Is this list correct, Yea Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Kanye's a genius and Yea Forums knows it

>I am a sick fuck I like a quick fuck
I am a sick fuck I like a quick fuck
>I am a sick fuck I like a quick fuck
I am a sick fuck I like a quick fuck
>I am a sick fuck I like a quick fuck

there are no geniuses in hip-hop

Yea Forums hates Rowling more


I remember when it was Michio Kaku instead.

I remember when they couldn't stop sucking his cock.

Who’s the guy from Yea Forums?

Rowling is just a crazy old lady that got lucky with the mediocre harry potter series and now shitposts about it on twitter . King keeps pooping the same books for years and people praise him for that

Tarankino is /ourguy/

>the joos
ironic considering that Dolan "He's Gonna Save Us Aryan Incels" Drumpf is the biggest lover of Israel as far as presidents go. Drumpf pic should be there instead

sampling other peoples music is not genius its pure hack



I'd say nolan is much more of a hack.

/fit/ actually, majority of people still love Zyzz

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>Yea Forums to Oda
>Yea Forums to D&D

Otherwise it's pretty good. Although everyone here is a tasteless contrarian so I wouldn't take it too seriously.

Araki, the guy who made jojo's bizzare adventure

>Yea Forums
>Yea Forums
QT is a hack but I don't know if the biggest. Top 3
>Yea Forums
>Yea Forums
Everyone knows King is a pleb writer
Correct? Kind of? He's only praised because >le based black science man. Anyone who takes him seriously is a brainlet anyway
>Yea Forums
No idea.
>Yea Forums
Like QT, a hack but I don't know if the biggest.
Can't decide.

>\v\ not Todd from Bethesda
nope its wrong

zyzz has the respect he deserves. he's an icon

how can the Jews be hacks if they control Trump?

Masashi Kishimoto

That's why Kanye is so unique, he's the only one
It can be hack, but Kanye does it in a genius way. Taking unpopular songs and making them hits.

Yea Forums should be Togashi

I don't think Araki has that reputation
For Yea Forums it would probably be anno or togashi

Rent free

I don't think there's that much of an anti-Tarantino sentiment on Yea Forums. I've seen other directors been derided harder. Joss Whedon and Chris Nolan come to mind off the top of my head.

Bethesda makes decent games, brainlet.
Kojima makes movies and tries to pass them off as games.

this is the worst fucking media board

Attached: 1386158244285.jpg (1528x5000, 960K)

>Kojima makes movies and tries to pass them off as games.
Not anymore. Kojima makes trailers now, cash in in the hype, and releases shitty games.

Yea Forums
>Todd Howard
Yea Forums
>Christopher Nolan
Yea Forums
>Lou Reed
Yea Forums
>Stephen King
Yea Forums
Yea Forums
>Stan Lee
>Sean Parker

This but unironically

GRRM is worse than King

Literally nobody thinks zyzz was a hack. He came in strong and died before he could embarrass himself by getting out of shape.


They are the biggest hacks out there user

Attached: images.jpg (250x201, 18K)

Imagine being this much of a pathetic contrarian

Imma suck dick i like my ducks thick
> Imma suck dick i like my ducks thick
Imma suck dick i like my ducks thick
>Imma suck dick i like my ducks thick

Which one triggered you soiboy?

I do. He was a roid guy and died from that

nice job saving the thumbnail /pol/let

i'm only familiar with the 5 top ones, and they seem correct
there are other options, but these ones fit


Oh God, just go back already

go to bed Todd

regardless of writing quality, he might be even worse because he straight up shit all over his own creation and fans after jewing enough money out of tv normies

Zyzz isn't a hack. He had 100 kilos at 6 feet with under 12% bodyfat. That is impressive.

What’s the least contrarian board on Yea Forums?

/Gif/ or /x/ sadly

Tarantino is just like Kanye West, just rips off obscure stuff and re-brands it as his own.

i've been saying elon musk is a hack since for ever happy /g/ayboys agree

t. no music taste
nigger genre for niggers


Both are also geniuses.

>what is MF Doom
>what is Big L
>what is Big Pun
You haven't looked hard enough, there are pure pink diamonds in the rough that is hiphop

does it count if there are no actual discussions? gif is just, well, gifs; and x is schizophrenia containment board

How the fuck is DW Griffith a hack?


>bethesda makes decent games
last decent game bethesda made was new vegas. Everything since has been down hill and todd is a nigger.

It's just it's dumb to discuss it. They're not "hacks", le jewish boogeyman is not an auteur and /pol/ is not about discussing media, just politics. It's unrelated to the others. They could have put Yea Forums with Guardiola in its place or something. Or /fa/ or /jp/ or /tg/ or /ck/ or /his/

No you retard, Bach, Mozart and Beethoven are geniuses.

Jesus Christ, how did society's music standards fall so low?


>I am a sneed fuck I like a quick chuck
I am a sneed fuck I like a quick chuck
>I am a sneed fuck I like a quick chuck
I am a sneed fuck I like a quick chuck

Oh theres plenty of """""discussion""""" on gif, just go to the controversial threads, like BLACKED, tranny or AMWF.

>last decent game bethesda made was new vegas
NV was made by Obsidian, produced and/or published by Bethesda. But the hard work was all Obsidian's.


I'd say Tarantino, NDT, King, and Lee are very good choices. I'm not a fan of Kanye, but I wouldn't say he's the biggest hack ever. I'd maybe say Lennon instead, seeing as Paul and George were the really good ones, yet John got all the praise and attention. Don't know enough (or care) about Yea Forums, Yea Forums, /g/, /pol/ and /fit/ to make a judgement.

