Has there ever been a more complete BTFO of a character than this scene?
Other urls found in this thread:
More like Cela-done
>they’re spreading lies about you draining Gelfing
>but, we do drain Gelfling
Poor little white gelfling.
>A Gelfling asks for help, peace, mercy or anything at all really
As long as a piece of art is not forgotten, it is immortal.
This is exemplified by Age of Resistance.
It's been essentially 40 years since The Dark Crystal was first conceived but if you watch the series and the movie back to back it's like not a day has passed since we last visited Thra.
The crystal looks the same, the palace looks the same, the Skeksis and Aughra look the same.
The series feels like a gift 40 years in the making, and with it brings the realization that the past isn't gone, it's been here with us all this time, laying dormant, waiting one day to be resurrected in all its glory to the venerating crowd.
ID, not "I, Deet".
Im da bes mayne I Deet it
I hate your shitposting!
I plant shitposts in ground, watch grow into (You)s.
Fucking based
You will be paying $500 plus tip for the figurines right user, hmmmmMMMM?
I'd only pay that much for a Kira doll, or a Deet doll.
I want to hug a skekTek.
That might be my favorite scene in the whole thing. It was kind of satisfying seeing her smug ass get BTFO like that.
It was pretty brutal.
It's not too often you get something come back after a long time, and actually meet (or even exceed) expectations. It's almost always a disaster. The only exceptions that really come to mind are this, Beavis and Butthead, Invader Zim, and Twin Peaks.
No it wasn't. SkekTek bashing his slaves was brutal. Having your dress get ripped apart isn't.
Having your entire lifelong worldview shattered in two minutes then be sentenced to death is quite brutal, user.
I really want a Chamberlain.
If that's what you took from the scene, you're an idiot.
wasn't brutal enough. they didn't leave her naked and gang banged
yes user, that's what happened
"her dress was ripped"
gold star sticker for you
This show really pulled no punches in terms of how dark the themes are and how monstrous the villains are. They sit and laugh as they genocide the Gelflings and the show does nothing to shy away from the reality of that whatsoever. They don't make shows and movies like this anymore, it used to be the norm for kids movies in the 80's and 90's to be this dark and it is refreshing to see them go all out to recapture that.
True, but I don't think Skeksis want to fuck creatures they consider to be basically pets or livestock. They're not muslims.
>He said to his slaves with their mouths stiched shut
For me it's the way they subvert the expectations you'd have from recent kids' shit.
>thought Mira would be the main character, she gets brutally killed
>thought Rian's dad's noble sacrifice would save the day, it actually accomplishes literally nothing and in fact makes everything worse
I thought for sure the grunack were gonna escape
Skeksis are some of the best villains of all time.
Is this the greatest character on Netflix?
Absolutely based Hupposter
I feel like he's not going to survive the series and it makes me sad.
I think they're getting better at doing it nowadays.
There was that Hey Arnold Jungle Movie a while back that wasn't terrible.
Seriously hope you don't do this, yes, friends?
Friend Hup is most brave, but best character? Hmmm... no. Humble Chamberlain thinks he is best. You agree, yes?
Skeksis make my peepee hard. I want to have skeks with Chamberlain.
>be a traitorous sellout but imma just shed sum tears and everyone instantly forgives me
Women in a nutshell. Bitch should've been strung up the minute they escaped from the Castle.
They killed the wrong sister.
It would be kino if the other gelflings executed her
Good numbers, yes. Emperor will be most pleased.
Just finished watching the last episode.
>mfw The Hunter powerstrides through the entire fight and reks Rians shit
>absolutely bombing through the middle of a battlefield because you're just that angry
"What are you gonna do, stab me?"
- Quote from Skeksis stabbed
Official Goat levels.
2. Everyone else.
Outside if the skeksis the program is dull, but the reason it works is because they don't have a 90 year old actor trying to reprise their role (terminator etc.) and they don't seem to be relying on references to appeal to the audience (they don't need to, a lot of it is the same already anyway).
