>villain is evil because..... he's evil
Villain is evil because..... he's evil
Other urls found in this thread:
>dude killing and enslaving people isn’t evil!
>dude jews are evil because they want to kill and enslave us
Begbie Hitler > Steiner Hitler
>straw man
I bet I know what repetition you follow
These raid threads are getting worse and worse
>Get elected to do ONE fucking job
>Can't even do that one fucking job correctly
>There are Holocaust "survivors"
If you gave me ten million people already in captivity and told me to kill them all I'd just put antifreeze in the soup for two days. Mission fucking successful. Hitler apparently said "wait instead of just doing what the Russians did and starving them all to death or doing what we do every other time and just machinegunning them 20,000 at a time, let's execute them in the most inefficient way possible over the course of YEARS so that when we lose the war there are still millions of them left to testify against us."
One job, Adolf. One fucking job. It's almost like you weren't even trying.
Despite what Ghandi had to say, eye for an eye is justified. Simply taking abuse will only make you weaker and the enemy stronger.
From each side's perspective, their actions are justified. Nazis are only wrong because they lost, and by their own morality might makes right.
Reminder that what Hitler did to the Jews is hardly any worse than what Americans did to the indigenous peoples. The only difference is that America won their land-grabbing wars.
>It's almost like you weren't even trying.
I think you need to delete this
There are evils and there are necessary evils, tripfag. Any rational human being alive to see the state of Berlin at the height of the Jewish degeneracy would have condoned far worse than what Hitler did.
>There are evils and there are necessary evils, tripfag. Any rational human being alive to see the state of Berlin at the height of the Jewish degeneracy would have condoned far worse than what Hitler did
But it’s just as funny
All I need is twenty good men.
>I want to win the game
>"WElL YouRE a HypOCRite BEcauSE ThAT maN oVEr therE dOESnt WaNT to lOsE eITher AnD You WAnt to BeaT HIm"
stop doing that shitty reddit meme
you showed him
>he thinks Germans won
if this dumbass didn't attack russia he would have won
movies where the bad guy is a dumbass
Everyone on this board knows you're a nigger.
>being an ironic naziboo on the 4chins
nigger it's not 2008 anymore
Why is it always Americans who fall for the NEETSoc meme?
i think you need to kys
>Nazis are only wrong because they lost, and by their own morality might makes right.
Nazi ideology was not "might makes right", it was simply that germany belongs to germans, and german government should be for the sake of germans rather than international interests
"we're going to kill everyone and take over the world because we're white and superior" is the hollywood variation of nazi ideology
Americans make up over 90% of this website
Hitler ended up killing more white people and helping more Jews than he could have imagined. He ruined the concept of nationalism forever.
>germany belongs to germans, and german government should be for the sake of germans rather than international interests
How in Earth is this a stawman? Why are you just regurgitating meme words?
Just started watching this, man the actor that plays Hitler is great
What's your point? Give up and never try because you might fail?
What do you think Lebensraum was?
The world wars weren't sparked by Jewish-Bolshevism, Jewish Bolshevism took over in 1917 and was the tool used to remove Christianity and the monarchy from Russia. WW1 was already happening before the Bolsheviks took over. The Bolsheviks were already wiped out before WW2 started, Stalin had them all killed. It was now Stalin's version of Communism that was the enemy.
Hitler blames his own Emperor for WW1, NOT the Bolsheviks. Hitler said his Emperor had no business governing and ruling over Slavic people, only Germans should rule over Germans.
When the Archduke of Austro-Hungary and his wife were murdered, what did Tsar Nicholas II do? He mobilized his entire army and prepared for war, even though his Christian neighbour's heir and wife were murdered. As much as I defend the Romanovs (because they were murdered), understand that Tsar Nicholas II NEVER should have sided with England and the Jews and attacked his Christian neighbours because England promised him Constantinople.
If the Tsar did the Christian thing, then he never would have been killed and the war never would have happened. Russia had no business declaring war on Germany and Austro-Hungary, the Tsar shot himself in the foot. Nobody listened to Otto von Bismarck and we paid for it dearly.
No. It's that Hitler was a massive fuck up and he gave Jews a permanent boogeyman to compare everyone they don't like to.
