How does a show go from an absolute 10/10 cynical social commentary to nu simpsons

How does a show go from an absolute 10/10 cynical social commentary to nu simpsons.


Attached: The-Simpsons.jpg (500x357, 59K)

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The Simpsons is cringe. I ate at Cletus' Chicken Shack, and not only did it disrespect white people, but there was a 2 minute long clip of homer screaming being blasted at high volume at the dining booths.

Lisa was always an unsufferable cunt, Marge was always naggy, Bart was always an ass, Homer was always dumb. Fuck that image. Simpsons threads belong in Yea Forums or /trash/.


Based as fuck


> guest start
always improves the episode I'm so glad they do this now

(actually the 1989 pic is still happening, but your nazi-tinted goggles is fucking your mind)

The show used to create pop culture now it apes what was popular six months ago

>watching the Simpsons past the age of 10


Marge was never fun.

Lisa is still the voice of reason, it's just you who are mistaking reason with liberalism.

I remember when homer and flanders used to compete over who was a better dad
now homers a shit father who doesn't care, and flanders is a shitter father who doesn't care

Formerly not mistaken

the sneed in OP caught me off guard. sneed

Dead meme

Attached: moe.jpg (262x234, 14K)

Attached: sneed posting.jpg (1508x3108, 594K)

>1989: chuck
>2015: sneed

Is there anything more cringe than sn**dposters?

its cringeposters

Chuck posters

>lets spam the same thing over and over to stop simpson posts
>wait, fuck that, lets make simpsons posts to have an excuse to post the same thing over and over
>fuck that just spam shit anywhere
>and don't forget to act indignant when called out
You are all niggers and I hope you kill yourselves

Formerly alive

Leave now and never come back!

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 14K)

Wtf? When was Simpsons cynical?

Because the culture it's mocking doesn't exist anymore. It &*is* the establishment. You can't make cynical social commentary when you and yours have been running the direction of society for at least the last two decades.


i lold

Because kids are growing up watching this shit at face value while their parents are off doing whateverthefuck ignoring the "Parental discretion is advised" or "watch stuff with your kids" mantras

>Kids grow up with "The Simpsons" as baseline
>Kids eventually make "The Simpsons" + New Kids w/ shit parents
>New kids watch "The Simpsons" at face value (Homer is dumb and nobody explains the deeper intricacies of his character/family values/etc.)
>New-Kids grow up to make "Nu Simpsons" + even shittier kids

It's basically a feedback loop of consumerism and the current cultural decline.


Nice youtube opinion man, how about you come up with own ideas next time?

Why are sneedposters such self rightous faggots? At least own up to the fact that you just want to annoy people

you can but they won't.

anything mocking shitliberalism will result in the 1% targeting it for bans/deplatforming and the jewish writers aren't ever going to write anything cynical about their own tribe.

Sneed and chuckpilled.

Oh no my board is ruined because people post crap on it boohoo where will I discuss the latest Disney property waaaaa

>why are you annoyed by my attempts to annoy you?

Sneeds feed and seed formerly chucks

Sneed is a discord tranny psyop. The only people who populate these threads are Sneedniggers so I don't know why I'm bothering to reply.

Yeah same. Sneedposters hate this board that much is clear

>disrespect white people
Go back to your containment board faggot

user, you can't just blame everything you don't like on trannies.

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have sneed

>Tfw your name is Sneed and you own the damn store but people overlook you for the nameless rednecks who bum around on the bench outside

Attached: Sneed.png (499x663, 453K)

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Jews (formerly non-Jews)


Make me nigger.

>fun housewife and mother
Marge does nothing but play the straight man for 9 seasons with an odd episode focusing on her "breaking out a little" before finding out it's not all it's cracked up to be. Her shtick 90% of the time is
Homer or Bart or Tertiary Character: says something stupid
Marge: Homer/Bart/______ that's not how it is.

Sneed now and never come back (to Chuck's)

That's Farmer 1 and Farmer 2 to you, you disrespectful faggot.

bootyblasted nigger lol

Lisa was at least still an 8 year old that got into trouble. Now she's just a liberal whiny douche.

Oh that’s just superstition

>>lets spam the same thing over and over to stop simpson posts
>>wait, fuck that, lets make simpsons posts to have an excuse to post the same thing over and over
>>fuck that just spam shit anywhere
>>and don't forget to act indignant when called out
>You are all niggers and I hope you kill yourselves

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Have sneed

>lose your original writers
>be on the air for 30 years, get old
>play it safe to not lose your paycheck with any controversy
This is just what happens when a show is on the air for that long, they are just going through the motions until their contract is finally up.

the show should have been cancelled 22 years ago

>Disrespecting white people good!
>Racism bad!

How are people actually getting mad at sneed?

what the fuck does sneed mean?
please explain it to me i keep seeing it everywhere
i see it on Yea Forums, youtube comments, reddit, facebook, twitter, discord, everywhere
i feel *so* out of the loop
please somebody explain it to me, it seems like so much fun and i want to be a part of it!

I stopped trying to sort out all the cognitive dissonance I have as a modern liberal, and just accepted all the contradictions as part of being a good person. You should too you fucking nazi prick relic of the past.



For me its feeding and formerly seeding

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4 posts and nobody has relied to me yet...
ummm HELLO!? am I invisible? have I been shadow banned?

just explain it to me **PLEASE**
i'd like to join in. i want to be a shitposter...

TFW you seed her and feed her.

For me it's Chuck's fuck and Suck, where Homer gets cucked by Bart.

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This. Over 30 some seasons the show has changed veeeery little. They couldn't even let Barney stay sober. Throwing in some topical stuff and giving them smartphones shouldn't trigger a REEEEE. Most of us are more upset the show is the same and outstayed its welcome by 1 or 2 decades.