Well playing job at a big tech firm

>well playing job at a big tech firm
>could automate all his repetitive work and shitpost all day
>comfy cubicle and not an (((((open))))) office space

what was his problem again?

Attached: Office-Space.jpg (980x653, 69K)

Back then "shitposting" was irc and newsgroups. Both of which can be blocked at layer 3

he had a case of the mondays


Yeah, that would work. I guess its a question of how desperate you are to not do work

very desperate

>(((((open))))) office space
Biggest meme of the 21st century

No good web browsing on cell phones which meant he couldn’t phonepost at work


Office work is soul-crushing unless you're ultra autistic or somehow lucky enough to get cool co-workers and managers.
And I say that as a guy who spent a decade (so far) doing this shit, not some retarded big eyed teenager mutt or a deluded college student.

Hoteling is very insidious, I worry about my frens in the corpodomes

Because believe it or not back in the 20th century people could still question their work and lives from a more psychological, even spiritual perspective. Is this fulfiling? Is this a good way to spend my life? After 40 years of doing this, will I have regrets? Basically, could life be any better than this? And that's why that century witnessed more social progress and advancement than any other time in human history. People questioned things, and wanted to improve them.

Obviously (((they))) and by they I mean capitalists gradually figured out that this was the result of too much security, namely post-war social-democratic security. They realized hierarchical social systems only work when the fear of poverty, hunger or physical punishment is looming in the background. So since the 80s they've been trying to systematically destroy this sense of security. It's a science, almost an art, to make the average person happy and satisfied enough but also scared and hopeless enough not to dissent. It took them a few decades but they got there, and now the generation raised after this period, having already internalized its values, watch Office Space, American Beauty, Fight Club and other movies in this anti-work tradition with an automatic "holy yikes batman, why aren't they just happy to have a job? Fucking entitled white men!" response. These movies are basically relics, artifacts of historical curiosity, built around a sentiment that has been gradually privatized out of existence. Soon it will be as alien to us as medieval religious art.

>comfy cubicle and not an (((((open))))) office space
Do cubicle offices still exists?



>team at open office is mostly women (that have bfs)
>they often talk about how they wish they were single
>tfw they ask me if I have a gf and that theyd help me get one if I want
>anxiety levels go to the max

I’ve been doing this shit for a year and my soul is crushed. My boss is not a dick, but this shit makes me want to shoot myself.

See that part on his eyebrow? The one on the left eyebrow. Yup, that's me.

Yes, i work in one as IT. I spend hours shitposting

That's a nice and well-thought out argument but I gotta disagree with you. There's more kids than ever pursuing their dreams right outta school. Streaming for example. I agree with what you think humanity faces on a regular basis, but I think the same people that are turned away by these fears would have done the same 30 years ago. I work in construction and nobody has more of a defeatist mentality than the old fucks I work with, 50+ years old. It's all the youngins that are putting in hard work and genuinely either believe or wish they were actually making a difference. Hell you see the same on the large scale social side. Disregarding anyone's political views, modern people are pushing governments and business to comply with not only legal (such as gay marriage) but moral (such as #metoo) standards. I wasn't around in the 80s so I can't really compare social behavior now with that of 30 years ago, but I have pretty good feelings about where we're going as a species (or at least as Americans). What you fear is the stupid, the weak, those who won't put a second thought into anything they're doing. And while I don't like 'em either, they're not the factor that guides society's development, and they're always there, always have been, and always will be.


He's a retard, did you watch the movie?

It wasn't a film for spotty neets

You cannot automate a PPS report.

i'm graduating next year with a CS degree and i just know that i'm gonna end up like this miserable fag. only difference is that jennifer aniston is not gonna magically appear in my life and fall in love with me.

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No but another roastie that works a dead end job can.

When open offices will be replaced by something else you'l be crying for them. I personally still long to work in a coal mine.

Whats your day to day work?

That's my own piss for Christ's sake!

>tripfag and phoneposter
please suicide

PPS reports are the main focus this quarter but mostly meetings and spacing out.

