Big oof. Looks like DC got too cocky

Big oof. Looks like DC got too cocky

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Big oof

yeah, you can call the whole thing a "hit"

A highlight reel of TIFF critics on rotten tomatoes:
>muh ableism
>oh goy, white men, alt-righters, mass shooters, and INCELS are going to love this and that’s bad
>muh incels
>muh trolls, 4chins, and mass shooters, its a TOXIC rallying cry for INCELS
>muh incels, also I hate it because it’s popular
>muh social issues (also I’m a Disney shill)
>contrarianism laid over 400 words
>tranny who can’t into sympathizing with someone without endorsing them; also muh mental illness and FUN
>movies make people violent (ugh) and muh FUN
>muh mass shooters
>“I’m too deep for this film (also, I’m a Disney shill that gave Marvel movies the same rating, but they are fresh instead of rotten)!”
>its a TOXIC rallying cry for INCELS!!!
>muh mental illness and muh FUN

>show film to northern americans
>they hate it
a kino stamp of approval

>Blue checkmark

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Pink haired whales doubling down

They showed it to Canadians who hate men and worship women so I’m not surprised they hated it

It’s pretty cringed but everyone on this website parrots the same jargon too so it’s hard to really feel better than Twitter retards

tits or GTFO

I mean, a Golden Lion winner is probably bad if Uproxx says so

My point was that Yea Forums talk is now indistinguishable to roastie talk

Im not going to watch it for the same reason I havent watched any hollywood shit from the last several years. But hey, at least its going to supply Phoenix with another 10 years worth of hookers and cocaine.

>Big oof
We have an imposter among us

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>Yea Forums will defend this obese retard, because of their Oedipus complex
She is in the same mental level as MovieBob and should be treated as such.
How embarrassing

Attached: Screenshot_2019-09-11 Grace Randolph ( GraceRandolph) Twitter.png (573x712, 83K)

>Grace Randolph
>Literal braindead
Would quite literally tear anus

Yea Forums is filled with coombrains who will defend any woman’s position as long as she makes their dicklets tingle

>Oedipus complex
excuse me. I like motherly looking women from a desire to breed them, not fuck my own mother. Get my perversion right you cunt.

Why are Americans obsessed with review scores and box office figures?

>negative views out of cuckada
big surprise

unfortunately true

>Yea Forums defends women
What the fuck is this? Where am I?

That's a dumb point considering every instance of yikes and oof on Yea Forums is ironic and mocking roastie speak.
Literally every single post.


maybe because there's actually some roasties here

>j-just pretending

you seem more like a roastie really
>you cant pretend
>you're a literal nazi

This. The TIFF is for fucking fags. They just premiered some michael b jordan movie there and were singing its praises for an oscar, and showing the interview on CP24

If DC weren't stupid and cocky they wouldn't be DC

>>you're a literal nazi


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Am I the only one that hates this waspy bitch? She couldn't even comprehend that JoJo Rabbit was Satire.


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Canadians are cucks. Do you even have to wonder why Jordan Peterson sprouted from there?

Aren't the ones disliking Joker the same ones that made this list possible?

Attached: rt top 10.jpg (756x695, 114K)

>big off
Without looking it up I bet she’s got pronouns in her twitter bio

Check the Timothee Chalamet threads

>7 of the top 10 films of all time were made in the last 5 years

I find the reviews that says it's supposed edginess is just hollow very authentic opinion, because if you expect the Joker to be more than just a down-on-his-luck guy it may be a disappointing story and not bringing anything.

but once again the "negative" review does not say it's bad they just say that a good performance does not equal a great movie

>Yea Forums shits on Jojo Rabbit and Knives Out
>Both get tons of praise from critics and their RT scores go through the roof
>Yea Forums jerks itself off to some DC piece of shit
>RT score fucking craters
How can one board always be so wrong?

