Was there ever an instance where a character is vastly improved by their change of hairstyle/beard?
Was there ever an instance where a character is vastly improved by their change of hairstyle/beard?
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Hemsworth looks infinitely better with long hair
How do i ask for this cut at the barber? I don't want to go in there with a picture of him like a goof
youre just gay and think if he has long hair it justifies your subconsious desire to suck his schlong
Ask for an ivy league haircut.
if your barber doesn't know it, ask for 2-3 inch on top with texture and 1-2 inch + fade on the sides
This desu. Dark World was garbage, but damn if he didn’t look like some kind of god.
do I love punished versions of characters.
a beard could signal that a character is older and wiser, but it could also signal that the character is in at their lowest point, their beliefs shattered and just doesnt give a shit anymore
Thanks man, I should probably grow it out for a while to get the best effect no?
Haircut and beard is cope as shown by Lachowski who mogs Hemsworth, Francisco Lachowski comes very close to perfection. There are virtually no flaws in his facial appearance, the only flaws can be drawn when we go below the neck which is irrelevant when you consider his facial aesthetics.
He has perfect maxillofacial growth which becomes evident from the zygomatic arches that project wide (adds facial width) and are round in shape in the tipping points. The nose is perfect: straight nasal septum indicates the face hasn’t grown vertically more than it should at any point in developmental time so it doesn’t appear hooked, it is also devoid of any obscure mal/formations, crookedness or deviation (some of which are typically caused by allergies or force trauma).
He has near perfect dentofacial growth. While he has gotten some dental aid with orthodontics (evident from the appearance of his top central and lateral incisors+canines), his bite is perfect. You can tell this by looking at his lip posture, which is affected by the position of the mandible, and anyone will agree that it looks nice and balanced. The mandible is in an ideal position which means there’s no malocclusion, and malocclusions have an enormous impact on the aesthetic appearance of the face. This is rare because with modern [western] diet and the rapid increase of allergies, it is extremely hard for most males to develop a nice looking jaw (not to mention that you need the appropriate testosterone levels and genetics to develop one). Lots of males that would normally develop a jaw similar to Lachowski’s don’t, because of mouth breathing or improper masticatory usage (the diet is too soft). It takes a perfect growing environment on top of good genes and hormone profile to develop a balanced facial structure like Lachowski’s, and that’s leaving out the individual features like the eye area, which in Lachowski’s case is unique in itself. Now combine all this with the fact that he is over 6’2”.
if your hair is above 3 inches already then its not gonna matter much, what you need to grow is the beard for the fades to actually work
Le depression beard
This, beards are for ugly people only
imagine being 191cm tall and not being able to win in a fight against any avarege male because you're built like a female
this twink is really cute
lachowskis supreme angel hand is the size of that subhumans entire skull
brutal mogging
I already cut my hair like this, but what sort of product is he using in that picture?
in that picture, without the color filter, i'd say wax as there is shine on it.
if you want for it to shine and reveal the texture on the top, use wax, if you want a more shiny/wet look, do pomade.
if you want the hair to focus less on shine and more on the messy/spiky look, do matte clay/wax.
just dont shampoo everyday
>Lachowski who mogs Hemsworth
Hemsworth is a chad, Lachowski is a prettyboy
I would like to add, that with nopoo, your hair should look like hemsworth already, but what carries it is the texture, the uneven, messy look is because the hair is cut in an uneven fashion.
Where can I read the rest of your American Psycho 2 screenplay user?
I'd chose being Lachowski in a heartbeat
Lachowski was 10, Hemsworth a 9, he had universal appeal and JB appeal
Black Widow looks fucking ugly in Infinity War
in dragon ball getting a new haircut and having it dyed makes you 100x more powerful
i think he looks better without it. hes a got a strong chin.
>the Lannisters lost blonde hair as they grew more relatable
What did they mean by this?
I had forgotten about the shampoo joo being totally unnecessary, I think I'll switch to washing it once or twice a week at most.
How do I achieve this body
ben stiller somehow got pretty hot with his beard in walter mitty
Hemsworth looks straight up angelic with long hair. Peak raw sex appeal here
it should literally be written in law that the freakoids with tattoos can be shot and killed legally
Long hair is fine and can look good, his was shit. You can tell he doesn't know how to have long hair, it's so distracting.
B urself bro
You dont you get your own fucking style you god damned weasel. Why do you want to look like everyone else you disgusting gutless faggot
thats changing his appearance not his character you brainlet.
i hope you mean top, cause top is vastly superior.
