Millie Bobby Brown to Develop, Write, and Produce Feature Film ‘A Time Lost’ at Netflix

What were YOU doing when you were 15 y/o?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Acting my age.

desu the shit I was doing when I was 15 was probably more impressive than what I'm doing at my current age that I will not disclose

High school. Video games. Paintball. Not getting molested by Drake.

Imagine being directed and having your acting ability honed through multiple years and films scrutinized by a young girl

Not getting raped by Drake

She is going to burn out and burn out hard.


What they're doing to this girl is abuse

Not having sex with Drake

Sounds like a JRPG

"Develop", "Write", and "Produce"
So who's project are they slapping her name on?

A white man's for sure.

FPBP, I don't give an absolute fuck about that little kike doll. She's been pumped and dumped by 15 different kike producers who've been pushing her career hardcore. She's not a good actress nor has she had any good rolls.

MBB is a soulless husk abused by demons for profit and is likely a tranny.

>What were YOU doing when you were 15 y/o?
cumming inside my high school sweetheart's pussy raw because she was on the pill and playing with her huge tits while I did it, life was kino back then

I'm sure it won't be ghostwritten or anything. I'm sure people on set will take her seriously. I'm sure the actors will be genuinely concerned with her directions

>What were YOU doing when you were 15 y/o?
Posting on Yea Forums about Heroes and sexy Terminators

This but unironically. I don't know how the fuck I wasn't worried about pregnancy or responsibility back then. Fuck I miss high school sometimes...

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ugh she looks so old

based. no way that shit's gonna be any good, but at least she's taking the right steps, and using her current fame to kickstar a future career. female beauty is not forever

Not sucking old jewish dick, that's for sure

How many black dicks will she suck in the film?

Getting high and getting head.

>tfw missed out on sex and love in high school and college

I want those things ;_;

never too late friend, you just have to make the effort, put yourself out there and TRY

based nana millie

>unironically giving the just bee yourself meme as a life advice

I said you have to make an effort, sorry that you have a failure's mindset from your single mother and can't possibly fathom the concept of self-improvement

She can barely act let alone doing any of those things
It’s hilarous how hard they’re trying to push her

not having sex with a 30 year old half black half jewish man

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>behind her head

I mean it's definitely too late to go back and get laid in high school/college

>Not getting molested by Drake.

>not going to college in your 30s and slaying 19 year old pussy because you have a car and your own place
try applying a little critical thinking retard

Yeeaahhh that's not gonna work, stop living in a redpilled cumbrain fantasy. She's gonna fuck the fit wild partying fratboy her age who has all the time to socialize with her, not some old guy in his 30s who is too busy working his 9-5 and also going to school to socialize

nice failure's mindset, no wonder you never amounted to anything in life

Definitely and demonstrably not true at all. Women prefer older men. The 19 year old girl would choose the 30 year old man with a car, money, and his own place over a 19 year old college guy who might be better looking/more fit but is poor as shit, has a bunch of roommates, and no car. Even if the 30 year old guy and the guy her own age were on equal footing looks wise and both have all of the above, odds are she still chooses the older guy. Women have this pathetic delusion. That they are generally 5-10 years wiser and more mature than guys their own age and think they are intellectually equal with older, more experienced men. Obviously this is not true, but is a highly beneficial situation to men as they get older. This is basically the way of things. The reason most guys aren't getting laid in high school and college is because the girls are fucking men 5-10 years older than them instead.

Yeah this is literally just a bunch of redpill cope nonsense. Do women like older guys sometimes? Sure. But if you really think that high school girls are regularly getting pounded out by guys almost in their 30s, you're being ridiculous.

An 18 year old girl doesn't care about a guy having a car, money, and his own place, because she doesn't HAVE to. It's not required, she's not going to be settling down and marrying him or something. All he needs to have is a room and enough money to get her booze and weed.

