Damn why are americans so obsessed with height

Damn why are americans so obsessed with height

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If you are a manlet, whole world hates you. Especially women.

>who's short now, big man? huh? huh?

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no, no one in canada seems to care. it matters a lot more in america and asian communities for some reason

god i love tall women

The Cruise can easily make up for it with how absolutely based he is

nope. Specially america

>no, no one in canada seems to care
Because there's nothing but manlets from India and China in your country now.

Americans are obsessed with numbers

Height, age, money etc

t.insecure lanket


>same height as him
>wears giant heels and kneels down to embarrass him in front of cameras
f*moids really are all sick psychopaths, aren’t they?

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>Especially women.
>caring about the opinions of women

this isnt true. maybe here in the US, but ive been to europe and seen guys with obviously taller women, several times actually. I hardly ever see that here.

it's mostly an american thing. in my country I've never heard a woman saying shit like "I won't date you if your height start with 5".
unless you are REALLY short, height is rarely an issue.
in my life I've seen way more hot girls dating attractive shorter guys than ugly tall dudes.

That's clearly a Ben Stiller doll


American men have been culturally emasculated so they cling to height and beards as the last vestiges of acceptable masculinity
that's why nu males have beards

Why the fuck is it ok to make fun of shorter people? You can do nothing about it.

as a short guy myself. it can't be helped. it not being politically correct isn't gonna change what gets soaks panties.

Didn’t Canada just beat the US in basketball? A sport that requires tall people?

As a lanklet I make sure to never make fun of or allude to shortfriends height. I even adopt shortening poses when taking pictures.

he could literally be 10 inches tall it wouldnt make him less of a God

Height is definitely a plus in most of the world, but Americans (who are ugly not just physically, but in spirit as well) absolutely worship that shit to insane, cringey levels. No wonder the world hates you fat fucks so much.

I'm getting anxious just seeing this.

He is literally Too based!!! He is so based that just standing next to him makes the average bloke a shade taller and a bit more manlier.

you have two options to change that:
>manlet surgery
>moving to an asian country where everyone is a manlet

Tom Cruise is honorary 6'2

We make fun of niggers too.

Is Canada outputting more niggers now?

>Didn’t Canada just beat the US in basketball?
It's okay by me. Toronto won the NBA championship. The game was invented by a Canadian too.

I didn't even know about height surgery, have I've been learning kanji for nothing?

>tfw 5'8 and have had sex



>it wasn't photoshop
oh shit


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You simply can NOT bruise the Cruise

5"8 is quite tall for a woman


>he isnt white
Sucks to be you.

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Does your ass still hurt?

I've been to China and as a 5'6, I was a manlet even there.

>Americans are obsessed with numbers
>Height, age, money etc

based Cruise


god damn i want jennifer to be my mommy

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Pro basketball imports the tallest freaks from around the world regardless of nationality. Olympic basketball is usually a better assessment.

the entirety of the toronto raptors are nignogs from america my GTA inhabiting friend

Guatemala and Mongolia are your best bets.

because in europe we are generally taller and not manlet mutts like our dear cousins across the pond


Cringe, doing all your own stunts just to compensate the lack of height

That's Heidi Klum in the OP, moron.

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everyone knows ben stiller is short.

Howard Stern's like 6'6", Stiller might be a little on the short side but the contrast isn't as striking when he's next to someone average.

how big was he


it's a very painful procedure
they basically cut the bones of your leg and slowly separates the two sections over time with an external device. Your body will fill the void in between with new cells, lenghtening your legs

all white women look the same

This. Besides, he doesn't mind about his height at all.

He's really self-conscious about his giant dumbo ears though.

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Honestly, i like Ben Stiller way more than Heidi despite me being German. Atleast he's funny and likeable.

>that moment when you realize you can't lift yourself back

Yeah, he's the worst sort of overcompensating manlet. Pointlessly wastes shooting days doing his own stunts.

They've been hiding the gnomish race from us this whole time! End on-screen size normalization! Gnomes are real! Give Timmy Cruise movie where he actually plays a lil short guy!


To fucking blind idiots like you, sure.

