Absolutely fucking based.
Absolutely fucking based
Does he still hide his kid?
my first impression of this special is that he's fuckin' stealing Yea Forums's jokes.
Also reading people taking potshots at SJWs on Yea Forums is way funnier than some 50 year old man doing it because in the end it is just old people criticizing the young people.
It was funny enough I guess.
I honestly can't wait for the vice / buzzfeed articles and seething millenials.
i think the end credits shot is him holding his kid in his arms, sillhouette though
Bill Burr is the most overrated comedian on earth. I dont get the hype for him
so if you do not get it, how can you say he is overrated?
>"I don't like the taste of cherry, why does everyone love it so much? Most overrated fruit there is"
I assume the end credits are showing him holding his child and not someone else's
About the same as his other specials, same type of material. Wasnt bad, wasnt great, a lot of recycled stuff from late night interviews tho
Why would they? Aside from some jokes about people getting triggered hes pretty liberal. In the special he sympathizes with Kaepernick, claims what Louis CK did was "horrifying", admits to racism against blacks, etc. Maybe relax with the hyper partisanship user, it's not healthy
haha he dislikes political correctness haha wew based baldy burr with his lispy fucking boring boomer speeches lmao what a great comedian look how angry he gets hahaha great anecdotes from his childhood so touching wow what a show
Well he's certainly a lot funnier than Dave "The Rich Are the Real Victims" Chappelle at least. Not that that's a high bar anymore
because they always nitpick stuff to becomed outraged over. Watch the first 15 minutes again.
Still seething
Slowed down a lot when he started talking about his wife. Even that part wasn't bad, it just went on too long. Pretty good overall
my favorite part is when Bill brings out a photocopied picture of Chapelle taped to a watermelon and starts stomping on it while yelling NIGGER
I needed more of him making fun of britcucks his off the cuff impressions kill me
Bill Burr is going to be cancelled.
This was so middle of the road and luke warm, was totally boring by the end, it's probably outrageous if you're a fucking flaming normalfag.
Triggered libtards?
No, but people who reply spam are triggered. Show me on the doll where the bad orange man touched you.
Where can I download it?
He is a poor man's Louis C.K
you cant steal free shit
It was tired old jokes recycled jokes he's been doing for two decades, give me a fucking break
watching it now and my GOD hes is going in on women lol
he is more direct than chappelle but chappelles was """deeper"""
I fucking WISH Patrice O Neal had a special on Netflix
People keep telling me to watch him just because I oil dril. Hard pass.
It was decent but to many old jokes and most of them are just him screaming angrily.
Yea Forums is stealing his jokes retard .
that would be Louis CK but bill is a close 2nd
When did he say that?
>only Yea Forums is sick of SJW shit
are you an actual fucking autist? do you not speak to any normal person?
The early parts seemed like he was a /pol/tard who started to understand how damaging white women have been & maybe it's not just jews/black people etc
then he moves on before he gets in trouble, overall pretty good
You guys lied he didn't say nigger in it
>*audience explodes in laughter*
Yeah, it's really funny...
I don't get stand up comedy. Bill Burr and Joe Rogan are funnier on their podcasts than they are doing their Stand Up.
>Did he say nigger during the special?
watched it last night and did not hear him say it, may have been on my phone as some parts sowed down or carried on too long.
Opinions dude. If you listen to his podcast twice a week you feel at home with Burr but if you never see him outside of the times he has a special or when he is touring you get the material fresh. Because you listen to the pods though you know his personality and his opinions when he turns into jokes for everyone else.
That said I still really enjoyed the special.
>white privilege
He did mention shapeshifters though so that's pretty based.
Based until he talks about his wife as usual. He’s such a little spineless cuck when it comes to her
It felt way more polished than Daves show but I think I liked Daves more overall.
I watched half of it last night. I thought it was alright. Funnier than Chappelle's special but that really isn't saying much.
This is a ancient reference but Bill Burr feels popular like Boondocks Saints was, same bro Boston, Irish gonna burn down the wicked people it feels so good type aesthetic.
>Bill Burr is stealling 4chans jokes
based retard
i swear he's told that exact same first lady joke in some other set
>comedian uses his best bits from past shows or interviews episode
Lame, Bill is only funny when he's driving around.
he reused several of his old bits in the first half, so it's probably anons stealing his jokes you've seen over the years.
his yapping about white women sounded like his wife talking through him, as if sheboons aren't exactly as mouthy and nosey (as evidenced by nia)
Lib boomer detected
He likes to talk a big game, but he's pussywhipped as fuck.
Burr is good, but this special was trash. It felt like he wasn't even trying.