They've also been pretty careful with the fag shit, though there is an over representation of female characters on the gelfling team.
I want to see a prequel/sequel to Transformers the Movie, with a classic soundtrack.
>there is an over representation of female characters on the gelfling team.
I’m probably as sexist as they come and I didn’t care. Especially since the biggest Gelfling fuckup in the series was Celadon
Also there are female Skeksis so its not a bunch of evil men on the other side, there are evil women too.
Hell die in the same fashion as the main guys dad, except without it being literally pointless and shitting written.
The skeksis were standing around while fairies dropped smoke bombs on them.
Hup is above the hunter
tell that to Maudra Fara
Wait, you can't, cos she's DEAD
It's not that I care that they exist, there's just too many of them and they don't do much. Could easily be condensed into a few stronger female characters gets, but I guess they need to build up the numbers so they can drop feed some deaths in season 2, along with the fact that most people are gonna care more about a girl getting DRAINED than a generic male warrior gelfling.
The chick that got vader-choked out of the sky by GelfSkek?
>Got killed by the fucking Skeksis librarian who needs two lens to see
Ummmhh how are Skeksis villain?
Between this and being killed by a ceiling in GoT Lena Heady is really going out like a chump this year
>another comfy TDC thread
Will someone PLEASE upload the Chamberlain carriage scene? Literally best part of the entire series
skekGra > Rek’yr > everyone else.
fight me
Podling justiciaaa!
agreed, elevated him to GOAT villain status for me
It's telling that SkekSil committed the highest form a treason for a Skeksis. He may just be the most vile of them.
Dude certainly holds a grudge.
I'm impressed how the voice cast sound almost identical to their counterparts from 40 years ago.
Simon Pegg absolutely killed it as Chamberlain.
A dying race, ruled by a dying Emperor, imprisoned within themselves, in a dying land.
Her mother is to blame for brainwashing her all her life.
Perfect description of Yea Forums and its Anons.
Harvey Fierstein's Gourmand was a little different, more raspy and wheezy sounding, but given the original only had two very short lines it's not an issue, he was great and the voice was perfect for that fat fuck.
The original Scientist also had a vague bit of an accent, I guess evoking the "mad German scientist" type which Hamill didn't recreate, but again, no complaints, he was perfect. His screechy voice reciting Scientist's overdramatic declarations cracked me up.
>Dark Crystal threads are already beginning to slow down.
Fuck, will they please greenlight a second season. These are the comfiest threads I've seen in ages and I don't want it to end.
Does anyone have the reaction image of the General with the goblet?
why are the skeksis all old and decrepit boomers
Tis the fate of all boomers who live to 1000 trine, quadling. Be thankful that humans don't live as long.
SkekNa the Slavemaster with his eyepatch and hookhand when?
Assuming Netflix does weekly releases for S2, threads will probably last longer.
>sing garthim away
>do nothing to help gelfling
All generals on Yea Forums are destined to wither and die
Alternatively go to Yea Forums for more dark crystal discussion
Every morning. Every fucking morning. These little faggots just sit outside and give us this deafening chorus.
Poor Emperor.
>you're dying after ruling for one thousand years and the last thing you ever hear is the fucking Chamberlain's hmmmMMMMMmmmm next to your bed
Because they are ancient. Also, thematically they are styled after Renaissance or Elizabethan era aristocracy, so they are meant to be old and crusty like a sick and dying noble would have been back then. Someone wealthy enough to live to old age during a time when old age was pretty fucking rough and usually just meant 50.
Scientist you worthless slime, where are the earmuffs I ordered invented nearly FIFTEEN MINUTES AGO! First you take nearly two hours to create the secret to immortality, and almost as long to make my unstoppable mechanical army, and now this! SHAMEFUL!
Then they show up. Merge with their old selves and the fuck off.
