If sequel trilogy isn't planned, then how was Adam Driver told the ending for his character?

If sequel trilogy isn't planned, then how was Adam Driver told the ending for his character?

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It was always planned for the family saga part of Star Wars to die off and removed so Disney can reboot it. So I think Kylo will die childless.

You're finally catching on to how much of a psyop all this shit is. Take the redpill you faggot, (((they))) are working hard.

Is this like the 'your snoke theory sucks' thing, where the actual answer was 'he dies with nothing ever explained'

>My movie feels very theatrical
Jesus, this guy’s awful at interviews. Is he on the spectrum?

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Because he's a stage actor (hence a serious artist) with autistic interpersonal skills and compares everything he does to theatre.

I'm sure they had a rough idea of the direction they wanted to go

He probably gets redeemed and dies so the rehash of the OT will be complete

I think JJ had a plan but when it became evident that Disney wanted full creative control and they weren't going to hand the trilogy to JJ he decided to not tell Rian about it as part of an elaborate practical joke

JJ has never had a plan in his life.

This. When has JJ ever planned anything?

>gets redeemed and dies
Rey has the power to keep people from dying.

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She doesn't

Rey is a clone of Kylo as are the Knights of Ren.

Daisy slipped that the plot was all outlined, but Rian threw it into the garbage. Apparently the original plans for the second and third movie are now pieced together into the third movie.

It's going to end with Rey (Palpatine's granddaughter) calling herself Rey Skywalker. Odd that a Palpatine ended up upholding the Skywalker legacy. What did Disney mean by that?

Probably. Have you seen "The Dead Don't Die"?

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Rian only wrote a new script for the second movie, probably keeping the same outline. If Rey was supposed to have a force connection and fuck Kylo, JJ would have made something similar anyway. These plot points were agreed before they even started the casting.

I haven’t, would you recommend? He’s seemed autistic in Logan Lucky, Lincoln, Midnight Special, and Silence as well as these flicks

dios mio...

>complex villain
>everything's totally happened for a reason long planned out guyse! really! habeeb us!
this is desperation to the extreme