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Not in my country.
Thank God i live in a fairly normal place where people dont obsess over

Happy 9/11 i guess.

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You live in a 3rd world shithole, of course people don't care about aiming for the highest standards possible. Get fucking colonized again, manlet freak.

My company gets fined out the ass and I can be fired if I'm caught above 2 meters without some gimp safety harness, why does midget get away with doing this?

Imagine hoverhanding so hard your hand gets 2 dimensional and melded into a poster.

Also your place isn't normal. When the Gigachad Americans colonize you you're going to be replaced, and that's a good thing.

he just said he doesnt live in America

>whole world hates you
>uuuuh I mean just part of the world
okay snowflake

He's too chad. Also he probably pays out the ass for some special insurance and signs lots of waivers.

Their society is broken so they cast around for anything hey can find to excuse the horrible experience they have day to day, blame height, blame immigrants, blame Jews, whatever, anything but blaming the voluntary behavior that results in your trash social experience that leaves you feeling rejected and empty inside, because if it's the voluntary stuff that means it's your fault

Huh? Last I checked America wasn't a third world country. In fact, the entire world depends on us.

Well, for one, he has enough Hollywood clout to do whatever the fuck he wants. He's also the producer on all of his movies, so he's his own boss.

They also probably film all of those risky scenes last, so if he dies, the studio can still sell the movie, replacing him with a stunt double and earning all of the money because they can brand it as TOM CRUISE DIED MAKING THIS MOVIE.

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Not untill they are 30+ years old, degenerate into a post-wall monstrosity, and begin to hide their real face under thicker and thicker layer of make-up.

what country are you in that uses the imperial system?

Everyone wishes they were American in the end. Loving this cope.
Gaining height, losing weight, having sex, this is what manlets unironically need to start doing or they should never fucking leave their houses. It's embarrassing for the rest of us.

I think it's because Americans in general are just tiny so the tall ones are far more desirable, thus creating more envy.

The average height of a white American male is 6'2" ever wonder where the manlet rage comes from? It's not whites.

Nah, they want to be Italian, British or German-American.

But dont fat shame, please

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>see OP
>google "how tall is ben stiller"
>hes as tall as me

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I'm full blooded Aryan, oh well, more cope for the untermenschen balding manlet freaks.


>bet you believe in xenu now user, huh

Don't worry, bro. You can sit on my shoulders.

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B A S E D Gigachad

>Claims to be german.
>Picks the jew over your own country.

Nice try schlomo.

I'm a German too, lad. You speak German?

>Balding quickly

Is it all over for me bros?

And Heidi Klum is 46 and Jennifer Aniston is 50, so...

Unironically kill yourself.

The standard deviation is larger probably. Thus the rage.

I will but not because you told me to

Fuck m8, if you haven't lost it yet then you're doomed.

I might be a nazi, but I prefer a jew over a coalburner any fucking day of the week muh dood. Not to mention, most of the jews with a German name are honorary krauts anyways.

You're a disgrace to Germany

kill yourself balding manlet freak
Easy for me to weed out the manlet freaks then as a 6'4" Aryan Gigachad

>manlet people
>based and redpilled thotties in my BLACKED RAW or Dogfart pornos

Why do shitskins and europoors always refer to their country as just “in my country”?
Is it such an incredible level of shame or are they embarrassed they can’t say they’re American?

>You're a disgrace
You sound like my mother.

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Pull a joker and start ventilating chads.

Pathetic hover hand

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We make them seethe regularly and our inner Chadliness is a sign of it. We are literally every Chad while Yuroshits and Spics are unironically virgins or balding manlets.

I loved Legoland when I was younger

that's not his hand you fucking idiot, it's part of the picture behind

Hollywood actors lie about their height the same way actresses lie about their age.

They quickly forget how there’s a 99% chance we have a military base inside of their countries.

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>Why yes, i don't bully people because of their height

And all they can just do is cope and seethe like the cucks they are.

Atleast he doesnt wear those midget shoes like Robert Downey or De Niro.

Being tall doesnt suit him. would make him less based

forgot to post pic-related

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>the entire world depends on us
Yeah to get the daily dose of fucking judaism, feminism and degeneracy - your main exports. Kill yourself.

