What did they mean by this?

What did they mean by this?
What is Gal Gadot saying to him?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>That's not what our people do

They're speaking in hebrew aren't they

ben looks fat and autistic

Only Gadot is israeli, I doubt Miller speaks Hebrew since he's half white

>the two state solution is off the table

ben looks very uncomfortable

Attached: magglass.jpg (657x527, 32K)



Attached: jew.webm (1024x768, 2.98M)

They all do except her

maybe sound would help?

you can't save the world on an empty stomach

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Have never seen that clip with sound, wish I could find it

>”I have a great salve for asshole tears I can lend you”

"Stop being a dumb faggot"

>I'm sorry about the aids, I know it must be difficult to live with

What's going on here?

Attached: screenshot-boards.4channel.org-2019.09.11-13-44-27.png (368x530, 279K)

thug lyfe

Kino being made and then later defiled

>you ready to replace these white goys? The new brown slaves are almost ready.

This is such a shitty lineup bahahahahahaha

Should I watch this movie? Is there enough Batman/bruce wayne? More than BVS?

Attached: 1563638509073.png (1040x1600, 2.64M)

>Wonder Woman
>shitty lineup

Let me introduce you to the Justice League Europe

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It’s an insult to the memory of BvS
Yasss! Should’ve had a great line up like Captain Marvel, Black Panther, She-Thor, and, um Shang-Chi!!

This bad?... BvS had 2 Batman fight scenes.
Rip Batman.

proud muslim man, bin al-fleck is uncomfortable around zionist scum. he has all the reason to be.

She's a cute gal

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Ezra is CUTE!

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0 muscles, what a joke wonder woman

>no neck
the concept was nice, too bad they made the suit quite badly and afleck wasn't on the shape it should be or something

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I don't understand why they made him look so terrible in the movie. Cyborg looks my human like in the comics, shows/movies and games, but they made him look like a fucking transformer in the movie

arkham asylum like costume aesthetics, just pity they gave movie batman manlet ears

Attached: arkham batman.png (470x470, 138K)

The prettiest actress in the DCEU.

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one guy made it, idk why they don't try to contact him

Attached: Real-Life-Batman-Suit-.jpg (1087x725, 160K)

Movie magic.

Imagine being born chad and wasting it all on crossdressing faggotry

she's very cute, too bad she don't have no titties

I want to see Flash brutally sodomized by a pack of African Americans