>gets praised by eurocritics
>gets trashed by americritics
>has a higher average than aggregate score
Why is there is such a disconnect? Will the flick be more accepted overseas?
Gets praised by eurocritics
>DCuck's oscar dreams are quickly crumbling to dust
but hey at least you got that one shitty blob trophy
Stop reading Rotten Tomatoes
American critics are overemotional retards
It makes america look bad
americritics are buried in political bullshit
based italy
>has a higher average than aggregate score
retards still don't understand how RT works.
A) politics
B) Disney told them to squash it
literally Mussolini!
Americans are mad because the movie shines a light on why some men lash out when they feel like they're rejected from society. The critics are mad because they are the ones that do the rejecting.
In spain we had two retarded whores saying how the Joker is the left's heroism agaisnt Batman's right party and his "first world problems".
It's almost as if american critics are artistically illiterate, emotionally retarded philistines who just want to see Iron man punch CGI aliens for 2 and a half hours
americans have terrible taste and are infected by sjw's
I don't know, is Europe full of mentally-ill trannies that onions people and dykes are dying to put microphones in front of?
Leftist incels
is it? I don't even know what's the narrative anymore
The Oscars are voted on by a bunch of old honkies who think Iron Man can suck a fuck. The establishment is full of former New Hollywood types, Dennis Hopper cock eaters. They're gonna go buckwild for Joker.
I was hoping for, I don't know, maybe someone from Europe to answer that one. Thanks for playing though dickhead.
>The Root
US is doomed
What are you on?
I am from europe, that's why I don't understand what you are talking about
>American """intellectuals"""
>A comic-book movie about a mass shooter
Does... does he go on a mass shooting? I thought he only starts a riot.
>Joker is a White Man
What’s the problem?
Well if everyone in Europe is as dumb and confused as you are maybe that Golden Lion award is meaningless.
>burgers and leafs dont like it
is there a better sign you're in for absolute kino?
fair enough
maybe if you toned down with the buzzwords even us brainlets could understand you based americhads
She's right, you know.
>he doesn't know
Sorry I triggered you by calling you confused and stupid.
killing spree would probably be the appropriate term as far as leaks say
Trannies hate the movie though
Joaquin oscar nom is a lock, keep seethe
none of those people are part of the Academy
>The Root
we do, it just shows there's a disconnect because it normally doesn't happen
>DCuck's oscar dreams are quickly crumbling to dust
Hmmmmmmm where did I hear that before?
Imagine if history repeats itself and Phoenix doesn't win Best Actor and Marvelfriends get cocky only for Joker to take Best Picture
no bad feelings
that would be kino, but i prefer best actor win
>Golden Lion award is meaningless.
considering the last two winners and every winner since 2013 at CANNES, I'd say so
I think that would cause actual violence, like maybe Joker winning best picture will cause marvlets to go full supreme gentleman on a theater
>Joker to take Best Picture
Then we know 100% it's jewish propaganda to demoralize white america
Everyone in the festival except (((journalists))) are raving about it though
Oy vey
>"As Hannah Arendt saw banality in the supposed evil of the Nazi Adolf Eichmann, I see in Joker an attempt to elevate nerdy revenge to the plane of myth. That's scary on a lot of different levels." - David Edelstein, New York Magazine/Vulture
what the fuck does this even mean?
imagine living in americuck
he saying it's going to inspire incel losers like you
What do you get when you cross Disney shill reviewers with an website using an score system that works like garbage?
Just using someone else's work, with a totally different thesis, to try and elevate hits own work into something other than a faceless disdain for something he knows the party line on.
Retarded doesn't know the difference between you trying to understand a behavior and trying to justify such behavior
What a sin
Tasteless plebs praising pleb dogshit like joker?
That people who like a movie about a mentally ill man who dresses as a clown are like the members of the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei who ruled in Germany from 1933 to 1945 leaving millions of deaths and Europe in ashes. Seems fair and totally not paid off by Disney or anything
White straight men cannot suffer.
Are all full of privileges and are all opressors!!
capeshit. Not even once
this is something you actually believe and have confirmed twice now
Who else is going to be in the race for Best Actor? I can't think of any serious contenders. Maybe Brad Pitt in Ad Astra?