“Yo sorry we fucked up your home world. Our bad, peace y’all we out”
>man, fuck the urSkeks
>that pic
I miss them, bros...
based and crystalpilled thread
Rewatched the film, and once Jen heals the Crystal and the Skeksis castle is coming down with the Mystics appearing for the reuniting, all the Skeksis are panicking and freaking out, but the Chamberlain is just laughing like a madman. Did he just finally crack?
He's the absolute madman.
Chamberlain is a rascal
he knew that the loan would be forgotten once they were out of thra
In a case of "there goes your entire life's work in an instant", all you can do is laugh
>file name
He realised that after all he'd done, all the people he had betrayed and stabbed in the back, all the gelflings whose essence he had drunk, all the damage he had done... was completely forgiven and he achieved immortality for the poultry cost of reuniting with his other side. He won.
>poultry cost
Any screens or gifs of Hup making that crazy "pfffttuu" face with his eyes bugging out?
He was gonna get away with everything
This was kino af.
Holy shit. This is deep.
Meanwhile the Scientist gets sent to a fiery death
You're right. The Emperor died, but Chamberlain is getting that sweet immortality.
I guess poultry could work too since the skeksis are basically birds.
>tfw even fate pisses on scientist
>the person most singlehandedly responsible for the desolate state of Thra and its inhabitants
>get rewarded with total forgiveness and immortality with no accountability
He won.
Poor guy. The only one who got screwed harder was the Hunter.
Why are they such bullies to Skektek? He's obviously the most valuable and competent skeksis. He didn't do nothing wrong.
It's even worse. The scientist was sent to a fiery death by the animals he'd cared for all that time. The only creatures in all of Thra that he liked killed him.
>We were merely following orders
Literally because he's a NEEEEEEEEEEERD.
Only Chamberlain is smart enough to pretend to be nice to him.
>most valuable
Clearly you don't live in society
These guys were BANISHED for HERESY. We really don't know just how fucked their morals were.
>kino af.
Favourite shot in the series, it's a pretty gimmicky take in general, but the way they managed to pull it off with puppets and a tiny set was amazing
They are unironically fucking evil.
Scientist a weak-ass pussy who cries when you threaten his gay furry pets.
Watch it, SkekNERD
I get the feeling Hup will be the first Podling turned into essence-less slave like the movie instead of the essencekill will get in the series
We are definitely seeing a Gelfling get zombified somewhere too, which didn't happen in the film.
>get banished from homeworld
>come to a peaceful alien world
>trick their crystal protector so you can get your hand on the heart of their entire world
>fuck around with it for selfish reasons
>tear yourself in two
>cunty half breaks the crystal
>begin an age of death and misery
>almost genocide the dominant species
>cause unimaginable amounts of damage
>get restored
> the"good" half did next to nothing to help this along
>bring one retard's gf back to life
>call it mission accomplished and peace out
The absolute madmen.
>They were all the Chamberlain of their planet
It really is messed up when you simplify it like that. Jesus. Imagine how much better things would have been had they never showed up.
>Imagine how much better things would have been had they never showed up.
most likely the gelfling would still be cavemen
Beats not existing.
The gelfling had Aughra to guide them. They'd be fine.
It's Aughra's fault for giving them the crystal. If she didn't do that they'd be powerless.
It's also implied in the background lore that the UrSkek that Chamberlain is half of was the one responsible for damaging the crystal and splitting apart to begin with. He was evil and selfish the whole way through and gets a happy ending. Based.
but still cavemen
Grottans seemed fine.
Me thinks the urskeks come from a world that was literally one giant crystal, or a crystalline world. maybe they were shocked to find only one crystal in thra
>shitty writing
Fuck off, that scene was kino and wouldn't be anywhere near as kino if his sacrifice actually accomplished something.
Grottans don't bathe. Imagine the smell.
We don't know how much tech the skeksis gave to them. I mean why would they? I guess maybe getting into their good graces, but they could easily find some other way to do it and simultaneously keep the populace dumb and easy to control. Gelfling advancement was probably their own.