Yes people who don't like shit movies often like good ones

>but once again the "negative" review does not say it's bad they just say that a good performance does not equal a great movie
Are you fucking retarded? Of course that means they're saying the movie is bad

Is there a more dishonest list?

It's going to win the top prize there too
journos are irrelevant

This, it’s so suspicious

you what m8? where are you pulling all these strawmans out of lol

>RT matters
uh ok

Grace Randolph likes to take what she thinks is a womans approach to films and runs with it. It's like her gimmick. She was the only positive critical review for The Kitchen, most likely because it was starring women, even though the film is objectively mediocre.

I'd ignore her honestly. Don't know how shes got so many YouTube subscribers with her irritating voice and constant bashing of any film that features a penis in the lead.

a literal Marvel pajeet

>rotten tomatoes is correct
lol delusion mousecuck

>It's going to win the top prize there too
Against Knives out, Jojo Rabbit, Ford v Ferrari, Hustlers, and Marriage Story? I knew Yea Forums was retarded but come on

>Do you even have to wonder why Jordan Peterson sprouted from there?
We legitimately don't deserve him here in Toronto, This place is an absolute shithole. He must be very patient to have the will to live here, More power to him I guess.

>I-It's g-going to b-b-bomb
>I-I-It w-will be b-b-b-b-bad
hoes mad

They don’t want to accidentally and unironically see a bad movie or else their twitter friends will find out and disown them

Strange it mattered two days ago when Joker was in the 80s and Jojo Rabbit was in the 50s I wonder what could possibly have changed

DC fails again

And water is wet

>It starts getting negative reviews after being shown in the poz capital of the world
Really makes you think

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as a parody, it's tongue in cheek

>wins in Venezia
>mutts and faggots hate it
Kino confirmed.

Absolutely no financial interest involved.

>Strange it mattered two days ago when Joker was in the 80s
In fact I was kinda worried about the lack of leftist screeching from the journos

Yeah. Why are people obsessed with objective measures of a movies success and quality, can't they just shout "KINO" at everything not made by Disney like we educated Yea Forums posters do?

You should've atleasted named some good movies user

you know when speaking English we just say 'Venice'

I’m not a burger.
Bite me.

What else did you expect from TIFF Leafs?

how will they ever recover?

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>Joker has a gf
>somehow its an incel movie
Can someone explain this to me?


Well in my experience, the more a piece of media is discussed on here, the higher the chances that it's actually worth a watch.

He’s a white male who does bad things
Therefore he’s a misogynistic incel

Those are all faggots


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Why is everybody going on and on about this being about angry white guys?
I’ve heard comparisons between this and Falling Down.
>the main characters of both movies are kikes

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>>Joker has a gf
>he doesn't know

Why would I bite you if you're not a burger?

Since it’s a mix of King of Comedy and Taxi Driver, he probably ends up scaring her away and some of their dates were probably made up in his head.

>but my rapist award
This is sad even by DCuck standards

Like when you tried to claim Aquaman was good because it made a billion dollars in a month with no competition and yet refuse to compare it to other movies released in that same time frame like TFA, TLJ, and Avatar for obvious reasons

Kek Disney pressed the shill button like they did with Aquaman

Show your tits Grace

Sure like Bright or Batman v Superman

>he doesn't know auntie Grace
How about you return to Reddit?

>You see, I'm not a retard... I'm just ahead of the curve

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There should be no off limits topics in movies


He doesn't have a gf, he thinks he does but he doesn't. Kind of like you and your whore waifu to put it in relative terms.

Why do they hate whites so much, bros?
We are the kindest most compassionate race in the world, so what did we ever do bad to warrant this kind of hatred?

Both fake violence and fake speech should be allowed.

How is the Golden Lion a rapist award?

Yeah but we do it ironically

Michael Douglas worked a shit government job that he lost because his country didn't need war anymore. Instead of going back to his mother's after the divorce, he would have instead bought a new home and moved there. Also his burger had cheese, and that's not kosher.
Think before you speak you fucking idiot. Enjoy your sick day from 9th grade.

