Why can't Americans sit for 90 mintes without eating?

Why can't Americans sit for 90 mintes without eating?

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feed and seed son

90 minutes! Do you know how long the new 'it' movie is?! I eat lunch its dinner halfway through the movie.

for me, it's having to piss
I'm definitely finna pee in two hours and I also want to enjoy a comically large soda

Why can't they make GOOD cars, like Germany??
Or at least CHEAP cars, like Guatemala???

why yes, i stuff my pockets with a full three course dinner before i go to movies. how could you tell

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because food is available and plentiful in America

Our massive world leading movie industry is driven by children and "adult children" a race of men who consume content marketed to the young. They've been in theaters their entire lives, and American parents are encouraged to soothe a howling brat with treats. They are also ALL video game adhd cases who eat as a form of fidgeting.

When I was little I'd go to the theater with my parents and from time to time I'd ask if we could get popcorn. The response was the same pretty much every time: No, it's the biggest scam in existence. Popcorn and fake butter cost them about 3 cents per bag and then they sell it for a 90000% mark-up. It's pure profit for them, you'd have to be an idiot to pay those prices for exploded corn kernels. My parents were rich, but from their own work and as a result were always teaching my siblings and me to be "thrifty" shall we say.

So it was always a mystery to me what it was like going to the movies and buying food to eat while watching the movie. When I got older and was first dating my wife I went to the movies with her family. The irony is that they were lower middle class. Her dad was a civil servant who never made much money. We bought tickets, had our stubs checked, and I made a right turn to head towards the theater. They're all walking straight to the food counter saying "HEY WHERE ARE YOU GOING user, WE DIDN'T GET OUR FOOD YET!"

Cue me standing there in awe as they each buy sodas, popcorn, some candy, etc. (they're not even fat with the exception of her sister). They ask me hey aren't you going to get anything? They already thought I was an ass at the time and had a complex about me once they figured out I was from a rich family, since they had been taught their entire lives that rich people are arrogant jerks. I said "oh umm I'm not hungry" instead of diving into my dad's lecture of what idiots they were for wasting their money. A few months later my wife came with my family to a movie we were going to see and got the "what? you want popcorn? LET ME TELL YOU WHAT A RIPOFF POPCORN IS!" talk from my dad, like clockwork.

Nice blog post, but what's it got to do with Sneed?

>They already thought I was an ass at the time and had a complex about me once they figured out I was from a rich family, since they had been taught their entire lives that rich people are arrogant jerks.
Seems like they were pretty dead on

Because I feel the sneed to feed

We like eating food

Absolute cancer.

Hey, I can go 90 minutes without-wait-oh my-I'm eating right NOW! SOMEBODY HELP ME!

Yes they pretty much were, but only one of their children married an "arrogant jerk", and only one of their children owns a house and is in a 6 figure income household. I'm pretty sure there is a direct correlation between being a dickhead and being successful, but you don't get rewarded in life being a retarded simp. I'm also pretty convinced that people who are sensitive to "arrogant jerks" and feel threatened by other people's success are destined to be the poor underclass.

Very cool blog but take it somewhere else.

You the hall monitor? Gonna turn me in to the authorities?

You look very well fed

imagine being such a penny pincher you are incapable of having fun with loved ones

you mean keep eating

they can sit still for 7-8 minutes, max

Are you capable of having fun, yet not wasting money?

For me, it's gummy bears

Theater owning kike running damage control

>not just sneaking in your own cheap popcorn
So close to enlightenment yet so far.