Retarded doesn't know the difference between you trying to understand a behavior and trying to justify such behavior
Retarded doesn't know the difference between you trying to understand a behavior and trying to justify such behavior
Ad Astra is a masculine film and with all the meme shit about Bruce Lee and him he's not getting it
>it's... well, not bad
The Banality of Evil is a book that basically says you would be a nazi if you grew up in germany in the 30s and 40s. Evil is not special, it's boring, it's everywhere. We all can be evil if the conditions are right.
This kike is saying that Joker does the same thing for incels.
ask this retard if he knows the difference between descriptive propositions and imperative propositions
Yes praise if you read the full review where she says it isn't incel shit like other critics are suggesting.
>There’s been some talk about “Joker” being inspirational viewing for potentially violent incels, which seems overheated. Movies are not the reason idiots are able to do horrible things. Also, Arthur catches the eye of his comely neighbor (Zazie Beetz), which rules him out of that category.
He is saying that trying to understand a behavior is the same as trying to justify it
Christian Bale, Matt Damon, Brad Pitt, Adam Driver, Adam Sandler, Willem Defoe, and of course Leo
Are you sure that's what he is saying? Because that is, ironically, a scarier sentiment than anything he claimed to fear.
sauce? what is this
God I hate american critics so fucking much. And I don't even hate them for the retarded views they hold, I hate them for their disgusting predictability. Has any of those clickbait drones had even a single original thought in their entire miserable lifes? It's always the same shit, like a broken record. It's as though they went into every movie with but only this thought in mind: "How can I make this about identity issues in a way that will piss off the maximum amount of white dudes who somehow end up reading my drivel?" I'm almost yearning for an oldschool Marxist class war reading, just to see the least bit of variety.
Exactly it. Do they really think their arguments come off better if they place them alongside something more famous and thought out? If anything it just reveals how utterly banal their own opinion is.
He's absolutely right about New York awards judges.
>Disney owned critics don't like a non Disney movie
>meanwhile in Venice
US politics have scrambled our brains, EVERYTHING is politicized, and if it doesn't hit all the right notes it gets shit on by scrambled-brain retards
MKUltra is in overdrive targetting our entire populace since 2012 obama smith-mundt modernization act
Brad Pitt as Braduu Pittuu
>Disney owned critics don't like a non Disney movie
‘Banality of evil’ means that staggeringly heinous acts can be committed by very ordinary, mundane people. (((He’s))) saying that this movie does the opposite, taking commonplace fantasies of self-aggrandizement and retribution and sensationalizing them in a heightened cinematic manner. His overall point is something along the lines that it’s easier for one to commit atrocities than we might expect, therefore this Kino is irresponsible in glorifying widespread feelings of alienation.
i’m jewish so lmk if you need help translating more kikespeak
The Jew has spent the last century of cinema constantly clowning white people and portraying his own deranged revenge fantasies over and over again.
Of course Jews hate the idea of this movie--it's because it's the sort of movie THEY would make, except it's portraying the suffering and revenge of a white person against their system instead of the poor downtrodden cosmopolitan Jew having to deal with the big bad bully Christians who are mean to them because asdfg.
This is especially funny if you remember Revenge of the Nerds, which is literally a story about a sniveling Jew freak tricking the chad Goyim and fucking his girlfriend. It's the most puerile revenge fantasy ever and it was literally made by Jews for Jews, describing their greatest fantasy.
Now the chickens have come home to roost and they're all freaking out because to them, films like this are a direct call to action.
And how about the dozens of marvel cocksuckers calling it dangerous?
enemy mvoie
trannies hate everything including themselves
hilarious post
>sniveling Jew freak tricking the chad Goyim
Like Joker(played by a jew) attacking Wallstreet chads(played by white swede and german)
>american """"critics""""
He's right though
>critics using film reviews as an excuse to bully and demean the mentally ill
This era could mark the lowest film criticism has ever stooped.
Dafeo is more Supporting Actor. I agree with the rest though.
Enemy by Denis Villeneuve
It’s his worst film, wouldn’t really recommend. There’s no additional context for that scene except as metaphor
not enough shitty cgi for burger ''critics''
Matt Damon supporting, Bradd Pitt supporting, Willem Defoe supporting. Real contenders are Leo, Adam Driver, Adam Sandler, Jonathan Pryce (Two Popes), Antonio Banderas and Robert De Niro (The Irishman)
>muh reviews
>muh rotten tomatoes
Did I click on reddit by mistake?
imagine my shock
The critics on RT that voted during Venice were also Americans. The difference is that those were big enough to go to Venice instead of going to Canada
they aren't american, they're overwhelmingly far left millennial jews who aren't representative of wider society
Michael B. Jordan says hello
They're all fucking kikes lmao. Cheese Larson was right in her diagnosis that hollywood has a diversity problem, it's just not what cheese thinks
>polarizing the critics
>even the bad reviews are generally saying more good than bad about it and singling out Phoenix's performance as oscarworthy
>shift focus on the film's cultural influence and impact and citing that as the reason why they gave it a bad review
Holy fucking shit this really might end up being kino.
