Name a worse season in the series

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this show sucked ass from day 1 and anyone who thinks otherwise is a boring nerd

KoTH became really hit or miss around this time, there's still some great episodes after this, but it became a bit 'Bobby's hobby that Hank doesn't understand of the week' by this time


i think it really lost its way in this season and actually became more gimmicky and casual. that bull run practically being the epitome of it. Like why am i watching the family ride horses through a town and how is it supposed to be entertaining.

later seasons capture what made the show special with commenting on contemporary social issues i.e. dusty old bones. But damn this season sucked ass

What episodes are in this season, I forgot? I know the show dropped in quality once lucky got introduced. I forget what season that was.

Every season after Judge left and the Simpsons Harvard Jew Crew took over writing the series.

>we'll never get a show as simple and comfy as KoTH again
Fucking sucks. Bob's Burgers' vibe is completely ruined with the kids.

This. Judge left after 7. Season 8 still had most of the magic, but 9 and on are the decline. Although even the worst episodes of this show are still decent TV.

If they would just stop fucking singing for one fucking episode.

Every season after Mike Judge left is shit.

I hated that episode. It was all about Peggy's family being dicks and for some reason everyone had to be okay with it.

Any season after it. KotH became kind of shitty after awhile.

10,11,12 and 13 are worse then 9

and then giving us some dumb as fuck braindead humor "haha its fonzi, haha theyre riding horses"
idk i thought this season was a real low but later on there were some good episodes with actual depth to them. season 9 seemed like fucking surface comedy just doing stupid shit to get the simplest of laughs out of the viewer.

I don't remember 9 being that bad, but you've clearly given this some thought. I'll have to rewatch the later seasons.

Season 9 has "Dale to the Chief" (when Dale starts doubting all his conspiracy theories because he makes sense of the Warren Report), which is one of the best episodes.

It also has "Enrique-cilable Differences" (Enrique has marital problems), "Mutual of OmAbwah" (hank forgets to mail insurance check, actually a great episode), "Death Buys a Timeshare" (Cotton wants to buy a timeshare in Mexico), which are all solid episodes.

Season 12 is the worst

>"Mutual of OmAbwah"
That's easily in the top ten.

Bob's Burgers has the most annoying voices for a cartoon I've ever heard; I can't even be in the same room when someone is watching it. Nails on a chalkboard. Plus I can't get over the dad having the same voice as Archer when the two characters couldn't be more different. The voice fits Archer much better imo.

What is the absolute WORST episode in your opinion?

I vote "You Gotta Believe (In Moderation)" from Season 10: the softball episode with the Ace of Diamonds and his Jewels. It's so fucking boring. Yeah, the Manger Babies episode from Season 13 is really really bad, but the baseball one is so fucking BORING, and Hank is so unlikeable in it. I can't watch this ep

H Jon Benjamin is not a voice actor. He just talks in his regular voice for every role. It works for McGurk and Archer

It actually is much more appropriate for Bob, but Archer came first, and Jon can only do one voice. Archer was supposed to sound like this:

Much better for a dimwitted Chad imo.

Literally the first one.
It’s so fucking dull and boring I can’t even finish the first episode

>The voice fits Archer much better imo.
If you believe that you might be retarded

the one with ms wakefield

hank does everything right and yet his family and neighbors, which have known him for literal decades all side with the creepy old lady who wants to die in his house

the irony being that Bob looks far more like the voice actor than Archer does

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yeah it was cheesy, but that last scene was nice

that is indeed a very bad, nearly unwatchable episode
The worst KotH episodes are so uncomfortable to watch. Lots of shows have terrible episodes but you can sit through them. With KotH, the bad ones make me feel a weird emotion, like embarassment or shame for what the characters are doing. The bad episodes usually are ones that fly in the face of what the characters usually believe or how they act. It gives me the same reaction as the second-hand embarassment I get from Peep Show. Hard to describe

1. A Rover Runs Through It
2. Ms. Wakefield
3. Death Buys a Timeshare
4. Yard, She Blows!
5. Dale to the Chief
6. The Petriot Act
7. Enrique-cilable Differences
8. Mutual of Omabwah
9. Care-Takin' Care of Business
10. Arlen City Bomber
11. Redcorn Gambles with His Future
12. Smoking and the Bandit
13. Gone with the Windstorm

My favorite episode is the one where Hank and the guys went to Sneed's Feed and Seed (Formerly Chuck's)

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You conveniently left out "It Ain't Over 'Til The Fat Neighbor Sings", one of best episodes of the series.

Last two didn't copy over, they are
14. Bobby's on Track
15. It Ain't Over 'Till the Fat Neighbor Sings

>Dale To The Chief
>Mutual of OmaBwah
>Care-Takin' Care Of Business
>Smoking And The Bandit
>Gone With The Windstorm
>It Ain't Over 'Til The Fat Neighbor Sings

All good episodes.

I think the smoking one is gimmicky but not bad. It's really not a bad season at all

That season premiere episode, though, is so bad it poisons people's memory

I don't see why it's so bad. Just average and not super funny. Peggy's family is consistent with what we knew about them. We have a new setting and the characters act fairly appropriately. If the cattle drive through town is too unrealistic, you should probably watch the one where they steal a tank and don't go to jail for life.

it's not the realism issue for me, it's that Peggy's family and friends are jerks and there's no comeuppance. I would've loved it if Hank and Peggy finally got fed up and told them all to fuck off.