Grottans are subgelfing, barely above Podlings
>deet smells so bad that her scent repels insects
If there was a Skesis whose name was SkekKek, what would his backstory/role be?
They gave them "innovation". The UrSkeks, before they split, taught the Gelfling literacy, mathematics, and more, and gave to Aughra even more tempting things, notably the Orrery. The UrSkeks were more familiar with the crystal than even Aughra - they came from a world where they tampered with their own, and were banished for it.
This history is kept secret though. The Skeksis don't like looking that far back even.
She gave them the crystal for safekeeping, not so they could blow it up. She didn't know they were planning on experimenting on it, if she did she probably would have told them to fuck off.
The Satirist is close enough
UrSkeks still deserve to be genocided
Consider for a moment, this: all that happened with the UrSkeks and the Skeksis across 2000 years was meant to teach Aughra some hard lessons and help her grow. It was all the games of cosmic gods and immortals, the lives of the mortal inhabitants of Thra were just playthings in this divine scheming. Aughra was too concerned with the rest of the universe and her own selfish desires to know everything and satisfy her own curiosities when she should have been content and focused on safeguarding and shepherding all the creatures of Thra. She needed to lose it all to appreciate the gravity of that responsibility and understand her place in the universe. She'll get it right in the next cycle. Too late for the Gelfling, but their sacrifice will ensure it never happens again under a more wise and vigilant Aughra.
Same, but I wish they would've at least had Rian kill the General while he had the chance. Instead they went the trope route of the good guys being all, "But I'm not like you! I don't kill!" Fucking so sick of that shit in movies/shows.
But we don't know if gods even exist in this universe. Thra is the closest thing to god we ever get, unless you want to count the urskeks, but they're just hyper-evolved pranklords.
Depressing, user.
Were you under the impression this was ever a happy tale?
Was season 2 any good?
SkekKey, the Sodomite
Kino scene
The UrSkeks and Aughra are godlike beings for all intents and purposes. Even just the Skeksis and Urru living for thousands of years with no end in sight makes them essentially immortal (not invincible obviously, but not capable of dying of old age). The Skeksis only begin to die of what they were paranoid about to begin with after they become addicted to drinking Gelfling essence, which is making them sick.
Such a malodorous pussy.
Mr Dalliard stop joking and release this man immediately!
Just a prank bro
From a previous thread.
>Skekkek the Shitposter
>spends all his time on Thrachan
>shitposts endlessly about the superiority of skeksis
>"Day of the drain soon, gelfniggers"
>only drinks Essence Ultra Zero
>skekCel, the Virgin
A lonely and bitter skeksis who whines loudly about how gelfling females don't like him and prefer UrChad instead. Is looked down upon by the other Lords of the Crystal as the most pathetic of their kind.
>A lonely and bitter skeksis who whines loudly. Is looked down upon by the other Lords of the Crystal as the most pathetic of their kind.
Sounds like Scientist, literally /ourskek/
Where did the Scientist go to after his death?
As great as the first season was, I can't help but feel they killed off skekMal too early. He was a viscerally direct and threatening villain and Ralph Ineson's performance was a standout. Maybe a returning skekUng could take on a similar role?
>threw him like a fucking bowling ball
Whats the context here?
The Archer's final words imply death is unity.
>Dark Crystal top of most popular Netflix films
SkekUng will be leading the Garthim, so yeah. He needs his own space to be badass.
Poor Emperor.
We're given no indication as to what happens to a Skeksis or urRu that dies before their rejoining, though I like to think they're together in death, it's more fitting for the whole cosmology of the setting.
The secret behind skekmal's physique is that he played Wii Sport for years.
Nah gelfling had Aughra
>that he fucked Wii Sport ling for years
I have shilled this show endlessly to my friends. Got at least two of them hooked on it.
TDC is the first time my friend group has ever unanimously liked something.