The idea that you're just going to be crushing nonstop young pussy at 35 is a ridiculous fantasy that's just people hoping they can make up for lost time; the only people crushing 16 year old pussy at 35 were also crushing 16 year old pussy in high school

>reddit spacing
every time

Ghostwriters deserve better

>he the shittest actor on Stranger Things
>got pushed as a breakout star for ((((reasons)))
>the only movie role in godzila you managed to get with the combination of nepotism and casting couch flopped
>still given a second chance if you suck the dick hard enough

Will it star Henry Cavill

>tfw was probably smarter and more intellectually curious as a 15 year older than i am as a 25 year old
who /peaked in high school/ here?

You're literally spouting redpill cope shit. Stop pretending you're above it, you absolute incel..

If you really think that something somehere went seriously wrong.


>he the shittest actor on Stranger Things
Title of the shittest actor unironcally belongs to Finn Wolfhard. Say what you want about Millie but at least she hasn’t affected the quality of a film as badly as Finn has.

>“Stranger Things” star Millie Bobby Brown has set a new project called “A Time Lost” at Netflix in which she’ll produce a feature film based on an original story she wrote with her older sister Paige Brown, Netflix announced on Tuesday.
Her sisters. Honestly from how bad the story sounds "a long-standing feud between two Long Island families that comes to a head when one of their teenage daughters is diagnosed with cancer." I'd believe it.

Probably just one or two, Millie's not a complete slut

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I was giving my grandfather investment advice that led to me becoming rich enough to retire before finishing high school.

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this is true, an 18 year old girl will most likely be living with her parents still and be given money or work for her own. she will not prefer some old fart that has a car from some dead end 9-5 to some athletic guy her age who also is in her social circle and has similar interests.

anyone who disagrees is delusional and coping HARD

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>writing all this shit down when the conversation started with you complaining about not getting laid and having a gf in high school and wanting those things
You are aware this is just plain COPE, right?

>What were YOU doing when you were 15 y/o
Directing pornos with chicks from high school.
>tfw I have about 15 videos of me getting sloppy ass head from chicks from high school and 1 crack head that throated me for $10

I had brain cancer.

Not sucking dick to get a show produced.

I thought child actors have to have their earnings in a trust until they're 18. Is this a US thing or are laws different in Britain or wherever the fuck she's from?

That wasn't me who made the original post buddy

Me desu

I was in high school, sitting my GCSEs and otherwise doing geeky shit like D&D and Call of Cthulhu in my spare time and watching animu like Tenchi Muyo, sort of ironic really given the interest of the Stranger Things characters.
Did try my hand at writing also, though you can imagine the shittiness of a 15yo Bong lad's writings.

jerking off

I say we support her until her an based Mel own hollywood and do real holocaust movies


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at least it's not a nigger

Is there a single Yea Forums waifu that hasn't JUSTed yet? What is happening?

Millie is simply a wonderful person and she deserves to be admired

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Moner was still perfect last I heard.

Not suckin cockbfor one.

All those of us have that did have sex with qts in high school and college are memories. And the more of a loser you become as an adult the less people even believe you when you tell the stories so you don’t even get to keep bragging rights m. Don’t get me wrong I’m glad I got to do it, and the memories make good fap material(though every year they get a little more vague), but it isn’t doing me a lot of good now. That’s why I don’t get why you guys obsess over having sex “just once at least!” So you aren’t a virgin. Who cares, the only sex that really matters is the sex you are having(or not) today. Also by not having sex in your past you have no negative consequences like stds etc you might be dealing with today. Also, knowing how amazing it is nutting in a qt 16 year old just makes it worse I can’t do it now. You don’t know what you are missing

is there anything she can't do?

My parents decided not to let a bunch of jews shove their cocks into my various holes in exchange for money and my soul.

>he doesn't know

Based, I always knew she'd go far bros.
The age of Millie has begun

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Hear out of both ears.


