Watch the American version of Psycho

>watch the American version of Psycho
>Norman Bates is called Patrick Bateman
>the plot is completely different

Why are American adaptations so garbage?

Attached: Bate[s](man).png (1936x1936, 3.47M)

Hitchcock couldn't even get an 8:30 res at Dorsia

>Thinks Psycho (1960) isn't an American film.

>Alfred Hitchcock

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It doesn't matter if Hitchcock wasn't American. It was still a production that mostly took place at the Universal backlot and distributed by an American company that had its premiere in New York. All of its stars for American as well. It's AMERICAN. End of story.

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It doesn't matter if it was distributed by an American company or that it had its premiere in New York, nor does it matter that all its stars are American. It was made by a British person it's BRITISH. End of story.

>Gets called out for his obvious retardation
Okay, sure, whatever makes you sleep better, you dumb faggot.

lol you seem triggered

Literally so much this

This is a phenomenon where your weak bait gets turned around and are made out to look like an idiot, user. You have to set out bait more cautiously not to embarrass yourself!

It matters where the director was born, nothing else.
Alien for example is a British film.

I pirated a version if American Psycho to show a girl I planned on bringing home, I expected it to have Russian subs but instead it had Czech Dubs

>Psycho (1960)
>Psycho is a 1960 American psychological horror film
It's also worth noting the only non-American involved in any significant aspect of its production was Hitchcock. The screenwriter was American, the novel from which it was adapted was American, the real-life horror the novel was based on was American, etc., etc. There is literally nothing British about it.

That's strange, must be your American JEWGLE trying to change facts cause that's not what mine says

Attached: psycho.png (1213x854, 124K)

Don't worry, op. I appreciated your joke

>Alien for example is a British film
>Producers: Americans
>Production Company: 20th Century Fox, Brandywine Productions (American companies)
>Released in America (FIRST) - June 22, 1979
>Released in the UK - September 6, 1979

Your retarded logic
>Halloween 5 is a French-Switz movie
>A Nightmare on Elm Street 4 is a Finnish movie
>Bride of Chucky and Freddy vs. Jason are Asian/Hong Kong movies
Ignorance is bliss.

What? That's absolutely ridiculous. Directors are guns for hire who go all over the world to make money, so where they're from doesn't make the film automatically from their country. It's where it was filmed and who funded it. Is The Hulk a Taiwanese film?


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>Shamley Productions
You forgot to change that part when you were creating this cope.

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>named after the British village of Shamley Green

Think again, if they are so American why would they name it after a BRITISH village? Also it clearly says it was set up by the very same Alfred Hitchcock A BRITISH man. So it's clearly a British company which is located in America.

impressive, very nice

If the director of the Hulk is Taiwanese then yes, Hulk is a Taiwanese film.
This is literally how the Academy defines it.


She stares at me, her expression unchanged.

“Oh, I almost forgot,” I say, reaching into my pocket. “I wrote you a poem.” I hand her the slip of paper. “Here.” I feel sick and broken, tortured, really on the brink.

“Oh Patrick.” She smiles. “How sweet.”

“Well, you know,” I say, looking down shyly.

Bethany takes the slip of paper and unfolds it.

“Read it,” I urge enthusiastically.

She looks it over quizzically, puzzled, squinting, then she turns the page over to see if there’s anything on the back. Something in her understands it’s short and she looks back at the words written, scrawled in red, on the front of the page.

“It’s like haiku, you know?” I say. “Read it. Go on.”

She clears her throat and hesitantly begins reading, slowly, stopping often. “ ’The poor nigger on the wall. Look at him.’” She pauses and squints again at the paper, then hesitantly resumes. “ ’Look at the poor nigger. Look at the poor nigger… on… the… wall.’” She stops again, faltering, looks at me, confused, then back at the paper.

“Go on,” I say, looking around for a waiter. “Finish it.”

She clears her throat and staring steadily at the paper tries to read the rest of it in a voice below a whisper. “ ’Fuck him… Fuck the nigger on the wall…’” She falters again, then reads the last sentence, sighing. “ ’Black man… is… de… debil?’”

The couple at the next table have slowly turned to gaze over at us. The man looks aghast, the woman has an equally horrified expression on her face. I stare her down, glaring, until she looks back at her fucking salad.

And? The academy doesn’t have any control.

This bait isn't even funny or clever. It's next level autism
>an American production company
>It was named after a British village, therefore that makes it British
My brother-n-law and sister can name their newborn who's born in America after a Russian, German, and Irish celebrity, but that doesn't make their child Russian, German or Irish.