He thinks he's real people

He thinks he's real people
doesn't he know he's a joke

Attached: dinklage19f-4-web.jpg (750x1068, 103K)

Other urls found in this thread:


why is his head so big omg

Being this dude's tailor must be fun as fuck

I can only imagine the pain of all the other midgets who are being compared to him by their normie friends all the time. They must all resent him.

dinklage is a legit talent though. now a certain other midge....

Attached: dinklage and davis.jpg (597x898, 70K)

Le actor me cock

His bit in avengers was very cringe bad acting

Attached: Avengers-Infinity-War-Peter-Dinklage-as-Eitri.jpg (1400x700, 77K)

I liked him in that

he's well aware

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He looks like an angry elf.

Chad Dwarf vs Virgin Midge

You keep your filthy whore mouth shut.

warwick needs my steel toe cap boots

lets rape your daughter warwick like you did

he's such a bad actor its unbelievable

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Like I said keep your filthy mouth shut. Willow can do whatever the fuck he wants.

Calm down Warwick
You owe Ricky for the Tenable gig btw

Imagine bringing monsters into this world willingly

Not quite as bad as the director's cameo

is this real?

Attached: dink davis.png (584x775, 409K)

I'm gonna rape your daughter Warwick and I'm gonna make her like it

man his a manlet even among manlets

get in the line she is being blacked

What was the cameo


man i can't deal with this image. i feel like i could actually just walk over warwick without noticing him. jesus. close the midge gates already

I watched that film that was his "breakthrough" (The Station Agent, iirc?) and remember being really impressed by his performance, and it was a decent little indie film. Pity Tyrion will probably overshadow his career for forever now

He's a dwarf, not a midget. There's a difference.

>Fucking Turning Point


Only to the freaks who care about it themselves

What does that even mean

join the winning team

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Lmao @ assuming I'm a liberal

He is based unlike nasty cringe midge warwick

he needs kicking to death

um sweaty

Attached: tpusa2.jpg (800x800, 66K)

yeah the station agent is great, I was glad he made it but disappointed in his acting

Based Dink is a Top skilled actor midge is dog shit

Dinklage is Based. The best actor to come out of game of thrones. I genuinely hope to see him in more roles that arent just hehe le funny tiny man.
The strongest part of GOT S8 was Peter Dinklage when he finds Jaimes body.

His avengers bit is so fascinating to me. how with all the PC bullshit now a days it seemed no one cared about making a midget a giant.

Dinklage admits the blackpill and the fact that he would be an incel if it wasn't because of fame/status.

This, fuck that movie, can't believe they didn't cast an actual giant. He got the role on his little person privilege.

If, being generous, half of the deaths under "communism" were as a result of disastrous agricultural or industrial economic plans (Stalins 5 Year Plans, Mao's Great Leap forward etc) then would it not logically be reasonable to ask how many people capitalism has killed?
Billionaire conservative politicians like The Koch brothers are actively trying to undermine what's left of American "democracy", doesn't this concern you? I assume Soros is one of your bete noires, right? At least be consistent.
Also I'm not a communist either. Nice try though.

Really? I liked his performance desu. Patricia Whatshername was really good in it too, I thought. It was just a really comfy indie film.

check out some facts libtard

Attached: tpusa liberalism.png (640x613, 144K)

Again, assuming I'm a liberal....Is this meme seriously calling Venezuelan socialism, North Korean communism and American Democratic Party-run cities "liberalism"?! Fucking lol this is even more of a joke as yourself, you clearly have no arguments just memes and insults. For a start, you're assuming that I'm a communist who supports liberalism (lolwhut?!) or a liberal who supports communism, when you're wrong on both those counts. So just fuck off and keep sucking Charlie Kirk's dick (nothing wrong with homosexuality, btw).
You know nothing about politics, I bet you get this shit of your Dad or elder brother's FB page, don't you?

No. They're all little people, what year/fantasy world are you living in?

explain this

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>you're in party with your girl then these gigachads approach you two and slap her ass
Wat do you do?