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Moner fags are the most PATHETIC thing

I can't wait til she JUSTs somehow, imagine the reaction

You guys are both half right and half wrong. Most girls prefer guys their own age(except daddy issues girls). However girls also like success, money, confidence, and stability. So if you played your cards in life right, you will have more of those things then the 18 year old guy, which can make up for the age thing somewhat or completely if you are don’t really well. Overall, I’d say it’s harder to pull college chicks when you are older, or rather it’s harder initially until you can show them what you can offer. You will also catch shit from some of the guys acting like you are just an old creep trying to get with college chicks because they don’t like you taking “their” girls. But it’s most definitely doable. If you don’t have your shit together it’s gonna be even worse then if you went at the right age by a long shot, you’ll have your age working against you and no advantage to show for it, best bet is finding a girl with severe daddy issues(except she’s probably already getting pounded by 35 year old chad who has his shit together). Those of you who say girls never bang older guys are dumb af, did you not pay any attention in high school? Girls loved college guys first of all, like all of them. And there’s always 1-2 girls dating dudes WAY too old for them, like illegal old.

t. Guy who went to college at 18 and again in his early 30s. Got more pussy the first time but did ok the second

How Hollywood works:
>Give development deal to complete retard who sucked the right jewish dick
>Retard: "Umm, we should make a movie about strong women!"
>Scan through the free section of amazon's kindle library and wattpad
>Find story.
>Give to wage-slave writers who adapt it to a screenplay and make it WOKE
>Don't even bother making changes to avoid copyright laws, because what's real author going to do?
>Give complete retard writing credit, even though she did fuck all
>Shoot said script with complete retard as the star
>Also give her producer credit for some reason
>Pimp her out during awards season to old jews that really pull the strings
>If her jaw is good, nominate her for a few awards
>Meanwhile dude that wrote the story is SOL, while jews make bank, complete retard gets praise
Not that I have any experience in that...

speaking from UK id say slightly different culture, obviously a fair few girls prefer older guys doesn't mean it is a common occurrence

>they don't know
she got fat

It's already happening

wait what
what happened?

posst evidence

Wishful thinking, you mad.

Err what’s different then? I said in my post more then once that most girls prefer guys their own age, maybe 1-3 years older ideally for a lot of them. I’m only saying you can mitigate that somewhat by having better car, your own place etc. girls don’t judge a guy by one thing like we do(is she hot y/n) they take you as a package. Nearly all women will tolerate one negative thing if you make up for it in other ways. Shit if you are loaded enough you can bang qt college chicks into your 50s though the number of them that will do that is reduced obviously.

she's a good kid. i unironically hope everything works out for her and she doesnt end up getting burnt out

>t. weird man

How so? What'd I miss


Hope you're using that money wisely and not spending it all like a fucking retard.

She's gonna crash and burn.

more interested in enola holmes to be honest. chadvill AND millie? its gonna be young adult kino, guaranteed

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Still mad and falsely claiming she JUSted

Playing RuneScape a lot. That game was so much fun, I still remember that time very fondly

Her bellybutton looks so deep

Jesus, the stories about who was molesting her a decade from now are going to be huge, this is just blatant. I'm not trying to insult her, it's just ridiculous that a 15 year old of average acting talent would get thrown into all that.

Heh, I'm 24 but still look 17. I've been thinking about going back to college to get a real degree, I'd have such an easy time with girls too cause they'd all assume I'm the same age as them. Only problem is I'd have to retake high school math first and I dont want to do that.

Acts better than Wolfhard that’s for sure

She blew up. Packing on pounds in recent months.

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Have you seen The Goldfinch? He's apparently shit in that but I thought he was fine in IT.


She needs to keep her hair shorter for starters

She looks perfect and no different, idiot

>shittest actor
what? she's the best of the child actors who for the most part are all fine themselves, and is just as good as most of the adult actors.
where is this "shes a shitty actor" meme coming from?

Will it have black male / white female nudity in it?

