Imagine the surge of electricity one would feel going through their heart in 2004 when one of the cards you draw is Vorse Raider.
What does Pot of Greed do?
Lets me draw double digits
Yours must be broken
Nice 5.
Well played KOG
>tfw you make a dubs threat but the post count will hit double digits before any single post does
Suck me off hard thru my jorts
You're doing it wrong
Check these trips
>It's your turn to check these Mr. Bond
Pot of Sneed
>Yugioh hasn't gotten too complica-
yugioh has become way too complicated for my little cumbrain
>Mai Valentine
>Harpy Ladies
Anything past fusion feels like black magic to me.
I swear they are just bad at wording the rules because it's translated from japanese
all of these cards with a billion effects just do something like summon a specific card from the deck and destroy a card
Activate this card by placing this card face up in one of your empty spell and trap card zones.
Once this has been accomplished:
Speak to your opponent and say these words or words that roughly carry a somewhat similar meaning, but you must still say the words or else your opponent will be too confused for words, and your audience will die from not being able to comprehend your actions; /I play Pot Of Greed, it allows me to place my hand, as in my physical human hand, on top of my deck, not your deck, then pull from the top of my deck, again not your deck, one card and then I add that to my hand, as in the cards I am holding not my living hand. Then I place my hand, again my living hand, on top of my deck not your deck, once again to pull another card from the top of my deck, not your deck, then add that card to my hand, as in the cards I am holding not my actual living flesh hand.
You can stop speaking now.
Seriously stop.
Shut up your moronic fool./
Then after saying all of the above (make sure to include the bit that makes it sound like you should stop reading); make sure your opponent thoroughly understands what Pot Of Greed does, perhaps repeat the above text. Now place two plot device cards (Which are cheat situational cards that will make sure you win the game, or at least change the pace of the game drastically. Always make sure to have a few hidden up your overly starched sleeves or in your anime protag hair.) in your hand, any hand will do, just not your opponents hand, or an audience member's hand. Also make sure it looks like you drew the cards from the top of your deck, not your opponents deck, and draw as in to pull a card from a deck, don't start doodling on your deck and don't shoot your opponent, not until their lifepoints get damaged at the very least.
Also, once all this has been done make sure to send this card to the graveyard, your graveyard, as in the pile of cards referred to as the graveyard not the place you put bodies.
Can't wait to read the sequel
My favorite part is when one of this atrocities is summoned and it takes literal minutes to end the turn because of its bullshit effects.
Lets you have a +1 draw advantage