My company can’t even get automation right today, 20 years after Office Space
>partially because AI isn’t advanced enough
>partially because Jew executives hire the cheapest, lowest quality Pajeets they can find to work on automation
>partially because people like me who are involved with testing the automation software “forget” to report some of the bugs and errors we find to slow down Schlomo’s progress on eliminating our jobs

working sysadmin is great. the management all recognizes they don't understand my job so they leave me alone. i don't do a lot of actual work, i mostly tell other people to work, and i shitpost excessively.

>*doxxes you and sends this post to your boss*
nothing personnal

Automation? There wasn't even version control in 99.

He was lazy, lazy people always complain about how the time drags on

I remember when the higher management gathered us and told us to come up with ideas for automation. And they would give some pathetic bonuses if something we suggest get implemented.

But the most mean thing was when at some point they said that this will not replace us. They really do consider us as some subhuman idiots, don't they?

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It's Tool Time (ITT) mostly undergrads.
Here's the answer you're seeking

> develop constructive hobbies
> work to be able to afford those hobbies
> every morning, remind yourself you do not own the company you are working for. Its not your company. Apply for higher paying jobs every 1.5 years and switch.

It’s hilarious when we have automation testing meetings and they’re freaking out about something I noticed and have an idea how to fix it but I just act as puzzled as everyone else. There are some good little goyim working as testers and genuinely trying their best but I know for a fact there are at least a few other double agents like me. I make sure to report just enough trivial shit to seem like I am valuable in this role, they don’t suspect a thing. Every once in awhile I report something major if I’m confident the Pajeets can’t handle it so I seem like a good goy.

what kinda company
good luck kid, i'm behind 1000000 wagie subordinates

Insurance. A lot of what we do is already automated but it’s entirely clerical and data entry stuff, which is simple to automate. Now they are trying to automate the parts of the process that require human decision-making and problem solving abilities.

stay strong brother. don't let them jew you.

Thanks fren. Feels liberating fighting the (((executives))) from the inside.

all it takes is one bad day, user

Attached: 1556669011903.jpg (226x212, 48K)

i swear, one of these days i'm just gonna guhguhguhguhg

Whole lotta cases of the Mondays ITT.

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You gotta get the good goyim under control, man. Get them in on your game.

that's good and all

but we still have to fight the civil war
I hope you're not deluding yourself along the lines that you've done your part already.

>a real bad case of the Mondays

Attached: bb.jpg (1200x630, 67K)

Desperate for (you)s, hasn't gotten any.

Yes, literally everywhere

my gf works in insurnace, but she's in sales. I don't think they'll automate that because people don't want to talk to a machine.

It’s TPS zoomer

What's stopping you?

I thought the same thing as OP before I started working in an office. Now not a day goes by before I think about putting a bullet in my head

I want to make lots of money and FIRE so I can finally escape but my skills are all in law, and becoming a lawyer is no longer the safe return on investment that it used to be

They make it pretty clear he wasn't making that much money and the company didn't give them much real work to do but wouldn't let them just goof off so literally all he could do was sit there and worry about the bosses bothering him over arbitrary shit for 8 hours and then go home to a tiny apartment. I think you'll find that it's harder to silently stare at a wall for 8 hours than to do a demanding task for 8 hours.

do it then you braindead piece of shit
it never even occurs to you to look deeper for a cause to your problems, you just give up

That's HIS right you fucking idiot.

>so I can finally escape
People like you get what they deserve. You're just a rat looking for your own way out.

Have sex

>le offices are soulsucking meme
Yeah well maybe you should stop doing data entry. Why don't you go do something related to your liberal arts degree?

>based CRT monitors stopped open office space from being a thing

Do what? Spend 100k on law school to either:
1) Find a job where you have to work 70 hour weeks for the first 10-15 years and become alcoholic/burn out in the process
2) work for the govt and make as much as someone with much less schooling/experience

No thanks, I will probably stay the course and just have my heart explode in traffic at 35

>tfw I only like my office job because it lets me have my evenings and weekends free, which I value too much to give up

The truth is, work life, for 99% of people, is going to suck big fat dick.

You just need to have good things to do outside of work that makes it worth it.