So the disneyshills praising it don't count?
I ain't his auntie but yes I forgot some people like Deniro and Banderas as pointed out
These are the same people who tried to mock Trump for saying that video games cause violence. Clown world.
It's so depressing to me, honestly. Joaquin Phoenix and Todd Phillips have been asking audiences over and over to watch this movie with an open mind, to leave all their preconceived notions at the door. Don't they deserve at least that? Don't we owe them that, as moviegoers? These critics say, "No! I knew exactly what this movie was about before I saw it, and it deserves not a second more thought." In my opinion, that's the worst sin an audience can make.
Our media is full of bad people.
something something jews something liberals something cultural marxism something something
>movie inspires some Disney owned critics to break their shekels
>w-we have to find a way to explain this!
Adam Driver is not a serious contender for Best Actor and they’re not giving it to Leo again. I don’t know that Bale and Damon’s car movie is going to allow for a Best Actor worthy performance either. The real competitors are affirmative action handouts - they will probably nominate Get Out protag again for that movie where he kills a racist cop and Jimmie Fails for Last Black Man in San Fran
Both disneyshills and real critics have praised the movie. Only disneyshills have trashed it so far.
>cheese larson
>Fresh (59)
Whats the next excuse you'll come up with for watching disneyshill approved material?
>implying this is not all Yea Forums talks about along with box office numbers and twitter drama
Honestly I'm wondering why the disneyshills turned coat. The movie must be that good for them to just switch sides like this all at once.
Europe proving itself superior yet again.
Maybe because they're not shills
I understood the metaphor. It just wasn’t a very good film.
It is what it talks about now. Not what it used to talk about.
Oi, you got a loicense for that post?
Well whats the excuse?
>praised Black Panther and TLJ
>not shills
Hmmm no sweetie
If white males have a privilege, it’s because they deserved it with contributions to arts, sciences, mathematics, engineering and everything else. Are we supposed to pretend that niggers have created even a piece of the civilised world?
Not anymore. Looks like gamers aren't the only ones rising up.
I hope you get banned for this. This is so fucking anything whenever I just want to read anons opinions.
For a single faggot who gives out b minuses for capeshit by default?
Not even worth a second glance.
they invented peanut butter you bigoted shitlord
Cuck island is our equivalent of California, and it's not nearly as bad as your California.
>Adam Driver is not a serious contender
lol, he is frontrunner now with Phoenix second. All critics praising his performance and Marriage story is 100% fresh RT.
They’re absolutely shills. You’re just a moron for expecting that to mean that they will pillory every other film. It’s embarrassing to watch you try and fail to convince anyone of your incoherent point by posting these images thread after thread. Genuinely: seek therapy
you must have been away for a while now. what where you browsing? Yea Forums? can I come too?
For disneyshills praising a movie you shills have promised us EVERY SINGLE ONE would hate
I’m on girl hormones and my balls are aching pretty bad what do I do?
>he is frontrunner now with Phoenix second
lmao how delusional can someone be
cut them off and invert your penis
you will be a real woman then
There are zero (0) betting sites that have him ahead of Hanks or DeNiro, let alone Phoenix who is universally leading comfortably as frontrunner. I’m not interested in some idiot’s headcanon
>/pol/tard butthurt people with actual brains can see Trump is a retard
I’m boymoding so I’d rather not. And tranny vaginas are objectively disgusting. My erections are working but my balls shrunk and ache like shit, help
you dipshits think Disney is bribing critics and buying their own tickets so people can be pretty fucking delusional on this site
This is the first time I've ever spoken to you, schizo.
You're a phoneposter, it doesn't matter what you say.
>anyone who isn’t left is a moron
The slew of academics who were Mussolini or Nazi sympathisers in the 1930s disagree with you.
What am I supposed to be seeing here?
>taking anything Americunt critics say seriously
Fuck off you brainlet retard.
