What did you think of this scene?

what did you think of this scene?

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I didn't

fan service


literal shit. i hope rian johnson suffers a painful embarrassing death

Trash. Like the rest of this piece of shit movie. I was groaning out loud by this point.

>what did you think of this scene?

Insult to Empire & Return of the Jedi.

Rian confused the fake Yoda act from Empire for his normal personality you see later in the film. It was lazy and sad to watch.

I saw this on red letter media too!!!!

It subverted my expectations. I was expecting a half decent movie.


It hurt

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The puppet looked like shit.
There are two ways to see Yoda here, "Oh cool they brought back the puppet" and "What the fuck is wrong with Yoda? He looks like dog shit." Google it and you'll find countless variations of people asking why Yoda looks so bad in this scene but you'll have a much harder time finding people saying the puppet looked as bad as it did. This is because it DID look like shit, but muh cgi=bad narrative has artificially forced people into pretending it looked good. The only ones admitting it looks like shit are the people who genuinely couldn't tell, thus out of them you get an honest and objective answer IT LOOKED LIKE SHIT.
The prequels cgi>tr he sequels lack of cgi. TFA looks like a fucking fanfilm. It's so fucking bad people watched an actual fanfilm trailer and mistook it for the real one at the time because it actually had Mark Hamill in it. The soccer ball robot looks like something out of a fanfilm. John Boyega looks like a fanfilm actor. Nothing in TFA doesn't looks like it's on another planet. News articles at the time even reported on the scores of people who got confused, google it faggots.

tl;dr cgi did nothing wrong and nostalgiatards ruined Star Wars

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You reminded me of the first time I watched the FA trailer I thought it was fake because of the cgi and I didn't recognise anyone from it.
I remember the shot of an X-wing pilot looked particularly cheap


I still refuse to believe that is the actual puppet from the OT, or it's just the guys who's handling Yoda.
or was it just a big ruse?

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That doesn't make it any less true.

i haven't seen it

Weren’t the books not even in the tree anyway? And Yoda knew they weren’t

I don't watch red letter but you can plainly see it in the movie. He's acting retarded again but it does not make any sense as to why.

It was made to evoke memories of the original trilogy and it doesn't make logical sense. Yoda trash talks the books, but he knows Rey took them...right? And Luke is shown to be an idiot. Again. It had a certain comfy a factor and the scene looks good, but it's painful otherwise.

>I still refuse to believe that is the actual puppet from the OT

It's not the original puppet. IIRC they found the original casts used to make the puppet, and remade it from those.

>I still refuse to believe that is the actual puppet from the OT
It isn't because that's impossible. The real original Yoda puppets have all degraded into horror shows unto themselves because latex doesn't last. The TLJ Yoda is a new mold "based" on one of those old molds.

4 friggen seconds
But yeah, I knew some people with a RotJ puppet and it looked like a corpse.

it was _fun

Every scene in this movie was just as shit as the last.

Why doesn't Yoda pull out his little laser sword and go to town on Snoke?

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>Get Down Do You ?

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>If I agree with red letter media I am wrong

not all of us need to be told what to think in order to see such obvious mistakes unlike you it seems

I hope this becomes a pasta, even if it’s a legitimately good argument

I liked it. Decent fanservice. Yoda and Luke have a consistently great relationship.
Much better than how Yoda was treated in the prequels.