Why is her face so wide?

You wish, Milliefag

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He didn’t do anything noteworthy in IT,so his acting was easy to overlook.

I’m not paying money to see this trainwreck, I’m waiting for the cam rip.

She put on like 15-20 pounds recently

Nice humble brag, kill yourself.

Is that even a question?

She's getting fat at only 18?

The wall isn't just a meme.

I thought that was about just looking old? What's it got to do with her face being weirdly wide?

She's a spic. What did you expect? Too many burritos.

I hope she makes it. Writer, Director & Actress at 15

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they said she would be different

So the Moner haters...won?

Yes it is. She's only 18 you idiot.

Most people get fatter as they age.

let's see that Moner girl, I guess she'll be fin- OH NO NO NO NO

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>attempt poorly to cherrypick film role she was dressed down for purposely

15 is the real wall, roastie.

where's the problem everyone is freaking about about?

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Millie can't act.

Who did she blow to get that? We all heard the rumors how shes easy and gets around

Fingering my girlfriend

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>normies are calling Millie wifey material


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>all that jealousy and fearmongering

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this user gets it

>cunny will be legalized in your lifetime.

She can suck a mean cock, tho.

Is she supposed to look fat here?

She already has.

She's unironically a pretty good actor for a 15 year old.

Jacking off and talking with girls on MySpace

2007 was the best year I’ve ever lived

She's still better than most

Playing vidya and jacking off mostly

Prove it

>Millie Bobby Brown
>best young actress working today
>charming, intelligent and beautiful
>already a producer at the age of 15
>loves her fans, talks to them on livestreams nearly every day

>Isabela Moner
>cant act
>vapid, dull personality
>only claim to fame is her rapidly fading looks
>openly hates her fans, movie flopped because of it

It's been happening for at least a year. Her subreddit where they discuss about how cute she looks even survived the starlet banhammer. The only place that is fucking uptight about this shit is ironically, Yea Forums.

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Are you blind?

>The only place that is fucking uptight about this shit is ironically, Yea Forums.
we are truly living in the upside down

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Her OG sub is locked down because it was too hard for the mods to delete all the talk of busting in her as 11 lol

Yea Forums has been more reddit than reddit for a while now. Also post more Millie armpits

she always looks terrible in these premiere pics


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So there's hope for the world after all

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She cakes the makeup on way too hard. But then so do most actresses. Only at movie premieres and award shows though, that's like the style for some retarded reason

Dicks that have been in Millie's mouth: 300+
Dicks that have been in my mouth: 0

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Yeah it's like night and day between and

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Pictures like these are the best ones

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She looks better with short hair. Prove me wrong.

Lol. Also yeah thot Millie is worst Millie

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smokin pot

they lied.

It's her hairstyles and outfits too, she tries too hard.

Millie will become president and make cunny legal.

I was on her original sub but got shadowbanned for pointing out the hypicrisy of the mods. I know it went private then don't know what happened afterwards. Then there was a mbb2 that's still alive and there was a 3 where they were even posting nude fakes.

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Not sure about the second part but this kid is so ridiculously ambitious that I could see her actually running for president in 20 years.
She'd have my vote.

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im sure she will be writing the script with the help of some high powered GHOST WRITERS.
lol this bitch is dumb as shit.
no way shes actually producing anything on her own.
she doesnt have anywhere near the capital requirements to do that.
and stranger things wasnt even a big success lmao

its just the jews using this young kid as pedo bait as always. its sickening.

You can't run for president of the USA if you're foreign born.

The mod for 2 has a bot set up with a ton of restrictions because chomos just want to lewd on her. What a cuck

Never gonna happen. The only thing the left and right agree on is they hate pedos. Look at the sentences handed down to them for shit like having a photograph. If any other group was treated like that there would be riots and accusations of cruelty of human rights violations etc. but no one cares lol. Literally no one. Sorry lad, your perversion is not gonna be out in the open, not ever.