/pol/tards aren't "anyone who isn't left" to be fair.
Sure thing mouse
Gyllenhaal is fantastic though. But I’m fairly biased.
Sorry, referring to his sentiment on Trump. I’m libertarian
No one likes noah bumunch and his mom that sits on various film boards and votes him in for stuff. Hes a fucking HACK
I didn't say it was. Your marketing buddies promised us all disneyshills would hate it, yet the site they supposedly own have their dogs giving it a fresh
Literal sh*reblue
Literally clowns!
He is a supporting
Hey bro you missed this
>all those that have been in Netflix productions
Is this how Netflix hides they've produced more shit than good stuff?
Someone post the scenes that were leaked.
The truth hurts, but you need to know it. You need help, and a diagnosis is the first step. The fact is only disneyshills have given it a bad review, and some disneyshills turned coat and gave it a good one.
>If you don't like this capeshit then you're a shill for the capeshit corporation
What drugs are you guys on I wanna take a hit too
Lol, literally every critic is saying that after Marriage story festivals screening. He IS a frontrunner, just go and read some reviews, retard. Its screening in all four film fests and Netflix giving it some "Roma" style push
>turned coat and gave it a good one
Where's the proof? gave disneys pet director a fresh review much like Joker. If they quote unquote "turned coat" then he would have tanked it
Not to mention Marriage Story is a real film instead of a Gen Z flavoured adaptation of Taxi Driver
You’re either a NEET or you’re browsing Yea Forums on your work account, meaning your job is a dismal one. Either way: Embarrassing
>Sure, every single oddsmaker is in complete agreement that Phoenix is the favorite and that Driver is a distant 4th, but here some Jew you’ve never heard of made a list!
I honestly feel sorry for you
i wrote reviews for a zine back in the day and something like this would have get me fired the moment i'd pressed "send"
you were not a diversity hire
>another mumbleshit director becoming a """""prestigious"""" mainstream director
Fuck off retard.
It's a review for a lionsgate flick, not Disney, retard. Rian is expendable, and Disney doesn't give a single shit about him.
And you're still ignoring the fact that every bad review for joker is from a disneyshill.
>he doesn't own a PC
What kind of zoomer faggotry is this.
Show me proof that they're disneyshills.
Green book literally won last year and its not a real film, lol
>Noah Bauchman inoffensive generic quirky relationshitp dramedy #7
Yeah very original indeed
It's a review for a disney pet director who was championed for his last movie.
>And you're still ignoring the fact that every bad review for joker is from a disneyshill.
I'm playing by your rules of ignoring how all these disneyhill critics are praising it too
They loved captain footfungus and niggerman.
Prove that their opinions were genuine.
>he sits at his precious skinner box all day
>what if Scorsese but comic book???
Yeag, Joker just reeks of independent thought.
Hey man you're getting a little sloppy, you missed this post AGAIN haha be careful bro
Prove that they were faking their love for these movies.
>They loved captain footfungus and niggerman.
so do the ones praising Joker
>I'm playing by your rules of ignoring how all these disneyhill critics are praising it too
I haven't ignored them, retard. Do you just skim over replies when you're mad?
American "critics" are just eternal marvel capeshit manchildren and useful idiots of the big Hollywood studios.
they are basically prolonged PR $hills for Disney & Co.
They have zero integrity.
>what if Scorsese but comic book
That's actually a much more interesting premise than the same movie Noah has been making for 20 years, yes
why in the fuck are these 'critics' taking a movie plot so seriously.
>interesting premise
>ignored the pet director part
Do you?
He did you a favor by ignoring that stupid idea.
I own a very expensive PC, I just don’t sit at it on 3pm on a Tuesday. Are you literally at home right now?
Neither Baumbach nor Gerwig have ever made “a real film”
Hence why everyone here has told you that some disneyshills have praised Joker despite themselves.
Again. Some of the people who liked Joker were disneyshills. ALL of the people who didn't were also disneyshills.
because yuropean reviews are about movies while amerifat reviews are how the movie sets in their echo chamber ideology
It's 11 PM where I live.
>I own a very expensive PC
That's cool, how much did your parents pay for it?
So you're finally admitting it's approved by disneyshills now. Perfect
I didn't ignore it at all, genius. If you were calm enough to read the entire post you'd know that I said that Iger only likes Rian as long as he makes Disney money. Disney, not Lionsgate.
every single oddsmaker is in complete agreement that Driver and Phoenix are gonna fight to death for the oscar this year, thats that they saying. And Driver have slightly higher chances to win because his movie is not divisive incel bait
>anyone who dislikes Joker is a disneyshill
Okay friend.
