The Dark Crystal

Lord of the Rings has finally been surpassed.

Attached: The-Dark-Crystal-Age-of-Resistance-Poster.jpg (1800x2666, 645K)

Kek did you just marathon this kino and find out it was based plebfilterReddiitvbnbvb ghkjh nkjfgv n.mkhxcvc. hhvc. Bjnnnnn fg hj. Hv v h. Hv hhhb,j. G

Let's not jump the gun now zoomer, there's another season for them to lose the kino rating

Yeah no thanks.

It unironically has the best storytelling on Netflix right now

I don't want them to fuck up the storyline in the second season

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i like how the word resistance triggers the board now

imagine being so fucking brainwashed you get mad at a story featuring a "resistance", if you don't want to give jewflix money just fucking pirate it

as long as it's the same showrunners i don't see why they would.

I just want SkekUng and SkekNa. Also more Mystics

You're the brainwashed one for consuming propaganda, faggot, kill yourself.

I'm looking forward to skekUng too, Satan. Since skekMal was killed disappointingly quickly the show needs another more directly threatening Skeksis. Ah well, half as long, twice as bright I suppose.

>fascist yell ANAL FUCK and then sodomized you viciously!
>facist yell anal sex
>you, "why so serious?"

why the fuck are you even in this thread? if all you want to do is scream about muh kikes the skeksis are literally conniving hook nosed beasts of pure evil

just tell me is it about drumpf or some other woke shit so I don't bother torrenting.

title comes from a comic from the 90s
and it was 100% produced by jim henson co, not netflix

>hasn't watched the show
dilate retard /pol/tard

the only woke shit is deet having two fathers

Lefties see Skeksis as allegory for Nazis/fascism/while colonialism

Right-wingers see jews.

The point is Skeksis are good villains and can be an allegory for anything the viewer sees a bad, because the attributes given to them have been used for hundreds of years to visualize "evil".


I think I will take the /hmm/ route OP. We have an infestation of morons in this one.


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Is there anything they can do with season 2 more than the garthim wars?

What's the allegory behind a character having two fathers?

forgot the hmmmmmmm

Surpassed? No.
But is it the best fantasy work from movies/TV since LoTR? Yes.

>start watching
>feels generic as fuck
>base story sounds like some shit western anime
i guess i'm too old for this.

Nah it's just shit. People are lapping it up because of nostalgia, not because it's actually in any way good.

I never watched Dark Crystal as a kid, will I still enjoy this if I watch the movie prior?

Movie might put you off the show. It's badly paced and the main characters are boring, amazing puppetry and effects though. Show is a prequel and you can watch with no prior knowledge.

I dislike jews just as much as any decent person does, and this show was pure kino.

I'd wager most of the people talking about it here either watched the original film recently for the first time in preparation for the series, or haven't seen it at all

Other than the technical effects still being quite impressive, the film is pretty shit by today's standards.
The plot is extremely derivative by today's standards and pretty thin as well.
It's only 90 minutes and i'd say it's worth watching just to see how well they managed to expand on many of the characters in the film massively in the series, despite it being a prequel.

>don't like a thing
>I guess it's because of my age and how mature I am
how do I get my head this far up my ass?