Will you be watching his magnus opus?
Will you be watching his magnus opus?
>49 minutes long trailer
Why not just direct a feature movie about your game at this point?
that will be the final trailer
Is there anything cringier than game developers pretending to be movie directors
Is there anyone more overrated than Kojima?
Dumby that's going to be a 49 minute title screen
The trailer will be 49 minutes? Fuck that.
So is this actually a teaser then?
>49-minute trailer
you fuckers are so naive
That's not a trailer, Kojima. That's called a short film. Stop making games already and just get into film/television already.
He's already admitted if he tried doing film it would bomb and no one would care. It's easier for him to stand out in video games.
>magnus opus
What went right?
seething nintendoid
go back to your echochamber Yea Forums
Can't fail if you don't try. Plus with his popularity, I'm sure most of his fans would watch a movie or show he directed.
Imagine being so fanatical and ready to leap to the defense of your chosen brand and company. Sad.
Absolutely and I'm going to love every second of it and most of all enjoy the absolute seething on Yea Forums
>saying this
>continue to bash a brand for some reason
All brand should be bashed and all drones should be ridiculed Nintendies and Snoygroids alike. Also I know it barely qualifies as a game but this thread does still belong on Yea Forums
Based sony
>walk and talk simulator
why is every playstation game the fucking same?!
David Cage.
Woody Allen.
Kojima is so far up his own ass I can see him smirking at me from inside his mouth
>Kojima cut out the black guy on his twitter
>David Cage.
do you like having teeth?
want me smash them in?
>all that star wars memorabilia
>that harry potter memorabilia
>showing off and proud of your video game machine
>library consist of star wars novelization, harry potter, and hunger game
>all books have pristine spines and are untouched
That's pretty based to be desu
>I didn't go to video game school, I went to films
People who pretend the games are good
i hope this freak gets metood soon
Kojima has always been more of a filmaker despite him being a programmer. If he were jewish he'd be one of the top 20 directors.
Wow, he has two copies of Spider-Man now.
but he is awful. everything is cheesy
Metal Gear, Snatcher, Zoone of the Enders, etc are all pretty kino. You should play em
Give Kojima an unlimited budget but with time wranglers and we'd get the best action film ever created.
Cheesy how?
Is that the length of his trailer?
Why did terrorists bomb the Boston Marathon instead of this shit?
His penchant for high weirdness and futurism mixed with military and governmental shadowy influences is second to none and could give us kino.
This. Some of the stuff that japs come up with is great, but 95% of it is absolute cheese aimed at teenagers - and grown white men fucking lap it up.
I swear this pic exists soley to trigger, nobody actually likes that stuff, do they?
that shit does not translate outside of games and japshit
nobody went to see final fantasy for similar reasons
Because Homeland Security didn't tell them to
I'm sure most of Yea Forums's bedrooms look similar to that
he is more like an 'idea guy'
Probably right but that four hour plus rip of MGS4's cutscenes, boss fights, and codec calls was unironically the best film that year and had zero video of the actual game portions.
>I'm a contrarian
> Put Konami on the map and kept them relevant for the last two decades.
Fuck off retard
My bad
Fuck off retards
Well Spirits Within's issue was that it was animated and trying to do something really out there. In my experience, the west isn't fond of adult animated movies. Also, MGS is a *lot* more western friendly than Final Fantasy, partly because Kojima himself is a huge westaboo. I'm not saying it wouldn't require tweaking, but I'd say MGS1 is more translatable than most Japanese shit people want there to be western adaptations of.
Literally most tech companies have pride floats
Spirits Within kind of works as a horror film but barely.
>implying I'm falling for Kojimbo's bullshit after MGSV
fuck you think ya talkin to cunt
Why do people worship this guy?
The Metal Gear games aren't even that good. MGR is better than any of them.
>b..but muh details
fuck off
gimme your address. now.
cant wait to knock your teeth out.
meet me down the park, 5pm i'll jaw ur fucking lights out m8
I’m inclined to buy a ps4 to try his game yes. I’m not sure how wise of an investment it is but I hope it will bring me some good times.
He's not?
I read for all the gayers
>49 minutes long
that's the length of the game dummy, lol
>re;zero picture
didn't even read your post, kys.
>have to make a 49min trailer to explain what your game is
Yeah, if you need that much time to explain basic to the player...that's just bad game design bros.
That pedofile guy that hollywood loves so god damn much... Ronan Polski or something like that
no clue. nostalgia for MGS3 maybe? he hasnt made a decent game in almost 20 years
No, ain't got time for that kojima
>magnus opus
It is magnum opus, illiterate pedantic piece of trailer trash
I agree with your sentiment but disagree that you have to injure a books spine when you read it
He wasn't announced to be part of the project at the time.
Brainlet post.
>The Metal Gear games aren't even that good. MGR is better than any of them.
Don't care if you're shitposting, it's true.
Kojima writes retarded anime. Also will probably blow a lot of money on fancy dinners and unused voicework again.
Name one other videogame creator that actually cares about the artistry of making a vidoegame instead of caring about selling a shitload of copies.
His games are literal art.
Snake gobbler was the last good shit he dropped
don't mind me, just testing a new kb setup