That didn't stop Obama

Our society says that young girls can't be sexy, but girls want to be sexy, so they try to look like older women, I wish we would celebrate the beauty of young girls.

is this new?

unless youre barack obama

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>and stranger things wasnt even a big success lmao
isnt that netflix's biggest show?

>and stranger things wasnt even a big success lmao

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Did Isabela call the cops on you or something?

Proved wrong

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this, I was also at least looking my age

>console wars over women you've never met

Why is everyone talking about waiting until 30 to go to college anyway? You can have most of these things by your early to mid 20s if that’s what you want to do

Stop being a bigot, this is a country of immigrants, so an immigrant should be president.

Pretty, but I still think she looked better with the short hair.

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This is extreme propoganda. Netflix is quickly becoming a propoganda outlet. Literally any show that starts good like Billions ends up an SJW mess as they bring in the trannys and anti conservative characters. No coincidence its where Obama is working now. With this girls name they are gonna push some extreme shit on us.

>>only claim to fame is her rapidly fading looks

its been that way for awhile now

for real

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fuck just realised that file name

I don’t think anyone is planning to do it intentionally mate. As I understand it the discussion is, “if you end up there as an older guy, can you still rail the qts”. I don’t think anyone pinned down 30’s as the age either, just “older”. I said early 30s because that’s when I went. I think if you went in your mid 20s with a nice car your own place and some money that would probably be the best case scenario for getting girls. You get the upside of the money, and you aren’t too old for it to be an issue. And well, actually maybe we should be discussing 30s, since if you are anywhere in your 20s I don’t think college girls give a shit about your age. A 20 year old girl isn’t going to go, “eww gross you are 25 too old”

What a retarded cope, some people achieve more than others at an young age.

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I'm on mobile so I can't read it. What is it?

I don’t think any girls look better with short hair, only that some can pull it off and still look good.

Wtf u going to jail

Moner looks great with any haircut

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>packing on pounds
And that's something good.

So has Millie won? Can she mount a comeback?

Right but not better. Same with a shaved head, no girls look better with a shaved head. Some can remain fuckable though. A dyke haircut is never an improvement, I don’t know why any girl does it.

Is Moner your latest project, Pierce?

Fuck off.

Millie has officially, unequivocally, undeniably won. Just as we all knew she would.

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God, she's beautiful.

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>tiniest bit of weight flucuation and people lose their minds
what is the big deal?

>fuck off

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Imagine grabbing a big handful of it.

Based Architect.

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lmao the cope is real, from now on it's a downhill spiral, friend, we've seen it before.

What happened?

>What were YOU doing when you were 15 y/o?
Good question.

How do you guys act like she’s a 10 when she has those cracked out fucked up ears. Not saying she isn’t cute but those ears alone prevent her from being a 10

Going to the funerals of two immediate family members. Started drinking and smoking. Got stood up on my first date ever (fuck I Am Legend).

2007 sucked ass


Is this supposed to look fat?

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getting fucked by Hollywood execs with my bro Brad and Jonathan

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>What were YOU doing when you were 15 y/o?

I know WHO she'll be doing when she's 18, baby.

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It's not her fault she has weird ears, they were damaged when she was born and she's deaf in one of them because of it.
Besides they're really not bad looking, just unique.

That's one of the reasons she looks better with long hair is because it covers up her weird ears



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Proly be a better filmmaker than the false queen Larson

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>Right but not better.
Nope, Moner looked best with pixie to shoulder length hair. It accentuates the face. Only excessively pretty girls can pull it off. Some are able to get by on youthfulness alone.

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Never said it’s her fault mate. Ugly people usually aren’t ugly by any fault of their own either, doesn’t make them attractive though. Also, really they were damaged. That would surprise me since they both look about the same which suggests she was just born with goofy ears. I would expect them to each look somewhat difffernt from accident. What happened?