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Kinda ironic that Heidi's grandpa could have guarded Ben's family.


>these actors
All Ben Stiller lol


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Projection of yourself much, spiclet?


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Girls care

We stand on the shoulders of giants here in America. From the Wild West to Art Deco to Punk Rock we have greatness to learn from in all sizes and packages. Our history is filled with invention and heros, so I will not let you demean any men on the basis of their height. Here in America it truely doesn’t matter as long as you are proud to be apart of our society.


It's not 1965 anymore bro. It's 2019. Height and looks are all that matters.

Don't worry, bro. We all make mistakes.

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absolute madman

I always wanted to visit America. Not the big cities, but rather rural midwest and bumfuck Texas.

/fa/chad here. This is absolutely true. LOL @ the cope replies to this

Ok then, go look up the heights of all the most influential artists, musicians, actors and other American cultural exports. We even churn out the most freakish if sized athletes for the sole purpose of entertaining ourselves.

There's nothing to fucking do bro. All the Chads live in based California or New York anyways.

Keep telling yourself this, boomer. If you're not famous, height and looks are all that matters.

Isnt /fa/ just a bunch of anons trying to cope with the lack of looks, body, charisma by buying clothes?

/fa/ is one of the Chadliest boards not named Yea Forums or /fit/ bro

But I want to see the real America.

Shorter men get out down by society but that is a double bladed lightsaber. Great art requires pain. Acceptance breeds complacency.

lmao no you fucking don't bro. Who the fuck cares bro?

>implying Chads care about the height of other men
Couldn't be further from the truth.

>this can't be re-

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It's true. Manlets need to kts, when they come to my gym it's fucking repulsing to see.

You ever wonder if Joes' wife gets upset by his homoerotic antics around larger men?

Nobody becomes famous on the virtue of nothing. You think those tall male models have any real power or influence? They’re glorified fetish objects controlled by the turbo manlet elite gays.

I wana see the nature, the food and the girls. Not that the USA would ever let me in, but the thought of visiting the States is bretty nice.

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Sounds like you're just insecure.

H-how does he get down?

They dont. Thats my point.

I need go to sleep.

If you’re manlet, please just go gay and let me top you. I’m also a manlet, will probably neck by 35. No one wants a 50yo midget

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Fuck yeah man I want to see Denver and Boise and places like that. Flyover places. FUCK new york and FUCK cali and texas

Small guys are hot
t. faggot
Though, you must be vers

> Now go home and get your fuckin' shinebox. Then come back and shine my fuckin jolly green giant platform shoes.

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Goodnight, user.

Insecurity kek

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In the interest of visiting st some point, what are the best cities? I was under the impression NY was the best of the bigger cities to visit

Based Stacie dabbing on the ugly minority protesters

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You’re on a film board. You should understand that this is done to frame shots correctly.

punk rock is a garbage genre generally

To be fair the bitch is wearing like 6 inch heels

The amount of propecia these 70+s are taking kek

I'm not going to sleep just yet. I should but I'd rather not. I'm just going to stop posting so I don't make a fool of myself again.

Imagine not living in a top 5 country

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I only just realised Ben Stiller and Steve Carrell are two different people

I could do that too easily if I were rich

>be 6'4"
>can't travel comfortably, no leg room on planes or buses
>feet dangle off end of most beds
>bump my head all the time
>have to slouch over the steering wheel when i drive
>average sized dick that looks too small on me proportionally
I'd give up a couple of inches if I could do so painlessly

Thanks god Denmark is not a real country.

Go to /HRTgen/ and ask questions, I’m bored, uwu

Based Alfredo Pacino.

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This. They always have to measure everthing in numbers

What the fuck is that?

Or could hire someone other than a manlette for a role that requires an actor to be physically imposing.

Tranny board on LGBT. I want your manlet peen and boihole

Doesn’t matter. We have blueprints and role models for every kind of man here. There is roadmap to success for all men in America if they are intelligent enough to connect the dots.

>5 comments, 7 shares
I'm not sure you understand what 'obsessed' means.

