What's your favorite Charlie Theron role Yea Forums?
What's your favorite Charlie Theron role Yea Forums?
It's starting
Devils Advocate is prime Charlize
Its her worst role and i wanted to punch her the whole film.
She got way better and that new one where shes a stressed mom is absolutely based
Aeon Flux
i like her in that seth rogen movie
Did she take the bogpill?
shooting her daddy in the head with a shotgun was her finest role
2 Days in the Valley which is kino and also prime Charlize
>shockingly single
this. so brave
maybe importing niglets then castrating them , then ghosting them
what the fuck?
what, can't handle the sight of a strong woman?
Is she the witch out of snow white , bet her niglets think so
arrested development is the only role ive seen her in so that one
>strong woman?
low qual b8
whats that haircut called?
the monica
Just realised I've only seen her in Mad Max
that freak neck
i like the one wher she sohows her boobs n sucks my pp
didnt she castrate you simba
The "Red Flag"