Woah this is getting a little weird. Sorry to insist, I'm sure it's all a misunderstanding but I don't want people to get the wrong impression. I mean if someone came to this thread right now they COULD think you're ignoring this post because you can't refute this simple argument
>Both disneyshills and real critics have praised the movie. Only disneyshills have trashed it so far
That'd be crazy right? Because if you can't refute it, why would you keep arguing against it? Some paranoid user could even think you're getting paid to shit on this Joker movie by some other studio or something haha!
because all US critics are pozz’d, go to the audience rating for a more accurate estimation of quality
its studio kikes doing damage control now that /pol/ has turned on the movie and now Yea Forums is as well. one of the last tactics they have until outright calling people hipsters and "contrarians".
>reply to me already! :(
now even (((they))) fell for their own tranny propaganda
>Yeah very original indeed
yea, and oscar LOVES making original choices, yea? Green book very original, yea?
I have changed absolutely nothing that I've said. Some shills liked Joker despite it being nondisney and all of the critics who hated it are disney shills.
You, on the other hand, just agreed that disneyshills exist, which contradicts your earlier retardation.
Look at the critics who gave it a bad review and name one that didn't love black panther.
Name one that hated Black Panther and loved Joker.
Don't bully the cinemalet that only knows about american critics and pretends he knows about world critics because his marketing masters told him to larp. The fact that Armocida thinks SW7 is good should tell you everything
Blending disparate ideas together in innovative ways is far more creative then remaking the same lifeless mumblecore crapfest 5 times in a decade, yes. Which part are you having trouble with?
Quality bants
I accept your concession, please notify Disney you're quitting as soon as possible so they can hire another shill, the new Star Wars is having MASSIVE reshoots 3 months from release so I don't think they can do without shills
>The Root
I wish this site would just go away. They publish way too much hyperbole and pander to outrage culture. I can't wait until they slip up and publish libel and get sued into nonexistence.
t. "uncle tom"
False equivalency.
based eurocucks working hollywood into a seethe
Judging only from what I've seen on this thread, it just seems like the US equivalent of The Independent.
>schizo shoots people but it's because he's white not because he's schizo and not treated properly
Why are people so furious at the idea that a white guy can be disadvantaged in some way? Classism has existed for ages now and shit like abuse and bullying can effect everyone regardless of race or gender.
You've admit the movie is disneyshill approved and there is no quote unquote "coat turning". Your marketing plan has been completely exposed.
Both disneyshills and real critics have praised the movie. Only disneyshills have trashed it so far
>Blending disparate ideas together
That horse has been dead since 1994.
>La Script
Holy shit, how I fucking hate that fucking cancer of a "film-critic" and her SER/Prisa Globohomo sponsors. They are all lost in their posh barrio de Salamanca/Chueca decadent lifestyle and I personally cannot wait for the time when we finally go full Jose Antonio on that fucking casta
>It's 11 PM where I live.
So do you not get to go on your phone at work or are you just a lazy hypocrite? You have your own office where you have some privacy to unwind a bit between assignments, right?
>That's cool, how much did your parents pay for it?
I built in myself and my parents haven’t given me money since college. I supported myself through law school and the three intervening years, like an adult
>joker is a slow burn capeshit instead of a high cinematic capeshit character study
>the light house is a meme horror comedy instead of a slow burn horror
When will hollywood stop with the subversion meme?
Point to one (1) oddsmaker that gives Driver odds equal to - let alone superior to - Joaquin
Don’t post again until you find one
>le abascal meme
Yeah the guy who has worked zero (0) days in his entire life and didn't do military service because of his daddy connections surely will make España Grande Otra Vez
>Sure, every single oddsmaker is in complete agreement that Phoenix is the favorite
Thats may be true, because Phoenix literally start oscar campaigning his movie for the first time in his life. He usually didnt do that, seems like he changed his opinion and want oscar this time
>I supported myself through law school
lol that's bullshit user, we all had to take up credits and whore ourselves out for agencies be honest. Unless you're a fancy lad who went to private un of course. t. first State Exam in december
So yes then it's disneyshill approved as I stated before, marketer
Armand White. Next?
