ITT: Generation defining moments in tv

ITT: Generation defining moments in tv

Attached: cause-my-sex-junk-is-so-oh-oh-oh-bill-19655798.png (500x434, 317K)

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God fucking damnit I still can't believe that shit was unironic, we need to go extinct.

Why does Nye still refuse to come out the closet? So obvious

he has a pedo vibe

If hes not its something weird and not just gay

What did she mean by this?

no, americans need to go extinct

He's not gay or pedo, he's full blown asexual.

Do you have a licence for that post eurocuck?

>sex junk

I can't quite put my finger on what I find so utterly contemptible about this phrase.
The flippancy? The dismissive attitude towards sex?

Yes that's it

He charges $50,000 for public appearances at schools. That’s kinda dude doesn’t like kids that much

It's so far beyond what could ever be considered parody; it transcends cringe.

>it's a "prudish WASP doesn't know 'junk' has been a slang term for genitalia for at least a decade now" episode
Boomers need to die already.

>The dismissive attitude towards sex?
It's this

Don't need licence, nice joke

you however are circumcised as you are owned by Jews and that isn't a joke, its true.

they're projecting what trannies have done to their crotch

The phrase takes something private and semi-sacred and turns it into a normalized spectacle for children.

Still makes me angry

I know, but why preface it with "sex"?

I wonder if any of those kids watching Nye thirty years ago ever thought what his programs would be like now. They probably thought he'd be doing live broadcasts from the Moon or something.
The future ain't what it used to be.

Attached: sex junk.jpg (1528x1000, 194K)

Actually savage. Too real.

I don't get the phrase it self
>sex = gender or fucking
>junk = genetalia
saying them together doesn't make any sense, it's like saying my sexual penis or my poopy butthole, I don't get it

/pol/ really has circumcision all wrong. It's a pious and austere thing to do, Jews only do it out of tradition. I'm an uncircumcised American because my parents are pro sexual freedom liberals.

>cause my poopy butthole oh oh oh
works just as well

nothing will ever be this cringe again

Is it legal in your country to deny the Holocaust?

>give a handy to a stranger
Wish she would desu

>heh, ill pretend im not circumcised and then praise circumcision, no one will suspect im a semite now

someone post the webm of Bill dancing

Way to out yourself as a retard. Sex junk is a redundancy as well as being vulgar, childish garbage, and this entire performance was akin to a teenage tranny throwing a tantrum. Maybe you're the one that needs to die, zoomer?

Attached: 1493404969903.webm (1280x720, 345K)

What will the collapse of society look like?

Nice try

>only going to wealthy schools where the students have probably more interest in science and dont really need a celebrity to tell them its cool
>poor kids can just fuck off, even though you could inspire couple of them to study something they never even thought about seriously

I'm not the guy you were responding to, just wanted to humble brag about having a foreskin, and point out that conservatism provides the moral argument for circumcision while liberalism discourages it.

I swear this gets worse every time I see it

Wasn't circumcision popularized by the Kellogg family to make us fap less?

do butt stuff it's the future kids!

Attached: 1565452988631.png (800x764, 225K)

Is this show still on the air?
if not, how long did it last

That wasn't praise. Austerity and piety are useless to me.

Because its an attempt by a panel of media people to make sex, of all things, seem cool and hip to kids. Its a faux edgy "how do you do fellow youths" shit trying to tell people about the easiest thing in the world to learn about to a generation raised with smartphones.
It could only have felt more out of touch if bill was on a skateboard.

“Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill, bill, bill, pale, pale, pale, pale, pale, pale, pale, Mayo, Mayo, Mayo, Mayo, Mayo, mayo”

And you're owned by us. What's that say about you Mohammed?

Why, when you can enjoy the full horror?

This but unironically
Fuck the two niggers he could 'inspire' after visiting two hundred ghetto schools where no one listens to this cracka

>they deserve it more because they're POOR
God I hate commies.

Like pic related.

