Is this what mainstream audiences actually want?
Is this what mainstream audiences actually want?
Fuck, I forgot Finland did something where a black dude played Mannerheim. They could've AT LEAST cast Jackie Chan.
My wife's son likes it
Absolutely pathetic
Didn't they already do black caesar back in the 70s?
almost all those movies/series bombed so i dont think so
whats this? a documantary about Haiti?
This. My wife's boyfriend's son also enjoys these historically accurate films.
Actual physical appearance has always been secondary in theater, so I don't care so much here.
Why can't black people play these roles? And don't say historical accuracy as these are TV series not academic sources.
>Actual physical appearance has always been secondary in theater, so I don't care so much here.
We Wuz Reichsmarschallz
Don’t black folks feel condescended to with this stuff? If someone made a movie about MLK or Gandhi and cast a Dane to make me feel good about myself or get me to watch it I would feel pretty insulted.
I would be 100% with you if it went both ways.
I remember people losing their shit because ScarJo was playing an asian even if in-story made sense. White people of course, plus some american fake asian, actual asians interviewed were fine with it.
Why can't a white person play Martin Luther King?
You're assuming black people have any intelligence or self-awareness.
everyones found it too obvious and forced when they play middle age or roman characters, so they are trying to pretend some middle eastern and north african civilizations were blacks, they believe it add more credibility.
completely obsessed about putting blacks to play "moors" for exemple.
It does go both ways. No one ever bats an eye when anglo actors portray ancient greeks or romans.
Who says they can't? Go make a movie with a white person playing MLK, there isn't anything stopping you from doing so.
Oenomaus was based though.
Because he was a black man
diversity means more black. why aren't they casting asians, and indians in those roles.
closest I know
#timesup whiteboi
>Who says they can't?
quite a lot of people.
What's going on here?
Racism solved. We did it Reddit!
muh dik
Also fantasy. Wheel of Time is the most over the top example so far. They are even trying to convince people they were described that way in the books. It’s some genuinely emperor has no clothes level delusion. Feels like a cult or religious movement at this point.
Nigga most performances of the Ring Cycle have all the women as 300+ pounds because those are the only ones who can pull off the tones required, theater is different than tv
No it's not. The funny part is that you'll see much less of it as the number and influence of whites decreases. Nobody else gives enough of a shit to help prop this group up.
>It does go both ways. No one ever bats an eye when anglo actors portray ancient greeks or romans.
You have a valid point but on modern eyes is not quite the same thing.
The strawmen in your head don't count as people, user.
I already know you're a complete idiot, no need to further prove it.
fuckin mannerheim
perkeles on suicide watch
a lot of it is BritishBroadcastingCorporation shit, they really are a cancer. Oenomaus was just good casting, color didn't enter into it
But Hannibal was black I thought?
I know. How come black people have no culture bros?
>Eddie Murphy
>complex emotions
Historical accuracy you cuck. You can't just call a square a circle because lol we're not in geometry class.
WE WUZ THE FUHRER N SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Casting a black person as Joan of Arc is like casting an American as a Roman.
It’s also plausible because the romans renamed their slaves and gave them Greek or Latin names: Spartacus was 100% not his actual name but his nomens serviles
Greek and especially Roman statues often look like Anglos though.
No one likes black people, I say this as a hispanic these people truely need to be exterminated.
There's your problem, you have no experience around blacks. Everything must be catered to them and only them or they throw a fit. Not only do they not feel condescended to, they actively enjoy blatant patronizing, cheer it on and brag about it. Look at how they reacted to Black Panther, a creation of two Jews and entirely funded by more kikes.
Why can't midgets?
Why can't amputees?
Why can't retards?
black people are unpleasant to look at, and they talk annoyingly
>muh dick
You spics are our foot soldiers in killing niggers on our behalf.
Wait a minute, aren't like half of these guys extremely awful people that would be decried as THE most blatant nigger stereotype if a black person did any of what they did?
If someone loves Hamilton thats a big personality red flag
>Who says they can't? Go make a movie with a white person playing MLK, there isn't anything stopping you from doing so.
Is there an actual person posting this? Is this real life?
At least cast some decent looking nig for some of these characters
Holy shit no one cares you fucking incel.
It’s just skin color it doesn’t fucking matter.
>Who says they can't? Go make a movie with a white person playing MLK, there isn't anything stopping you from doing so.
nice bait retard
>lumping fucking /ourguy/ Oenomaus into this shit
Also most of these are from shitty tv shows that weren't/aren't that popular, and about a third are fictional characters anyway, so who gives a shit about historical accuracy. Disingenuous chart.
wtf nigger
Daily reminder that this production was under fire for racial-discrimination against whites in their casting call, lel.
