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Dutch did nothing wrong
>I miss him as if he was real
Anyone else got this feel? He felt real to me, I cant stand losing him
I unironically miss Arthur
I just finished this last week, what movies should I watch to give me the same vibe and feel
Dutch > Arthur > Marston
Dan Houser is a fucking hack and the fact that people believe thisnshitty ass boring as fuck objectively bad game is "kino" is proof that the gaming industry is doomed.
le edgy contrarian opinion face xD
I finished the game 9 months ago and I still think about as if he was a friend I lost.
I never update my digital copy of the game past the first patch, so I keep wanting to go back and do the unlimited gold bar glitch so I can just fuck around in the game, but reloading an old save and seeing Arthur again just feels weird and wrong somehow.
Absolutely SEETHING Yea Forumsedditor
already watched it
I hope we get to play young Dutch during the golden age of the West in RDR3
But he died in 1
>T-the gameplay was supposed to be boring, clunky and unresponsive
This is even worse than Spec-Ops The Line fans. Go fuck yourself and get your movie-game was out of the industry. RDR2 is a gigantic step back for the industry
this is why people don’t take videogames seriously, and furthermore it is the problem with the industry, that people like you predominate.
>tfw never got Old Man Arthur who comes out of hiding for one last hurrah
>tfw that's the way it is
>muh gameplay
we talking about the story here reddit nigger
Are you by any chance a fan of Japanese video games featuring anime art and teenage protagonists?
Seethe harder, Yea Forumseddit scum
I'm a fan of games with good gameplay, which aside from Max Payne 3, Rockstar hasn't put out since 2004
Gatekeeping the gaming industry and alienating people who want games to be diverse and welcoming is the moral duty of anyone who respects it.
mad as fuck webshit
wat kino
Gaming is an objectively superior medium than film and RDR2 is a whore with no artistic value that tried to ape an inferior medium. Go fuck yourselves Yea Forums plebs
You quite literally never had sex in your life
>tfw no alternate timeline dlcs where marston dies instead of arthur and its rdr1 but with arthur
>I'm a fan of games with good gameplay
Name 3
Go watch a movie and never touch videogames again you piece of shit faggot
>Gatekeeping the gaming industry and alienating people who want games to be diverse and welcoming is the moral duty of anyone who respects it.
He was arrogant and foolish and pretty much the entire reason that the Pinkertons are on them in the first place. Something went wrong somewhere and he stopped being an effective leader
>''How do you want to die Arthur?''
>''I don’t care about all that. Just turn me west so i can watch the sunset and remember all the great times we had''
And he probably never will, poor guy
Not videogames, go watch a movie, read a book, take a shower, gain HEIGHT and have sex
Yea Forumsedditors in SHAMBLES
>t. puffy incel lips and kick me glasses
Gaming outside of shit like this literally isn’t an artform though and most games that try to be artistic in their focus are boring and monotonous. I love video games but you’re deluding yourself if you think any game says that much about the world or has much artistic merit
Did you like hard rain? I tend to enjoy cinematic games. You should spend less time getting angry and other’s opinions and more with having sex. Have sex.
Yea Forums is literally the most pathetic, pleb filled board on this entire site. You have no right to be talking. And I'm an Yea ForumsCHAD while you're just a bitch
>implying any of these things are mutually exclusive
you’re the one who’s making a fool of yourself on Yea Forums instead of doing any of those
And yet you are here
Dont younhave to discuss some super mario, virgin?
>I tend to enjoy cinematic games
You're a fucking pleb with objectively bad taste
On a technical the game is gorgeous and fun to play
But on a narrative level its very liberal and portrays the south as a racist charicature that hates everyone except whites. It doesn't even take a video essay to point it out but since a lot of people on this board have double digit IQs heres a very good video essay that sums it up pretty well. Also Red dead 1 is way better and is more user friendly than two.
For me, its American Venom
RDR2 is a badly directed facsimile of what a videogame should be. Bad controls, bad gameplay, borinboring endless world traversal, bloated plot. It's low brow garbage dressing itself as art. It's McDonald's arthouse in game form.
Cope more and return to the worst board on this entire site Yea Forumseddit
Does there exist a more entitled and unreasonably angry group of people than gamers?
What the F*CK was Dutch's plan anyway...
>had huge emotional resonance with people
>one of the most likeable and well written main characters seen in any form of mainstream media in recent years
Yeah you're just spouting anything you can to have the opposite opinion of the popular consensus to try and seem smart. Also
Go watch some capeshit then you fucking ADHD brainlet.
>giving (You)s to Yea Forumsirgins
>Storyline mission
>Take a few steps left or right from where the game wants you to go
Severely dropped my opinion of it overall.
>Go watch some capeshit then you fucking ADHD brainlet.
Always this dumb recycled argument from you insecure fags. Watching paint dry has literally more interactivity and engagement than playing RDR2.
You have the worst taste in video games.
>RDR2 is a badly directed facsimile of what a videogame should be. Bad controls, bad gameplay, borinboring endless world traversal, bloated plot. It's low brow garbage dressing itself as art. It's McDonald's arthouse in game form.
Noise + money + faith = Tahiti
>mission starts
>Do literally anything except follow a literal movie script
>Mission failed
>B-based, z-zoomers btfo......
>had huge emotional resonance with people
Ask me how I know you had an absent father you fucking pathetic loser
You Yea Forumstards only know to ""argue"" using meaningless buzzwords? There is no substance in the claims of your kind, hence, they lack credibility and can't be taken seriously. Go back to the shitter you came from Yea Forumstards. You're not welcome here.
>movie game defended by literal pleb movie fans on Yea Forums
I have a loving father who I love very much and he just came on my stag do with all my mated as I get married later this year... ? Projecting much kek.
Why are you SEETHING so hard tho?
being this obsessed with games, a childish medium at its core, being “authentic” is plebeian
absolutely BTFO
>he just came on my stag
Lmao I bet he came all over your stag alright you fucking faggot