Confess, Yea Forums

Confess, Yea Forums
>first time I saw One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest I thought Ratched was the good guy honestly trying to help the patients with discipline and Randall the troublemaker making them worse

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Taxi Driver is the oldest movie I've seen

it’s not sunday so fuck you

never watched E.T.

I enjoyed this

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Nigga she lobotomizes a perfectly healthy dude out of spite

When I'm watching a movie, half the time I lose the logical coherence between scenes and end up completely baffled on why and how characters are doing whatever so I have to pause and look the plot online to be up to speed again.
It happens more frequently every month

I actually don't think BvS is all that great, I just love making MCUcks mad.

I once thought he was a good critic

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Why wouldn't you? It's kino.

I don't watch movies or TV, I just come here to shitpost/banter/spam celebrities.

when exactly did Yea Forums become Yea Forums 2.0?

Harry Potter isn't so bad.

Becomes its supremely cheesy even for a Crowe film.


i only eat bananas by cutting them in pieces and using a fork


I watch silent movies on 1.5-2.0x speed

i don't like the lotr


I did not care for Drive.

I only come here to talk about movies or TV.

I laughed maybe twice after seeing Tropic Thunder. It wasn't as funny as everyone hyped it up to be

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I watched 7 seasons of Family Guy before I realized it's not funny at all.

I still watch clips on youtube when they're recommended to me and I don't think I laugh at all. I just enter a braindead trance and wake up hours later

I am one of the two in pic related

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I love early Family Guy. Current Family Guy, not so much.

>Nigga she lobotomizes a perfectly healthy dude out of spite

He was an asshole. My least favorite Nicholson role.

>I watched 7 seasons of Family Guy before I realized it's not funny at all.
hey, user, remember the time you watched 7 seasons of Family Guy before realizing it's not funny at all?

probably since it changed to 4channel and Yea Forums is not a mouse click away

I hate Batman, and capeshit in general. I think comic books are for 10 year olds. I can't wait for this dumbass Joker movie with Phoenix whispering autistically like he does in every movie because of his speech impediment from his cleft lip to be released and forgotten, because every other thread on this godforsaken site now is about this dumb movie, because autists and incels think being them is now cool. Fuck Batman, fuck the Joker.

Gave in to desire during the sex scene in Jackie Brown, forgive me Lord. It was a weak scene anyway.

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