A large segment of Americans get their news from comedy shows like this
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Holy shit he's getting fat.
And that’s a good thing.
News is a distraction and an exercise in female bird calling.
All you need is to read books and to understand yourself to understand the world. As above so below.
t. A lonely fat retard
Why do a segment on trans rights in Thailand?
It's hardly newsworthy...
Obviously that faggot just wanted to go to Thailand and get dicked in the ass by ladyboys, so he made ladyboy rights into a story for his dumb show.
>the uploader has not made the video available in your country
>please no laughy at us
t. Spawn of the whore of babylon
Every single comedian from the O&A era outside maybe Bill Burr has become a super liberal cuck. I mean I guess it works, Jim Norton refused to bend the knee and now he has barely a career.
Is Thailand actually progressive on transsexuals or are they simply just a very poor country with desperate people trying anything to make a living?
fuck. i look like this cunt. at least my accent is only westie and not drunk westie
i went on one of those drug fueled holidays in thailand and I regret it
the prostitutes are so cheap and I got bored so started going to ladyboys, I sucked off 5 in one night and vomited cum later in the hotel
made me stop doing drugs which is a plus
knowing what cum and stomach acid tastes like is a huge minus
>says "mate" every 2 minutes to remind everyone he's Aussie
They realized how much ladyboys contribute to their economy and have embraced them as such. I doubt they actually care for them
Bill Burr was always a liberal cuck
>Jim Norton refused to bend the knee and now he has barely a career.
Jim was always a fag-enabler.
>can't even watch an Australian comic in Australia
Jim is a fucking hack anyway. He's one of the few celebrities that I would take great pleasure in squeezing the life out of their eyes, along with that dawrf whose fucked up name I can never remember.
Who is Number 1?
Damn, Alcoholocaust was so good but as of today I have the same feeling as you.
>along with that dawrf whose fucked up name I can never remember.
Joe Rogan? That's an easy name to remember.
He just became so smug after that gun control rant went viral. It's weird, because I've never seen an Aussie get so much smoke blown up their ass so fast. At most, what constitutes the highest calibur of celebrity over here is appearing on The Bachelor, or maybe making internastional news for having a fuck off huge cow on your farm. But then this faggot comes along and goes from 0 to 60 in the space of a few years, and the combination of sudden stardom plus being a comic plus being Australian makes for probably the most obnoxious fraud of a human being to ever come out of this country. Pajeets like Waleed Ali not included.
I'm Australian and I would fucking love the chance to punch this faggot square in the fucking face.
whats sad is he used to be based when he was unknown and now he is a faggot
The women of Thailand fucking despise the ladyboys. Some bar girls like them or are friendly to them but most hate their guts.
he looks like he gets fucked by ladyboys
He was always a faggot, mate. He was a pussy that studied classical music but dropped out to become a comedian. The bloke persona has always been nothing but an act. He's not remotely like that and half his stories to appeal to that demographic that made him popular in the first place are just made up.
Wow what a shock..women hate other women. Well people who think and pretend they're women at least
Is he the biggest sellout in the industry. His earlier material was redpilled as fuck and incels made him famous. Then he sells out to the liberals.
Books, even philosophy, are merely mental masturbation. They are basically tools that cause vivid hallucinations in its readers. No better than video games or tv.
you forgot Dave 'tranny slayer' chappelle.
Wrong. It’s about what you read, and reading the ancients across the globe and understanding the realities they all have in common across cultures and across time is where you will find the truth necessary to uplift yourself. Learn to seek rather than to be sought.
Philosophy is the highest form of literature you can read, excluding non fiction. And the most it will do is what you can get from a self help book.
Wrong. Self help books give you heuristics, not explorations. Heuristics should be developed yourself, not adopted from others.
In that he fucked multiple transexuals and was clearly in love with Bailey Jay while she was on his show.
You are correct but why do Lib hate him then? Isn't he the perfect "CisHetMale"? (A tranny fucker)
Low iq post
stop smoking bongs and go to bed cunt
Unavailable in UK.
Afraid we're gonna hammer-machete our way through the screen you fucking mongoloid?
I haven't smoked weed for 6 years and tomorrow and Friday are my days off. Leave me alone, cunt.
start smoking bongs and stay awake cunt
what about anthony
Reminder all homosexuals are pedophiles. All homosexuals have from a young age experienced sexual encounters with adult males who are older than them and so they see this as being the norm when in reality they have been molested. They have been sexually abused but refuse to face this so they repress their survivors guilt and try to push the agenda for lowering the age of consent and convince the masses that love between an older man and a young boy is natural.
Romantic love, statistically speaking, doesn't exist in homosexuality. Its just about sex. The majority of long term relationships among gay couples don't last. Most of them engage in destructive behavior, and tend to have many negative associations like drug use. Most gay men simply engage in short term relationship and promiscuous sex. Do you think its a coincidence that bug chasing and AIDS become such a thing in gay communities? STD are abnormally high in gay communities, along with suicide. Because the suicides aren't from a lack of acceptance, its from the destructive behavior.