I advertised it to several ||Discord servers|| and got about 10 people to watch it
I got my normie partner at work to watch it and she said it was ok. Not sure what she meant.
>Instead of giving life, I made the Crystal take life! I will be punished for this failure.
>No! You make Crystal hungry. Crystal pull out essence, but what if we take essence for Skeksis?
>Give Gelfling everything, they want more. Think loyalty can be bought or demanded. But not true. Can only be built.
>Arathim... reanimated by Scientist's machines, made into soulless fearless instruments of death.
Goddamn Chamberlain is still one smart motherfucker outside his scheming. All the good ideas the Skeksis had come from him.
Is why he was made Chief Secretary of State/second in command even though Skekso low-key hates him.
>>poultry cost
Well he is a bird nigga.
Can't wait to see Emperor slowly dying in season 2, his voice going from Jason Isaacs to this.
Be honest. Do you any of you think you could take a skek in a 1v1 fight?
what is this scene and why should i watch this show
I’m worried they’re actually like 7 ft tall dinosaurs irl or something.
>and the show is top of the Trending Now section
Because it's soulful fantasykino with fantastic worldbuilding that actually surpasses the original
They look 6 foot. If I had the same weapon as them probably except for the Hunter since he's actually in shape.
There arms look like they snap easy too.
I want to fuck that Gelfling
same tbqhwy famalam
>mfw season 2 it's possible
>Top ten anime betrayals.
Elf fairy girl pleads to demonic bird monsters for them to spare her people. Emperor bird says no. She asks again. Bird says no. She begs and asks a third time. Bird says bigger no. Then they mock and strip her.
It's a good show.
Come to think of it, how large and dangerous are Skeksis anyway? They seem to tower over Gelflings, Podlings and other sentient races barring the Arathim and urRu, and were capable of besting all but those two in a fight as well. Is it possible the absolute madlad skekMal is just what all physically fit Skeksis were capable of before their withering?
I really really like the song he sang in the jail
this I've been asking/looking for this for a week now
Pre-withering Skeksis looked very delicate and fragile from the concept art.
Honestly while the Hunter is doubtlessly the strongest of the Skeksis physically, it seems like both Generals and the Emperor are more than capable too. Hell, if the Scientist is able to create the Garthim I wouldn't put it past him to try and graft himself some new body parts.
absolutely - frail old ass bird things that are only tough because they tower over 2 foot tall effeminate 20 lb gnomes and 1 ft tall retard gremlin creatures. You could probably just knock them over and they wouldnt be able to get back up
My impression is, yes, SkekMal is peak Skeksis fitness and strength. He does not live a hedonistic lifestyle or live in the castle. I like to imagine the Skeksis are about the size of a human and that everything else on Thra is small.
Pls no bully SkekSo.
Fuck no. My only option is to offer sexual favours or essence or both.
Cassowary look weak too, until they rip out your juggular. Swans can break your arm. Do no fuck with birds, user.
BASED Gurjin
They were pretty butterfly-winged birds. At least going by old Froud concept art.
But yeah, it is highly implied the tower Skeksis used to be agile and strong, but got old and skinnyfat.
>There arms look like they snap easy too.
Birds are light as fuck but the damage they can do with talons and beaks are no joke. I think I could take a movie skek but not a series skek.
can someone redpill me on this show? its called the dark crystal? do i just watch the netflix show or the movie too? anything else i need to watch?
people rag on Rian for not doing much but Brea didn't do much either except suffer, whoo boy, so much suffering. I think Deet just overshadows the other two MCs really badly.
It's a prequel of the movie so it's your choice, if you see the movie you will know how everything ends and if you don't you won't get some little references
>gets tortured brutally because of Rian
>Rian doesn't even react and just laughs at him for being "still tender"
What the fuck
>that scene with him hugging the Arathim
I remember hearing somewhere that they're between 7 and 8 feet tall.
Am just going to refer you to this post
Personally, I would recommend the show first. It's easier to get into and movie might put you off it.