>Hitler said his Emperor had no business governing and ruling over Slavic people,
you got btfo.
trying to win isn't hypocritical, youre just mad you lost
>germans lost
remains to be seen
What's your argument? You have to admit Hitler's actions made no sense even for a genocidal maniac.
>Tsar Nicholas II NEVER should have sided with England and the Jews
What the fuck are you talking about? Imperial Russia was highly highly anti-Semitic.
Hitlers inner circle i think its called on netflix was pretty good
legitimate german clay
>Want to kill all Jews
>Lead to the creation of a Jewish state and Jews becoming untouchable
>remains to be seen
Hahahahaha trust the plan fellow culture warrior
It's a strawman because nobody ever says that killing and enslaving people is OK in general, not to mention that one of your two evils is in direct response to the other which makes it a false equivalency
You don't know what that word means
also had a jewish bodyguard and had jewish generals and lieutenants .... huh its almost as if he didnt hate jews but what was being done by jews in the name of communism...
Isnt that the guy who invented Yahtzee?
>Germany is for Germans
>Except those Slavic lands in the East which are also Germans
kek nice logic there bud
>The Bolsheviks were already wiped out before WW2 started, Stalin had them all killed.
Stalin was a Bolshevik you idiot.
>huh its almost as if he didnt hate jews
I take it you never read Mein Kampf
Christianity is a Jewish tool they used to let themselves inside the white societies and take over moneylending, which is always very profitable, and gives the lenders a lot of power over people. Once the takeover was finished (post-ww2), it was cast aside.
Ahem jews tried to pull a communist revolution in Germany they deserved what they got after the bloodbath the Soviert Union caused.
if thats true why did judaism need to be invented AFTER christianity?
>homophobic character is gay themselves
No pol they didn't
Sorry sweaty but if that was true then I would have learned about it in school...
Lack of education.
i'm sorry i don't care about your conspiracy theories
>bad guy is Hitler
>bad guy jr is Himmler
No pol it's not
>can't recognize obvious propaganda
Yes kike they did, go fuck yourself you uh uh he was rejected by art school by jews thats why he hated them. Fucking evil jew piece of shit. The intentional mass starvations you employed on Germans just to make them submit to communism is the same shit you did to russians to make them follow your Bolshevik demons
Why did Jewish peasants in Eastern Europe deserve to die then? Why did Hitler ransom off a Rothschild and persecute peasants instead?
judiams wasnt invented until after jurselam was leveled to the ground by Titus in 70 AD. if christianity is a scam by jews, why did they invent a whole new religion under the talmud? learn your history, retard
>poster who posts the exact same easily debunked images in every thread, is, in fact, gay (as expected)
Have you heard he also had 3 testicles, fucked trannies, was addicted to drugs, secretly fought crime in berlin during night time, etc. etc?
You are a goddam idiot
>lack of education
Ah yes goy we jews dindu nuffin, an ancient genocide in Persia? Thats an antisemetic myth!
Oh fuck off all of you people are pure evil and need to die. Appeal to empathy is how you keep fucking us over, had we just genocided your kind centuries ago our countries would be so much better right now.
>just believe what WE WROTE GOY!
evil will lose eventually.
No Chang people pointing out you're stupid aren't jewish
You arent even white let alone german
>it’s propaganda because I said so
>go fuck yourself you uh uh he was rejected by art school by jews thats why he hated them
He got rejected because his art was not at the level of the art school he applied to retard. He essentially applied to the Harvard of art schools when his work was mid level at best.
No Chang jews didn't write all of history
>put an argument that was never mentioned nor even brought into question
>then tackle that argument to appear as if you made a good point
>just believe me already you stupid gentile!
Oh yes lets believe the people who use a fucking fairy tale book to justify the exception of a terrorist state Israel. Yh thats absolutely sane behavior indeed.a The OT is nothing but jew lies the kingdom of Israel never existed jews are nothing but subhuman parasites.
Americans were reluctant participants in the European theater of ww2. We can stand back and look at the big picture more than Euros can and realize its not as black and white as the jews make it out to be.