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>Eurofaggots love it
>Amerisharts hate it
99% it means the movie is kino

couple of high profile mass shootings and a stubborn refusal of diversity

Plenty of objectively good movies didn’t do great at the box office. What do you think a cult classic is?

>>Amerisharts hate it
TIFF takes place in Toronto, you obsessed twit.

Venice has said its piece. That's all that matter now. All other opinion is invalid.

What do you think they thought about TLJ /teevee/?

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They want to see this world in chaos once we're put down a peg or two. Whites are the only reason this country became as great as it was. Of course it has it's faults, but what country doesn't?

What's the difference?

>a fucking leaf

His gf is literally imaginary

Jojo Rabbit is below Joker on RT and none of those movies won the Leone D'Oro

>What's the difference?
Take a fucking plane ride and you'll see there's a huge schism between the US and Canada.

Yes, exactly!
Whites are a race of peace. If only they knew us better they would see that!

Critics still think they’re relevant in 2019.

gotta feeling youre about to tell me

i bet they loved it, thought it was brave and fresh

Aquaman made more money than Captain Marvel

Amerishart education!

>three womyn and two Söys
MCU viral marketing department ladies and gentlemen

its on purpose you dingus

How about you go back to comicbookcast2.

>It's nothing less (and nothing more) than an agent of unbridled chaos
Imagine going to see a movie about the fucking Joker and considering this to be a bad thing.

because im being a dick to you ;-)

I am perfectly fine with this movie getting shit on by critics and having no box office.

>Looks like DC got too cocky
Not cocky enough

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>negative reviews comes after a showing in Canada
>i-it's the Americans! The Americans are to blame!
ell oh ell

A shitty movie with a rabid and retarded fanbase

Like Alita

Shut the fuck up incel gamergater!

he means that the film is riot / gamers rise up propaganda

>all the critics were canadian
retardo americano

Who the fuck cares about Toronto? I’m pretty sure everyone would agree Venetians are better at judging art than cuck Americans

Toronto is like if you selected for the most cucked populace in San Francisco, removed any shred remaining of an actual culture, and plopped them all in one place.

Torontonian btw.

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Also I’m a woman, not sure if that’s relevant

nice projecting
just because incels review bomb every movie that triggers them doesn't mean that every negative review is targeted

Way to prove my point DCuck

And beating a movie by less than $20 million isn't something worth bragging about dipshit

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According to all trackings this movie is going to break even by its first saturday and be one of the most profitable movies of the decade, besides winning in Venice and being universally praised by all critics around the world except the amerifat ones that hate white men and get paid by Disney

>Any movie that doest do well financially is a shitty movie

you cant be +18

do you see many white/asian couples in the streets?

>most diverse countries on the planet
>stubborn refusal of diversity

Why did RT change the way they do audience scores again?

>Joker thread
>devolves into international finger-pointing about midway

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this You are one basically one and the same anyway, I'm just pulling your leg, my fellow butt-hurt user.
I was merely pointing out that (North) American or British critics are so cucked by faux left-wing ideology that they can't tolerate a work of art that doesn't tick certain SJW boxes (they would otherwise be labelled fascist or god knows what else by their retarded friends). Continental European critics, generally, don't seem to give a flying fuck about these things because they respect the history of cinema and are therefore ok with things the turbokikes and good goys call "problematic".

They're all Disney shills. I've seen them before.

>I mean
You say this way too much. Fix yourself.

still not diverse enough according to some people

So were the tears sweet enough, awardlet?

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>in a month with no competition
>Mary Poppins Returns
Don't tell lies on the internet, user.


WM/AF yeah.

Yikes, imagine being this triggered by a phrase.

You fat retardants do realise that Canada is in America and that the USA is not the whole of America right? Surly you’re just pretending to be retarded

>British critics are so cucked by faux left-wing ideology that they can't tolerate a work of art that doesn't tick certain SJW boxes
That makes sense at least. Brits are fucking riddled with white guilt.

wtf i love joker now

These self-imposed moral police need to get shot by a mass shooter desu.