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Well, I'd need peer-supported studies and citations first, same with any massive claim like that. How would marking professors (who are independent from TEACHING the courses) discern which students are liberal and which are conservative? Explain that. I'm not gonna take anything Kirk says without a big pinch of salt. If you want to keep talking about this fine but stop posting memes and think for yourself.

tell that to charlie
he stares down antifa terrorists like you in the streets

Attached: charliekirk2.jpg (809x1270, 84K)

Lol, I'm sure he does! Donald Trump and Charlie Kirk, those noted masters of unarmed combat
Also sauce me please

someone post the script that one autist made


Attached: charlie kirk indian reservations.png (690x625, 207K)

Facebook meme?! Colour me surprised!
And I'm no expert but are Indian reservations run along socialist principles? ACTUAL socialism? Maybe look into the past genocide of native Americans for some reasons why Indian reservations are so (allegedly) fucked...but, no, of course, it's socialism....
Fucking hell a quick look at wikipedia disproves this, since when does "self-governance" equate to "socialism"? You are a deeply confused young man

I've spoken to a few tailors in my town recently, and trust me, if it wasn't for freaks and mutants those guys would all go out of business.

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Some clickhole shit right here

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He met his wife, before he got famous. So, how?


>legit talent
I'd love to know what you think his 'talented' performances are

Words are like bullets, OP.


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he can't act. and he's a disgusting midge but I guess he's slightly attractive? so that tricks your brain into thinking he has talent I guess. just like with roasties. you're a fucking retard.

Dinklage looks like he wants to kill himself there

That's how I live in America. Minus the free healthcare.


>Sick threads bro where'd you get them?

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Go ahead.. I will marry that the mong ..

Isn't this just admitting that Conservatives are stupider than Progressives?
I mean everyone already knows this but its still fun to see.

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Maario Naharis

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I rape his monster too niggers ..

an she went BLACKED .. FACT ..

>liberal IQ

I have that same electric stove

wow they are like those russian dolls that fit inside eachother

he's pretty much a super model by midget standards desu

I'd bet good money more women would be willing to have sex with him, than you.

this is so fucking sad

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Before game of thrones, he was famous before that.

He's a pretty good actor

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You are getting baited fucking retard. And yes we can theoretically look at how many ancap deaths there are, I think there's a few in Columbia. Not much of a contest though.

Shit I get charged like $15 per pants for a hem. I was charged like $40 per jacket to get those sleeves hemmed. Robbers

I always thought In Bruges was his best film until I found out that was a different midge.


i want to fucking _________ warwick davis

I didn't say anything about "ancap" deaths (anarchism and capitalism are completely fucking incompatible, if you know anything about either--like Rothbard appropriating the term "libertarian" in the fifties from French anarchists in the 19th century, when it was illegal to organise or even identify as the latter--hence the disambiguation "libertarian"--but the right have been appropriating leftist iconology, vexillology and terminology since year dot--Rothbard talks about this in his diaries, you can find the quote easily enough), I'm talking about CAPITALISM, period.

I will report you all for hate speech if you continue this awful narrative.

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>Married with kids
>rich as fuck

He's living a better life than you, incel.

I'm pretty new to Yea Forums, don't mind admitting that, but has it always been, like, /pol/s wannabe little brother? I mean I know Yea Forums is full of edge but there's been a marked difference in the Overton Window here since about 2013...I can't think why for the life of me though. I mostly go on Reddit now. Yup. REDDIT.


>Decades of American blockades leaving Cubans with cast off communist Era Russkie appliances
And they have some sweet ass cars welded together with fencing wire and batteries.

Do those people look unhappy? I don't fuck with authoritarian socialism in any way, shape or form but you hafta agree that America has a fuking HUGE propaganda machine rotating this shit against Cuba. Castro took a stand against American imperialism and I have to give him grudging respect for that...the rounding up and imprisonment of gay people, not so much

Would you prefer "Vice"? Fucking libtard. KYS

Also Buena Vista social Club is muso-kino

He has to hop up on a toilet to shit.