Bongs on the other hand were fighting solely for "muh empire", Germans are drilled into self guilt from day one, and slav(e)s want to cover up the rape and terrorism they inflicted on German diaspora before, during, and after the war.
he wasn't good at drawing the human form. only good at buildings.
I see you are stupid
>jews didnt edit history
>almost no one in the US knows the entire nigger slave trade was controlled by JEWS.
>no one in the US knows the civil war was caused by GREEDY JEWS IN THE SOUTH
2 cheeseburgers have been deposited into your account
Good good show us that true evil nonhuman kike behavior you hide from us.
Get a load of this mad tranny lmao
Yes Chang you are stupid. Stupid enough to think no one knows you're posting both the pro and anti hitler sides in these threads.
>Americans were reluctant participants in the European theater of ww2
Axis forced America's hand through Pearl Harbor and German declaration of war on America
>slav(e)s want to cover up the rape and terrorism they inflicted on German diaspora before, during, and after the war.
What Germany inflicted on the Soviets was far far worse you can see it in the casualty numbers.
It sounds to me like you're trying to build a utopia here on earth where problems don't exist. Do you think that if you removed everyone with Jewish blood then you won't have any problems? "Jewish Identity" is the problem? Like "Christian Identity"?
"a Jew is a Jew"... what makes a Jew a Jew? Define that word please. A Jew is a Jew if his mother is? or a Jew is a Jew because the rabbi says he is? or a Jew is a Jew because he adheres to the religion of Judaism? or a Jew is a Jew because he's a Freemason? or a Jew is a Jew because he's a globalist? or a Jew is a Jew because he's a Communist? or a Jew is a Jew because he's a pedophile? Define the word.
Even if you remove all the Jews from your country, it is only a matter of time before you all start taking advantage of each other. Human nature is human nature. Even when the Russians removed all the Jews they just started abusing each other (in the name of Christ), then God sent the Jews in to do that same thing.
I listen to you guys talk as if having Jewish blood is what makes you evil and if you remove Jewish blood then everything will be okay... so, now you are the new Jew, since this is what the Jews say about you. You are no different than the people you claim to hate. When I look at all the "goys" who willingly line up for power, and willingly sign up to betray their own people, I wonder who is worse?
You don't have a Jewish problem as much as you have a morality problem. These psychopaths wouldn't have any power over anyone if people had solid Christian morals. They would flee from you! I love how everything is the Jews fault and no one else's. The Jews might whisper something in your ear, but you don't have to listen to them. Judge yourselves and your own people, then go judge the Jews.
Trannies are your doing you zionist scum.
Oh look shaming tactics more typical ziodevil behavior.
Wrong as usual leftypol
Movies about obsession?
>getting this butthurt over someone mocking burgerstinians
Ask me how I know you’re a sand nigger
And the bot exposes itself
>These psychopaths wouldn't have any power over anyone if people had solid Christian morals.
Christians are why jews got to where they are, for some stupid reason they thought letting these evil beings control usury in Catholic kingdoms was a good idea. It was what eventually lead to the zionist cabal started by that piece of shit bloodline Rothschild to pull the entire world into turmoil.
Seems to me nazis invented trannies
Why is pic related so buttblasted about Jews all the time
you're fucking dumb
why is there so much propoganda against adolf hitler?
>trannies are nazis
So when are you leftists going to start chasing them out of society? Please hurry.
Pay close attention my fellow humans
>when someone disagrees with a white person regarding white atrocitiies
>hmm well ok
>when someone disagrees with a jew on anything
These things are not human they are evil monsters who want to destroy the entire human race. Dont mind if you are Asian or middle eastern they will eventually try to flood even you with Sub Saharan savages to dumb down your DNA forever.
because he didn’t win
Go back to your own country plz ahmed
post height and jaw
No Chang we know you're posting both sides of this thread.
Where are the blacks?
Oh just because I have empathy for Palestine means Im a muslim please, these people are ruining Europe due to immigration policies caused by you evil creatures.
>maybe it's because the holohoax wasn't real
Someone’s mad they lost an argument huh
Also kek@how obvious it is that you’re not even white
Seethe more ziodevil, your sperging over someone not agreeing with you like a puppet is showing everyone the truth about your kind.