>Grace Randolph

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That's a big sandwich

Remember when she bitched and complained about Deadpool 2 being rated R because her friend’s kid wanted to see it?

>Yea Forums used to pioneer and influence internet slang and lingo
>now we get influenced by it whilst pretending to use it ironically

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uh... cope?

Do you think those movies are better than everything screened at Venice?

Until you people start to realize the problem, virtually every thread will be at risk.

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>Ford v Ferrari
Literally the only movie that can challenge it.

And don't forget DCucks you still have NYFF on the way

Get that prayer circle going so it will at least stay in the mid 50s before October 4th

you constantly post and cry about what they think, so I guess so you faggot.

Oh whoops it’s already posted basically

>any of those
I knew you DCuvks were retarded but I didn't know you were THAT dumb

Of course but it doesn't matter what I think that's what everyone who is actually at TIFF is saying

I like.

>Blue checkmark

Why do people get triggered by that? It just means the account has been verified as legit. Trump has a blue checkmakr, does that mean he too is a leftist SJW?


>uma delizia posters

Attached: luigi.jpg (205x246, 7K)

>a Transformers movie
>a movie about Dick Cheney
>a fucking Mary Poppins sequel
>not competition to the movie about a dude that talks to fish
C'mon now.

>dodging the point entirely

The only answer to driving away normies is to do what Yea Forums used to do in the early days. Spam gore/cp. We all know that's not gonna happen though.

>decide to read the negative reviews
>none of them actually critique the movie in anyway
>they’re all “Yeah it’s good but HURR ITS DANGEROUS OMG SOME1 CUD DIE”
>Amerilard critics thinking anyone outside the US is gonna get shot over this movie
>mfw they already detained a guy in Milan for going to a costume party as the Joker
>Jewlywood critics have finally extended their reach and overruled common sense
>people will get arrested for dressing as cringe society man
>all because criticfags are scared of a fucking children’s comic book character who fights a billionaire who dresses as a bat

>wh*te "women"


You’re so fucking retarded.

They sure were called competition before they came out.

Nigger, don’t project your insecurities on me. NOBODY thinks pic related is even worth taking seriously, even (You) can’t defend this and are just trying to be provocative to garner attention

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future geek conventions will be funny when cosplayers will start dressing as this joker

Who cares, Joker has already won the Venice Festival which is more prestigious than both of those combined. This Golden Lion is unironically the best thing a capeshit movie has ever achieved, second would be Ledger's oscar another DC feat. But don't worry I'm sure Marvel will make a killing on the MTV movie awards ir something lmfao

because incels were review bombing movies that they had not seen

This is so hilariously wrong I'm not sure how to respond user, good job! Yea Forums only discusses shit movies they get mad about, which is why movies that are decent and without many problems don't get talked about.

Blame Alitafags, Star Wars shitters and Marvelfage

People hated The Last Jedi and Disney told them to change it. Disney controls RT via Paul Yanover, the CEO of Fandango which owns 70% of RT. Of course then Solo bombed, Galaxy's Edge bombed TWICE, Star Wars trailers get less views than Joker's etc so the audience score was proven to be true but the changes still remain

I mean actual discussion, not the contrarian, nitpicking threads that always come up

Everyone is against this film for some reason. I jokingly said on my work IP address that these “MUH JOKER IS MAKING WHITE PEOPLE KILL” tweets piss me off to the point of doing bad things myself. It was a fucking joke and I got perma banned. I filled in an appeal saying that I was only kidding and that it won’t happen again and my appeal was denied. Everyone hates this movie plus I can’t shitpost on my WiFi at work anymore. What gives?

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It is when - literally - all you have is box office and diversity head pats. DC just won the Leone d’Oro - has Disney even made one (1) Marvel film that could be considered art?