Pretty much. It started as Victorian pseudoscience, then it morphed into "it's cleaner", then to saying it reduced rates of penile cancer. It's a scam all around.


Attached: they shoot at me - i shoot at them.jpg (752x437, 46K)

Probably like idiocracy except with no white people.

You sound like a fucking retard

Bill Nye is a traitor who must answer for his crimes.

If you can't wrest the reins of your show from this garbage, you're complicit and very much culpable
I'll never forgive Nye for peddling this shit

I don't know what was worst -- the performance by that Jewess or Bill saying afterwards 'thank you, that's EXACTLY the right message'.

Holy fuck that was cancer

Attached: jew free life.webm (600x338, 2.45M)

its like americans want to be as casual towards sex as europeans but they went juvenile with it


Comfy and wholesomepilled

Even worse, we went woke about it
We took our retarded political divide and applied sexual liberation to it

Yoinks bro, no wonder nobody invites you anywhere.

Fuck off Shaggy

maybe we should have left africa alone bros......

Southern faggots refused to indistrialize or use white labor. They were jealous of northern wealth and wanted everything handed to them so they could maintain their pathetic delusional fantasy of aristocracy.

This shit was born and propagated by the Frankfurt School. Guess where the Frankfort School was.

the germans?

>Eurotrash starts shit-flinging
>talking about cocks by the second post

Wish I could say I was surprised.

""""Free"""" healthcare and cocks. Literally the ONLY two arguments Eurocucks have in their repertoire.

No, we are owned by the germans sadly

you are owned by Israel

last I recall they were kicked out of germany and found refuge in america where they were allowed into the universities

Thank you for making this thread again!
You are a real, valued member of the 4channel community and looked upon with honour!

wasn't this a science program

do americans really do this

Now they have to make mixtapes and get signed by jew labels just to get by, otherwise they die on the hood by hood niggers
Thank you jews and white people!

Imagine being THIS much of a butthurt yankee inner-city faggot.
Literally triggered about events 150 years ago.

Yeah, it's totally absent from Europe, especially European universities, and totally isn't the dominant philosophy and has been for decades.

Attached: Europe and Progressivist Discrimination.jpg (832x960, 79K)

Attached: European Posting Guide.png (678x411, 20K)

my cock isn't mutilated by my kike masters

yours is

Attached: IMG_2548.png (640x1136, 578K)

it came back after the us invaded europe and brought them back into power. well done.

that little nigglet its so cute, can i get one?


You are so gay

Based. Fuck America

We literally had a white country and you ruined it.

you know whats funny

Is that I am not actually gay

but you are STILL circumcised because you are a jew slave, and that's a fact, not a joke

>STILL talking about cocks

Just admit that you're horny for American dicks and be done with it.

Nice webm, user.

I get i perform this way stuck in my head all the time for some reason

Reminder that this song won an emmy

Whoops I meant to make this a thread

I know it's psychologically devastating to have your cultural soul relegated to tourist attractions and museums, I empathize with you that you are so dreadfully irrelevant and I'm quite sure it's mortifying to be behind even China. It must be terrible to have been so dominated by the Jewish agenda that you can't question the holocaust in any way, such as why nobody seems to care about any of the other victims at all. I would pity you, but you don't deserve it.


epic fail

>The dismissive attitude towards sex?

Why are europeans like niggers? It's always someone else's fault for their problems

>relegated to tourist attractions and museums

t.mutt who thinks the whole of the UK is like London

Not sure why I expected anything otherwise

Now back to work goy, mr goldstein needs that new yacht!

mutts blame everything on their blacks

>yfw most of the anti-american posts are actually brainwashed libs who hate themselves and their country

>cultural soul
at least the english have one, your "culture" is based around worshipping a bunch of faggots wearing wigs and walmart

must feel comfy being very black like this. this nigga almost blue

Your home could burn down around your feet and you'd not notice because you saw something american being posted and had to comment

is there any piece of media altrighters don't get triggered watching?

>t. sex junk (You)