Jews do not thrive on good honest people, they thrive on degenerated people, which is why they push it. Jews understand how "SIN" works, they understand the laws of God and nature. They understand how to play basic human urges and necessities against people.
These evil Jews flee from good honest moral people, they can't corrupt them and fear being exposed by them. They are the kind of people who will recruit non-Jews and place them in your churches and governments to destroy from within, but, they couldn't do it without non-Jews helping them.
Yeah, there is no denying that at the end of the line there is some Jew at the top calling the shots. They would lose all their power if they didn't have their Shabbos Goys betraying their own people.
Lmao fuck off nigger nobody cares about your stupid shitskins
why is there a muslim chimping out ITT
What do you think is more likely? That the Allies forged thousands of documents, planted death camps, deported millions of people supposedly killed by the Nazis, and forced thousands of witness testimonies all in the chaos of post WW2 Europe in collaboration with the Soviets in an effort to make the Germans look bad? Or an anti semetic regime escalated into full scale genocide?
You are shitskins already you fucking desert monkey, just because you racemixed with east euros doesnt make you any less of levantine desert semetic shit. Besides your narrative is we whites are ebil racist who deserve to die yet the only evil racist as you fuckers based on what you do to Palestinians and Lebanese people too, and how could forget Syria. Boy you treat your neighbors this shitty I wonder how you treat people far away from you like us white people.
if you had sex you'd be less angsty about jews. just sayin
It's an asian retard that does this every few days until he gets range banned. Trying to stir up violence in the first world.
>getting butthurt over mocking muslims
jesus christ ahmed be less obvious next time
Considering all available evidence shows the holocaust didn't happen, I'd go with your first option.
>being so assblasted at anons not agreeing with his tribe he actually took the time to see patterns
Just yikes you things are absolutely fucking crazy. Its like you expect us to bow down to you or something.
Nice racism kike.
awful taqiya ahmed. I can't wait for your precious palis to get bulldozed, then maybe you'll kill yourself
>How in Earth
Things people believe about Hitler
>One ball
>Scat fetish
>Had gay experiences
>Fled to Argentina
>Was a methhead
>Fucked his cousin
Things people don't believe about Hitler
>Killed 6 million Jews
>Considering all available evidence shows the holocaust didn't happen
What do you think the Einsatzgruppen were?
No pol it's literally the opposite.
You don't fool anyone.
Keep the racism up desert savage, you are showing every white in this thread how evil you bastards really are.
>by allah it's another nakba! muh palestine! somebody call the UN!!!!
maybe stop losing wars if you don't want to get btfo mahmoud. Or take the waterworks to a lefty board that gives a shit about you subhumans
No Chang you aren't agitating people.
What do you think is more likely? That the Nazis built schools, swimming pools, volleyball courts, and movie theaters into their death camps just in case they lost and needed to pretend they were innocent, put wooden doors on gas chambers, somehow removed zyklon-b residue from gas chamber walls, defied physics to burn bodies at an impossible rate, and slaughtered a slave labor force during a multi-front world war? Or that the allies came up with a story afterwards to justify their narrative of being heroes?
sounds accurate to me. He was mostly a harmless tranny/incel desu
Its illegal to question the holocaust yet it happened.
Im a white man you fucking kike.
Oh I didnt even notice you werent racist to Orientals.
>it's literally the opposite
It really isn't.
There weren't enough facilities to gas 6 million jews in the years during WW2.
>wooden doors on gas chambers
Yeah its certainly real...
>drops white phosphorous on children
>A council of centralized Jewish leadership that has no documentation or evidence to ever existing decides to fake "the holocaust" as part of a plot to take over the world and enslave the Master Race
>Plant the seeds for decades (centuries?) in advance long before WW1 even happened (/pol/ often uses the old "six million" references as evidence of a conspiracy)
>None of this is ever discovered or found out
>Somehow orchestrate in the middle of WW2 the mass disappearance of 11 million people including 6 million jews and 5 million non-jews
>covertly relocate these people secretly to ??? (Israel I guess?)
