Movies set in a future you want to live in

Movies set in a future you want to live in.
>ywn be a runway worker at a spaceport changing nuclear fuel rods on intergalactic spaceships and blasting parasites out of landing gear, and going for a drink at a dive bar at 1000ft because your girlfriend dumped you and your rasta coworker wanted to buy you a beer

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I think you've nailed it. Tried to think of a better one but this is it

coruscant in attack of the clones, I'd like to fuck a slut of every galactic species

Star wars takes place in the past...

Custodian at the aquarium section of a museum.

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not our past

Star Trek

I kinda want to live in the space Hilton in 2001, but it's set 18 years in the past

I kinda want to blame Julia and try to offload my torture onto her but 1984 was 35 years ago

Fifth element but I wanna be the guy that says we don't have anything bigger than 240s

Might as well set the reference point to jesus and choose anything

not our galaxy, it's set in a different galaxy and someone is telling about the past, but it's not our past, could be a galaxy that still has not formed

The aliens universe always appeals to me. Minus ayys of course.

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any future that has sex robots and a UBI because fuck working

I'd try Bladerunner but that's two years in the past :(

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every scifi movie ever

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I don't know why people think flying cars would ever be a thing. We know how destructive people are with ground vehicles. The idea the governments of the world would ever let random civvies fly around is ridiculous. It would be at least as hard as getting a pilot's license.

They would all be autopilot (which is already real)

Which ones are they?

I dunno probably dumb obvious shit like Dune and Star Trek

Dead genre. Star Wars is the Mario of film. The mascot of its medium being soullessly whored out even as its genre is deader than disco. The only exception I can think if is Guardians of the Galaxy

there are already autonomous flying quadcopter taxis in dubai

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Yeah that I can believe. Cars should all be autonomous too. Not long now.

>ywn buy noodles directly at your window

It actually takes place in hell

>what is grubhub

>soibeard in a beat up '88 nissan fartbox fumbling pen at the door
>based old jap guy who flies a kickass air skiff and parks right at your window
pick one


It's not glamorous but objectively it's pretty much the same thing. In anything you have more options with grubhub.

>88 nissan
Based. Classic cars are the best.

I just can't wrap my head around grubhub.

>take already shitty food of unknown provenance probably made by sub 80IQ shitskins
>add a whole other layer of potential fuckery by some other wagie fucker

I cook though so any restaurant already makes me sick not knowing what is going on in the kitchen but come on. Some wagie fuck eating 1/3 of your dinner on the way to your house with the same hands he just wiped his ass with and improperly washed in a gas station bathroom...NOPE.

deckard's apartment looked comfy

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You seem like you wish flip phones were still a thing

BR takes place this year

do you also not use healthcare services?
because, trust me, if only you knew what happens behind closed doors or when you're under anesthesia, haha

then where are we now?

If I thought it would keep me off the grid I'd have one. I can't even lie about it.

>do you also not use healthcare services?

I have to be on death's door to go see a doctor. One day I'm sure I'll drop dead of something easily treated if it had been caught early but I'm okay with that.

>cue Sinatra "my way"

Why does he have so much clutter? For a guy like Deckard I'd expect an air mattress and maybe a couch. He's married to his work so why all the bullshit?

maybe all those things are comforting

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I've often wondered, if you have a beautiful woman in front of you and she's under anesthesia, and she has a great rack, and no one's looking. Would you not cop a feel?

if you don't buy useless shit you're a commie

Is there any movie about nature reclaiming the world after humans die? All of the movies I know of have humanity end in a way that doesn't show that.

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes
After Earth (I assume)

Literally the complete opposite.

>Dawn of the Planet of the Apes
Like I said. It's a scenario where nature doesn't really return. Something just replaces humans. Same as Terminator.

>After Earth (I assume)
Lol nobody watches Will Smiff shit.

I Am Legend remake, especially the first 15-20 mins with times square turning into a jungle.

Maybe I'll watch the first 15 minutes then turn it off. God I fucking can't stand Will Smith.

i'm not a virgin so titties aren't a big deal for me, but there's been occasions when i've got a ~20 y.o. qt with appendicitis and a perfect pussy, no one else in the OR and i'm really tempted to slip a finger; but never done it because 'what if someone walks in right now'

Maybe you should smoke some weed. Will Smith is far from the worst thing about that movie. But it fills the bubbles for your man-vs-nature question.

I would at least put my hand there and feel the heat. There's something really erotic about how hot women get in their crotch. No need to be literally raping her just a little molestation no one's the wiser.

