which one?

Attached: tpmkotcs.jpg (1949x1395, 621K)

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Both great movies, but i prefer KOTCS

I love them both. But TPM since Star Wars is best.

The Phantom Menace by miles. Say what you want, but TPM didn't suffer from bad CGI or cheap sets. KotCS has no soul whatsoever.

KotCS is so bad I won't even own it to watch ironically. And they're going to do Indy 5. Yikes.

I always liked indiana jones and even this one has some moments despite overload of shitty cgi. I dont give a flying fuck about star wars at all.

source on this?

Both are mostly great with some weak points. I don't like the Gungan battle with the Droids very much and I don't like the jungle chase scene in Crystal Skull at all.

Phantom menace has some cool ideas. I unironically love the pod race. Crystal skull is shit

phantom menace by a long shot

TPS is a disgrace to the series
KOTCS is great though. There is no criticism about KOTCS that the other movies don’t also have

Crystal Skull for the scene where Cate crushes a CGI bug between her thighs.

>by a long shot
I wonder if that user knows that a "long shot" means "a slim margin"? They have to be mistaken since TPM is so much better, right?

jesus christ man. Has Disney produced any film of artistic merit this decade? Just 10 straight years of either god awful messes or mediocre shit that I forget moments after viewing

>Has Disney produced any film of artistic merit this decade?
Solo was surprisingly good.


and TPM is much better by a long shot thats for sure.

Attached: Screenshot_20190911-131740_Chrome.jpg (1080x596, 161K)

Solo was passable but it still wasn’t impactful or memorable at all

it was mediocre at best and only seems better than it is in comparison to the rest of nu wars. hardly an artistic merit.

I remember characters and stuff dough. Impactful? Meh...I'd argue only RotS, ANH, TESB, and RotJ are truly impactful as far as these films go.

>it was mediocre at best
That's TFA. Solo has great set design and world building. I cared about what was happening. And it's a crime how people are ignoring the World War I in space scene.

Hmmmm all films not made by Disney... Remember characters =/= memorable either, the movie was a poorly lit bore and is pretty much a shining example of the mediocre films they make that I referenced in my original post

Watched a fan edit that removed Jar Jar and a lot of Anakin's cringey dialogue, it's a legitimately good film without that.

TFA was absolute dogshit same for the rest of the disney flicks. solo is just mediocre but looks way better than it is in comparison to the last 3 that preceeded it.

>World War I in space scene.
this is just about the only aspect of the film that gets unanimous praise

>he movie was a poorly lit bore
They fixed the lighting for DVD and Blu-Ray.

I've been working on my own edit of that which only removes Jar Jar's worst offenses. Aren't we all, though.

Wreck it Ralph is fun

How do these people exist? I literally cannot comprehend how anyone can think Phantom Menace or Crystal Skull are anywhere close to being good movies.

Attached: really activates the almonds.png (2688x2688, 173K)

things have gotten so bad that mediocre seems good by comparison. It’s why you see internet reviewers praise movies just because they’re not bad

>Curse of the Black Pearl was released 85 years ago

Maybe because KOTCS and The Prequel Trilogy are movies made for grown ups, unlike the originals that are made for children and mouthbreathing retards like yourself

Skull easily and I say that as a defender of Phantom.

Skull's only flaws are the fridge survival and Shia swinging on vines.

Pffsh get the fuck out of here. Crystal Skull was so bad that it made Phantom Menace look like a masterpiece.

I'm guilty of this. I unironically like Korra as a female character purely because I watched LoK for the first time shortly after rewatching TFA and TLJ. I'd kill to have Korra at her worst over Rey at her best.

Children who grew up with these movies liked them and are now old enough to defend them online.

George Lucas has repeatedly stated the Prequel trilogy was aimed at children, as is KOTCS

Yes, and no pod is worth TWO slaves, not by a longshot!

Attached: watto-1174239-1280x0.jpg (1280x718, 76K)

>George Lucas has repeatedly stated the Prequel trilogy was aimed at children
And he has repeated his lie to defend how adults thought that parts where too childish. From the guy's own interviews from the 70s and 80s he fully aimed the saga at everyone, not just kids. Fuck off with this "it's intended strictly for kids" nonsense.

still got checked

Fuck what have I started...also Watto was based.

then he's clearly lying since only a complete moron would claim that AOTC ROTS KTCOS are children's movies
phantom menace yes, in terms of themes and the fact that one of the main characters is a child, but even that like all four movies has filmmaking aspects that are meant to be enjoyed by mature audiences

KOTCS purely because it was the last time I can remember my dad taking me to the movies