Uh oh Yea Forums looks like someone's catching up
No, it isn't. Both disneyshills and real critics have praised the movie. Only disneyshills have trashed it so far.
Where are your gods now mutties? Must hurt to know you are a nation of onions.
>dead-end job so useless at work that he's got nothing to do but post on Yea Forums
I won't lie, that's what I expected from a Millennial American. I feel bad for you friend.
>Both disneyshills and real critics have praised the movie
Yup it's disneyshill approved. Thanks for finally admitting it, market man
onions is meant to be s.oy.
Were you having a seizure as you wrote this post?
Weird how you went from
>Yea Forums on your work account, meaning your job is a dismal one.
>So do you not get to go on your phone at work or are you just a lazy hypocrite
Hitler was gassing all the Jewish critics in Europe so they came here, and now we're stuck with them.
rent free
europeans live in a society
>law school
>office job
Where did everything go so wrong, user?
No, because ONLY disneyshills have trashed it so far. You seem to have trouble understanding this simple concept, what can I do to make it easier for you?
You admit it here Joker is disneyshill approved at any attempts at company war posting is done by your marketing team to hide this fact from the locals.
Yeah are we even for or against joker can someone tell me please
A sojak pic would probably clear everything up
Lmao I thought you were serious for a sec
I got you.
Why are you ignoring the rest of that post? Both disneyshills and real critics have praised the movie. ONLY disneyshills have trashed it so far. It seems to me you're playing dumb after ignoring this post for a while, is it because you don't have an answer to it? And the real question here, if you don't have an answer, why do you keep posting this retarded extremely low IQ shit? Is it because disney pays you to? Be honest you among friends here
Not gonna lie, I wish Disney paid me for all this shitposting.
>Understanding, prevention and de-radicalization? SOUNDS LIKE WHITE PRIVELEGE AND RACISM TO ME!
>Shame, censor, and suppress! IF I DON'T SEE IT ANYMORE THAT MEANS IT'S GONE!
The real reason these people hate The Joker movie so much is because it shows how people like them create people like The Joker. They think if there are troublemakers in society it's because they're not bullying them hard enough, and then when there are mass murders every year, they blame literally everyone but themselves for it.
Psychopaths aren't created, they simply are that way. Read a book.
Gasoline doesn't turn into a fire until someone lights it.
You said disneyshills praised it after almost a year of telling us they would all hate it. You've admit disneyshills approve it now too Anything else is damage control now that your marketing strategy has been exposed by the /pol/ and Yea Forums brotherhood
Psychopaths light themselves up, that's why they're so dangerous.
The thing is... that to win Best actor your movie should make it to the Best picture nom. It gives you big push in Academy's eyes. And Marriage story are gonna make it to the best picture (and possibly win). Thats gives Driver big advantage over Joaquin, because Joker is not best picture contender. its simple
Coke baby.
>You said disneyshills praised it after almost a year of telling us they would all hate it
Every single one who hated it is a proved disneyshill. This is the retarded low IQ shit I was talking about, it's sad and makes me hate Disney even more. At least they let you drop that tranny angle from your shill script, that was too cringe especially after disney loving trannies started to hate on the movie just like you guys do
Liking Black Panther doesn't make you a Disney shill.
Why not?
Because the vast majority of the Amerimutt reviews are based on political ideologies or the movie being too dark. No shit, this movie is rated R, should have known about that before going to watch it.
Quite honeslt our world is cucked beyond belief. You can't get a movie without Marvel's braindead "humor" plastered all over it. How bad has *society* become that people need lame comedies to entertain themselved from their bleak lives? Pretty bad, I would say
I went to a public uni (UF) and got a full scholarship to law school based on high LSATs. Took out loans for living expenses (in subsidized off campus apts). Good luck on the exam, check out AdaptiBar
No one cares about this shit. It looks like the joke movie from The Producer’s played straight and Taika Cohen has extremely puerile sensibilities
Which part are you having trouble with? You should have a job where you have some privacy to go on your phone but that is important enough where you don’t post about cucks and niggers from company servers. How is this hard?
Lol. I had a final hearing literally yesterday. Today’s an easy one, boys
Every single one praising it is a disneyshill as you've state in the post linked twice now.
You shill disneyshill approved movies
Because Venice has a rule that you cant give best actor and best picture to the same movie. Also Oscar is american
>Every single one praising it is a disneyshill
No they aren't, european critics love it >b-but one guy liked SW7
Have dignity please
Joker will be nominated for Best Picture. It's certain.