>reviewers objective
You lost me at that, they're disengenous and inject politics into nearly all their reviews

>not appropriate entertainment
well that's a terrifying phrase

>praised the new The Little Mermaid movie when the black woman was cast
>said that it was very problematic when Harry Styles was considered for the role of the price because he's white
What did she mean by this?

black panther, obviously
a cultural achievement some said it was

Disney shill critics are out in force

Look.These Niggs are highly advanced civilization because "THE WHITE MEN NEVER CONQUERED THEM"

>objective measures of a movie’s quality
LMAO let’s all laugh at the retard

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What's TIFF?

I want a crying cat gf

Movieblob would actually be in support of hunting down Republicans for real. He's a sociopath.

lying incel.
>Rotten Tomatoes is owned by the ticket-sale site Fandango, of which Warner Bros. owns 30 percent and Comcast Universal owns 70 percent.


What induce you to write fucking retarded as a response to that? Take it easy kido
>course that means they're saying the movie is bad
No it doesn't

Illiterate ESL chimes in vapidly

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Umm sweaty we need to unpack this

There is definitely unironic usage of yikes and ooph by chapotrannies and their ilk. A nice tell is if they use the insult chud. They won't call you a nigger, a faggot, a retard, or a retarded niggerfaggot but they think chud is some crushing insult because muh 80's pop culture.

I need to spakle her cervix with my baby batter

I live right around the corner from where TIFF is happening and when I look at the people who are both attending and organizing the festival, it's clear that they're not the types who would take well to Joker. It's mostly fat-middle aged women and old dyke boomers. There are also signs on all the bathrooms saying trannies are aloud in. Someday I'd like to travel to Europe so I can go to a real festival.

He’s stalking her user and she takes pity on him

pretending to be a retard doesnt change the fact that you act like one

>assuming president has more power than shareholder
>assuming this guy still helps disney despite them firing him
delusional incel.

blue check mark stands for kike shill

and trump is one of them

>Big oof

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You know how I know you're a mentaly ill /pol/cel? The mere mention of "Disney" in a sentence triggers you so hard you immediately assume they are controlling everything, regardless of context.
Just like /pol/ even seeing a jewish name immediately assuming da jooz are controlling everything.
Get help.

nope yikesposting originated here as an evolved version of zoinksposting, which was derived from shaggyposting on Yea Forums and Yea Forums, although oof is a normie roblox meme though

tldr lurk more

>Knows absolutely nothing about how companies work
>Fabricates a firing to damage control his flimsy premise
>Acts like the guy who changed the entire website to protect Captain Marvel isn’t on the mouse’s side
Ah, I see that I’m talking to a retard. Don’t you have some fatsuits and anus jokes to be guffawing at?

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>J-Jews don’t control Hollywood!!1!
This is just getting embarrassing

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>auntie Grace
Look at this beta orbiter!

Every one of them agrees it's masterfully directed and Phoenix gives the performance of a lifetime
The only problem is that they "don't get the message; it doesn't say anything; it's dangerous"

WB even quoted one review for some marketing material calling it a masterpiece, but the review was negative. I think it was an epik trole jest to that particular disney shill but still

Which points to the best possible outcome - a masterfully crafted film with a message that permacucked bluechecks hate. Exactly what we hoped for, lads

Not an argument.

Kinda like what they did to Aquaman.
Disneymoms must be scared

No es un argumento :^)

>the same guy who created disney's entire internet shill machine controls not one but two platforms infamous for disney shilling
Remember when fandango said Solo was one of the most anticipated movies of the year and was going to have a bigger opening weekend than its actual entire domestic box office? Good times bros


Just like we are all pretending to be retarded

the out of place ones are there for political reasons.

>threatens civil disorder because 'muh triggered'
>gets banned because of it
>'but I was only being ironic! can't you feel my irony from the text I typed!?'

Yeah I think you got what you deserved there, buddy.

it's short for TIFFany, my bitch of an ex-wife

>a Golden Lion winner is probably bad if Uproxx says so
This. White male terrorists are #CANCELED.