>Bethesda makes decent games

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Ironically, /po/. Just pure wholesome creativity

Lou Reed, I guarantee

kek even by that list's own definition it makes no sense for Christian Bale to be on that list

Okay now make chads according to 4channel boards

Name one genius that isn't autistic

Wew that's a hard one. I'd guess /vg/ or /jp/ where autism is too high and everyone would rather go against their own then the mainstream. And /mlp/ is a hivemind

It deserves a spot because /pol/ is one of the better subs. Really the image just needs a third row.

I mean I know mentally that image is just to rile people up but man that one really got to me

Zyzz was a god amongst men and tarantino has started to make kino recently (OUATIH and Inglorious basterds)
Kanye makes good music

came to post this. also checked and also sneeded

/pol/ is the most contrarian board after Yea Forums.
Now /pol/ is pure neocon stuff, israel fans and pro stablishment.
the elections really fucked up that board. Is infested with shills, bots and glowniggers. I bet only the 20% of post are real anons

list needs update to coen sisters.

Kanye peaked with MBDTF and it's been downhill ever since.

He said /po/ you stupid fuck. Paper & Origami.

>Bethesda makes decent games

Attached: Super cute ornella.jpg (480x360, 16K)

true. My bad, but im still correct.

>Yea Forums isn't anno
>no /g/ and stallman

Tsujimoto Taro

Replace araki with oda

He used roids and coke and died for it

That's why I said ironically /po/, because /pol/ produces so much annoying stuff. You should browse the different boards more

off yourself zoomer

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He is business genius because he can sell literal shit (not even his own) and the white drones will trip over each to pay him millions for it.

Rian Johnson would get my vote

Most /fit/ like Zyzz

>Okay now make chads according to 4channel boards
my picks, ready to be called a brainlet and/or reddit

Attached: 5chins.png (1800x524, 1.44M)

>what is MF Doom
>what is Big L
>what is Big Pun
Pure shit?

RAP - Retards Attempting Poetry

desu this

/fit/ should be vegan gains

Did /pol/ kill up your cousin in the ISIS camp they blew up with Russian bombers?

Because they are all roiding fags that never did even a single second of cardio in their lives?

in Yea Forums jj abrams is far more reviled than tarantula

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God tier bait

Almost all the geniuses in hip-hop are on the production side, and almost all of them are from the early days

/p/ standing by

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I met Tarantino in a bakery and told him I loved him in Phantasm and asked if he kept in touch with Reggie Bannister and asked how he was doing. I also brought up Bubba Ho-Tep and asked if he was ever gonna work with Don again. He just glared at me and stomped out.

Saw an article about him a few weeks later and he had gotten a haircut and was styling it differently. Weirdest thing.

Attached: quentin-tarantino.jpg (2048x1536, 209K)

Like it or not Kanye is one of the smartest celebrities of this generation.

After the Bush comment, all the Taylor Swift polemic, the paparazzi dramas, the Kardashian scandals, the Trump hysteria and the comments about slavery he somehow still manage to stay relevant and loved.

Any other celebrity wouldn't dare even say half the things Kanye has said for fear of killing their careers. Kanye literally doesn't gives a flying fuck.

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/sci/ is very wrong

add heisenberg, funny touch

Why does /g/ hate Elon Musk?

Most likely

Shouldn't it be Refn in the hack section? Or Lucas?

/fit/ should be alphadestiny tbqh famalan

only betas believe this

No. Yea Forums doesn't consider King a hack. Yea Forums doesn't consider King a writer at all.

>Listens to Queens greatest hits for the 100th time this week

>not lynch

Steven king looks like he's from whoville

Exactly. Same can be said about Rowling, Paulo Coelho or Martin

>coen bros
I agree with most of the list, but these picks are pure seething middlebrow. Coens don't make art, but they never claimed to be trying to make art. They're certainly not talentless hacks.

I thought Yea Forums like Kanye though?

Meant for

"Borrows" too much from other movies to make his grindhouse-esque flicks
>Stephen King
Bad writer, but appeals to casual readers so people assume he actually writes well
He might actually be retarded. He probably has an IQ of 80, at most.
The "He's just like me! We're gonna make it bros!" is just annoying. The guy abused steroids and NEVER did any cardio, then died because of it.
Don't know much about anyone else.

he's a nigger

They got the Yea Forums one wrong

Attached: He's looking right at us.jpg (590x394, 29K)

Replace zyzz with rippetoe

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they're pointing at us


Somebody needs to put a hit on this man.


Update le happy merchant with Blumpf, Zyzz with Jeff and you've got yourself a solid hack wall

The boards are all objectively wrong

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Wrong, Yea Forums should be The Beatles


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>Like it or not Kanye is one of the smartest celebrities
This nigger has married Kim Kardashian, it cant get any dumber than that


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if it's popular, praised by normies, then, he/she is a hack
I thought you fags had more personality

lol dumb incel spams pics for ants

do the dumb muslims on /sg/ actually believe their own propaganda

Incorrect. the vast majority of /pol/ has turned against Zion Don because of his shilling for Israel

>I hate Kanye West & Rap music what a fucking shitty genre music for black people
>*Kanye West becomes a good friend of Donald Trump*
>You know ... "My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy" is the best rap album ever made, Kanye west is a genius
>Just listen to Runaway's outro it's fucking magic, bro


pitbulls are the only thing that triggers them, and even that is mostly meme hate.

>meme hate

Attached: CuddleWuddle.jpg (450x490, 48K)

pit bulls suck though, no reason to make more of them.

replace /pol/ with alex jones