I don't follow, why wouldn't they nominate for Best Picture the Golden Lion winner? Last year the same movie got both awards
Recommending every single puerile Disney capeshit flick - á la Reddit Letter Media - does, though
Fresh critics update after Venice and TIFF. All have Driver first and Phoenix second
There are always warning signs that someone is unstable, and in every instance where there is a mass murder those warning signs went unnoticed by the people around the murderer. In most of the recent incidents, the mass murderers were people who lost their support net. The left's solution for people like this is to take away their ability to talk to normal people, and put more speech and gun rights restrictions on normal people, because reasons. If you dare suggest that maybe socially isolating these people further is only going to make the problem worse, you get called a victim-blaming bigot.
David Hogg and Amelia Gonzalez participated in bullying and alienating the kid who shot up their school, and their supporters all insist that they did the right thing even though a dozen of their classmates died. "He was a creep and a weirdo which is why we had to make sure no-one made friends with him" is basically what they had to say about the shooter, and that kind of attitude is pretty alarming because people of that mindset treat a lot of people that way. And they're also the ones furiously writing negative reviews about The Joker.
Best Picture has 10 nomination slots, Best Actor only 5. I don’t follow your logic at all
>b-but one guy liked SW7
Thats more than enough to dismiss him as Yea Forums has agreed since the release of that pure fucking garbage. ANYONE that likes Star Wars 7 or any of the other ones released this decade is anti-human
>why wouldn't they nominate for Best Picture the Golden Lion winner
because its not an oscar-friendly movie. And critics are divisive. Last year Roma won and went to the oscars, but it was critically approved. This year Joker won but its not critically approved. Everyone was shoked and many critics said that its not deserve golden lion
Good thing critics have nothing to do with Oscars
Lmao, I don’t care at all what some bald literal whos say. Where the fuck did you even find these söys??
Look at oddsmaking sites, where people have actual money on the line and skin in the game. NONE of them have Driver as a favorite
Btw, Marriage Story was at Venice; it lost to Joker :)
Bullying at school doesn't turn you into a psychopath who murders children.
If the movie was exactly the same but the Joker was played by a black man, then it would get 100%.
>deniro the irishman
>This year Joker won but its not critically approved
It has a higher metascore than Green Book that also won. I think you're reaching a little bit
Is this the Virgin Oscar, and the Chad Golden Lion?
By this logic, Green Book - which was less well received by “critics” - had no shot at even being *nominated*. And yet it won Best Picture. You’re not very convincing
I hope many shootings happen and many people die.
And we also have many critically approved movies this year. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, Marriage Story, The Irishman, Parasite definitly a lock for best picture. And we also have Ford v Ferrari, A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood, Little Women, Just Mercy and many other critically approved oscar friendly movies that are not about murderer shizo.
I really didn't care for Episode VII when it came out but I kind of just accepted that the movie was not made for me, it was made for the people who were disappointed by the prequels and just wanted memberberries for the original movies. I gave it a conditional passing grade on the pretense of "hopefully this is building towards something good," and then TLJ came out. Watching Episode VII without the pretense of "the sequel will be better," it is a wholly mediocre film. I kept my mouth shut in 2014 because I didn't want to ruin it for my friends and family who all seemed to love it, but after The Last Jedi I just went "fuck it, all these new movies suck."
What's Italian for "literally shaking"?
>critically approved
Good thing critics have nothing to do with Oscars
Even Hustlers has a better chance than Joker
>Good luck on the exam, check out AdaptiBar
On it, thanks user.
None of those movies won the Golden Lion and RT critics have shit to do with the oscars or garbage like The Last Jedi would be winning oscars every year. As other user said Marriage Story already lost to Joker in Venice so it's pretty much over
If a kid is mentally unstable, bullying can push them over the edge. What happened in florida was even worse than bullying though. The shooter basically got socially blacklisted by the entire school and after that, he lost the will to live and wanted revenge.
Metascore is not important if its AN OSCAR-FRIENDLY MOVIE about racism, lgbtq or something important in 2019, thats why Green book won. Joker is not oscar friendly and critics are already raving that its dangerous and "should not be made in our times"
I hope this picture wasn't your attempt to imply Phoenix was the frontrunner
No one gives a fuck about the golden lion you pathetic fucking DCuck
Your retarded ass didn't even know it existed until a few days ago
So Driver is first, just like i said imao
Because MSM doesn't want to do anything about classism.