They do, but I was more under the impression those were newly created/adolescent Skeksis as opposed to one in their physical prime who was strong enough to throw a Gelfling around like a ragdoll.
I laughed at him saying hello in the final battle
Or not. Here it is anyways:
>Tell me how do I into Dark Crystal?
Start with the new series or original film. Starting with either is completely fine, but the series is an ideal place to start for newcomers if they feel iffy about the franchise.
>What kind of media there is?
The original film, the new prequel series, a prequel comic, two sequel comics, and a tactics video game based on the series.
>Why is it hyped around lately?
New prequel show to the film came out on Netflix about a week ago and it's fucking fantastic. Easily one of the best shows in a long time, and easily the best of The Jim Henson Company's more recent work.
>I think there was some obscure old movie.
Yes, the original film from 1982. The reception on it around here is incredibly divided. You'll either find it a beautiful masterpiece and one of Jim Henson's greatest works period or a boring slog with uncompelling protagonists. Start with it at your own discretion.
Found it, it was in the Yea Forums thread. If gelfling are between two to three feet and skeksis are more than double their size then they're over 7 feet tall at the least.
hot damn give me that skekpussy
how come seladon never used her psychic powers like when she chokeslammed maudra fara?
why did chamberlain help general the first time he was near death but killed him the second time?
>fantastic worldbuilding that actually surpasses the original
Nah. The movie did it better.
The gelflings taking up arms and practicing warfare seems like a significant departure from how they were depicted in the movie, and seems to go against the message of the movie as well.
The movie gelflings were more like hobbits, in that despite their short stature and nonviolent ways could still perform mighty feats.
Shad when?
Well logically they wouldn't have been genocided if they hadn't taken up arms at some point.
>why did chamberlain help general the first time he was near death
Because the helped him get into good graces with the Emperor
You're a 1000 trines too late for pretty skek.
i'd fuck a current year skek too not gonna lie
i dont want to resub to netflix, fuck
Why not. They weren't genocided for insubordination, they were genocides for their essence.
I think those are the second pair of arms holding flags instead of wings.
Just pirate it. Giving the show more views is nice, but it's not worth resubbing if you're only going to use it for that.
Helping the General made him speak on Skeksil's behalf in front of the Emperor and got him his seat back. General still needed to die though, because he took the seat in the first place.
If hobbits could see their race being genocided they'd take up arms too though. They literally do take up arms in the book. There's a difference between being peaceful and being so apathetic that you put in no effort to save yourself.
In that image they clearly are wings judging by the structure of the fingers but in other images it does look like they're holding flags.
Where do I get gelfling cunny?
Buy puppet and fist it
Some of them are still fuckable.
People's issue with Rian isn't that he doesn't do much, it's that he never gets time to really develop his personality or relationships in any meaningful way. Deet and Brea get plenty of time to explore their personalities, motivations, and relationships (Deet and Hup, Brea and her family). Rian is just constantly busy and never gets any real time to flesh out any of that.
Adding on to that, Deet and Brea's backgrounds also flesh them out as characters. Deet lived in Grot and thus learned to love and care for Thra in general (Which makes her inevitable destruction of the planet even more heartbreaking) and Brea's royal background gives her conflict with her family and what's expected of her in her position. Rian neither fleshes out Stone-In-Wood nor provides an interesting perspective into the life of a castle guard. His dad's dead so there's no opportunity to explote that relationship, and Gurjin probably embodies the loyalty and resilience of a guard job more than Rian ever could.
Really hoping S2 fleshes Rian out more because right now he's fucking weaksauce.
at least the gruenaks died fighting for their freedom
Question, why is the hunter so fucking physically bad ass compared to the other skeksis?
The rest of them are wasting away and disgusting while he's an absolute fucking Chad who can run up trees and murder shit.
Why is he different?
How proud would Jim be of AoR?
Gurjin is way more based and interesting than Rian.
Jim Henson's creature shop.