I drunkpost everyday. Who gives a shit if your posts are incoherent babbling?
Its not like anyone remembers tomorrow.

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Fucking this. He has the perfect proportions for his height to turn him into an uberChad.

This is true

What? Americans are fucking large

Sex is icky and gross.
I'd rather not make a habit out of making stupid posts.

Asexual? Owo

Too late. You've been making shitty posts already. Might aswell embrace the shitposting cult lol^^

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Shut up manlet apologist

>full blooded Aryan
unless you're iranian youre really not, stupid mutt

I kind of miss gays on this board. Back then you always cheered me uo not to mention you were here before me.

Autistic, intimacy is weird and alien to me.
Being stupid isn't as enjoyable as shitposting.

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Stop being sober

Tinder basically made height a mandatory trait of attraction. You have women to thank for that.

Then, maybe we can just read or watch a movie and cuddle and stuff uwu. You’re probably burger tho

Thank *gibs hugs*

he was so small that gravity forgot about him

He's both batshit insane and absolutely based at the same time.

ignore the calicuck, nyc is a smelly shithole. Only go during the holidays for the tree and ball dropping. Upstate Ny is pretty nice though

Drinking just causes me to have a constant urge to piss.
>cuddle and stuff
What part of intimacy being weird and alien to me did you not understand? I don't like to be touched.
>You’re probably burger tho

Truly great here
Very hit or miss, but if you know where to look you can find some mind blowing cuisine
Lol, not in the "real" America. They're overweight or meth'd out. Hot girls pretty much just live in the big cities

any more based moments like in pic

Sorry. Thought you were referring to sex and penetration. T-then we can just drink and stuff. I’m down to watch the prequels in their entirety. Like what is weird about just platonic hugs and stuff (serious question).

Don't hug me you fag ew. Hug a gay guy while I watch and pretend to hate fags.

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Jumps on a flying chopper.

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Dont delude yourself, all the globe hate short men, the only difference is that "short" is relative, so depending where you live you can be either a manlet or "average".

That’s Netherlands tier height. Whites in America are like 5’10’’ on average.

Foot fetish

Become a softboy. No one likes manlet gymbros. It looks creepy. Get anorexic, grow your hair, and girls and boys will be into you

>a height thread
>is 5’7, knows that by opening this board i will just hurt myself
>sees coping manlets and lanklets laughing at us as per usual

When can I get off this fucking website? When will you let me go? Please, I just want to remain ignorant for a while longer. What do I have to do?

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>what is weird about just platonic hugs and stuff
It's hard to explain. The best analogy I can think of is a food analogy, I think everybody has foods that they don't enjoy eating, not the kinds of foods that make you want to throw up but the kind that you'll only eat if they're served to you i.e. if it's expected that you eat them. That's what hugging for me feels like, from the momemt it begins I'm only looking forward to the moment it ends.

Sometimes I wish I were gay. I could be the ''oppressed'', no dealing with girls who hate me or monies.
Sadly the vaginal jew has it's claws wrapped around my dick.

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In Italy the men are 90% manlets and have stunning gfs

Hugs are nice. They feel great whoever hugs you.

Comparing any man to Howard stern is like comparing cars to a cherry picker, or your dick to mine.

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It’s easier, but I rot in my room, so I only have sex like twice a year. I feel like maybe you only saw ugly or aging gay guys; I’ve been almost exclusively with cute soft spoken femboys, maybe try

Perhaps if you're not autistic.

I live close to the Italian border and everyone in Italy treats me like they owe me sonething. If I werent such an autiist I'd score alot of Italian girls.

user, I think you should just dress for your height and stay slim desu.I see on a daily basis guys smaller with gfs. I hope you will accept my hug user *hug*

Nah, the only gay guys I see are 10/10 twinks. Maybe its bc Im euro and most of us are good looking.

Ohhh. I’m British, Twink but I cannot compete with any French or Italian boy. Probably the reason I will suicide by 30. I take hormones to give me a chance, at least

small guy but fucking god length arms

I recall Armie Hammer and Conan complaining about it being painful when they had these growth spurts, and Hammer stating he wished he was 5'11 rather than 6'5. You relate to the pain part?