Yup that’s a fap for me
but thats exactly what OP said?
holy shit, youre stupid.
It's crazy that some men can look like this and other men can look like pic related. There truly is no god.
>pale skin and pitch black facial hair
>the hairs' "roots" or whatever still show even 1 second after washing my face
>they don't grow concurrently so it looks like I'm half-shaved all the time (meaning that there are patches of clean skin and then places where it looks kinda like a 5'O Clock SHadow, but not exactly)
>can't grow a proper beard
>if I don't shave two times per day hairs start growing and puss/acne/whatever gets gathered with them creating "hair pimples"
At least foundation exists...
>run hand through hair
>5 hairs get stuck on it
>sit under the light
>whole scalp is showing
>on treatment for a whole year
>doc keeps saying "everything is fine"
>head is filled with puss-filled cysts that hurt when I touch them
>I douse my head with rubbing alcohol almost every day because it's the only thing that works
>the place where the ear and jaw meet fills with puss and has dried puss that swell up whenever I get stressed, creating cysts that can't be popped
I even had an ingrown hair that created a cyst/pimple in my dick, that I popped, cut open with a scalpel and then just stabbed isnide the dick's meat to take out the dried puss and hairs. Done the same with my nose, chest, shoulders...
>early Tyrion looks a little younger, almost childlike
>seasons 2-4 his age shows more and more as he becomes more experienced in both combat and the world of politics
It’s the little things that made the early seasons so fucking amazing. I feel like the showrunners really lost interest in attention to detail after they finished the Red Wedding.
>I douse my head with rubbing alcohol almost every day because it's the only thing that works
Alcohol dries your skin and removes natural oils, your body reacts by producing more oil, which leads to cysts and acne
I'm more handsome than this pee-shy beta
>a beard could signal that a character is older and wiser, but it could also signal that the character is in at their lowest point, their beliefs shattered and just doesnt give a shit anymore
Those are exactly the same
Fucking stupid. Thor is a character from Norse myth. He has LONG HAIR. Not some salon styled numale shit with gel and animal cum mixed in.
I've been having this problem for about a decade. I've only recently started using rubbing alcohol. My hair gets greasy if I don't wash in more than 12 hours. My skin gets greasy in about 4. I don't sleep for more than 4 hours per day. Everything's going to Hell. Anxiety plays a role. Now I even have a scar on my cheeck. I removed a mole and I guess the doc didn't do a good enough job, so I have a weird piece of pink-purple skin that's stretched over. Meanwhile hairs still try to grow, producing acne, but I can't pop it because the skin isn't proper, so... Yeah...
Do you have an incredibly rugged and masculine square jaw? Cause if you do all the scars and shit will improve your looks
>pale skin and pitch black facial hair
>the hairs' "roots" or whatever still show even 1 second after washing my face
>they don't grow concurrently so it looks like I'm half-shaved all the time (meaning that there are patches of clean skin and then places where it looks kinda like a 5'O Clock SHadow, but not exactly)
>can't grow a proper beard
i know this pain bro, i always look unkempt, also my facial hair just seems to stop growing after a week so i never look clean shaven but never grow a beard either
That's because ones good looking and the other is fucking ugly. There's nothing crazy about it.
no one cares dipshit
The crazy part is just how unevenly genetic traits can be handed out
>handed out
LMAO if you're ugly it's your parents' fault. It's not some random shit. Go say hi to mom
have you tried not sucking so much cock?
I feel like you know exactly what I'm saying but you're just being obtuse.
> six million?
> no, our writers totally made that up.
Riker's beard
Every time I go to the barber I don't know how to explain him to just cut it because I didn't want any particular haircut. I used to shave my head myself with a hairclipper.
But the barber just cut me like the in the OP and it looked great because I have a handsome face. My ex-gf loved it.
Not really. Chin's normal. It's got a dimple. Jaw used to be good enough when I was not fat. All in all it's a standard face, I guess. Problem is, I've got the lips of a woman... As for the scar, it's not that kind of cool-looking "stride" across the face. It's just a patch of skin that looks discolored and a bit "stretched", so to speak.
I have found kind of a way around it. I shave with a Phillips Oneblade, and then use another shaving machine which has a head that is sort of "cylinder" looking. That gathers all the little hairs and their "roots". It holds you over until they grow again, which is soon, but, y'know.
>Genuinely having to go this deep in the thread to find a mention of Riker
Yea Forums is fucked
Short at the sides and back, a bit longer at the top, and a gradual fade.
