There are posters on Yea Forums right now who are legally allowed to be on this website and weren’t alive for this

>there are posters on Yea Forums right now who are legally allowed to be on this website and weren’t alive for this

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What are you gonna do about it, millennial little bitch huh?

I wish more Americans were killed on 9/11 and that it turned into a bigger event instead of this pissweak display. Burger faggots are still whining 18 years later about a couple of planes and buildings like it was WWIII.

The jews/sandniggers/bush should have strapped a nuke to one of those virgins. Get over 9/11 you whiny soft cocks. Too busy shooting up fucking schools and taking the rich man dick in your ass to make some decent changes besides "uhhh I guess make em take their shoes off at planes lol".


It would be there 18th birthday and they would probably be outside and not on an imageboard bro

No they wouldn't.
>turned 18 last week and stayed inside

3000 deaths is about the biggest terrorist attack ever (not counting government bombings) and it's still only about as much as the number of Americans who would have died in car accidents that month. It's certainly not nothing but it's not something to spend the rest of our lives obsessing over.

you're pushing it, newfag

>This was 18 years ago
>I was on highschool
>Where were you when this happen?
I was at home, because there was a hurricane hitting my city. Watching this conspiracy tragedy

>I was at home, because there was a hurricane hitting my city.
More like you were at home because I was hitting your boipucci

The only people who really give that much of a shit anymore are you obsessed fucking euros constantly making threads about this.

If this didn't happen, then Uwe Boll's Postal wouldn't have that kino opening
>Thanks Osama-Bushy gang


I'm 18 and I literally only found out about 9/11 a few days ago. Were they really that big of a deal? The Paris bombings aren't really remembered now so why is 9/11 still being talked about?

Apart from the first tower being struck, everyone got to see everything else happening live on TV. There were people jumping from the buildings for starters. Then the second tower got hit and everyone knew that this was a legit attack by a group of people not just some crazy pilot or accident of some kind. Then the pentagon gets hit. Everything within the span of a single hour. Then the towers starts collapsing and its just pure madness in NYC.

It was such a massive and shocking event that literally everyone could take part in by literally just watching TV.

And thus 24/7 news coverage and talking heads became a common thing, thanks Saudi Arabia

there were no hurricanes on 9/11 except the one off the coast of nyc

>Zoomers who have nostalgia for the downfall shit era (LATE 00s-early 10s) are the now the vast majority of Yea Forums

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24/7 news had been around for over 10 years at that point retard

you have to be fucking kidding me

You only just found out about it? Didn’t you ever wonder why there are still troops deployed to Afghanistan? Why we are still at war? Wtf

Fuck your mom and your sister

That war has been going for forever. I just thought it was a constant war with ISIS

Unless you're trolling, listen to me very closely: you are a legitimately stupid person. No one can come back from that level of ignorance and lack of curiosity, especially at your age. This is not the end of the world for you, it simply means you are not qualified for anything that requires abstract thinking. Do not vote, do not engage in any political discussions, and certainly do not go to college. Find yourself a nice menial job that pays okay like plumbing or trucking, find a wife with low standards, and live out your life blissfully unaware of the greater state of the world beyond your hobbies and consumption habits.

Didn't even realise it was St Skyscraper's Day

>newfags are now so brazen they brag about it
2016 was a mistake

>mfw 20 something limp dick faggots didn't experience 9/11
>they had to ask their parents what 9/11 was at some point

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What's wrong with plumbing? I can discuss the history of western philosophy for hours but I couldn't replace a water heater if my life depended on it

You need to jump into a woodchipper.

Nothing, that's my point. There's something wrong with being that stupid and infecting political discourse, however.

You dont have a problem with "stupid people", just people who dont vote the way you like. A retard who votes for your guy is better than a lawyer who votes for the other guy

>the urocuck said as he kissed the rabbis feet and vowed to never forget the 600 billion

And these are the faggots who shit on your tastes despite them being objectively superior.


A lawyer who holds the opposite of my views is more than likely not very intelligent either.


Everyone thinks that their childhood is the peak and everything that followed was shit and ruined everything forever. That's the way nostalgia works.
>“Accept certain inalienable truths, priceswillrise,politicians will philander, you toowillget old, and when you do you'll fantasize that when you were young prices were reasonable,politicianswere noble and children respected their elders.”

bait. they teach kids about 9/11 in elementary school man

That would be the majority of Yea Forums !

Why would anybody care why the US is killing sandniggers? Don't give a shit what's happening in south-america or africa or eastasia either, none if it matters to me in the least, and that you think it matters to you means you were either dumb enough to get yourself rolled up in it or you're too dumb to tell that it doesn't.

very based and very redpilled

I'm not American

how about a huge economical loss, americans don't care about lives, only about cash.

Ever hear about those split-brain patients they've done a bunch of studies on? Like, how they can give one command to the non-verbal hemisphere that the verbal hemisphere is unaware of. The person will begin to execute the command, whereupon they'll ask the subject what he's doing. His verbal hemisphere, unaware of why he's doing what he's doing, will nonetheless confidently deliver several reasons for why he's doing what he's doing.

Also interesting are patients with anosognosia; someone with an often undeniable disability that they'll nonetheless be in complete denial about. Patients might have a paralyzed arm which they remain in complete denial about. You might ask the patient to lift his arm above his head, and he'll deliver some excuse for why he isn't doing it - even though he definitely can. He's just tired today. Oh, he's getting ready, he's about to do it, but he needs a few seconds. Yeah a few more seconds. Any second now, he's gonna do it. Nothing wrong with his arm, it's fine. Nothing you say to the guy can convince him that his arm is paralyzed even though it is indeed paralyzed and it is totally undeniable.

Interesting, no?

oh well nevermind. Still pretty cringe you didn’t hear about it until now. How have you not seen the countless references to it on the internet and pop culture? especially since you’re part of the generation that grew up with endless technology at your disposal

We were all shitting our pants because we thought we were witnessing the start of WW3.

hella based

>zoomers never experienced youtube in it's prime before google
>zoomers never had limewire, the free internet, pirate bay at it's peak
We were lucky lads.

The reason they’re so arrogant and will call you a boomer for reminiscing is because they literally just never experienced it


I'm 22 and remember very little of it
I don't think anyone let me watch it on tv, I just remember my mom sitting in the kitchen and crying

>YouTube in it's prime
>240p videos, shitty 2007 family Guy clips and cringe "internet culture" memes

>Implying pirating isn't at its peak now and everyday as literally everything can be found and pirated nowadays, even steamed in high quality

all these fucking babies agreeing with you. this was the biggest grandest tragedy you'll ever see on american soil. it literally changed the skyline of a city not to mention changed the entire landscape of the country and world. you're literally retarded

kys boomer America deserved worse.

what did nyc deserve? a truck being driven through a street festival

yeah but how much did those buildings cost, huh?

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Please be bait. Even my 20 year old bro knows about 9/11, even though he was shitting his diapers during the time the towers were hit.

Not to mention they were massive trade hubs that fucked with the stock market after their collapse



>The Whistleblowers of 9/11

>in 3 years there will be people born after Yea Forums who are gonna be allowed to post here

Too bad this place didn't exist back then.