You are aware the manletposting is often done by... manlets? I've ranted on about how they should be gassed and I'm 5'10, and I've seen other anons confess this as well. Why? It's funny when it really gets to guys like you, plus height is one of the few ways we can quantify attractiveness, hence the online godly status.

>I take hormones to give me a chance, at least
Why do you take hormones if you're not a tranny?

C'mon m88 you're just insulting yourself. I'm sure youre a handsome lad. Not to mention a British accent is a plus. I cant even pronounce the ''th'' while british english is highly attactive

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Have any of you guys ever even been to the US? I've never heard anyone IRL make fun of someone because of their height unless it was the shorty making fun of himself. Get off the internet.

In reality chads become Al Bundy. Desperate for their glory years.

>Asian community
Pick two

Never been to the US nor have I ever heard anyone talk shit about manlets. Why do you ask?

>be Bong too
>be light skinned but have nearly black hair and dark eyes, and thick eyebrows
>quite a lot of comments I have some exotic vibe, with Italian/Med being most frequent
Feels kind of good to be honest. I got 'dark Brit' vibe without looking like some ugly Jewish stereotype like Simon Bird.

Well I take a SERM which surpresses breast growth and remain a boy. It slows aging/masculinisation and fills out face and body. It turns Male skin into soft skin like women’s.

Is this like roids but for faggots?

Listen to a Hull accent or something. Not all accents are attractive, and even plenty of RP-speaking southern guys sound like fucking faggots. But yeah, a good barritone English is a plus

Well thank. Pretty sure bottom in your attached picture is ftm or some dyke though

Oh, I’m drunkposting and failed wording.
For the latter I was talking female hormones.
With those I am using what roidheads use to stop gyno (SERMs) so that I can remain a boy

As far as I know, the Gigachad thing is basically what the girl edited her real boyfriend into looking like, so some werid artsy fartsy girl most likely.

Right, what I meant is like...Chads use roids to cheat and get and stay swole.
What you're doing is using drugs to cheat and stay cute and faggoty. So it's like drug enhancement for homos.

Just put a chav in a suit and have him read a McDonals menu. Shit's like a flowstone cave.

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Right. A lot of the trans people (who pass even) do so because of clothing and makeup; you can take hormones and physically “transition” while remaining completely Male if you wish. Not recommending because it will give me organ issues in 10years

Wow I'm glad im not defective.

>Not recommending because it will give me organ issues in 10 years
>Killing yourself just so you can look like a feminine faggot for longer
That's so fucked dude, who cares about getting older? It happens to all of us.

L m ao lanklets can't act desu

It will give me higher quality of life, particularly dating.
And I will probably be dead in 15years at most either way

Funny how some actors escape the manlet meme and others don't. Harington gets meme'd hard yet his Richard Madden co-star from GoT, who is like 2 inches taller, has never been meme'd hard as one. Probably cause of that very unfortunate photo of Harington next to a 5'9 and 6'3, both of whom were in fucking heels.

I'm a 6'2 white guy in Vancouver, and conventionally handsome but not a chad. It's like living life on easy mode. So for me, multiculturalism has been a good thing.

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If you're a man and make fun of another man because of his height, you're a pathetic gender uncle tom who's letting women dictate how you perceive other men

Daniel Radcliffe doesn’t get any shit and he’s 5’4

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No they didn't you retard. Raptors were mostly American except for 3 of their main rotation players. And in the FIBA cup they shit the bed hard. America did get hardcore flexed on by fucking France today though

not true, only ladies and gays seem to like me

*old ladies

why are OPs so obsessed with americans?

>At last I've finally become Dianetics (TM)

meh, could be worse


is it true that vancouver is 80% chinese now

dilate you seething lanklets


a bullet in the head of every lanklet freak

fuck off, the short+tall alliance must not be threatened! bullet to the head of every normie, HEIGHT WAR NOW

It's 80% chinese owned. They buy condos and never move in.

nnngghh SJ so small

Asian country. Canada. If this was planned your fucking hilarious.

lanklets, or heightjews as i call them, are responsible for all human suffering

a bullet in the head of every lanklet freak

kek. i'm stealing this.