Hairstylists know what you mean right away.
mad that I had a girlfriend and have a kick ass haircut? lol
no weird post. You're bragging that you were too autistic to know what haircut you wanted and got lucky.
>I used to shave my head myself with a hairclipper.
nigga really?
beat me to it
Go in with a picture. Theres nothing wrong with that at all, idiot.
just fuck my shit up senpai
>Problem is, I've got the lips of a woman... As for the scar, it's not that kind of cool-looking "stride" across the face. It's just a patch of skin that looks discolored and a bit "stretched", so to speak.
Holy shit it's a fucking MONSTER
Yep, I'm thinking hes back.
Have sex
With a woman
This pasta again
buzzcut is the cut of the real alpha men like myself. my ex used to love my 1 cm buzzcut. thinking of her running her big hand and fingers through my short buzzcut makes me kind of hard right now
Theres is something divine about extremely good looking people
buzz cuts are just for potato people with fat round heads or those who want to gracefully go bald, stop kidding yourself and jerking off about how it makes you "alpha'.
Thor's first 2 movies accurately represent the Journey into Mystery comics. They're boring as fuck.
His character change happened because they switched to the MCU formula for Ragnarok
Go with pic on your phone
I do it all the time and I'm gonna do this one too
He looks too much like nick cage
The classic
hey i am 430 pounds of pure alpha male kiddo
Nah, I'm not a tranny. I just have some masculine features, some "feminine" features (full lips, long eyelashes), and some skin problems, so... Yeah...
Agreed. The greek used to believe that inner beauty shines through the exterior. Maybe extremely beautiful people are more enlightened as well.
no fucking way, that's not the same person
Only extremely good looking fit men can pull off long hair, and even they look better with short hair.
Only in Endgame, when he goes full norse god at the end
Hemsworth is 7 at best. His face is very lackluster
>Now I even have a scar on my cheeck. I removed a mole and I guess the doc didn't do a good enough job, so I have a weird piece of pink-purple skin that's stretched over.
are you me? don't worry it's going to look fine, mine is barely visible after 10+ years
Reminder that the hardest trek pill to swallow is that clean shaven chad Riker is superior.
>tfw sucker punched while at a bar and my whole nose split open and it left half my nose after nurses doing a shit job and my beatiful nouse turned into a ugly potato jew nose
horrible feel. its been over 5 years and it still looks pink and it ruined my whole look. my face just looks really odd
>ivy league haircut.
Very nice ty
get it fixed, if you have few thousands of course
>10+ years
Oh boy, I can't wait to lsoe my virginity at 32!
>had a nice, straight nose
>acne hit
>dermatologist didn't do anything
>now it's full of ingrown and dried puss tha makes it look like an overblown potato
>paid 2K to fix it
>fuckers just made the sides smaller but didn't do what I asked them; open up the skina nd take out the fucking puss bumps. Now I have to get another surgery to fix that. My nose ruins my entire face; even more than my thinning hair, cheek scar and glasses.
Galavant and King Richard look a whole lot better with bushy beards. They take a jab about it in the show in one of the songs.
not something I would do desu my friend
its too expensive and I feel like I would just feel even worse to see my nose change again. and the main problem is the scar which seems impossible to do something about. tried 20 different expensive creams
Creams do jackshit. If you want to get rid of it, get surgery.
Riker this far down? ban Yea Forums for being underage
Deep Space Nine's Benjamin Sisko. In their documentary they even said they wanted Avery Brooks to lose his "Hawk" look to make him less "street". Then I guess the ratings came in and seemed that no one gave a fuck about the show and decided to let him go back to the Hawk look.
damn that sucks
they're both good looking. we've been over this.
>blue eyes/brown eyes
kikes aren't human
Yup. I was supposed to getit fixed this month, but my folks are out of cash right now, so I have to wait a bit. It's just that you see people and they are what they are. Meanwhile as if it wasn't enough that I've got glasses, the stress is fucking up my face, etc, etc, now I've got fucking acne scars and side effects fucking shit up even more. You can squeeze my nose at any time of the day and it'll start pouring puss from eveyr pore; no matter the side.
the chad embrace
What kind of mutant monster are you
Who are some actors who look better clean cut than with facial hair?
Pic unrelated.
Eh, more normal than the picture that you're painting in your mind. I exagerrate some things when I feel down. My hair's still there, so without a direct light source I still look normal. The nose is a bit fat, so nothing that bad. If I use my two razor tecnique I can clean up normally. So not some mutant monster, just not as good as I could've been without those problems.