Nooooooo you can’t just point out that Jews factually and verifiably dominate the entire entertainment landscape including astonishing overrepresentation and near total control over all major production studios! That’s j-just an alt-right canard. C-cool it with this anti-semitism, goy- er, guys!

What do you get when you cross Disney shill critics with an aggregator score system that works like trash?

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Canada is America with Stage IV cancer.

the opposite


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>Continental Euros
The levels of cuckery from places like Germany, Sweden, Belgium, and Spain are fucking through the roof. Maybe if all of your "continental" film critics are coming from Czech Republic or Serbia or somewhere like that they wouldn't be infected with SJW thought, but most Euro countries have green party members in their parliaments that make Alexandria Occassio Cortez look like Augusto Pinochet.


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It’s still cape garbage. Why is anyone surprised it might be shit and cringe

>burgers hate it
>euros love it
Kino confirmed

>It’s still cape garbage.
Not really. It's nothing like all capeshit produced in the last 20 years.

your oscar chances crushed

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(((Feinberg))) is part of the vocal minority trying to cancel this film, just ignore him
“A tiny Jewish minority should / shouldn’t control the majority of media production” is a very different argument than “J-Jews don’t control the media! NYT assures me they don’t!1!”
I’m happy to have the former conversation if you’re willing to be an adult and concede the latter argument which is obviously not worth having

This is the greatest movie of all time!

Attached: Black Panther - White Rhinos.webm (720x320, 2.76M)

There really isn't. Canada could pass for a region of the State's, with maybe Quebec excluded.

with how fast your score is falling DCuck they'll be the majority by tomorrow

Attached: and another one down.png (741x315, 184K)

Canada is just America if it had a smaller useful land mass, smaller population, never had to deal with industrialized slavery, or really struggle at any point at all.

Oh no, bought and paid for Disney shill critics giving it a low score


ironic shitposting is still shitposting newfriend

and now

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Based, Yea Forums is a /pol/ colony

>Joker is making people scared in real life
don't you just love halloween?

Disney strikes again.

Bro, why are you acting like I give a fuck about a moronic rating system that lists Black Panther as its #1 Best Movie of All Time? I don’t... and it’s embarrassing that you do
I’m looking forward to seeing Joker next month because it looks to be a genuinely great film. Have fun watching, well, She-Thor or whatever the hell you’re championing - do you think they’ll bring back the fatsuits and anus jokes for that one or will they move onto fart gags and kicks to the balls?

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To be fair, would you thinka guy wearing this would lie to you?

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shut the fuck up you retarded chud nigger

t. chapo

Reminder that the myth of the holocaust is the cornerstone of our modern (((society)))

>move onto fart gags and kicks to the balls
they already did those


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You’re needling him, but the new Spider-Man flick literally does have hit-in-the-balls “humor” right out of Idiocracy as a follow-up to the “Penis Parker” stuff. Marvelshit is the most lowbrow trash imaginable.

go back to your containment board tranny freak

Rememberback then when (((they))) were complaining that Der Untergang was dangerous because it "humanized" Hitler?

>Number 1: Black Panther
>Number 2: Lady Bird

cope with the fact you gotta share your Yea Forums board with chapos

>Sep 11
Reminds me of that tragedy

no of reviews

>not knowing how RT scores work

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This. The soibois at TIFF already had their minds made up before watching, and probably their reviews written too. It became a contest to see whose review could out-woke the rest.

when did people forget that movies are real?

*aren't ffs

What tragedy? When the kebab was finally removed from Vienna's premises bya ragat team of Poles, Hungarians, and Germans? That was a great day.

Attached: battle of vienna.jpg (1440x600, 263K)

These people are traitors tho desu

I just had a look at the rotten tomatoes page and here’s the names of the first three critics I see giving it bad reviews
>David Edelstein
>Marie Reinstein
>Leah Greenblatt

What a Cohencidence!

