Is this entertaining in the slightest?

Is this entertaining in the slightest?

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if seeing Huge Jack Man with prostethic testicles on his chin is considered to be entertainment, then yes.

If you spend the entire movie wondering what blackmail the filmmakers had over the cast to get them to participate in this, absolutely.

It has it's moments. The Liev and Naomi part is kinda creepy considering how their actual kids turned out.

This is one of those truly puzzling pieces of media. Normally, bad movies can be explained by with being quick cashgrabs (like the predator reboot), made by an inexperienced team (like the Room), or being made bad on purpose (like those asylum movies).
But this piece of shit is completely unexplainable. I can't think of ANY reason why a producer or big name actor would think that the script in front of them has any chance at all to make a lot of money or be critically acclaimed.
I don't get it.

wheres movie 1-42?

Don't seek out this movie but if it comes to you at the right moment (i.e. drunk friend wants to put it on) I'd say let it happen.


My guess is that the actors didn't get to read the rest of the script outside of their scenes, and that the number of star actors and shocking scenes would make it earn billions on notoriety and word of mouth
"Dude, Huge Jackman makes such an ass of himself in this movie, go watch it!"

Buried in Nevada where they belong

i couldnt say
its been too long since i saw it
but i only watched it once if i recall
so i guess i wasnt in that much of a hurry to watch it again

The biggest pleb filter to ever filter.

Its literally "shitpost:the movie"

It's an occult ritual disguised as kino.

As with any anthology style film, some of the bits work better than others, but it's worth watching just to see who has enough blackmail on them that they had to be in it.

Beating a midget to death, the jerk Superman, interrogating the Russian guy that's all I can think of

The names on that poster aren’t even close to the images of the actors

It's effing hilarious and if it came out in 95 it would've been considered a classic. Critics are too stuck up their own ass these days and can't laugh at anything unless it's Iron Man dancing in front of Thanos.

Money Laundering: the Movie

Emma Stone?

It wasn't that bad, it's just plain crass absurd comedy, there were some good ideas but mostly bad executions.
Honestly more interesting than the bazillions of direct to DVD comedy which only tries to work with one joke or many already told one.


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So it's the ladyboy of movies.

I liked a few sketches they did, it was okay.

unironically this. Normies and retards can't see past shit jokes or sex jokes or period jokes. But if you do that, you will realize that most of the segments are well written and intelligent.

>People who literally don’t have friends and spend their entire time on their computer.
*This post was made by a mobile poster.

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You say that so definitively, yet your image doesn’t lend credence to that claim

Have sex.

Nah it was total ass

I mean I don't even remember it except maybe the balls-chin wolverine

What the fuck were they thinking?

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>character sees something that other people don't and freaks out because of that

you would've call that based and kino if it was a man on a plane seeing monster on a wing.

I got a boner from halle berry's fake titties

It's not a movie. It's a couple of sketches with high caliber actors, and some made up shity plot to connect them.
As for the skeptics: some are great, some are meh

wow i forgot that movie even existed. and i remember almost everything so it must truly be that bad

Attached: Naomi Watts Movie 43 1.webm (1191x640, 3M)

Attached: Naomi Watts Movie 43 2.webm (1280x688, 2.93M)

youtube tier humor. fine in small doses but anything longer than 3 minutes gets old and unfunny very quickly.

You have to go into it understanding the purpose of the movie. It is a critique of shameless movie tropes from the 90’s and 2000’s till around 2012. If you are expecting a comedy you will be let down. If you understand that it is satire this movie is terrific.

The inbetween scenes with Based Will Sasso are pretty funny.

I understand that. The movie still sucks shit.

There are two versions of the movie though, watch the one that was released in theaters, they edited it when it came out on dvd

Some of the skits are ok. Most aren't, and the "story" that they play in between the clips is retarded, both the USA version and the Foreign version.

my favourite part of this movie was RLM video where they just make shit up that has happanad

It goes against everything Hollywood means to represent the last few years. They felt all rebellious.