>This is really impressive kids, but why the fuck is everyone fighting?
So I get to cum right before I die?
Have a (you), that was funny.
Pretty proud, I think.
Reminder he discovered that draining is fucking useless if your will to live is ironclad, decades before Kira did.
Well not just the matter of taking up arms but being martial in any way or being successful at violence.
The whole gelflings having a standing army or weapons at all doesn't feel right, let alone be able to take on skesksis as well as they do in mortal combat.
Rian literally just exists to become Jen's dad and because the show had too many female leads which it needed to balance out with a male hero. He absolutely needs more screen time and character development, but it seems pretty clear where his story is meant to lead. Only question is, is Brea going to be the mom now that Deet is seemingly destroyed?
Which ones user? Tell us.
I'm thinking Rian is Jen's dad and Brea is Kira's mom.
waifufag, dyke, or hates their dad?
you decide user!
why don't the females fly everywhere? they mostly walk in the show and movie
Rian just has weaker characterization compared to his peers, that's it. I don't hate him at all and I think Taron Egerton's doing a great job with what he's got. I just wish he was a bit more fleshed out, and there's always more opportunities for that in future seasons and expanded material.
Iv'e got a custom made Kira fuckdoll coming from Japan any day now.
Only £900
Yeah, that's kind of stupid, they should have probably made it that only some females have wings, there's loads of times where you wonder why they just don't fly.
It probably just gets tiring or something. And most of the characters travel in mixed parties of males and females.
And for things like the Crystal Desert on the way to the Circle of the Suns, taking that big-ass sky fish was probably the most efficent for everyone.
Realistically you should kick them to keep the distance and then... well, keep kicking.
Except if it's the Hunter. Then you're dead.
God, thank you I needed that laugh this morning.
Also makes sense the hunter is the only one being physically active and running around not being a crusty old fuck
It's not that low a key.
And this is also after her having believed they were benevolent rulers so hard that she branded her family and friends who rebelled as traitors.
It might be very exhausting to sustain over long periods of time.
SkekSo and SkekTek. And maybe the Ritual Master.
You better post pictures user.
Yea Forums in a nutshell
Where did you get it made?
No, it is you who must watch it, General!
I would fuck
Exquisite taste.
Oh fuck, how could I forget the Hunter? Very fuckable.
Amazed and proud especially when the entire series was made under 6 months.
6 months? I thought it took 5 years.
The skeksis were all much more compelling than the gelflings.
So the skeksis at the castle drain gelflings to prolong their lives. How has the hunter and the heretic survived all this time?
I still can't get over his deep fried hands. Its like that mr. Meaty sketch.
Actually a surprising scene as I assumed they would string her along to get her to send more Gelfling their way but nope, just blew up the entire system they had in place for hundreds of years without a fuck given.
the real genocide was the friends we met along the way
The point of that is that they don't really need to do it, they're decaying because they're lazy and self-indulgent.
The novels state that they came to Thra because it had the same kind of crystal that existed on their homeworld, which was in the "furthest farthest galaxy" from Thra
This, it wasn't brutal at all. She was probably still thinking in her head that what they were doing was right. A traitor and a floor mat, I wish her character would have gotten killed off in a satisfying way, but no.
>I work with zombie vultures and they actually peck at me less than you did. My wings were immaculate, mother. My wings were perfect.
Aughra speculates that there's nothingness for Skesis/UrRu after death
Emperor speculates the same pain and misery that existed before they were born
"my bad"
they're human sized, jim Henson said this. Gelflings are the ones who are tiny
This is the only right list.
he got fucked over hard and Brea got away with it all
Quite simply, he works out. He's out hunting and roaming the countryside and they're lazy fucks in the castle. He also seems to just be unusually strong and willful, just as his Archer counterpart is.
The skeksis are draining our wallets! Dont you see!?
Of course, they're the colourful hammy bad guys, the Gelfling are the nice but dour heroes.
To be fair, most of their damage was accidental.
