So what were YOU watching on 9/11? Me? Just flipping stations

So what were YOU watching on 9/11? Me? Just flipping stations.

Attached: MTV playing Let the bodies hit the floor shortly after the towers collapsed.jpg (982x661, 42K)

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I was 5 I dont remember

I got home from school and was super pissed I couldn’t watch my Fox Kids programming that afternoon because they were showing the news

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I was in class, 4th grade. They didnt even send us home early.

playing cs_assault spamming vent with nades in counterstrike maybe 1.3
some guy in chat said a plane hit the wtc

Fellow 4th grader here

With my parents being Hispanic, we were prolly watching Univision or Telemundo

My teacher got a call from his dad in New York and told us a plane had flew into the World Trade Center and I turned to my friend and said "What kind of jackass cant see a giant skyscraper?"

News broadcasts reporting on 9/11, since it was on almost every channel.

In college, late student runs in to laugh at the fact that some jackass in a plane smacked into the tower. We all assumed it was a private plane or something until we pulled up cnn.

Waiting outside class in 8th grade. We went in and saw the second plane hit the towers. My social studies teacher looked around and said "Some of you will be stupid and die for nothing."

sup bros

I was in kindergarten, I don’t remember anything about the day itself other than going home from school early. What I do remember is the next day seeing the newspaper on the table in my house with the headlines “America under attack“ and a picture of the towers burning

I was in kindergarten we got picked up early from school.

Probably in a cradle or something idk. What the fuck do 1 year old babies do?

i was suspended from school and
i was downloading on kazaa or limewire or morpheus ... and someone dm'd me saying attack on wtc and turn on the news

I was only 11 but I said something similar when they dismissed us early and started loading us onto our buses. At the time I couldn't imagine someone flying a plane into a building on purpose

what did he mean by this.... like you will go to war for this and die because of this?

They didn't even tell us planes hit the trade centers all day until the end of school. Nobody cared though since we're not Amerimutts.


Yeah. He was inferring some of the people in the class would sign up for the military and die for it like sheep.

I was in a class in high school. Most the teachers put the news on so we could see what was happening.

Everyone figured the planes just did a little damage to the part of the building they crashed into. Then the buildings fell, and we didn’t know what to think.

Shit their diaper.

I don’t understand. You can literally see, with your actual eyeballs, that the collapses of both towers began at the point where the impact was and that the top part fell onto the bottom part with the impact zones buckling. How exactly are bombs supposed to factor into this?

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I was almost 6 but have no memory of it

something something jet fuel something something footprint

I remember my mom wanting us to stay outside all day in case a plane flew into the house

saint seiya, got interrupted with non stop news
dont remeber the exact episode though

I was in school and heard about it in the morning.

In hospital with my mum. Being born.

Happy birthday, you're old enough to both fuck and browse this board.
It's a long one but explains everything very well.

the news

I was watching these funny looking guys with small hats dancing joyously

in my gym class I made a joke about the pilot being drunk before the second plane hit. I’ve always felt a tiny bit guilty about that, but I was like 12


10/10 kino line

did he call them good goys?
would’ve been bretty based if he did

based teacher

Nothing. Got home and saw mom in the living room looking shocked at the tv, turned the corner to look and saw the towers on fire, then just went to room and played some ps2.
That day was so unremarkable that I forgot what I played.

It was like 6am in 5th grade and I was watching Bob the Builder for the first time, slightly amused at the claymation when my mom came running in the living room yelling to turn on the news. I remember thinking “how unlucky for the pilot to crash into a building!”

In college, professor has the projector set up. We all watch the planes hit on a big ass screen. He gets really upset and cancels classes for the rest of the month.
Go back to my dorm room, see it on NBC. Friend at the time calls me later that night bitching and asking why 9/11 coverage is on instead of regular programming

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I was playing Asheron's Call and a world supervisor came on and said "We don't like to interrupt your AC experience, but you might want to turn on your TV."

On a couch that I no longer have.

I was watching five (((Greatest Allies))) celebrating across the river.

I was supposed to be on the 88th floor eating breakfast like I did every morning, but I just happened to have a doctors appointment that I could not reschedule!

i was watching a dumb typing tutorial vid in the 9th grade, in a class I only took because it was an easy A to pad my GPA (my district didn't weight based on course difficulty at the time)

A morning cartoon. Brazilian TV networks couldn't even immediately broadcast from the US at the time, so they just showed footage from CNN with a portuguese voiceover. Shit was crazy.

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I rushed to home just to watch Spiderman and X-mans, mom was shocked for a bit, we live in south america

dragon ball z

ha, what a retard.

ironically, a a joke ad which is far less offensive than their actual ads featuring a serial child rapist.

i was in a chat room and some american told me about it, turned on my austrlian tv and sure enough it was all over it

In class, so wasnt watching shit. But I had a mini radio and earbud wired from my pocket, up my sleeve so I could listen to all the greatest hits from 2001. Incidentally, I was also the first person in my class to hear the news. I remember turning to the kid next to me, and telling him that someone crashed a plane into the pentagon. He kinda just gave me this blank confused stare.

The real reason people always say crazy shit like jetfuel can't melt steel beams and all that is because its a government psy-op to distract from the reality of it being that the government knew an attack was planned and allowed it to happen