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Dawn of the Planet of the apes has San Francisco entirely taken over by forest.

Do you just mean animals?

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>Maybe you should smoke some weed
I imagine that is the only way he is tolerable. I'd rather not and just watch something not shit. If your biggest selling point as an actor is that people have to be intoxicated to watch you, something's gone terribly wrong.

>i'm not a virgin
>but also, I want to do virgin things like put my fingers in a vagina

ok bud

I am Legend.

Just spend all day looking for shit to stick in your mansion and lights out at 7.

I more meant plants, actually.

shoving endotracheal and nasogastric tubes down their throats is erotic enough for me

The worst is when I see people ordering pizza through these apps. Like nigger, pizza is a specialized delivery service in itself. Why do you need to go to a 3rd party to order it when you can get it for cheaper straight from the company. People are morons.

Are you sure you're not just a racist? Will Smith is not some great actor but he's also not horrible. He's just kind of lazy and gets typecast as the everyman hero.

Fuck trannies.

>Will Smith is not some great actor but he's also not horrible
Oh yes he fucking is. Every fucking movie he's in he just plays himself. If I wanted to watch or listen to egomaniacs I'd listen to rap.

Too many chinks.

I think that's an overstated problem. Any bagged order is prepped and sealed before pickup and 8 times out of 10 they're someone doing it as a gig so they have you and five other orders in the trunk in a hot bag.

All my shit comes in foam containers but the place is maybe 15 minutes away by the time they could get to it it'd already be at the destination.

May I remind you this is not the topic at hand, gentlemen. This thread is about movies set in a future you want to live in.



>Movies set in a future you want to live in.
It would be pretty dope to be on earth during pretty much any point of the federation's history.
I'd just write erotic holonovels and travel from fuckplanet to fuckplanet.

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We already live in a earth-sized version of this with tv screens instead of holodecks.

>tv screens instead of holodecks.
Then its not really the same at all, is it senpai?



Just go to Osaka and bring a dry ice machine with you. Osaka is the tits.

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Just seems like a bigger tv. I'd rather go to a colony world and hunt and dirt farm instead of plugging myself into machines until I die.

Why did they need a sign for the bar? I'm sure the 100 or so people would know where it is pretty quickly.

It's boring and ugly. It's just a fucking row of buildings.

Starship Troopers

Stay in your american small town with your niggers then.

>with your trees
I will. Fuck "cyberpunk". It's just propaganda to whitewash dystopia.

And why not have the sign? Just take down all pub and shop signs in rural areas?
Fucking city slickers and their retarded shit swear to me mom

I want to go on that cruise so bad

>ywn do an interstellar cruise with cute stewardesses
fuck me

Wouldn't mind being the barman at the Enterprise, they surely need someone who can mix decent gin & tonics and can listen to some sad soul's mumblings over a intergalactic space babe that just left them ass

We already live in a dystopia even compared to 18 years ago.

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The world is depopulating as people flee to the colonies and leave their shit behind, which is why all the characters are basically squatting in ornate old buildings. Half that shit was probably already there when he moved in.

Exactly. And all the predictions of all the futuristic dystopian literature have come to pass. In fact, they were all startlingly accurate - so long as you remove any positive aspects. So no magic technologies that fix everything and end disease and aging. No Mars or Moon colonization. No flying cars. Just unrestrained capitalism, dictatorship, endless war and poverty for the majority combined with overpopulation and ecological collapse.

Fifth Element was unbelievably comfy. It makes my life slightly better when it's on in the background.

Trust me bro Some wagie slaving for grubhub is getting the perks of free calories when they can. Some foods/containers will preclude this type of behavior but it's going to happen.

I worked for Papa John's in college and knew a driver that made an artform out of eating toppings off of pizzas without making it look like someone had picked over the pizza. Fucker had no shame and manager didn't give a fuck because he was a piece of shit himself.

>This thread is about movies set in a future you want to live in.

All I have wanted my entire life is the world promised to me by the Jetson's. It's never going to happen.

Cool video thanks user

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Every city is a dystopia compared to pre-ww2 cities.

>It's just propaganda to whitewash dystopia.
Have you not noticed the shitton of chinks?

My dude, we're there. It wasn't 2 years ago. November of this year, I believe.

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You could do the same thing here, user.

Yeah but I don't want to pay taxes and bills.

Also all the stupid people haven't been culled in the Eugenics Wars.