>people doesn't
Learn how to talk before you make fun of people

he has a normal sized wife and a normal sized daughter. he's just gotta get a normal sized son and he'll have conquered dwarfism for his future generations.

>Turning Point
Whats that?
I lile the fellas quote,but I think a college kid made it for some blog.

In the beginning of Endgame when he was taking about his gay date


Please go back there now redditor

Have this (you),I tried to post this 6 hours ago but I am a midge and had to rapell from my bed with the light cord,then fight off a cat wit a tooth pick.
Then my caretaker turned on the ceiling fan an I was pinned to the wall.
After I made a canoe out of a.peanut shell I was able to cross a puddle.
Pls stop goofing on us midges!
You dont want me up in your toenails!


S-sorry, I didn't mean no offense. Please don't beat me up

Amerishart conservative propoganda

That's a photo from Florida

Hahah all these right wingers calling me a "libtard" or "liberal" is highly amusing to me right now. It's like anyone with a modicum of intelligence would be able to work out my political orientation from simply reading my posts, you thick fucking shits. Or does "liberal" suddenly equal communist/socialist these days?! Lmao. technically I am neither. Which leaves...(no, I'm definitely not an "ancap", there, I just narrowed it down for you quick-thinking right wingers even more!)...?

straight facts

Attached: 34615638.png (500x585, 196K)

That's how I live in America, minus the free healthcare.

Get fucked boomers.

You're scarily close to the truth. Turning Point USA is a Koch Brothers-funded "think tank" headed by intellectually heavyweight Charlie Kirk, who is really confused about most of his political positions. And, of course, comes from a moneyed family himself.
Obligatory "LIBTARD!" (you) because I'm larping as said Amerishart propagandist in this post. The launch of Turning Point UK went really well, too /s

get fucked libtard. facts dont care about your feelings. Go suck your tranny boyfriend's penis

Straight cherry-picked memes
Lmao actually the top photo looks like a pic of Jakarta?!?! Hahahah what a joke TPUSA are

haha omg his face is so small

You a centrist faggot?

Hahah why do you keep assuming I'm a fucking liberal?!
No, centrists are worse than liberals

I didnt say you were a liberal, you're a libtard. Important distinction. You also clearly have autism


Each house this guy owns has a 70 inch plasma screen and you are on your laptop with your shitty torrents.

So, what's the difference, then? I really feel like I'm debating with the millenial William F. Buckley here, you're truly the intellectual heavyweight of your time. Also, a word in your ear--America and every other Western democracy were founded on "classically liberal" principles. Also where are these "clear signs" of autism, Doctor? Please explain

if a man wants to fuck his daughter what's he gonna do, 40 yo wants her, does he buy some bulldogs so people won't have his daughter because i'd kick his head and sent him to the moon . this dwarf can't defend his daughter. we don't even know that's his child because she's regular size

You people say that because Peter has a beard.

this is the worst thing they've ever posted, by far

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I absolutely refuse to believe this is real, fellow "libtard"

>t. guy who sits at his computer all alone in his room all day

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Well I never that SOB!

That's actually preddy funny

Is he an awful actor or just bad at accents?

That would be method acting to rival the likes of DDL.

this little guy is fuckin beautiful and generally killing it at life and i didnt even watch got, stop being a lil hatin ass bitch, get a life

Dinklage does the acting equivalent of going
/s on a reddit post for the "Joffrey is king!" line. I've never understood why people praise him in that show because he's fucking awful and putting him in a scene next to Tywin makes it as obvious as possible.

Perhaps because "all the PC bullshit" actually has a logical basis to it and you're either actively being lied to about it or are refusing to seek answers to the WHY people do the PC bullshit at all.

Like 40% of America gets paid minimum wage and a good chunk of that are homeless lol. Many Americans live worse than pic related. Also sanctions and the Cubans have world class affordable healthcare. Mutts should rope.

>actually has a logical basis to it
yes cutting off your dick is clearly logical