There’s no “making up for it” women aren’t flocking to date dudes in wheel chairs because there arms are really buff so it makes up for it!

God I wish I was Kit in this

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You're delusional if you think that Tom Cruise has trouble dating

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>lanklets, or heightjews as i call them

In your high-pitched girlish manlette voice.

not fooling anyone

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i like how i opened the picture and only then watched to see how many replies there where and to no surprise, the threads almost at bump limit.

godspeed manle/tv/

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>several times actually
I knew Scandinavians were tall, but are their women really 15ft+ tall?

You are a good friend

Fuck this and fuck you

Yeah, no

lmao @ this deformed spine lanklet

Hire a prostitute for crying out loud. If you're still a virgin at 25+ you have no one to blame but yourself.

This. I went to Rome for vacation and as a big nosed 5’7 manlet I felt right at home there.

lol you're the high one fucking supermodel ass freak with tranny voice

go fucking sashay down a catwalk you filthy heightjew

Generally, yes. But it birthed the Misfits, Ramones, early Greenday and more. So I'll give it a pass.

>/fa/ is one of the Chadliest boards

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so what is the actual real manlet cutoff

A hard 5’7
Any little guys below this should be forced into becoming traps

Quite pungent indeed.

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Visit the Appalachian Mountains. Then head West. Explore as much of flyover land as you can then hit up the Rockies. If you still have time after that I'd recommend going to the Palm Desert / Palm Springs area in Commiefornia and camp at Joshua Tree National Park.

>Didn’t Canada just beat the US in basketball?
No, the US beat the US

hot damn

america no longer classifies as a developed nation, did you know?

Why is she jerking him off?

>find out Renner is only 5'8.5.
Huh, it's not some brutal humiliation when he stands nexts to guys like Evans or Hemsworth. Good cope for manlet faggots then.


Holy shit is there a more insecure country than Murrika? It's literally bunch of idiots laughably defending their fragile ego.

>tfw was already 6' by 5th grade
Growing pains were the worst. Just extremely achy and sore for days on end.

>Be American, obsessed with weird shit
>Be non-American, obsessed with Americans

I-is the guy on the far right Dylan Roof photoshopped in or just coincidently a lookalike? The fact that I'm even given pause and have to ask that is a testament to how how much autism /fa/ emanates.

Because much like in Victorian England, we have a poor class that is literally stunted by a diet of white bread with bologna and fast food, and a well-fed, tall upperclass. It all has to do with generations of good eating, South Koreans are some of the tallest asians, North Koreans are the shortest.

my hands started sweating looking at this

mmmm based

Either that or they Photoshopped his head on a child

Most men don’t even notice it tbqh, but most women are really obsessed with height. It’s like the first thing they bring up when talking about a guy. I wonder why

Why are women so obsessed with height yet they can't judge it for shit. I saw a girl in public calling her boyfriend 6'11 and he wasn't taller than 6'6. And she was competely serious

Stoned posting is for the true kinoisseur

>mfw seeing 300-400lb fat cows demanding 6ft+ men only

Attached: huh.gif (480x260, 1.08M)

Jesus Christ, he's autistic. Play some minecraft with him if you wanna get close.

do your pullups lads

>balding quickly
>kisless virgin

Attached: 1538593412296.jpg (1008x709, 90K)

I want one bad.

Attached: 1472130983952.jpg (615x943, 317K)

They hated him because he told them the truth.

Maybe on the coasts. Flyover land is mostly Nordic stock with Germans and Irish coming in close behind.

>Alopecia wildcard, but mostly decent hair

I am ready to give up. I have begun my wizard training.

Is she funny or something?

seriously, that Tom Cruise is absolutely mental. he'll almost certainly die doing this shit

according to google, Heidi Klum is only two inches taller than Ben Stiller. I'm thinking his google height is bullshit

>These actresses might look fit on screen. but in real life they're actually pretty fat!

i been to kotor and they didn't seem that tall, probably 90% tourists or something.

God they are all dressed horribly