Whats the best movie about people joining forces to do good?
Whats the best movie about people joining forces to do good?
>Catholicism (not "Christianity" as a whole, just Catholicism alone)
>$4.5 billion dollars in aid to Africa every year
>one plastic water tank
Wow, Atheism really IS better than religion!!!
>helping nigs survive
Jesus christ does someone have a screencap of neckbeardery that went in to making OP's pic happens?
>demanding to be thanked on your charitable donation of water
now they can breed more babies and still not fix their problems.
wow Christians give free shit to nigs. very based.
>implying sending aid to africa is a good thing
>rain water harvesting tank
It's a fucking big bucket, you're telling me they can't even put together a big fucking bucket without help from the international community?
Atheists dont rape them while theyre down there
>rain water container is made of plastic to reduce African fertility rates
Where does that happen? In your grotesque interracial pedophilia fantasies? Nobody cares, freak.
based dimitrija
we fight against the tranny menace
Meanwhile your fake "god" (it doesn't deserve a capital letter) has done nothing for the millions of starving people in Africa. Stay mad christcucks.
Meanwhile, Christian missionaries have been helping the poor in all parts of the world for hundreds of years
I'm not even Christian myself, but it's ridiculous for atheists to think they have some sort of moral high ground
>literally rain gutter runoff
Holy shit that comment.
See: Literally 4.5 billion a year, much of which goes to fresh water. That's a lot more than "just praying".
Atheists are literal fact-denialists.
What did tinfoil user mean by this?
And then the Catholics pederast the kids while the Evangelicals are full of CIA adjacent arms traffickers and activists
>be r/atheism
>build water tank so that more niggers can breed
>jerk off over how much you dabbed on xtians and then jerk off again when the niggers come to your country and fuck your wife
as expected of a truly enlightened intelligence
>300 million population
>a few of them are starving
>if a few of them die, they'll have enough resources for everybody
>white people love giving them aid
>population explodes
>everybody is starving now
>because there's not enough resources for everybody
>what resources are left are spread thin as fuck
>white people have to donate even MORE to keep them alive
>population of Africa is now 1.3 billion
>population of Africa will be 2.75 billion by 2050
Based white people.
All catholhicks should be imprisoned, they're literally all potential child molesters, anti-science and hateful. Each one of them.
>muh conspiracy nonsense
Stop eating so much plastic, Cleetus.
>Where does that happen?
Anywhere catholicism resides
Sorry but
>vulture looking at nog baby
I rest my case.
Good thing I did all my the atheist edgy shit by the age of 12 before social media.
In the World, Cletus, which unlike your precious (((heaven))) is very much a real thing.
>because there's not enough resources for everybody
Oh no it's worst they have resources it's just they are too stupid to use them literally
God scorns africa, he wants them to starve, thus there is no rain. Fuck niggers
>my gf uses r/atheism all the time.
>not even ultra religious but still have to explain to her why not to be such a fedora tipper and to accept that that place is designed to find the worst stories possible about religion
is it really racism and slavery's fault that africa still like this? seriously why is africa like that? is there any non-racist explanation for this? it makes no sense
I don’t understand how can the entire continent not feed themselves how is this even possible? Not all of America is viable farm land but some parts are and they grow enough to feed everyone. How come they don’t have enough usable farm land in the entire continent??
Yeah, we'll get right on it, Muhammad.
>my gf
stopped reading there you piece of shit
so nice of the church to spend 100% of their profit on helping people. 100%. all of it. :)
ay what’s wrong with them little niglets staring like children of the corn mf’s
Based Thanos.
>is there any non-racist explanation for this?
No. Africans are literally just shit at everything. Facts and Political Correctness don't always coincide.
Because they killed all the white farmers in order to take over their farms. Even though they don't know how to farm themselves. Yet white people continue to donate to them.
And now Africa more than quadrupled in size over the past 40 years. And they're flooding over to Europe, blacking all their women and destroying their countries.
Yes, white people ARE this fucking stupid.
There isn't the necessary infrastructure to support the population and they don't put enough money towards developing it
For all yall racists ITT. Watch or read the "Guns, Germs and Steel". It proves that Africa is so far behind the rest of the world because of their geographical location. Europeans were lucky being born in the perfect area.
We could grow good crops.
We had access to many beasts of burden.
We had lots of trees for wood.
Our climate makes it able to house many domestic animals.
We have seasons.
This is the ONLY reason we are ahead of Africa, infact there are many evidence suggesting that Africans are smarter than White people.
Lol, that’s the camera sucking out their soul
>g*d is real
cringe cringe cringe omfg
Where are you implying the rest of it goes? I can't seem to find any Catholic Priests riding in Porsches paid for with money they SAID was going to Africa.
Are you stupid or just incapable of communicating properly?
teachers are much more likely to be pedophiles than catholic priests its pretty apparent your worldview comes from movies and facebook
Yet China will still surpass the West.
Feels good man.
>why yes of course I've read the bible, I love science fiction
why didn't they migrate then?
lookin like a goddamn korn album cover
Want to remind you that believing in God is a symptome of low intelligence. Atheism created everything we use today, christianity wants us to get back to caves
It’s not conspiracy nonsense, the group that runs the National Prayer Breakfast has had members indicted under FARA and is one of many venues US politicians use to connect with foreign dictators and dark money as churches have even more obscured finances than 501 (c)s. I’m sure you’d be more receptive if I told you Chabad is the same type of deal and provides back channels between Israel the US and Russia.
>Literal virtue-signaling to own da Christians
i mean i know there's a little difference in average IQ, but just this would be enough? or is there something else
>China will still surpass the West
In what? Gutteroil consumption? Deaths due to falling cranes?
We also had Christianity.
>Catholicism (not "Christianity
oh this is some good bait good work user
Well I’m not sure if that really answers my question. Why don’t we send them renewable resources and invest in their infrastructure. Ship them farm pigs and sell them corn/basedbean grains to feed them and have them you know raise the pigs a few generations until there’s hundreds of millions or something
lol that book was stupid
>IQ isn't real and is racist!
>btw niggers have higher IQ imo because they hunt with spears instead of sitting and watching TV all day!
author is a hack
If nigers are so smart, why don't they terraform their shitty continent?
do any of the priests come back to the vatican with hiv after giving the natives their 'charity'?
It has already surpassed "the West"
>scientific discoveries
>longer history
>more united
>actually colonising Africa in a humane manner
you're fucked westoid, just stick to cooming for the rest of your life
You're assuming they're smart enough to utilize the free shit sent to them.
They're given free condoms yet AIDS is still rampant and they rape kids to "cure themselves of AIDS". They're sent equipment to farm, and they salvage the parts to sell or break the equipment even with instructions on how to use them.
Because if we send niggers money to develop infrastructure they'll spend it on themselves or on weapons
the rewards
how many of the niglets got raped by catholic missionairies
West is better at being BLACKED and school shootings than China.
It's a well known fact that plastics can cause fertility issues.