Look at the way they portray Corbyn or Sanders.
Every chance they get they'll shift the narrative to race and gender and idpol retards eat it up.
I wonder what the reaction would be if Taxi Driver came out in currentyear
You did just before you got BTFO
the same
>None of those movies won the Golden Lion
Againe, it was european critics, and american critics will not allow that. Its THAT simple
I fudking hate Amerimutts.
Stupid post
Would all it's influence on cinema and "culture" still be here or is it all gone because it never released until this year
>gets trashed by americritics
would you take their opinions on anything else if you knew them as a person?
Oscars aren't given out by American critics. It's people who are actually in the film industry who vote.
And yet they still won't be giving one to Joker
>No one gives a fuck about the golden lion
Thats not true tho, almost every american critics are putting Phoenix as the second oscar frontrunner now only because Joker won Golden Lion. And because everyone praising his performance. Before golden lion Phoenix had much lower chances for a nom
>Stupid post
nah, you are just very low iq
>It's people who are actually in the film industry who vote
And they are americans sjw, so Joker will not get nominated
You're legitimately fucking retarded, aren't you
This. The mouse struck again. Politically Warner Brothers tends to be right wing while Disney is full of those floating around gay liberals.
It boggles the fucking mind that so many normies haven't picked up on the fact that hey; they people with all the power in this "privilege" based culture also constantly paint themselves to be the largest victims. Isn't it obvious that this is how an evil group would engineer things? Yet somehow this concept is beyond the grasp of your typical person; they still think the Jews are the most downtrodden, targeted group on the planet.
that thread was hilarious
>barely hit cap yet shills pretend they care about venice everywhere else on the board
can't wait until next year to see it going back to not even hitting cap before 404 like all the years before
So then you're saying all it's influence is gone and the "culture" around whatever it is, is still around?
Kek, may be educate youself about oscars first, retard
They aren't big boy awards anymore, awardlet?
>critic is wrong about one thing therefore they can’t have right opinions
"Truth is offensive in the states" - Todd Phillips
He knew it
It definitely doesn't help
Dude they are going to nominate the Golden Lion winner. Not even the oscars are going to sink that low to please a bunch of twitter blue checks
And who do you think are those (((people))) in the film industry?
They are not you fucking moron
The previous movies that won your stupid fucking golden lion also won a shitton of other awards in fact dumbfuck the winner of the TIFF people's choice award is probably the best candidate for winning the Best Picture oscar
so its gonna be Jojo Rabbit, lol
Joker has already won where it matters. Golden Lion is ten 10x more prestigious than trashy, meritless amerimutt Oscar.
LOL that site is literally a bunch of NuMales pontificating; those aren’t real odds. Go find one (1) oddsmaking site - i.e. where people are betting REAL money and have actual skin in the game - that shows Driver as a favorite or even a strong challenger. You can’t.
Calm down redditspacer it's not my fault Marriage Story got humilliated by Joker at the Venice Festival, Driver is just not that great and Bauchman is the one trick poniest director alive. It has no chance. Green Book won and it had less metascore than Joker, it's over
Niggers and women didn't dominate american movie journalism.
>Golden Lion is ten 10x more prestigious than trashy, meritless amerimutt Oscar
Not when Roma and The Shape of Water won
Marriage story is this year Roma, its gonna win some Oscars
>Green Book won and it had less metascore than Joker
Take a wild fucking guess what else it won DCuck
Here's a hint it wasn't your worthless fucking golden lion
>people's choice award
>more prestigious than the fucking Leone D'Oro
Holy shit marvelcuck just kill yourself already
Hi noah
Jojo Rabbit will bomb commercially and win NOTHING critically. It can’t even reach a 7/10 average score on RT; it’s at 50/100 on Metacritic lmaooo. It’s shit, and Taika Cohen isn’t playing for the anus joke audience anymore
Hi ScarJo, luv
Lmao holy shit. How old are you? Be honest
If that maori kike could keep his mouth shut it would be getting the same publicity as Joker but everyone knows he's a lefty faggot.
But there is a high chance that its gonna win TIFF people's choice award because people loved it, so like marvelcuck noted, its gonna win an oscar or smth even with mediocre RT
>people's choice award
Is that given by MTV?
>worthless fucking golden lion
Shizoid RT critics user from /alita/ threads.
Just so you know this is a shill trying to push company war stuff