Disagree. Shoulder length hair is fine, but “pixie” cuts make everyone look worse her included. Maybe you just have a case of the gay if you like man length hair so much

Not sure what the actual cause is, but she was born with a damaged ear and progressively lost all hearing in it, and I like to imagine it's because the doctor squeezed her head too hard with the forceps when she was born.
I still don't think they're ugly or anything, just different. It's not like they are some kind of hideously malformed mutant abominations, they're just a little squished.

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How has she "won"?

She hasn't

You sure are obsessing over not being seen as gay. That's pretty gay.
Pixie cut is the best.

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Just let them have their delusions.

On what basis? Making claims on random hypotheticals is dumb

By being a far more talented and successful actor and producer.

And not being fat at 18...


Stop posting, Hilary.
It's over.

Where's supposed to be the difference? Where's the supposed JUST?

It's all a meme. They circlejerk over fake shit and tell each other it's over to pretend there is some sort of consensus

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Not sucking dick, that's for sure.

>literally no sign of this occurring

That too.

And MBB gets gigs because she's on a popular show, not because she's any good or talented

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That’s never stop anyone.

I mean they are about as bad as it gets without being straight up deformed abominations. It’s only her pretty face that makes them tolerable. If she was even a little less attractive she would look like a straight up freak. But the halo effect of her face like I said softens it quite a bit. I think it’s why they picked her because it makes her look different and unique.but they certainly don’t look “good” and like I said prevents her from being a perfect 10, if she would be anyway which I’m not so sure of. Just don’t get why it isn’t more of a turn off for you guys

isnt that picture from like 2 or 3 years ago?

>posting old pics to prove she's not fat right now

Moner is ok but she’s still a spic mutt goblin, which means she can’t be more then a 5/10. If you like her so much you are for sure a mutt too

Where's your evidence of her being fat now?

yes and?

I want this chick to give me a long, slow, edging blowjob so badly.

Better face and body than Moner, yes/no?

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No. Money is a 9/10 at this point. About a cup-size away from true perfection.

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See She's began her goblina transformation. She'll look like Jeb Bush's wife by the end of the year

not even close

Who says that isn't shooped?


is this a confession that you think your waifu looks fat there, since you defaulted to "it's fake"?


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Wow so is she beating even the most pessimistic predictions that had her being fat by her mid 20s?

For the record I don't think she's a perfect 10 either. She's very pretty, but I just think she's a really likeable and talented kid and I'm rooting for her to have a great career. She deserves it.

All that's changed since those older pics is her hair.

Sure, whatever you like. A fake attempt to make her look heavy, by some MBBfag

I wish you could convince more of your mutt brethren to actually think goblins like her are 9/10s so they stop bothering all the actual 9/10s(white girls obviously). It’s annoying. Glad you like your own kind even though it’s gross

man all this cope from moner posters is absolutely hilarious

>tiny bit of weight gain
>can never just lose it again right away
Stupud logic

Why's Yea Forums suddenly turning on her?

She turned 18

Are you gay?

She doesn't look fat here at all, what are you smoking?

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Her beaner genes are catching up to her and she alienated a lot of her fanbase by calling them weird old dudes or something.
Yea Forumss adoration is a fickle mistress.

And who is to say your one bad photo isn't old too?

This is the original pic. She isn't fat.

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but i still pick millie because I don't personally like moner at all

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face too wide

No one turned, the same couple people always post the same tired remarks. Based on the intensity and where we are it looks like they were just waifufags bitter that their waifu wasn't getting enough attention


>>Her beaner genes are catching up to her
people just keep saying this sort of thing and it doesn't mean anything

I wish my daddy was a producer so I could have zero talents with a retarded smug face and still got all the things I want

That sounds like some dumb shit a girl would make up for a creative writing project in junior high

How long before she's gone full Gomez?

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This. Moner is objectively more physically attractive, for now. But something about Millie is just far more unique and endearing.
Moner is just your diamond dozen latina sexpot.