Especially since they're wrong. Henry Winkler doesn't owe them shit. They should've bought their own stream if they need it. Instead, everyone marches the cattle through town and makes it their problem because, well, fuck the town, I guess.

The season only us Texans understood.

A friend of mine used to refer to Jetsons episodes. Episodes of a show (but George Jetson went through it constantly) where the character gets himself in some kind of jam and you actually don't want to watch, you cringe throughout, frustrated instead.

at least hank gets redeemed, sort of at the end of that one when everyone is in the room and personally has to see how uncomfortable the whole situation is.

The one with the dam and Bill being in charge breaking erks me more.

>7, 8

>Peggy's family and friends are jerks and there's no comeuppance.
As with most criticisms of this show, a degree of life experience is required to understand.

The dam one was frustrating. Mustache combing faggot.

Is it just me or every King of the Hill episode is basically:

>Strawman comes onto the show
>Hank is a good boy, he dindu nuffin - he just wanted to mow his lawn. He was getting his propane career back on track!
>Strawman is defeated in some way by Hank's old fashioned ways

Or am I missing something?

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fuck off you pretentious fag.

Name 5.

Returning Japanese is probably my favorite

Pigmalion is probably my least favorite

There's plenty of episodes where Hank was clearly in the wrong, but a lot of the episodes are exactly like that.

Sometimes Hank turns out to be wrong. Like the time he wigged out over his insurance lapsing and realized he was driving Bobby crazy

It's about 50:50 that the new thing is wrong or that Hank is wrong

Or the time he drove Connie crazy because he went overboard with the bluegrass band.

netflix seasons of trailer park boys

I used to like that episode until I rewatched it recently and realized how much of a jackass Hank was.

This is pasta.


Or the episode where He and Peggy bought the motorcycle, and refused to let her drive.

>Everything rightists don't like is a strawmen
>Everything leftists don't like is evil

Didn't even know Judge left after season 7 and it's so obvious that's when it turns shit.

>annoying your faggy son by virtue of having responsibilities
>annoying your slut of a niece by playing wholesome music
>not letting your wife drive

allegedly, most of the episodes that are "Hank is introduced a new aspect of modern life and learns to accept it" weren't written by Judge.

Bad bait, no u for u.



You probably liked the simpsons which was for even bigger nerds lol

Let's think up some episodes for if they ever revive the series!

"Bobby, why do you have all this God dang cuck porn on your computer?"

"Dale commits a false flag shooting"

"Boomhauer get iPad"

Man I fucking hated Lucky

hey dale did you know your dad

every peggy episode

Bill start dating a tranny

Peggy episodes are pleb filters.

boomhauer get tinder

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Didn't they do this one?

nice effort, but i still gotta give this post a F

>Chaotic evil

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Childhood is thinking Peggy is annoying.
Manhood is realizing how good of a wife she actually was.

A good wife yes, but not a great mother

The last episode is great in my opinion.

That's true to the extent that it's typically about Hank getting worked up over something, but he's not necessarily in the right every time around. Sometimes he's just being a jackass.

Personally I've grown to like the Peggy episodes. Character irritated the hell out of me, but grew to love how she'd honestly get humiliated in some episodes in such a loving way. Like when she got taken in by the fake PHD program.

Is there a cutoff point for this show, or is it mostly good all the way through?

>later seasons capture what made the show special with commenting on contemporary social issues

is this the best negative reaction image you have? here have one on the house mate

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He's smiling and laughing my guy, nothing negative about it.

fucking half of these are kino though

Even the worst of King of the Hill is better than most other shows.

Which one? The cannon final episode where Bobby judges meat, or the final episode that aired, with Kahn’s manic depressive disorder?

Boom Howard was sexy

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>Judge left
What? pretty sure thats still his voice as Hank.

they used machine learning for that

I have masterbated to Luanne in my teens, 20s and now 30s.

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“Shouldn’t she be wearing a life vest?”

dude the fuckin walmart blew up and buckley died in a dramatic 2 parter

so I take it they’re not doing that rumored revamp?


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I don't want them to, not in the current climate. Even purposefully edgy shows like Family Guy are doing episodes about why you shouldn't make jokes about trannies.

Benjamin has that slow drawl that fits Archer being an idiot

That's literally like every episode where it's a Hank story

Not really. In flashbacks, Peggy's mom was always more waspish. In that episode she was just a flat out cunt

Let dead things lie. Imagine if they resurrected your favorite dead director just to take a big dump on his chest.


Yeah. They did an episode where Quagmire's transvestite father who up to this point had always been a joke gave a 2 minute long monologue about how hard being a transvestite is while Peter who up to this point has always been an insensitive ass thanked him for teaching him a lesson.

It was like watching the gay community hold Seth Mcfarland's nose in his own shit and tell him he's a bad boy.

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That’s unfortunate. Can’t say it’s overly surprise though.

this is still accurate ten years later

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Top fucking kek.

is /soc/ a puffy vulva?

many of those are solid episodes, like nr 1,2,3,6,8,12


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