
Attached: norm.jpg (1280x720, 101K)

9/11 was a national tragedy

reminds me of that tradegy


nah hes a good guy

All the stars are here!

I wish Norm was still funny instead of a bitter burnt out opioid addicted degenerate gambler cryptically whining on Twitter all day. What the fuck happened to him between this picture and now

netflix happened. they payed him a bunch of money and now we have to wait untill he wastes all that money away again until he comes back with more good shit.

His twitter was always a shitshow.

I'd eat out Catherine Zeta-Jone's asshole for muscular dystrophy

You're an acid tongued a-rab!

The Netflix show was one of the biggest letdowns of my life.



open your mouth and say oink.

For the CHANCE

I’m only enough to remember back to simpler, more innocent times, when the worse thing you’d hear about the news, was hijacked jetliners flying into buildings

For the CHANCE!

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Why did you laugh?

Joke's on norm, he's the perp who ran RC planes into the twin towers. CIA hacked his RC plane over PA and crashed it. How horrible of him, I hope we catch him one day.

well yeah it's basically the no. 1 reason the world is the way it is now. Literally broke the timeline. But what can ya do now other than laugh

>well yeah it's basically the no. 1 reason the world is the way it is now.
US empire is crashing fast. Best timeline!
9/11 was a blessing. A jew made a lot of money, we all were entertained. And the greatest political clusterfuck since WWII started. Good times.

Osama bin Laden was a real jerk


I’m old enough to remember back to simpler, more innocent times, when the worse thing you’d hear about the news, was teenagers ODing while housesitting for famous comedians.

A fellow by the name of Adolf Hitler.

Norm is old and slow now. Too much xanax fried his brain

How does he know so much about the smoke stacks at dachau but never brought up the wooden doors

wading through the blood and the bones

nice get. it reminds me of that tragedy.

West civilzation is crashing, the upside being muslim laws keeping women suppressed

Maybe there's something to this guy.

Suicide when?

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