Why does sex appeal seem to be missing from mainstream films?
Why does sex appeal seem to be missing from mainstream films?
They're catering to woman now. See Jason Momoa, Chris Hemsworth, etc
Because hookup apps means anyone can have sex and it's not a big deal anymore
that's a big jaw
Then why I am never getting laid?
>two actors
Have sex
why you gotta do me like this bro?
for you
>She never got those puppies out
What as shame.
that's the opposite of the truth though
people are having less sex now than in the past
there are more adult virgins than ever before
because you're not using those hookup apps because you're too embarassed by sex
I have Tinder and Hinge. Are there other ones I should be using instead? These don't really get me anywhere.
Don't ask me I'm the same.
I want to fuck her deep and hard.
What's hinge?
too skinny she needs the thiccining
Sex is boring, everyone is having it all the time.
I'm not
this. There are still a lot of sexualized characters in mainstream films, it's just that they mostly do it to actors now instead of actresses. Personally I don't really care either way - there's an infinite amount of attractive women to look at on the internet.
Dating app
why so smug?
Post your profile and I'll give you suggestions
just you bruh
Unless you're good looking those apps are a waste of time
>being ugly
hence why actresses are getting less work.
We always had that. That's what Brad Pitt and the like were. Women on the other hand, it seems almost taboo now to sexualize them.
i can think of two reasons
because #metoo means producers cant keep putting their prime pussy in starring roles, artificially creating "stars", so jewish hag casting directors will only cast pretty women if they can cast a black love interest. Otherwise, it'll be melissa mccarthy or some other ugly slag youve never heard of.
Hollywood sjw liberal garbage is why. Thread over
Not sure if you've heard about it or not, but see there's this thing called the internet where you can get any amount of sexy you want, for free, 24/7. Kinda undermines the ability of corporations to sell "sex."
see also; comedy, gore, horror, outrage, controversy, etc, etc.
what the fuck bros... it wasn't supposed to be like this.... I...
Just a dating app? I mean like what sets it apart from the other ones?
Imagine seeing this in 1999. You’d probably off yourself
Never understood this argument. So you would prefer selling me an inferior product with uglier women? Like you can't tell me people wouldn't have preferred a hotter looking girl in Nolan's TDK, over the replacement they got for Katie Holmes.
I think they've changed the central hook of the app 3 different times now
first it was a straight up tinder clone with slightly more detailed profiles
then it revamped and would only show you 5 curated women per day, which actually worked decently well
then it became a paid only app, in order to increase quality of users
that didn't work, so it went free again
the only way you can't at least get dates from these apps is if you're ugly or you're autistic
put it this way, 10/10 that won't even show half a boob vs 9/10 that'll show boob vs 8/10 that'll cater to your every fetish.
you might have trouble understanding the argument mostly because you seem to be talking about something completely different.
"sex" is not a selling point anymore due to the supply of sex offered by the internet, for free. so corporate entities stopped thinking "oh this hot girl (who can barely act) is surely to sell our movie!"
reminder that JLH had sex with Jamie Kennedy during her peak, and this was AFTER the son of mask was released
meanwhile you are a depressed incel shitposting on the internet
Sex is bad now, but you should have sex incel.
is that real?
that's not real.
I don't believe you.
why would someone go on the internet just to destroy my boner?
That's not how it works. Even with an abundance of porn people still go gaga over a minor naughty scene or attractive actress in mainstream film, it has a bigger impact that 2 people doing the 1 billionth identical porn shoot.
The turning point was Star Trek Into Darkness and the huge backlash for that scene where Carol strips down.
me likie
Oh yeeeeeeeesssss mommmmmmyyyyyyy give me the toeeees haaaaaaah ooooohh I'm ROCK hard for those feetsies mommy *pulls out tiny cock* oh yes yes yes bb show me the feeeeeeeet mommmmyyy!!!! *smells feet* fuuuuuuuuuuck yeeeeees smelly tootsies for this big boy!!! Me like toesies!! *masturbates so fast hand is a blur* oooohhhhhh mommy step ooon meeeee!!
>it is now LITERALLY impossible to ever see young JLH naked
Because less and less little girls are allowed in film.
Every fucking pedophile must fucking hang
Why are antis so violent?
>people still go gaga over a minor naughty scene
which is immediately leaked online and they can't do anything about it because clips count as fair use.
Are you upset or is that a misimpression?
>name every single male actor that is used for blatant eye candy or you are wrong
Based retard
fucking retard, let that meme die already
Because seeing a beautiful woman on screen and seeing men lust after her makes ugly and fat women upset. Don’t get me wrong, seeing women lust after men who are in incredible shape makes men jealous too, but men get called out for bitching about it more than women do.
>let that meme die already
it would be extremely painful
Out of control homosexual mafia trying to normalize the abnornal, plus feminists voting with their money against prettiness, plus a universal policy decision to ignore male customers.
In the past, the director got to cast whatever sex bunny he wanted in the cheesecake role. Jane Fonda got her start because her husband was directing Barbarella and wanted to show off how hot she was.
Studios today hate when lesser-known actresses get roles in big-budget films. They wants every role to be played by a known quantity actress, because it makes the film a safer bet financially.
Known-quantity actresses don't do cheesecake.
They normalizing ugly actresses as the new “sexy”. Hence Tessa Thompson and Brie Larson.
Your head is so hot steam is coming out of your ears
Even if you're good looking they're a waste of time unless you've got PR consultant tier photographs of yourself
You're missing the point. You can find countless pics of attractive women in their underwear but it has more impact when it's part of a movie which can be said about much of a movie. An out of context fight clip or Carol getting changed are all the sum of a movies parts.
One actress with the body of an Instagram model playing an MCU character in tight spandex would be more memorable than a 1000 Instagram accounts combined.
Unironically this. Actually, on second thought, bullets are fine too.
>One actress with the body of an Instagram model playing an MCU character in tight spandex would be more memorable than a 1000 Instagram accounts combined.
Because of shitty feminist ruining everything
Very sexy loli
Scarlett Johansson did cheesecake when she was in Iron Man 2, simply not allowed anymore.
she was in her prime while filming mask
I don't get what you are trying to say.
nah, it's you and your whole generation
Makeup Vs no-makeup
come back when both have makeup, or both doesnt.