What's a TIFF?

explain why it's ranked above lady bird, it's got a lower average score too. is it just ranked by top critics?

would a movie about hunting liberals, trannies or fags for sport ever be made in the first place?

Why do jews hate each other so much and why do you champion jews while pretending to be part of the cause?

kek, but still, fuck off, where do you get information from, the moon?

Fun Fact: the Ottomans got so cocky they virtually moved in an entire kingdom. These guys looted so much it cost Ottomans a adjusted for inflation 900B dollars. The wealth was enough to completely restore Europe and ensure that nobody would ever have the strength to challenge them again.

"adjusted score" accounts for number of reviews

I thought you were joking about the fatsuit. Was a hacky Norbit gag really a plot point in the highest grossing flick of the decade?

>if you strip the shark out of Jaws, there's not a whole lot left

>im not racist or sexist and will fight for all people who are disenfranchised
>fuck white men and fuck this movie about how they can just as disenfranchised as my pet minorities, they might shoot up the place!
>Im a good kind loving person.
>have sex you disgusting incel.

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>having sex instead of playing Fire Emblem Genealogy of Holy War for the tenth time

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That Alonso guy sure is a fucking retard.

Is David Ehrlich the worst reviewer active today?

It's a well known fact that most of Yea Forums unequivocally hates women.

>well known fact

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Nah. We like demure, sexy women e.g. Joi, Alita, Zoe Saldana, etc. We just don’t like brash cunts like you’d find on Twitter or in cringey feminist fantasies like Captain Marvel

It varies.

People that aren’t politicians don’t keep a blue check unless they’re twitter approved. Even some politicians can’t get blue checks due to having the wrong politics according to twitter.

Toronto International Film Festival.

I wanted to get tickets to see this clown show but they were scooped up within minutes. Naturally they were already up on Stubhub for a revolting mark up. Fuck the film festival circuit.

Black Panther is such a shit movie, I don't even. Its your fucking average run of the mill capeshit flick, why the fuck did critics love it so much?

Its because WE WUZ KINGS N SHIET, right?

Trans Inclusionary Freaky Feminists. Counterpart to TERF.

This movie spells the end of western Judaeo-Christian civilization.

thats the most retarded list ive ever seen

I think that you have to wonder what the merit is of a film. If you have a deeply introspective film about someone hunting a specific group of people and delve into their psyche, then it can be a wonderful movie in its own right, because the hunting is the backdrop, and not the vocal point of the movie.

If your movie exists of HUNTING PEOPLE I DON'T LIKE and just plays it straight, what the fuck are you doing? That's on the same level as stuff like Sharknado or Snakes on a Plane, where it's just about showing something happening. And if it's focusing on it in such a way, it does glorify it in some way: People go to the movie to see it happening, not to get a good movie.

I can't wait to see what kind of retarded shit Movie Bob has to say about Joker.

If grace hates it, you know its good.

The TIFF Awards are voted by everyone who attends the screenings, not butthurt journos

>Looks like DC got too cocky
They won the Golden Lion, they aren't cocky enough

Millennials believe we live in the apex of art, culture, and civilization, so that would be unsurprising.

After years of these people shilling le ironic Gamer Joker / gang weed memes it brings me immense joy to see it coming back at them, and now they're all terrified of what they think is their own creation. How appropriate given this movie's subject matter.

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>Chad Italians
>virgin canadians
Fucking TORONTO of all places lmao how many straight white men (non-leftoid) where there? 0.0001%?

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>Women and basedbois lmao

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Imagine caring about “this festival review roller coaster”


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Affirmative action

My waifu isn’t a whore and we are in a CONSENSUAL (ie two parties consenting) monogamous relationship.

Half of those are 6/10 or below

Canada has a larger landmass than the US.

>Can't even read a single line on a post correctly
I'll spell it out for you

Yikes. Big oof.

Fuck off tranny

Umm sweetie, dont you think the odd one out here is you?