What did they mean by this?
What is Gal Gadot saying to him?
What did they mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
>That's not what our people do
They're speaking in hebrew aren't they
ben looks fat and autistic
Only Gadot is israeli, I doubt Miller speaks Hebrew since he's half white
>the two state solution is off the table
ben looks very uncomfortable
They all do except her
maybe sound would help?
you can't save the world on an empty stomach
Have never seen that clip with sound, wish I could find it
>”I have a great salve for asshole tears I can lend you”
"Stop being a dumb faggot"
>I'm sorry about the aids, I know it must be difficult to live with
What's going on here?
thug lyfe
Kino being made and then later defiled
>you ready to replace these white goys? The new brown slaves are almost ready.
This is such a shitty lineup bahahahahahaha
Should I watch this movie? Is there enough Batman/bruce wayne? More than BVS?
>Wonder Woman
>shitty lineup
Let me introduce you to the Justice League Europe
It’s an insult to the memory of BvS
Yasss! Should’ve had a great line up like Captain Marvel, Black Panther, She-Thor, and, um Shang-Chi!!
This bad?... BvS had 2 Batman fight scenes.
Rip Batman.
proud muslim man, bin al-fleck is uncomfortable around zionist scum. he has all the reason to be.
She's a cute gal
Ezra is CUTE!
0 muscles, what a joke wonder woman
>no neck
the concept was nice, too bad they made the suit quite badly and afleck wasn't on the shape it should be or something
I don't understand why they made him look so terrible in the movie. Cyborg looks my human like in the comics, shows/movies and games, but they made him look like a fucking transformer in the movie
arkham asylum like costume aesthetics, just pity they gave movie batman manlet ears
The prettiest actress in the DCEU.
one guy made it, idk why they don't try to contact him
Movie magic.
Imagine being born chad and wasting it all on crossdressing faggotry
she's very cute, too bad she don't have no titties
I want to see Flash brutally sodomized by a pack of African Americans