To me Dave sounded really whiny and acted like some persecuted victim. It got better as it went along but his narcissism shines through the entire time. I also think he purposefully says edgy shit that will garner rebuke as a way to dismiss criticism about how he simply isnt as funny as he used to be
My favorite part was when he talked about hipsters going to war ironically dressed like Star Wars and getting slaughtered by the robots
is it really just SJW bad jokes like Sargon of Akkad level shit? I don't have netflix and usually end up watching clips on YT
nah he just shits on women for 30 mins then talks about his marriage
Not as good as Sticks and Stones. Dave has much better delivery and emoting. Burr's just rehashing most of his old stuff and attempting a brit accent
yeah, I guess he assumed britbongs don't have internet considering all the stuff he reused
is it worth watching?
He wrote half of chappelle show you zoomer mongoloid
>his child
>Aside from some jokes about people getting triggered hes pretty liberal.
it only takes 1 joke, just look at the MTV awards or Dave Chapelle's latest Netflix special, they only harp on the 1 jokes that sent them over the edge.
Well fuckface I’m not that user but where I live I run into sjws in the wild. You realize these people are real, and exist in the real world right? Maybe you’ve never seen one down in Ala-fuckin’-bama but up here they grow on trees.
yeah, its still funny, Chappelles was a lot more daring and smarter though
my issue with Bill is how much he fucking SHOUTS
I’m not a trump fan but why would anyone vote for this person. These are not the facial expressions of a genuine, rational person with a functioning conscience.
I live in London, the most left wing shithole in Europe and when you speak to your average person they sick of all of it
He has an extremely fair mantra.
He taped the special in London. I'm surprised he's not in jail.
Start speaking to people outside your circle. You’re completely full of shit. I absolutely do not believe London is that different from the US. Lots of people here think we don’t have ENOUGH social justice speech control.
I have no idea why you’re telling lies. Either that or you only talk to five people and they’re all in the English Defence League
I am a mixed race mutt black/white surrounded by all kinds
the only people who I know who are full SJW are the ones I went to university with, and its more of a class issue as they are all rich faggots who never worked a real job
>hes pretty liberal
There's a difference between a liberal and a frothing fucking lunatic SJW communist.
>I am a mixed race mutt black/white surrounded by all kinds
Post skin and time stamp if that’s true.
holy fuck go back to red dit or youtube comment section
He found love and accepts his faults. He's also constantly making fun of her, too. I guess you overheard that because you only watch him because you wanna hear him trash liberals and wimmin, amirite?
You're so retarded. The MAJORITY of people don't give a fuck about SJW super leftist shit or you cuckfuck /Pol/ extreme right faggots. The majority of people are in the middle and laugh at you fucking idiots going back and forth with each other. This is the spot Chapelle/Burr/Rogan sit in.
>rottentomatoes not liking it
surprise surprise~
Not really, liberals are just as anti white male as sjws are. A member of the Democrat party literally told everyone that her job was to keep white men down.
>everyone is back to pretending middle of the road standup is BASED AND LE REDPILLED
Nah I just figured he's appealing to o the vocal minority of (normal people) who hate this sjw shit
T. Shutin
Spammers should be executed.
>people i dont like should be killed
mellow out dude
And I especially loved the part where he called his wife a fat white cock loving nigger
die late, you fucking tranny
>mad as fuck
WEW lad I never thought I’d see the day
imagine needing attention so badly you mass reply
here’s your (You), I hope it makes you feel good about your pathetic life
>race mixing is so based
which part of that is wrong?
Did u see his kid during the credits? No wonder he doesn't wunna show her she's ugly as fuck
But so is nia and so is he so he's unironically based if I had a ugly kid I wouldn't show it either
T. Virgin white male 29 year old
not him but what’s so hard to believe about his statement?
What's wrong about it? Objectively, not your personal feelings. Why can't an arab man have a child with an asian woman, a black woman a child with a white man, a white girl a child with an Asian man?
Most mixed children are alienated by both their parent's racial groups and grow up between cultures without a strong sense of identity, causing various psychological problems as adults. The stable ones are typically products of a household where one parent (usually the father) asserts cultural dominance in line with the larger community.
Can you source that? Because it's not my experience. But maybe it's more a black/white thing and I don't know too many people with that background
Keep in mind that anecdotes are just that, and there are plenty of stories going the other way. Search 'mixed race alienation' for more information.
thanks user, gonna look into it
No he fucking did not
I did visit worst korea for family recently and mixed kids get bullied out pretty bad. Other then my visit there, my friend's step brother (Half korean/half aussie) attempted to neck himself. Guy lived cause they found him just in time. Its some shit
He literally said that all women are the same no matter the race, but you get more hand gestures with certain races.
I'd watch it but stand up is so cringe