbk/
>puppets scare me
>compare the most based character to Trump
weird flex but okay
SkekOrnj the Fool
lmao fag
But in this case that's the point
How long before the dark crystal becomes mainstreamed and ruined
The series couldn't fully breach into mainstream even with all the hype, so it never will now.
The series is thankfully doing well on Netflix itself but the social media response has been tepid thanks to #SaveTheOA and #CancelNetflix faggots screeching over every Netflix social media post. So at least for right now, it's still our sekrit club until any e"celeb" of note bothers to review it on YouTube or something.
The OA is fucking cringe what the fuck
Seems impossible for people to not project some kind of real life 'bad' onto the skeksis. But they do and are all of the bad.
>Greedy, scheming, genocidal, racist, ritual-obsessed, fascist, bureaucratic Bosch painting demon bird lizards who destroy their environment/planet by draining the life out of 'lesser' beings.
Fuck you i liked it
Sounds like miserable people desu. When I see the skeksis, I just see skeksis.
Jason Isaacs jumped from cringe to based.
Eh, realistically they do, being background characters, but I fear the studio might just put keep them there for time/budget constraints. They did put a lot of effort into the background Skeksis in the first season though, so there's always hope.
Chamberlain a cute
just as cringe as muh skesis jews meme
fuck off with the politics
Sorry zoomers but Kira is still best girl
Still can't unsee Miss Piggy.
It's boring. The fight scenes are awkward and stupid. And they keep bobbing up and down when they walk.
it's just any sort of negative features as they're personifications of negative emotions
Jim Henson was not some political espouser he said the skesis were based on the ideology of Seth Materials and appearnce wise lewis carol drawings
anything on netflix is already mainstream
No. It's. Not. Retard.
Shitty pasta.
Not an argument.
>Jim Henson was not some political espouser
I wouldn't be so sure: ()
>Not an argument.
Neither are your shitty opinions.
Reminder that these two will never be unified.
>tfw there is blood in the show
when the al-maudra dies from the General there is a jelly like liquid beneth her
Nah I think they'll find a way to combine before everyone else
The wiki says they were based on tbe seven deadly sins. They're a personification of christian evil. Christianity is not a politically neutral religion.
>For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Although metaphors for antisemitism are funny to joke about, I think an obvious inspiration is the bible
Blood splatters on the Scientists furry creature when he beats the Gruenak.
Yes, they are.
My guess is they don't want to die. The Archer seemed to hesitate on the cliff.
Tell that to Twelve Forever.
The Chad and the virgin
headcanon stupidity
I just hope it doesn't get cancelled
literal non-issue you jew obsessed fags are grasping hard
He worked with tons of Jews everywhere as well
Not all too sure of that with this show. They need the crystal whole to combine.
>Yiddish-speaking trash heap named Marjory
no. Read up on the Seth Materials. Jim Henson was heavily inspired for it for the film and was very much into it.
and podlings speak polish. doesn't mean podlings are poles.
I know you guys are DESPERATE to pretend various people were as obsessed with jews as you are to feel less ostracized but get a grip.
Season 2 when?
Jim Henson basically surrounded himself with Jews.From Frank Oz to Gary Kurtz to Jerry Nelson and he was a close friend of Speilberg and Michael Eisner. The idea he secretly hated them all is pretty ridiculous.
wait they never got to the genocide part?
No but they got the Garthims
and the great conjunction, which split them in the first place
Shut up
last quarter of next year august-september-ish they said on the behind the scenes segment.
They can combine by having sex.
There's no bts, liar.
it plays right after the last episode of the series, they go over the making and animatronics you goob.
>They don’t make essence like they used to
I want mozarella sticks now.
Has the show been renewed yet?
no word yet as far as i know, i hope so.
not yet. And sadly I doubt it will be. Its too expensive and I don't think enough people are watching it
It’s been getting great reviews and Season 2 should be less expensive with the puppets being done, so there’s still a chance.
Hopefully. But Tuca and Bertie got great reviews and that was cancelled. Shame too, it was good
Does anyone know how much does this cost compared to your standard CGI? is it more expensive?
just finished. just wow
The Emperor (and uRSu) has seen the similar prophency as Aughra and knows his eventual fate. It's why he is set on using the darkening and dedset on reviving SkekMal.
considering they used molded plastic bags fished out of random garbage containers as hand puppets, probably a whole lot less
I care more about this neutral/good character than any of the gelfling posse and their friends.
imagine being a skesis trying to sleep after a day of your nose faling off and you gotta hear that racket all day
also the use 3d printing is cheaper and saved a whole lot of time probably ?
*takes deep breath*
Don't know about budget, must have been expensive with all the sets and advanced puppets, but the main reason puppetry was abandoned for CGI in Hollywood is it's just easier to make 3D animated characters move and emote believably. Puppets have their limits, the show uses CGI when characters or parts of them are moving in ways that couldn¨t be achieved with puppetry/massive budget. .
which was a mistake, the CGI parts look out of place and very awkward. At least puppetry has soul, real material just has something computers can't replicate (yet)
its because our brain revolts against CGI
puppets are at least something out of our world
I doubt you even noticed two thirds of the CG used. You see a CG monster or stunt and think that's all there is.
I didn't even know the show had any CGI until I watched the BTS.
Has anybody ever been so btfo?
>sell your people out to jew vultures
>"iv been a good goy, reward pls"
>"lol no"
>"can i I atleast have mercy for my loyalty?"
>"lol no"
>dragged off to be juiced
>still blindly loyal somehow
>entrust the keys to the planet to a nigger
>sells it for a VR headset
No, the skeksis tongues stand out the most. It's an eyesore.
Name a more satisfying scene
Finally finished this and "the making of". goddam i really hope we get a season two and soon! (although I dont want them to rush it).
cant decide who my favorite skeksis is, maybe skeksil because how cunning he is. But I also really love Mark Hamill as Skektek. What skeksis do you think we will see in the future if we get season 2?
>still blindly loyal somehow
she was still in huge denial over every recent happening being her fault.
Neither the skeks or gelfs can fight
>emperor can just go by himself and keep firing his staff instead of once and forgetting about it
>skeks lazily flailing around not actually doing anything
>gelfs out in the open, not taking advantage of numbers or the huge guerilla advantage aginst slow flailing large target opponets
tuca and bertie was trash that no one ever asked for. also the DC has huge nostalgia factor going for it and is the first to succeed in living up to its legacy so there is no stopping it now.
you forgot the part where the skeksis BTFOd the entire castle guard. You are right that they were lazy in that last battle but they were only interested in toying with a gelfing or two not actually having a full scale battle. Also seeing several comrades die so easily after thousands of years of being invincible was too much.
nah it was good
When the "merciful" demon bird mocked and proceeded to laugh at her as his posse gave her the cinderella treatment and then referred to her as an "it" and called for her to be drained, you'd think she'd at least waver.
Untill you notice the puppeteers arm as his neck. And they dont cover it up like the others for some reason
it's less mysterious because it treats the audience like podlings
>dresses up like her "lords of the crystal"
>>emperor can just go by himself and keep firing his staff instead of once and forgetting about it
That would cause him to die pretty fast. He's already rotting just from being around it. Look what reflecting it did to Deet.