Reminder THIS faggot let 9/11 happen

Reminder THIS faggot let 9/11 happen.

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He was frozen nigga.

wtf i love the cap now

Not surprised at all.

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you have to see endgame
he goes back in time


Based Cap

Reminder THIS faggot let 9/11 happen.

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>implying passive

Reminder THIS faggot let 9/11 happen.

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Where does the left's delusion that islam loves lgbt come from?

The like to be thrown from roofs

They're repulsive looking brown people therefore they get automatic victim status and a magical victim narrative is concocted for them. The Left love ugly people, it makes them feel pretty.

Faggots are gluttons for punishment.

he created 9/11 idort

>Brown people good

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Reminder that Marvel villains cried over 9/11.

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I am a leftist and you don't speak for me I criticize Islam and Christianity in fact all your faggot ass religions just the same

Literally every superhero let it happen. Where was The Ancient One in all of that? She's right in the heart of New York, too.

Absolutely based goys!

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>hey lets insert our characters into 9/11 haha
>why didnt our heros stop it?
>they arent real
>spend time taking a step back and talking about people who helped clean up 9/11

>me kill people good
>muslim kill people bad
Doom is fucking based

DC definitely had a better reaction for 9/11 in publishing tribute artwork. Meanwhile Marvel published a comic that makes the even cannon in the Marvel Universe where some of the universe's mass murderers like Doctor Doom and Magneto cry over it.

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Why did they end his story like that. It just seemed so ill fitting. Basically the whole movie is just lol use time travel to fix your problems instead of just moving on.

>faggot ass

Based cap fuck niggers wiggers jews and Americans
Means to an end to kill off the only based white male character left
Chris Evans was sick of the role and once sjwoke phase v bombs it will make infinity war and endgame look good

I still can't believe they did this shit. Why was that necessary? Shouldn't his good ending have been him retiring in peace? Is it so people don't ask about him for sequels? But they can time travel and get him if they wanted to. The fuck? They buttfucked cap's character for no reason. Jews win again !

Is this cannon in the comics? Is it just a regular dog he adopts or does it have powers?

Doom is peak kino, he’s like a Yea Forums poster but with magic power and his own country. Red Skull too.

Krypto, he also has superman powers.

>anons circlejerk in replies anyway
/pol/ rots your brain

He also fucks Wonder Woman, Power Girl and Supergirl a bunch with his super dog cock, according to the literature I have consumed.

>captain america can't be happy because i'm retarded
based bucky shipper

>movie establishes that you cannot in fact change the present by going to the past, only create alternate realities
>Cap spent all of his life in one such alternate reality with his best gal
How do you know he did in the timeline he lived with Peggy in?
You don't. You only assume, and incorrectly, with false information as a basis.

IDK, I hate politics and that still seems pretty accurate.
They're trying to protect the underdogs, even if the underdogs they're protecting fucking hate each other, which they try to ignore by pointing to exceptions to the rule.

Islam isn’t a centralized religion so you can find a Imam who will say gays are great via cherry picking.

Muslims are okay with trannies though. The still kill them but for whatever reasons trannies are more excepted than fags.

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your opinions are akin to those of a rat's

she's not captain AMERICA

Interestingly, I've heard there's zero solid evidence that killing trannies for being trannies has ever happened in the UAE (I think, might've been somewhere else)


Fuck. Yea even Iran the state will even subsidize sexual changes and jail you if you don’t cut your dick off for being just gay.

If 9/11 doesn’t happen then Tony never gets kidnapped in the Middle East and thus never becomes Iron Man, meaning Thanos wins
Think about the shit you say for 5 seconds you brainlet loser

that word isn't pronounced how you think it is

you hate politics but are okay with grouping millions of people into "the left"
find me this "left" that thinks "islam loves lgbt"
that's the strawman
it's not "the left" that does this, anymore than "the right" has a gun fetish
what you have is individuals that you can point out hypocrisy in, or conflicting statements
when you lump it into the these ephemeral massive groups you lose that power, but what you can do is make other people afraid of or mad at that big group
so you can either point out how individuals are inconsistent in their reasoning or you can make other people fear/hate this big evil enemy
which do you think is more constructive?
which do you think is easier?

>Cap spent all of his life in one such alternate reality
no he didn't since to get back to his main reality he would have had to come back through the quantum tunnel machine but he didn't. instead he lived out his life with peggy then went and sat on that bench near the machine to give falcon his shield all in the same reality. the movie couldnt even follow it's own time travel rules

Chris Evans is a massive sjw too though

That Imam would be widely disregarded by other Muslims though

The left clumps anyone not a white male into one big group

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to be honest, Marvel characters live in Jew York so they technically would be around for 9/11 but still, it's stupid and it should've never been come out

there were no heroes pre-2008

Captain America has always been a joke super hero. Only normies like him now because of Chris Evans.

made it happen

>he would have had to come back through the quantum tunnel machine
Incorrect. They demonstrate in the film you do not need the platform. With pym particles and the GPS watch, you can go where you like, demonstrated by Cap and Tony going to the sixties while in New York.
>instead he lived out his life with peggy
In another reality, yes. The movie established that the past cannot be changed, which you are implying. What you are doing is saying that movie breaks its own rules, which it does not.
This is not complicated. I'm sorry you are likely an ESL on top of being generally stupid; the movie wasnt exactly made for your type.

No, USA let 9/11 happen

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Actually good point.

Fiction, you schizo fuck.