ITT: Kinos where bad guys get their comeuppance

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It's funny because Howard Stern and his panel were watching this live and they kept saying "what did we do to deserve this" "we did nothing boohoo :("
How about your government destabilizing hundreds of regions across the world and installing cruel puppet dictators that tortured and ruled with an iron fist? How about rigging elections and creating infighting and bloody civil wars globally? How about fucking up innocent people's lives all around the world for the sole benefit of the US? Americans are so ignorant of their governments chaotic cruelty and crimes against humanity

If America pulled out of every other country and stopped paying foreign aide the world would literally implode. We are the cornerstone supporting the modern world. Lick my boot and love it, third-worlder

>Americans actually believe this

US is a necessary evil


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>hurr durr the American people deserve to be punished for what their extremely powerful shadow government does nnuuuurrrrr

man you people are filled with so much hate and bloodlust. perhaps we should just nuke this earth into oblivion.....


Americans were bloodthirsty after 9/11 and wanted to massacre and bomb every Muslim irregardless that the majority didn't do anything wrong. Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11

America is good, Islam is bad. It’s just that simple homeslice. If I were in command an all out genocide against Islam would commence

Because it's true. Notice how every time Trump pulls out of some agreement Euros seethe uncontrollably.

You absolute retard

Muslims, everyone

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>implying any muslims are innocent


to be fair, Euros will just seethe at anything America does

Nah, just some pissed off goatfuckers

And they were right, and the best part is, Euros are the ones that have to house all the refugee muzzies from our war lmao

iraq was the weakest and most easily toppled dictatorship in the middle east
it was the place the US chose to setup their military center in the middle east to make the actual terrorist countries shit their pants that we arrived

And how'd that work out?

American doesn't go in and destroy countries for the goodness of the world, they go in because they want something from the country.
See Venezuela.


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The Howard Stern ep is pretty kino as they call for immediately nuking the entire middle east. Don't think it would fly these days.

>your government
We have no control over those retards. Sure, we can vote and hope for the best, but ultimately our government makes the decisions, regardless of whether the citizens like it or not. The government put the people in a position to be attacked, stop blaming the people as a whole for it you fucking reactionary hasan piker fanboy.

Fuck America we need more 9/11s

it was a mossad job m8 you think arabs actualy could pull this off lmao

to be fair the power vacuum would cause tons of wars and I'd rather let some mutts from texas and california harass dunecoons and die for israel than having to do that myself

>We have no control over those retards
That's where you're wrong.

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>to be fair
fug didn't see I swear this is not a botnet

>We are the cornerstone supporting the modern world.
He thinks he’s actually (((doing))) something

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