3-4 years

I knew a guy who did this. He looked exactly like Giga Chad, especially his jaw, except he was like 5'10 and even though he was 30 he looked 10 years younger

Everything I have seen from them would lead me to believe that Moner is actually fairly intelligent and a really sweet girl. Millie seems like your average retarded teenager.

she got a lot heavier in just a few months, got to be sooner than that

I'd say she's top tier latina, but i'd still pick millie for some frozen and chill

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Jesus fuck she’s look 30 lmao

imagine holding those chubby thighs as you pump your seed into her

Irrelevant, Moner's never going to let herself get fat.

Dickie Gobble Down

>burrito gobbling wetback isnt going to get fat

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It's literally the same pic? So not a shoop as some claimed

>she's deaf from one ear


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no she didn't

It's technically not "the same pic" since someone blew it up super closer on her face. All you have to see is her neck to see she isn't fat at all.

I wish you could take right's tits and just past them on left.

Cute zoomer.
Does she wear a hearing aid or something though? I've never noticed her with one before but I wasn't really looking, either.

She is? I didn't know.

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It's a tiny amount of extra weight and it looks good on her

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its just a shame most of it is going to her cheeks

She already cut weight after that

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her arms?

has the body of a 30 year old already, gonna look like crap in just a couple of years

this is the tragic irony of young hot chicks. they're born with it so they have no appreciation for it and can't be assed to put in any effort beyond too much makeup to maintain their looks

Millie seems a lot cooler
and she actually likes and engages with her fans

Imagine how big those milkers will get when she gets pregnant

It was partial at the beginning, now she's completely deaf

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>beaner genes don’t mean anything

Lol, someone hasn’t been around any before then, good on you. Beaner genes are a goblin time bomb. The only thing that staves it off is enough white dna if they have it, but even then it’s just a matter of time. Full beaners rarely make it to 30 before they turn into stumpy little trolls, if they didn’t start out they say that is.

she'll probably already be fat as fuck by then


I mean that saying this for Moner doesn't even mean anything, what's it even referring to for her? It seems like people are saying it just to say it

>can't even find a flaw

i was in a band with my friends playing the local social club and skating as often as i could

Nigga wtf are you saying?

those are from a few months ago, she's heavier now

oh no, poor millie ;_;
does it cause her a lot of trouble on the set do you think? does everybody just have to shout instructions into her good ear?

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Just how busted Millie will be in season 4?

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not sucking old men off

>does it cause her a lot of trouble on the set do you think?
Apparently with her shitty acting in every scene


lol no she isn't

No, the mad people have been circlejerking each other right here

If she’s a goblin by 30 she will be halfway there by 25, and so on. She may not turn into a 2/10 overnight but she will be a 7 or a 6 soon, and who gives a shit about a 6-10 beaner? Tick tock

All right loser lol


Super cute? How else would she look?

Attached: 740full-isabela-moner (3).jpg (740x925, 134K)

Beautiful thread. Thank you

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Lmao, that's the same bitch without makeup and contouring.
Jesus, none of you have had a girlfriend who put effort into themselves, have you?

lol mad

she looks better without the makeup, poofter

That webm made my chest feel weird. What's wrong with me bros?

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millie legit looks like a horse. i don’t get why everybody likes her. finn i can at least kinda understand but she’s unironically the ugliest and the worst actress out of the kids in stranger things

Good night anons. Thank you for liking my project

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Poofter? You're the fucking nonce who wants to bang short-haired bitches.

When I was 15, I looked 15.
Checkmate ....THING....

Is she trying to make sure she gets pregnant?

>Moner fags were obliterated
>thread has now only 200 replies

Monerfags btfo

It was mostly the anti-Moner spergs

Not being abused by producers for one. I was in school, not being raped.