>It does go both ways.
"Whitewashing" is a "major concern" among the Left.
"Blackwashing" gets you called a "nazi".
It absolutely DOES NOT "go both ways" and your disingenuous leftist ass knows this, but you're lying in order to deny this.
Because it's 1984 "We are at war with Eurasia. We have always been at war with Eurasia" brainwashing. Europe is currently diverse. Europe has always been diverse. When children learn about Greek myths or the Odyssey or whatever (if they do at all these days) the teacher isn't going to go out of his way to tell his students these were white folks. So all the while they have this mental image in their head of Zeus, Odysseus, King Arthur, etc. as black guys. Because they're more likely to be familiar with a television show than actual historical/mythological studying.
>no one cares you fucking incel. It’s just skin color it doesn’t fucking matter.
>*looses shit over Major Kusanagi not being Asian*
I'm just happy white people are sharing their history and culture with negros, who have none of their own.
I mean think about it, blacks have no heroes, no culture, no one in history worthy of note. And anyone who was important in African History, was a genocidal rapist warlord that sold his people into slavery.
Nah, white people need to share and give blacks something to strive for, for they have achieved nothing on their own. Not even a wheel, written language given to them by Arabs, and never built anything taller than 3 meters tall. Thank you white people, for attempting to give black people hope!
Take that as a recompense for centuries of your theft of Black Egyptian identity, honky.
>ww1 movie battle of verdun
>cannons fire smegma at the enemy
>soldiers sodomising themselves with their rifles
>officers are watching on their phones while commanding the troops
>explosions make no sounds
>half the soldiers are blind and deaf but can still hear and see
>the sky is purple
>no trenches only gay brothels and abortion clinics
>the countries who are fighting are northern china vs the west african and Brazilian coalition
Why does it matter movies don't have to be just like real life it's just a movie bro what's your problem
No, that's why most of this shit flopped and the successful ones are not because of the blackwashing, but the white characters that the black ones always ride on the coattails of. The BBC know people will tune in for Hiddleston and Cumberbatch doing Shakespeare, so they chuck in ugly Sophie Okonedo to get their black fetish in there too, as they've already hooked the viewers.
if appearance is secondary, there would be no blackwashing at all, because these actors can't act for shit, but we all know they are chosen primarily for appearance by the ((diversity)) cult.
Which makes sense as it's based on skill, none of which explains the talentless blackwashing in theatre or any medium if "appearance doesn't matter."
No. Neither are Moors, Greeks, Romans, Middle Easterners, Egyptians, or any other fucker that modern leftards and black supremacists claim are black.
>doesn't include Martin Lawrence, the Black Knight
HUGE whiff, massive misstep
Mainstream audiences want whatever they are told to want.
Representation is important you will grow up one day
this is white people CRACK. Nothing makes whites more hysterically overjoyed than being able to see hamilton
the whitest place in NYC is a Hamilton showing
tripfag idiot
nobody knows what race Oenomeus was btw. Some sources say Gaul others say Carthaginian others say unknown
also it would make given the setting
he could of been black
as opposed to julius caesar
Just white liberals who live in all white neighborhoods.
>could of
>nigger apologist
like clockwork
Only niggers known to Rome were the Nubians, they rarely left Egypt
>>could of
welcome to Yea Forums newfriend
Cultural appropriation
>proper use of the english language is reddit
no but people have been using could of on here for years to catch out spastics like yourself
>Black Panther
Even sidestepping that the source material was written and produced by jews, the final product showed incredibly lazy film making. The CGI looked worse than stuff from the LOTR trilogy a decade before, total lowest bidder Chinese sweatshop animation. Most of the actors were subpar at best, and the soundtrack was jarringly out of place for a hyper advanced AFRICAN civilization.
>literacy is spastic
My favorite is how that one writer for the Witcher said that American racism has prejudiced our views of who can and can not be cast while they cast roles for a TV show based off of Polish history and folklore.
Perkele indeed. That fucking guy who directed this piece of shit was like " well i didnt think anybody would get mad" after the backlash. Yeah it never came to your mind that if you make a movie about one of the few great men in our history and make him some black wife beater in Africa that anyone would be pissed. Oh and there was this puppet Movie about Mannerheim where he was ofcourse Gay with an asian lover. Both made by people so far in left that they are spinning
whats your problem?