>posts the face of God
Remember. Left is the same species as right and can procreate together.
Wrap your brain around that one. A child can be made between these two organisms.
Mustache + Stubble is Kino. I wish I could pull it off.
Anyone with a good jaw will always look better clean shaven than with facial hair
Facial hair/beards is just cope for jawlets and chinlets
>you just need to be more confident bro!
that sucks even more and it sounds disgusting too. wtf my man. cant you just squeeze it empty??
have you tried going to a sauna? i used to have some nasty acne because of steroids and going to the sauna a lot kinda killed them. the puss dissapaired
Thank lord. I imagined you as some kind of beast with oily skin, cysts that leak with pus and blood all over you, thin gollum-like hair and ingrown hairs
Get that subhuman out of this thread
Should I just shave it off?
No, there's plenty left for keeping it around.
Oh no no no
Because beeing a hobo is not everymans style
I used to get laser done. It burns the nose but has little results. I'd squeeze it then and my nails would literally get covered in puss. But the problem isn't that I get random puss.It's just "bumps" in the nose that are literally dried puss. The're covered by actual skin, so it just looks like a regular fat nose with a fat bone, but I know the truth. I really need that surgery.
Nah, I don't get whitehead pimples and the like. Certain parts of my face get swollen, I add cream and that's it. As for ingrown hairs, they're one or two specific spots at the edge of the chin, so I take care of them. There have been many times where I got carried away and ended up carving up my face with twizzers and scalpels, digging into the meat and... It was gory. Thankfully no scars remain. I use Fucidin, Avene and some Betadede as far as skin repairing goes. They do wonders for wounds. For skin care I have some pharmacy made creams. For the oilly skin, I think it's a part of being overweight (105kgs at like 185 cm or so; thank God for my wide back), but it's not really bad. I mean, we have to wahs ourselves about 4 times per day. I take baths eveyr other day, but if I have to go somewhere, I have to take a bath every day to seem presentable.
Honestly, the extra weight I've put on, and the constant stress are a major part of said problems, so I need to lose them. I'm getting cysts all over my legs and thighs now. So I have to get in shape again. As for the hair, I'll go get a second opinion, so we'll see. That doc said he could've even saved my dad if he'd visited him a few years earlier, and he was 50 at the time and balding since he was 18. Personally, I think the little sleep and exercise, plus the anxiety is having an effect on the hair as well, genetics aside.
>blade runner poster
it checks out time to shave it user or start telling people you are a cyborg
Why does meme facial hair look so fucking cool? My beard is piss poor, I have the density and growth of a 15 year old, but I've decided to just embrace it. I'm working on growing a mustache. It's gonna be L I T TY.
>hair cut really short and clean looking
you are on the clear user, looking trimed and like a normal human being.
Yep, still enough to keep.
Thanks man. I keep it short, it looks ridiculous once it starts getting longer, like an old man. The only problem is that i have to go to the hairdresser often.
his music still bangs though.
Trilogy album is my absolute GOAT
Ok, how much longer do you think i have? 1-2 years. Seriously considering a hair transplant.
Only instance I've seen is John Stamos.
Or you buy a pair of clippers, use the highest guard and just go to town.
When i was at that stage, 3 years, but I'm very physically active, so if you're a bit sloppier it'l stay longer because of less Testosterone being turned into DHT.
I'm sorry Mr user, and I used to think me getting dry skin in the winter was bad enough
Save money and have this guy fix it.
Well, someone always has it worse. That's what I think about when I try to cheer myself up. Or just remain levelheaded.
>tfw you've been buzzing your head for like a decade and you keep promising yourself that you'll grow it out and do something with it but you never do
when they stopped caring about the plot*
fixed that for you bro
Savage, bearded Rick is the best possible Rick.
people like this guy as a joke right? its funny because he's super ugly, but he's pushed as good looking, right?
just show them the picture dummy. I did that last weekend with this faggy picture but i got what I wanted
a question for the ages
left looks way more youthful and thats only a few years difference. One of the few where the beard is a downgrade
Season 5 had been several years since the first season filmed so he was bound to look more weathered even after a shave and haircut, still looked good though.
>Justin Beiber goes to the barber
>what do you want senpai?
>give me the Hobbit
Andrew Clutterbuck is top tier attractive desu. He's not even a big dude or anything, just generally handsome.