>things i was doing at 15
Playing vidya
having fun in the hood
>Things i wasnt doing at 15
Sucking hollywood cock
fucking Drake

I think after all my lack of privilege in life, i end up breddy gud.

I think it might be over for them.

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It lives

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Bitch looks like G Hannelius now. Her whitoid genes kicking in


Attached: 740full-isabela-moner (1).jpg (740x925, 206K)

What am I supposed to be looking at?

Oh no a hot girl looks like a different hot girl


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>women prefer older men
Take the blackpill. You need it you delusional old man. Women dont want you

Moner looking...normal and cute?

I really don’t understand why the posts that were nuked were the ones that were nuked. Anyone see a pattern I missed?

Janny sneezed

probably banned 4-5 people and some posted many times

I'm not 51 yet bro.

There wasn't any justification to ban anyone, though

That one autistic pedofag who spammed Millie got banned and all of his posted were deleted

Leave Finn out of this!

so the news that she was getting chubby was true, disappointing

If it was one person then he was literally arguing with himself.

Is she one of us?

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It's okay, you don't need to let her perfection upset you.

yaaaas fellow roastie they are both beautiful kweens

You can't even find a flaw with Moner so you have to resort to this bullshit

As opposed to stuff like le flying heroman with a suit who fights evul guys and wins and fucks the chick? I find her horrible at acting, but that doesnt sound like a totally terrible idea. We'll see, give her the benefit of the doubt. Imo, the project isn't necessarily doomed but because it's Netflix, it isnt looking well. It's highly probable it's gonna be pozzed to the bone.

What went wrong?

Attached: moner.jpg (1280x720, 79K)

Rapid weight gain?

She is so cute

I want to brush her hair

Nothing? She's perfect


Going full Gomez already, jeez.

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Is choking on old Jew dicks really worth getting your own movie?


Vidya with all my high buddies until the early AM, messing around with qt's, school, playing sports, pretty much living a care free life. I wish I could go back even for a day sometimes.

like this is a bad thing

She’s aged 5 years since Dora premiered and she’s already ballooning to Gomez size but go off white knighting

Millie is cuter. Moner is sexier if you want it. Nothing more, nothing less

Imagine Millie forcing you to watch every episode of rick and morty while she keeps staring at you to make sure you're laughing

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yeah right, prove any of this bullshit

More tits and hips for her sounds great

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This. Millie fans aren’t pedos that lewd her like Monerfans did

The haters won. Are you happy?

homosexual prostitution?

Boxcar racing?

Is Millie the Winona of her generation?

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>Millie fans aren’t pedos

Neither of these things occurred though, she's the same 10/10 as the past years, the anti-Moner fags have nothing

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why the fuck is this post still up and why the fuck do people still argue about that other girl

why is it so important what some random user thinks? fuck

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who will be her Gwyneth?

They decidedly didn't, though

this won't happen

Madness in her eyes

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How did Moner fans get btfo when your girl literally got BLACKED and SCHLOMO'D by Drake?
Plus she looks 30.

Depends if you like the taste. I know that Millie does.

>double muffin top

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Is Smash Mouth the Bob Dylan of theirs?

>The only place that is fucking uptight about this shit is ironically, Yea Forums.

Believe it or not, we still have some standards here.

>Believe it or not, we still have some standards here.

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based thread
Yea Forums needs more waifuism and young girls, and less old hags and mainstream bullshit

Who is the ghost writer going to be?

i wanna have sex with the young actress, writer, and producer millie bobbie brown

Peter O'Toole

I was busy fucking your mom

Aubrey Graham

Unironically good for her.

Get a better phone, I can see them just fine.

so fucking hot
do girls put that sparkly shit on their tits and labia? is that even edible?

Too late bby, teen love is powerful and pure

She has always been amazing.

so cute :3
what happened?



and there's nothing wrong with that

>tfw had a dream millie was my gf

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What was it like?

We looked into each others eyes and held each other

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Sometimes I think dreams just exist just to torture us