One ticket for Joker, right Mr user?

>One ticket for Joker, right Mr user?
>Here's some milk duds on the house, don't tell the boss. Have a good time.

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Y'know Robert, for a negro, you're alright

>Thanks Robert, I will!
>tells the boss

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>Thanks Robert, but I still won't shake your hand, not racist btw, just afraid of germs.

Uhhh fella that would make you no better than a janny

>tells the boss

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Thanks Bobby!

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Post that vid of Kris10 refusing to take the award from the black dude


Thank you Robert

>tells the boss
>now you have to pay for the free candy

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Robert knows how far a little kindness and generosity can go into the souls he cares to benefit and help, making him all the more likely to survive the inevitable mass shooting.

Be like Robert.

Why are milk duds the patrician choice for kinoplex snacks?

Uncle Tom ass nigga

They strengthen the mind

the absolute madman

Thank you friendly white-presenting negro. Time to go enjoy my candies and watch Phoenix try desperately to win an Emmy.

Criminals must pay, user.

A chocolate covered caramel that you just let sit on your mouth while taking it all in? Only thing more kino is snowcaps.

They aren't. They are for children. The patrician would go out for a meal with their friends before the film and then enjoy a few beers during the screening.

milk duds?

Thanks Robert, you're alright. Take the rest of the day off, okay? See ya later

>"thanks y-you too"
>get inside
>everyone suited in pic related or wearing clown makeup
>spot a few gentlemen by the door with badly dyed orange hair
>oh shit, better find a seat where the crossfire is least likely to kill me
>sit own and open my milk duds during previews
>handwritten note slides out
>"you are the designated shooter"
god damn it Robert I thought we were bros, I don't want to go to jail

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Fuck if I were american I'd go kino it in clown makeup to see people's reaction.

I would unironically not shoot, despite the fact that it's probably niggers like him everywhere in my country that made me go into rampage.

Kek. There should be a meme about how incels will wear a blue shirt at screening to sort out the normies.

>guy is friendly and gives you free candy

>Rob seriously just gave out free candy to that weird looking guy? I am so telling the boss.

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Ughh Robert owns the kinoplex. He can do whatever he wants.

Can't they be friendly back in burkina faso or whatever place they come? Milk duds are great but still.

But Robert, you ARE the boss...


>Thanks for telling me, user. It was a test. You pass! Welcome to the Kino Corps.

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>Hey Dad, apparently some of the popcorn miners are on strike again!

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what's a milk dud?

He means don't tell Bruce Springsteen

A failure of a woman.

Are Bruce Springsteen and Robert enemies? New fucking lore has arrived

Good luck, user. Kino Corps are brutal.

>try to watch Baywatch
>Previews just ended
>suddenly alarms start ringing
>falcons freak out in every row
>ushers come in with the theater police and drag every single out
>had two points deducted on my kino license for violating the policy 6 years ago so they drag me out as well
>after going through the dark corridors I find myself at the bathroom
>Robert shaves my head and pushes me into the shower
>I clean myself quickly and nervously
>get pulled out and dried by the bathroom kinopolice
>put on cinema soldier uniform
>drill sergeant comes out amd starts barking orders at us
>only understand half of what he's saying, something about raiding an enemy kinoma to finally end the war
>he makes us shout the theater pledge of allegiance
>I memorized it so I'm good
>we rush into a bus, picking up rifles along the way
>20 minutes later we arrive, but the cinema bombs force our bus to crash into the theater lake
>swim to safety pulling a guy with me, couldn't save a neckbeard that drowned
>shoot down some enemies and advance to a capture point, but get knocked out by their Kino General
>spend the next three months in the popcorn mines until they let me go
>movie I wanted to watch isn't even in theaters anymore
>suddenly wake up
>was daydreaming the whole thing in front of two Stacies before another movie was starting
>had reenacted the whole thing in front of them too
>they look at me and laugh

>Robert you’re gonna get what you FUCKING DESERVE
>*gives him a hug*

>ywn hug robert

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>tfw used to fuck the daughter of the manager of the local kinoplex
>tfw got free popcorn and drinks all the time
>tfw she was 5'10, slim, blonde, blue eyed and loved her ass licked

Enjoy your stomach worms.

>admits to licking the ass of another person
>actually even boasts about it
the fuck is wrong with normies

Thank you, Robert. You're a credit to your people.

Do it NOW. The more you delay... the more your people will suffer... it's your decision...

Robert was featured in a relatively recent episode of Jeopardy.

Bet you have shit taste

>loved her ass licked

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Get the fuck outta here. Link?


If you hadn't done that dream thing and instead have said "it ain't me" starts playing, this would have been pretty good pasta

>loved her ass licked

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thanks frne I will change it for next time. Also checked

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>Get the fuck outta here. Link?
it was on one of the seasons that are on hulu, so it can't be too far back. it was one of those clues where it's just a picture, like "This employee at a theater is called this", and it was Robert's signature stock photo.

I made a funny joke and no one laughed :(


Good joke.

Didn’t laugh because in quiet location

I enjoyed it thanks user

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You almost had me.

u did well fren
i proud of u

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>... Suck on these milk duds, nigger

i thought Robert died

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I don't really feel like rewatching any episodes of jeopardy of all things but it's real user. maybe I'll try to do a search, but I know what I saw. I explicitly remember not being able to tell my friend what was so funny about it.

I appreciate even if pity

Children of wealthy people are used to asslicking.