>build all these complex facilities and phony camps that were actually resorts with theaters and swimming pools and etc
>falsify thousands of documents, photographs, etc
>create thousands of fake mass graves and fill them with fake bodies in the middle of nazi-controlled territory
>pay off millions of witnesses of dozens of nationalities, none of whom EVER break the silence that they were in fact in on a gargantuan conspiracy
>Pay off every single historian to have existed at the time or has existed since, they're all in on it too and none of them ever blab
>All the nazi's are in on it too as not one of them denied the holocaust took place at their trials, just their individual responsibility.
>The leaders of every country in the world is in on that, including both sides of the Cold War
>Jews coordinate all this despite no real method of communication at the time. Moreover not a single document exists of them communicating so it was all psychic I guess
>No paper trail of this MASSIVE unprecedented operation that has spanned now many years exists.
>Somehow THIS is more believable than the nazi's killing the people they said they always wanted to kill
Well that makes sense to me!
Yes pol they were trying to appease groups like the red cross to avoid immediately being vilified. No pol they didn't defy physics. No pol you aren't rewriting history.
>sterlizes black people
you're not even white so fuck off rashid
The fact you wont shut up about the Holomeme means there is more to it than meets the eye.
You are not white jew.
awful taqiya your perpetual butthurt over arabs being btfo exposes you overtly
Muzzies aren’t human so there’s your first problem
>has threatened to drop nuclear warheads on every european capital
You trannies were the first to mention it iTT
No Chang you aren't white. No it's not illegal to question the hocaust in most of the world
No Chang not everyone was killed via gas chamber. No Chang they had metal doors, cherry picking retrofittings doesn't change the well documented existence of gas chambers.
the fact you incels won’t shut up about Hitler diggers there’s more than meets the eye tho
Hitler was probably gay. Aspies are generally gay anyway.
where did Israel threaten to do this
Nobody cares ahmed stop losing wars
>That the Nazis built schools, swimming pools, volleyball courts, and movie theaters into their death camps
Only Auschwitz II-Birkenau was a death camp Auschwitz itself was a huge facility consisting of over 40 camps that housed political prisoners, POWs, and laborers among others. I don't get how you want to try debunking shit like the Holocaust when you can't even get basic facts right.
>put wooden doors on gas chambers
The wooden doors in Krema I, the only extant crematorium today, are not original. Krema I was decommisioned converted to an air raid shelter when Kremas II, III, IV, and V were built in Birkenau.
>removed zyklon-b residue from gas chamber walls
Which one do you think had that done?
>defied physics to burn bodies at an impossible rate
How do you figure?
>slaughtered a slave labor force during a multi-front world war
Look at the POW death rate for the Soviets in German hands it's really not that hard to believe that Germans were brutal.
>Or that the allies came up with a story afterwards
For that to be true everything I listed here has to be as well and god damn pal that's some impressive coordination on their part just to make the Germans look bad.
>narrative of being heroes
After the Germans conduct on the Eastern Front they didn't have to make anything up.
delete this right now you homophobe
*Goyim aren't human
You aint fooling no one kike you people treat SEA workers in Israel like human shit, it doenst matter what a nonjew is them simply being a nonjew makes you treat them like shit. These Arabs could be christian and you would still treat them like trash.
Oh you stupid fucking jews I bring up Palestine because its the one place you dont censor your behavior oh no your absolute evil desert savage behavior is on full display in Palestine. Treating an entire human people like your punching bags just disgusting but expected of jews. Of course you one day plan to do this every gentile in the middle east and even the people of Iran. You are pure sludge.
That's correct
>gas 6 million jews
Except they didn't gas 6 million Jews and no historian claims as such. Jesus Christ why can't you even get basic facts right?
You aren't agitating people to violence Chang.
They can't show the reasons why he's evil because then the goyim watching might get to thinking about how those reasons apply to their own situation...
Keep calling me names thats just typical kike behavior. Its no wonder Adolf had to fuck you up you things cant be reasoned with.
why were the nazis so gay? I never learned about this from pol but am redpilled now
You have no self awareness Chang
It's simple. They don't care. It's literally has nothing, zero to do with history. So it's understandable they know nothing about. Ask them about T4 or AB Aktion and they won't even know how to respond.
>clickbait headlines
Fuck you evil kikes
doesn't mention nuking european capitals in that article.