>Try to poison someone
>They switch the poison
>You end up getting poisoned
>They're the bad person in the situation
What kind of mental gymnastics are you doing for that to make sense
>"iv been a good goy, can i has reward?"
>lol no
>"i can atleast have mercy?"
>lol no
>thrown away to be juiced
>somehow still loyal while in line to be juiced
Iirc the director's cut said that it was more than a good/evil split. It was knowledge vs. Wisdom, Innovation vs. Pacificism, etc. Mystics and Skeks had were both basically unhinged with some aspects without the other aspect to balance it out.
user is a zoomer who didn't watch Princess Bride
What was the deal with that character? Was she the only female skeksis?
When Augrah scares those guards with tales of her past crimes it makes me wonder if she wasn't more brutal with her power in the past. That she wasn't an oravle back then but a full on witch or monster.
>Mother Augrah figured out that the Crystal itself may help UrSkeks go back home
>They all get together to be sent back
>Mother Augrah retarded looking child, Raunip, starts harassing one of the UrSkeks
>it gets mad
>Crystal rejects all of them because ONE was angry
>they split into Skeksis and Mystics
>2 died from killing each other
>chaos erupts
Skeksis feed off the crystal and drain gelflings because they're piss scared of dying, but we don¨t know how necessary that really is. Sure, it makes them feel agile/strong again for a while, but we have no idea how long they would live without it.
Heretic being alive and fairly springy + Hunter jumping all over the place strongly implies they don¨t need to abuse the crystal to stay alive, and if they did something else than sit on their fat asses all day and eat like gluttons they would be more agile and fit too.
Those were just stories. She isn't a D&D wizard. The UrSkeks *kind of* were though.
Skeksis and Mystics don't have any gender.
aughra doesnt harm any creature of Thra
watching it right now
really nice to see Gelflings had an advanced and high culture
listening to Jen and Kira in the movie I always imagined a tribe of retards
Tell that to the Skeksis who was pissing out of his three penises
She's the embodiment of Thra. All genders, races, animals, plants, etc. That's it. No monster. Just a speaker for Thra. She was originally a larger amalgam before the Conjunction burned her eye out and her masculine half and other concepts. It's why she has a beard/mustache still.
Did you see a dick or just piss? He may just have holes.
They literally don't have genders because they're an incomplete race. They identify as male or female because that's what they originally were.
Technically they're genderless but it's clear Ornamentalist and Collector are meant to be female. Also the Mariner is female
gender =/= sex
dumb bigot males
Right? I like this better than a tribe of dumb elf hippies.
does that mean there are female mystics?
>when they drink the rest of Mira's essence while Rian is screaming
That was sad and surprising. I thought they were going to bring her back somehow but nope. She's just dead.
maybe we know very little about mystics. They just walk in the original movie and the 2 in Age of Resistance are entirely new characters
important life lesson for you there, user.
come to think of it, didn't her "son" Raunip only come about after her right eye was burnt out and embodied the masculine half of Thra? this was only in the comics though and it's been a while since I read them so I could be wrong
Then the Chamberlain sarcastically "returns her to Thra" by tossing the bottle on the ground and stomping on it. What a prick.
I love it too. I hope we see more of the other clans, their cultures, and lives in S2.
The Skeksis Man’s Burden
lizards have two dicks
jews step on glass too. makes you think
UrSan the Swimmer (counterpart of skekSa)
I kinda feel like they should make season 2 diverge from the original movies ending since I feel like there is no point in continuing a story that we already know the conclusion to. And Augra said there are different timelines.
hmmMMMmmm new thread yes?
Falling down a volcanic vent is as close to thra as you can get so I imagine he joined the big lifecycle thjngie.
We're in autosage.
>someone stepping on a jar is a jew reference
Well fuck I also made a new one. Just pick one and let the others die off I guess.
Will always go to based /hmmm/ thread,
Depends on the skeksis. Hunter would whoop my ass so hard,